Immortal Cultivation – My Buffs Have No Time Limit Chapter 169


Chapter 169 Brutal and Polite

Jiang Li's two consecutive wins were clean, but neither killed.

The Merciful Boat Buddhist Temple is not necessary to offend people in vain, and the loose cultivator is still useful.

apart from this , in this kind of public place, he still prefers to set up decent people.

If you want to kill, you can kill as many people as you want in private, but on the surface, people still prefer to see a virtuous gentleman than a butcher.

If there is a chance later, find a few unlucky demon cultivators to cut down Monsters and eliminate Demons, then the legend of someone else will be able to stand up.

In the current Great Zhong Mountain cultivation world, Righteous Alliance is the only theme, those demon cultivator sects were torn down hundreds of years ago, and they can only be struggling on whilst at the corners death's door.

So if you want to climb up in this big environment, in addition to the strength and power, a good reputation can make the actual leader look more pleasing to the eye and bring him a lot of help. .

no longer paid attention to Wu Shi, the loose cultivator who fainted on the ground, Jiang Li continued to walk up with twenty wooden soldiers.

I just walked for a while, and I only saw the arena from a distance. I haven't seen the opponent, but I have already smelled the opponent's taste.

Good. . . Smelly!

Jiang Li frowned, did someone die on it? Ordinary person How long does it take to not take a bath to accumulate this smell?

This concentration of odor, I am afraid that it will not be able to burn with a fire.

The green light flickered on his hand, and a moment later a half-face mask appeared in his hand.

Wooden Armor Technique, one of the first few tricks Jiang Li learned!

After getting Nine Nether Wood's insight, his understanding of the two-series magic is naturally as the tide rises, the boat floats.

Now that the wood armor technique has reached the full level, it can be said that it is brought to the point of perfection, have the words at hand.

The texture of this half-face mask is soft and breathable, and the shape is very similar to that of a mask. It is woven by slender root structure, which can filter the fresh air of poison mist.

After testing, the filtration rate of harmful substances can reach 99%, which fully meets the hygiene standards of Nine Provinces Continent.

Jiang Li pressed the mask to his face, and the foul-smelling air immediately became much fresher.

He then continued to move forward with the wooden soldiers.

It is true that the mountain is very high, but it is impossible to hold a hundred arenas, so the gap between each arena is not very far.

It's just that the opponent this time is obviously not as polite as the previous two, let alone the couch, and there is simply no one waiting for him on the stairs.

The man had already entered the fighting field early, and it was not until Jiang Li walked to the edge of the ring that he noticed him.

And a mouth is not a good word.

"hehe, hehehe! My children! Your lunch is here!"

His voice was hoarse and frantic. You can tell just by listening to the sound that this person is somewhat seriously ill.

Jiang Li understood the origin of the stench after seeing the situation in the ring.

Seventeen domestic monster beasts of different breeds are begging for food around a young man wrapped in animal skins, catching pieces of meat from him.

It was just Jiang Li who fought twice in the ring, and then stepped up again. It took a while.

A large amount of feces had already accumulated around the arena, and several groups of flies were flying excitedly on the feces.

The culprit is the seventeen monster beasts. . . Judging from the appearance of this young man, he may also be suspicious!

The young man also looked wild, with a thick layer of dirt on his body, bloodshot eyes in his eyes, and even the hair on his body was much thicker than ordinary people's.

Paired with a mouthful of uneven's yellow teeth, and that insanely insane voice that no one would doubt that he was a savage.

But don't look at his look, this guy is actually quite a famous and popular player.

The second-class sect of the Great Zhong Mountain, the genius Disciple of the Beast Sect, Man Xiaochuan!

If you want to talk about this beast sect, then this time it really caught up with the dividends of the grand competition rules.

Among these second-class sects, the performance of the Royal Beast Sect in the grand competition can be said to be extremely eye-catching.

It even suppressed the Disciple of Four Great Sects for a time.

There is no other reason than to bully the less.

The participating Disciples of these beast-monster sects basically only raised and contracted one or two monster beasts.

For Qi Refinement Realm's Disciple, energy and wealth are limited. It is normal operation to select a few monsters with good potential to cultivate slowly.

But the sudden Great Zhong Mountain cultivation world grand competition made the top management of their sect move their minds.

So their high level cultivator took action and caught a lot of Low Rank Monster Beast in a short period of time.

Through the special means of the Beast Sect, some inhuman destructive laws and drugs are used to forcefully consume the will of these monster beasts, so that they can be directly contracted in a short period of time.

If Jiang Li guessed correctly, the piece of meat that Man Xiaochuan had just now had something unusual in it.

This kind of practice, the higher the level, the more difficult it is to use, but in Qi Refinement Realm and Foundation Establishment Realm, there is a lot of room for operation.

Especially in the Qi Refinement Realm grand competition, the ten Qi Refinement Disciples of the Beastmaster Sect were all forced to contract with about ten monster beasts, so that they could be said to be fully occupied in the battle. Advantage!

After a few rounds of fighting, they almost never got knocked out of Disciple. Even the beast pets killed in the fighting method will be replenished as quickly as possible.

This approach is not beneficial to the future growth of these Disciples.

It may even cause too much pressure on the spirit because of too many contracts. irreparable damage.

The bloodshot in Xiaochuan's eyes seems to be about to burst out. In terms of the physique and spirit of practicing qi cultivator, it must be at least half a month. , will become like this.

It can be seen that the beast pets with too many contracts are quite a lot of pressure on them!

And in the end, they will definitely have to cancel the contract.

Otherwise, there are seventeen monster beasts, how could he possibly afford so many. Even if he could afford it, his own spirit and Spiritual Qi would never be able to withstand it, and would be dragged down sooner or later.

But now the situation is special, and great benefits are at hand, as long as enough elixir output share is obtained.

Not to mention sacrificing potential, how about sacrificing the lives of a few Disciples?

As a way to improve Disciple's strength in a short period of time, this is already very cost-effective. other sects, but it's too late to envy.

Who made them not beastmasters?

The monster beast is equivalent to the monster master's own strength, and the joint competition team can't pick the wrong fault, it's simply a bug that stuck in the grand competition rules!

Other sects have similar operations of course, but they are basically limited to giving more talismans and better medicine pills, such as disposable products.

A better sector may open the exchange of magic and magic weapons, but both the casting of magic and the envoy magic need the support of the spiritual Qi of the cultivator, and it is impossible to directly improve the battle like the Beast Sect. force.

But it's easy to pull the egg when the step is too big.

Want to reach the top of the list with such a hand? Against Jiang Li, he is unlucky!

Jiang Li stepped into the ring, Man Xiaochuan of the Beast Sect's original bloodshot eyes showed madness and contempt.

But as a group of wood demons behind Jiang Li poured into the ring, his expression turned serious.

"Hey, this savage can still talk? If you catch him, you will be able to sell two Spirit Stones, no, maybe three!"

Jiang Li said with a smile. fight each other.

The two sides disagreed and went straight to work.

The green wooden soldier and the furry monster beast collided directly.

In fact, the number of the two sides is not too much, and it does not form an overwhelming advantage. The monster beast opposite is more flexible and fierce, but the twenty wood monsters are also more skin is rough, flesh is thick.

It was torn up, and it was evenly matched for a while.

However, as a key figure who can influence the situation of the battle, Jiang Li himself has no idea of stepping forward to help punches, so he just stands on the side with nothing to do to watch this.

The other party took the lead, riding a big black wolf with a height of two meters at the shoulders, charging to the left and dash to the right in the wood demon group.

A lance is full of aura, and its sharp edge can easily pierce the wood demon's head.

The big black wolf under Man Xiaochuan should also be his first beast pet, and he was trained quite well. The wolf claws could actually be pressed head-on, and two Qi Refinement late-level wooden soldiers were fighting.

While sawdust fluttering, Man Xiaochuan led a group of monsters to slowly gain the upper hand.

Continuously, some demon wood soldiers were torn apart and fell down, and the opponent was about to be wiped out.

"It's amazing, you can contract seventeen monsters at a young age, your spiritual innate talent is really good."

Jiang Li couldn't help but praise the other party. For other Disciples of the Imperial Beast Sect, it is quite good to be able to bring ten monsters with them.

Not to mention the death of the monster in the contract, the spirit of the beastmaster will also be damaged to a certain extent. From the grand competition to the present, there must be some attrition in the beastmaster team.

In peak state, seventeen is probably not his limit.

"Youngster asked me to put more pressure on you, maybe you can still break through?"

Wooden Armor!

The full-level wooden armor can not only do all kinds of flower work, but also can be used on others.

A piece of spiritual light spilled out, and the seven wood demons remaining thirteen had been eliminated. Green light appeared on the body, and in the blink of an eye, a thick full-body wooden armor grew. Wrap up their wooden bodies.

With Jiang Li's current Nine Nether Spiritual Qi strength, the wooden armour technique he performed has not been what it used to be.

The claws of those monsters fell on the wooden armor, and they couldn't even scratch a decent scratch. The situation that was at a disadvantage for a while was directly reversed.

A violent bear demon slammed on the point demon wood soldier, a pair of sickle-like sharp claws scratched frantically, and a fetid bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl bit the wooden helmet desperately, and then it There is nothing to do with the wooden armor.


The wooden knife, far sharper than steel, pierced through the thick hide and stirred fiercely inside.

In this kind of close fight, the advantage brought by one side not breaking the defense is simply overwhelming.

As the monster beast was killed one by one, Man Xiaochuan's spirit became more and more fragile, and soon, two blood lines flowed out of his nostrils.

The bloodshot, wild eyes crossed the siege of the wooden soldiers and looked towards Jiang Li who was unperturbed not far away.

The two lines of sight collided, Jiang Li had no doubts about the opponent's determination to tear him apart.

As the saying goes, catch the thief first and catch the king, even Man Xiaochuan, who doesn't seem to have a bright mind, thought of this when he was being pressed.

Man Xiaochuan didn't have time to wipe the surging nosebleed, put away his lance, and bent his bow and arrow.

The bowstring trembled lightly three times, and the three sharp arrows had already arrived in front of Jiang Li's door.

The arrows of these three arrows are engraved with dense spiritual texts. While carrying terrifying power, they flew through the air without even making a sound.

With the means of cultivator, there is no problem in calibrating the head within a thousand meters. This is the lore of letting you can't guard against it when you put it outside.

In the end, they are the top two hundred Qi Refinement Realm cultivators in the Great Zhong Mountain cultivation world, and there is no weaker among them.

Although the three arrows were grabbed by Jiang Li and didn't play any role, it didn't mean that the savage was not strong. . . He's just not strong enough.

Well, this rune is good, I can analyze it when I go back.

Jiang Li, like a scavenger, put away the three arrows again. Looking at it this way, his behavior of collecting the black dagger just now is even more inconspicuous.

This pretty Xiaochuan's battle is full of wildness. Seeing that the arrow's attack is ineffective, the monsters around him die more and more.

Immediately, he shoved a medicine pill into his mouth, suppressing the brain that was about to explode after being mentally injured, and then pushed the black wolf under him and slammed it out.

The siege formed by the thirteen point demon wood soldiers was not so tight. Under the collision of the opponent's fierce and unafraid of death, he still ripped apart the array and rushed out.

For this reason, the black wolf had several wounds on his body, and even his tail was cut in half by the wooden sword Hei, which looked extremely miserable.

But as long as Jiang Li can be dealt with, it's all worth it.

Waving the lance in his hand, he went straight to Jiang Li's face.


The sound of sharp objects piercing the flesh.

As long as you think about it with your butt, you can know that the person who was pierced must not be Jiang Li.

A blackened wooden pole suddenly emerged from the ground, piercing the black wolf and Man Xiaochuan who were running and rushing, and pinned them on the spot to vomit blood.

This is Jiang Li's attack method imitating the Nine Nether Taoist Sutra by borrowing from the magic of the tiger stick.

It can barely be called a magic trick, and the formidable power is also adequate, so let's call it wood thorns for the time being.

After black's wooden thorn penetrated both, Heilang and Man Xiaochuan were still struggling. Ignoring the fist-sized penetrating injury, Man Xiaochuan took out a dagger and tried to cut off the thorn.

But Jiang Li and the thorns were too stiff. After several failed attempts, he even tried to pull himself out of the thorns that were at least five meters long. It's really not afraid of pain.

Jiang Li couldn't stand it any longer. Thoughts move, a special toxin from Nine Nether wood was released. He directly turned one person and one wolf into poison and hung it on the wood thorn. Move again.

The group of beast pets who were being beaten by the group were originally reluctant to give in under the insidious means.

Now, seeing the master's defeat, where there is still any fighting intent, he turned his head and ran cleanly, and went into the deep mountain to be disappeared.

This stinky arena, I don't know what the cultivators who will fight on it will be thinking.

Out of the third ring, Jiang Li walked a long way before taking off his mask.

The "challenge" of the five people has already passed the third, and I don't know what kind of "powerful" opponent will be waiting for me next?

In a few moments.

"Huh? Senior Brother Jian? long time no see."

Jiang Li saw the man standing on the stairs holding the sword, and recognized the other side Shu Shan at a glance The identity of the Disciple.

And he actually met this person.

"Rust... rust sword? Who is Rusty Sword! . . . Junior Brother Jiang, in Xiashu Mountain golden light Jianchang Wanzhou. "

The golden light sword is called the rust sword, and the cool expression of this Mount Shu Sword Cultivator can't hold back.

It is written all over the face, Junior Brother Jiang Although I'm not as famous as you are, don't give me a random name!

"Haha I'm sorry, it's Junior Brother who has a bad memory, and the golden light sword Senior Brother Chang, I remember it. ”

Jiang Li laughed, he really didn’t remember the other party’s name.

The reason why he called the other party Rusty Sword when he opened his mouth was because of the phrase “The Rusty Sword is Stainless Heart.” ”

I remember Chang Wanzhou standing in front of the small courtyard of Shushan Five Elements Peak at the Great Immortal Ascension Assembly back then, testing their sword heart.

Heaven does not meet people's wishes, Jiang Li does not have sword heart innate talent, so he missed the Great Zhong Mountain number one Sect.

I don't know when Jiang Li rises completely and stands on the Great Zhong Mountain cultivation world Will Shushan Five Elements Peak regret to miss his Disciple without sword heart when he is at the peak of the peak?"

"Forget it, Jiang Li Junior Brother, before the fight, please give me a bow. "

The golden light sword Senior Brother Chang straightened his face, and suddenly bowed to Jiang Li.

"Senior Brother Chang, what are you doing?" "

Jiang Li was surprised that someone saluted him again, and then quickly stepped forward to help him up.

"Junior Brother Jiang saved the god junior sister Shan, and I Shushan Five Elements Peak has grace. "

"Junior Brother is seriously wounded, and today's battle is for injustice." ”

“However, this battle is a responsibility, and I will spare no effort. It is Junior Brother Xiang who asks for such a prayer! "

Speaking, this guy actually took out a cane and was about to take it from himself.

Jiang Li was startled and hurried forward to stop it.

This Disciple of Shushan Five Elements Peak, the three views are too much.

"Don't, don't, Senior Brother Chang, don't do this. Otherwise, if you give me this rattan, it will be regarded as an apology. ”

Jiang Li snatched the rattan, and actually found that it was a magic weapon.

Although the rank was not high, but with the small body of Mount Shu Sword Cultivator, it was You have torn skin and gaping flesh on the spot.

What kind of education is this to teach such a group of Disciples, which is unimaginable.

From another point of view, three Looking at such an upright Shushan Disciple, they can take the top spot in the cannibalistic Great Zhong Mountain cultivation world, which shows how strong their strength and heritage are!

It's just that crafty plots and machinations are useless before them.

"This. . Junior Brother Jiang Gao Yi. If Junior Brother is injured in the fight, after the grand competition, Chang Wanzhou will definitely pay back twice! ”

Jiang Li was speechless.


At the same time, two golden sword lights flew out of a big river.


They looked at each other without the slightest expression on their faces. They turned into sword lights and fled in the direction of the nearby capital of Yinnan Country.

I will go to recuperate tomorrow, but I can't go out of the market.. What's the point of being near your home?

(end of this chapter)

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