Immortal Cultivation – My Buffs Have No Time Limit Chapter 172


Chapter 172 The Medicine Man

"Elder Situ, Shushan Five Elements Peak seems to be very close to Hidden Scripture Valley. , should we consider their attitude?"

In the War Zone of Hundred Refinements Mountain, the cultivator here also noticed the situation on Shu Mountain and Hidden Scripture Valley.

An Elder asked this question for some unknown reason.

Hundred Refinements Mountain Second Elder Situ Ting pondered for a moment and hesitated. However, this concern was soon put aside.

"Shushan, troublesome guy!"

"Don't worry about them! The share of Medicine Garden this time is very important to us, and we have to get the top spot no matter what. !"

"Isn't it just killing a Qi Refinement Disciple in the Hidden Scripture Valley, even if Chang Wanzhou just won, the plan will not change!"

"This It's a cultivation world grand competition, no one is to blame for dying in the ring!"

Situ Ting's sharp eyes looked towards Jiang Li below, his eyes seemed to be looking at a dead person.

Four Great Sects same qi, connected branch is true, but that's on the front line to maintain dominance.

Now the birth of Medicine Garden Secret Realm has had an impact on this alliance. In particular, Hundred Refinements Mountain, the further ambition of a hundred feet, gave them a lot of ideas.

Even if Jiang Li is the Disciple of Hidden Scripture Valley, it is best to get rid of it as soon as possible to be on the safe side. They were already thinking about how to deal with the pressure of Hidden Scripture Valley after killing Jiang Li.

"But Elder Ma, that Jiang Li can actually beat Chang Wanzhou, his strength is a little troublesome, how is it, are you sure?"

The person who spoke to him, Also a great character, Chief Elder Ma Lichou of Hundred Refinements Mountain medicine pill.

"Situ Elder, don't worry, the strength of the first medicine person in T-Zi is no problem to deal with the Foundation Establishment Realm cultivator. A Jiang Li will definitely die."

That Ma Lichou is also Full of self-confidence, Jiang Li, the Qi Refinement Realm Disciple, was not taken seriously at all.

And the medicine person in their mouth doesn't know what kind of existence it is.

. . . .

Jiang Li is the top of the Qi Refinement Realm arena after all, which is related to Medicine Garden Secret Realm's full 10% output share. .

Just among them, there are obviously few well-meaning concerns.

Jiang Li doesn't know what happened to the big bosses above, and even if he does, it won't help.

After studying the next sharp sword qi field, he continued to walk up.

The five challengers are all excellent by conventional standards, there is no doubt about that.

But for Jiang Li, who just smashed a phantom core, they were like a weak mayfly trying to shake a big tree, which would only make him feel boring.

That is, the golden light sword of Shushan Five Elements Peak is still a bit worth seeing, and the others are still far behind.

In this game, I don't know which sect's apprentice will be?

Walking up the stairs again, Jiang Li smelled a familiar smell in his nose.

Of course, this time it wasn't the smell, but the smell of a drug.

Jiang Li has spent some time refining Pill Hall, and has a familiar Senior Sister who is good at pill concocting.

The smell he smells now is very similar to the smell on the Pill Masters in the sect.

It's just that the situation where you can smell a strong scent from a distance is not so exaggerated even on the red-haired Elder.

That feeling is more like being bubbled out of a medicine jar.

Walking into the ring, a cultivator was standing there quietly, waiting for Jiang Li to arrive.

It seemed that he heard Jiang Li's footsteps, the other party lifted the head and looked towards him with a blank expression.

"Ding Chuyi, Hundred Refinements Mountain, was ordered to challenge here, but Jiang Li?" It was actually a portrait of Jiang Li.

This Ding Chuyi took the portrait and compared it with Jiang Li. It seemed that the comparison was correct, so he put the portrait back into his arms.

"I am, please advise me."

Jiang Li felt a little strange about the other party's attitude and behavior.

He even took a portrait to confirm Jiang Li's identity, which didn't seem normal at all.

Is Hundred Refinements Mountain planning to send a killer to assassinate him in public?

"The identity of the target is confirmed, and the task will kill the target."

This Ding Chuyi was talking to himself very rigidly, and then he drew out a red long knife and directly The culling went to Jiang Li.

His imposing manner is not bad, he really belongs to the level of a well-known figure in Qi Refinement Realm, and the long knife he cuts hits his vital points, but that's all.


The long Blade Technique treasure was grabbed by Jiang Li, and the roaring flame on the knife was directly extinguished by Jiang Li with Nine Nether Spiritual Qi.

His hand revealed a terrifying strength that was enough to crush the opponent.

But even so, the other party's expression remained the same.

The eyes of both sides met, Jiang Li could see that Ding Chuyi was not pretending to be calm.

Looking at each other at this distance, Jiang Li noticed that the whites of the other's eyes were different from ordinary people's, with a morbid grayish-yellow color, and the bottom of his eyes didn't have the slightest look, like a pool of stagnant water without the slightest fluctuation.

What's up with this guy?

Jiang Li was puzzled, but that didn't stop him from moving.

He kicked the opponent's stomach with a kick. Let this Ding Chu fly out one after another, and barely stop when he hits the edge of the ring.

The foot feel told Jiang Li that he shattered the opponent's liver just now.

The injury was enough to make a qi cultivator go back and forth a few times before Gates of Hell.

However, just when Jiang Li thought the battle was over.

That Ding Chuyi suddenly sat up from the ground without warning, as if nothing had happened, grabbed a porcelain bottle from his arms, put it directly to his mouth, and poured it all into his mouth.

The sound of the pill hitting the porcelain vase told Jiang Li that there were at least ten pills inside. This posture of taking medicine pills can compete with what he has.

The effect of taking medicine pill like this is also very obvious.

The sunken belly was re-bulged as if it was inflated. Jiang Li could see that the guy's injuries had not recovered, but he stood up as if he didn't notice it at all.

Not only that, the Spiritual Qi on his body also spewed out uncontrollably, and the cultivation base in imposing manner was climbing at an abnormal speed.

“Explosive medicine pill? Interesting.”

When Jiang Li was at first cultivation, it was this type of medicine pill that Jiang Li relied on, and his strength began to take off gradually.

However, the effects of this medicine pill on the market are relatively general, and there are not many types. He has already eaten everything that can be bought. Of course, the effect is there, but it is difficult to add up to a considerable improvement for him.

It's just that Hundred Refinements Mountain deserves to be the leading sector of the pill concocting industry in Great Zhong Mountain.

The medicine pills on the market are far less effective than the bottle that Ding Chuyi just ate.

"Has it surpassed the limit of Qi Refinement Realm and reached the level of Foundation Establishment?"

Can rely on medicine pill to break out and cross the gap of great realm, even if it is only temporary. It's amazing.

However, such an increase should be accompanied by very terrifying consequences.

Judging from Jiang Li's experience in taking medicine for many years, he is either dead or disabled. Is this sacrifice worth it?

"Wait a minute, his surname is Ding? No wonder. Are you trying to replace me with cannon fodder?"

Jiang Li suddenly remembered that he had chosen sect at the Great Immortal Ascension Assembly , the information learned.

Hundred Refinements Mountain, one of the Great Zhong Mountain Four Great Sects, until now is controlled by the Ma Family and the Situ Family. Alien Disciple is simply not in its early days at Hundred Refinements Mountain.

Now it seems that, let alone the day of the beginning, the life of Hundred Refinements Mountain common disciple may be worse than Jiang Li imagined.

The eyes of Ding Chuyi are the best proof.

I was kicked by Jiang Li in the first place, but now he has suffered an outbreak of this level, and the opponent can actually stay alive. This life is really amazing.

How much can you, or this bottle of medicine pill, do?

Jiang Li didn't stop the other party from erupting out of his own consideration, but the other party obviously didn't know what politeness and humility were. After the state erupted to the peak, a strange orange flame moved towards Jiang Li Called.

The five internal organs are red fire!

The formidable power of this fire spell has reached the level of the Foundation Establishment Realm cultivator, and the temperature is scorching hot and powerful.

But not enough in front of Jiang Li.

Jiang Li stood there confidently and didn't move, wrapped in Spiritual Qi's slap, and smashed the fire of the five internal organs directly.

Everything seems easy and freehand, even if the Foundation Establishment Realm comes, it's useless, you are a Qi Refinement Realm. . .

But the extinguishing of this flame is not the end, but just the beginning!

As the flame went out, a strong medicinal fragrance burst out. The medicinal fragrance of assaults the senses changed Jiang Li's complexion.

The medicinal fragrance was accidentally inhaled by Jiang Li, and there was simply no concept of incubation period.

A burning sensation suddenly grew in Jiang Li's body, and it quickly spread and intensified. Soon, Jiang Li's internal organs seemed to be under the scorching flames!

Like? . . Not like!

There is a real fire burning inside him!

Jiang Li opened his mouth, and an orange-yellow flame burst out from his throat.

There was a twist in the scorching front air.

"This... such a sinister magic trick! Such a terrifying flame!"

[Inhale the Poison Pill Qi, and the fire of the five internal organs acts on itself. ]

[Status Golden Core support, detoxification, effective. Fire resistance, poison resistance, effective. The five internal organs Dan fire effect is resisted. ]

[Five internal organs Dan fire: Dan fire roasts five internal organs, deducting 0 HP per second, duration 10 minutes] (-+)

This means of Hundred Refinements Mountain, It's too cruel!

This kind of attack that hides the dan qi in the poisonous fire, and then hides the poisonous fire in the dan qi, you can't guard against it!

Jiang Li has reason to suspect that this is definitely not a method that a Qi Refinement Disciple can master!

Behind this flame magic, someone must have used some special means to allow Na Ding to fight this flame!

While you can't guard against it, once you are hit, the poisonous fire from inside the body can definitely destroy the body of a Foundation Establishment cultivator directly.

Jiang Li would have at least lost his half-life if he didn't have these state guards.

This Hundred Refinements Mountain is obviously going to kill Jiang Li!

For this sect, Jiang Li's favorability instantly dropped to freezing point.

The scorching heat in his body made him uncomfortable, but as the panel showed, it simply couldn't hurt him.

The figure disappears in place.


Jiang Li no longer kept his hand, and punched directly into Ding Chuyi's heart.

Strong as an ox's fist sank directly into the opponent's chest, smashing the opponent's heart into flesh.

The eyes of both sides looked at each other again, but to Jiang Li's surprise, there was still no emotion of fear in the other's eyes.


The long Blade Technique treasure with the whole body scarlet chopped over again and was easily pinched by Jiang Li with two fingers.

The strength has also reached the level of the Foundation Establishment Realm, but for Jiang Li, it is still very weak.

Just. . . This guy's heart has obviously been broken.

Why is he still moving?


In order to avoid the bloody things like the heart growing on the right side, Jiang Li punched the opponent's right chest again.


This Ding Chuyi spurted out another mouthful of blood, but the blood ignited in midair and condensed into a Blood Sword, flying towards Jiang Li's face. Come.

Fire Poison Blood Sword!

The strangely colored flames on the Blood Sword told Jiang Li that this was another very vicious and sinister trick. At such a distance, few people could escape this Blood Sword by surprise. .

However, Jiang Li's thinking and reaction speed is not what it used to be, and he avoided the sneak attack with a single dodge.

"What the hell is going on with you guy?"

The effect of the two punches just now couldn't be faked. The opponent's chest cavity has completely collapsed, and all the internal organs inside have been smashed by the violent force.

Logically speaking, this kind of injury, he should have already died and can't die anymore. But why is this guy still fighting?

Jiang Li appeared behind Ding Chuyi, grabbed the opponent's neck with one hand from behind, and then squeezed lightly, only a light sound was heard, and the fragile neck bone was already comminuted and fractured .

Without the support of the neck bone, Ding Chuyi's neck was naturally unable to stand up again, and hung directly backwards 180 degrees. Those eyes met Jiang Li for the third time. See.

It's still the kind of dead eyes, and a zombie with a little cultivation might be more lively and cheerful than him.

This guy had his head on his back, and he was still thinking of attacking Jiang Li.

He even took a knife and was kicked out by someone Jiang.

Although Ding Chuyi took explosive medicine pills, the essence of his body was actually Qi Refinement.

Having eaten Jiang Li five times in a row, he is a Core Formation cultivator, and he has to be beaten well.

But he, holding his head in his hand, staggered and stood up from the ground again.

Jiang Li was shocked, he could stand up again after looking like this!

The strength of this Hundred Refinements Mountain Disciple can only be considered good, but there is definitely something wrong with him!

Suddenly thought of something, thoughts move Nine Nether Spiritual Qi poured into his eyes, Jiang Li then raised his eyes and looked towards each other again.

This. . .

Nine Nether wood, in Ancient Era, it is used to build the pillars of the underworld, and it is professional to deal with ghosts and ghosts. It can no longer be professional.

With Nine Nether Spiritual Qi attached to his eyes, Jiang Li directly gave the other person a transparent look at his body and soul.

This guy is already dead!

In Jiang Li's field of vision, Ding Chuyi's body is full of dead energy, and his soul is also floating and vain.

Souls like this should have left the body long ago and waited to dissipate.

But at this time, he was bound in the body by an unknown force, and it was still firmly bound to the body.

"What the hell did the guys at Hundred Refinements Mountain do to their Disciple?"


At this time, a puff of white smoke rose from the ground.

Jiang Li looked down at his fist, and a few drops of blood with a strong medicinal smell fell to the ground.

When the blood touched the ground, it reacted violently, and it didn't take a moment for it to corrode into a hole.

Jiang Li felt very uncomfortable as if he ate flies.

He raised his fist and saw that the blood on it was trying to erode his skin. Although he didn't succeed, he was a little depressed by being overcast several times.

Although it's useless to him, this level of poison is too much to deal with a Qi Refinement Stage.

Jiang Li got rid of Poison Blood in disgust, Jiang Li felt the deep malice of this world for body cultivator.

It doesn't matter if the body cultivator is difficult to practice, this close-up, all kinds of moth traps will come.

On the first day of the first day of the first day of the first day of the first day of the first day of the first day of the first day of the first day of the first day of the first day of the first day, Ding's whole body was poisoned with severe poison. It is not strange that a cultivator would face him and hurt one thousand and two thousand.

Hundred Refinements Mountain made a lot of money to deal with him this time, and it was a solid disgust for him.

Fortunately, he is not a pure body cultivator now.

A little bit of ground under Jiang Li's feet, Spiritual Qi rushed down the ground, until the opponent's position, Spiritual Qi suddenly turned into a thorn and shot upwards through the ground.

The blood-covered wooden thorn instantly smashed the opponent's top of the head, directly from bottom to top, stabbed Ding Chuyi in the opposite direction.

This time, even if the opponent is still alive and his eyes are still rolling, he has no ability to resist. . . Bar.

Tickets for tickets

(End of this chapter)

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