Immortal Asura

Chapter 1280: Xuan Yuanming Breakthrough

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The fat man was already angry and shouted, "Old thing, do you still want to run?"

The fat man looked like a ghost, and was extremely fast. He chased up to the remaining four old men in an instant. The four old men were scared by the fat man, and they fleeed in the direction of the distance. However, the fat man ’s body Fa, but much faster than them, caught up with these four people in an instant.

I saw that the fat man caught up with the oldest man closest to him. Without saying a word, raising his hand was a punch. The old man did not expect that the fat man would catch up with them. There was no chance of dodging, and he was directly punched by the fat man. It was hit on the back.

I saw the old man screamed and planted directly in front of him, just like a kite with a broken line, planted directly on the ground and died on the spot.

At this moment, the other three were even more frightened. Now the three of them are very regretful. Why do they regret why they provoke this guy? It is a monster, and they will encounter such a powerful practice here. Unlucky.

The three old men threatened loudly as they ran, "Boy, stay on the line and meet each other in the future. If you want to kill everything and continue to kill us, don't blame us for desperately working with you."

"Threatening me? I hate people threatening me the most. If you kneel and ask for forgiveness, I might even consider letting you go," the fat man grunted coldly, and then continued to chase after these three people.

The three men saw that they could not get rid of the fat man, but the old man, headed by helplessness, shouted aloud, "Old folks, let's fight with him, this kid is too bullying."

"Okay! Fight with him!"

The other two also shouted aloud, and then the headed old man suddenly stopped his footsteps, turned around and secretly picked up his own spiritual power, and attacked the fat man with one palm.

The fat man snorted with disdain, and then greeted him with one palm, and the two palms collided. The old man was not the opponent of the fat man, and was directly knocked out with a single palm. Spit blood, and was directly injured by a fat palm.

But when the fat man wanted to give the old guy a fatal blow, he slammed into the fat man with a palm, and the fat man shouted, "Good job!"

I saw that the fat man had been prepared, turned around and greeted him with a single palm, and overturned the old man with a single palm, but the fat man was shocked and took a step backward. The fat man looked at the old man with a bit of surprise and did not expect This guy's strength is even better than those two people.

However, the old man was still shocked by the fat palm, and some of them couldn't work hard, and at this time, the fat man instantly bullied himself, and the old man was directly knocked to the ground with a single palm. The old man was hit directly into the ground by the fat man's palm, and the whole man was instantly killed by the fat man.

The fat man looked at the dying old man who had fallen to the ground, sneered and walked over, taunting and said, "Are you feeling good? But another person seems to have ignored your life and death, and escaped by himself."

The old man also found that one had already run away, and he couldn't help but be so angry that his body was shaking, and his mouth yelled, "What is greedy for life and death, my husband is really blind, and there is such a brother."

After speaking, the old man went straight forward and immediately committed suicide by himself.

And the old man who ran away didn't have to hurry to chase him, because he ran to the direction where Zhang Yan was in the situation of panic, wasn't this sent to death?

The fat man returned to Zhang Yan's side, and he saw that the old man was seriously injured and fell to the ground. In front of him, the flame Jin Jinshou was stepping on his body, and opened his mouth to eat it.

The old man was so frightened, he begged loudly, "I have no eyes. Please ask me to spare my life. For the sake of my practice, please spare me. I beg you."

"I'll spare you? Isn't it too late to ask for forgiveness?" The fat man snorted, and then waved, "It's over to you."

The flaming golden beast did not hesitate, opened the mouth and ate the old man directly, and even made a rattling sound of chewing bones, saying, "I have n’t eaten for a long time." Terran warriors are so delicious. "

Zhang Yan heard the words and stared at the flame Jin Jinsong at once, scaring the flame Jin Jinsong shut his mouth immediately, afraid to say one more word, but the side that had just been subdued was not very understandable, this Zhang Yan did not seem to have much What's special is that it looks like an ordinary person now. Why is this guy so afraid of him?

What's more, he didn't understand that among so many people, it seems that this inflammation has the most right to speak. It seems that everyone is listening to him. This is very strange. Is this talent the most powerful of these people?

At this time, the spiritual power in Xuan Yuanming's body was completely restored and his strength improved a lot, but just when he wanted to stand up, Zhang Yan handed the fruits of the Golden Rule to Xuan Yuanming, saying, " The fruit of this rule must be the treasure of the caretaker. Take it and see if it can help you break through your current rule understanding. Maybe your cultivation will skyrocket. "

Xuan Yuanming was overjoyed, and he was not polite to Zhang Yan. After all, he is a brother. There is no need to say those polite words and directly take the fruits of the rules in his hands. Without thinking, he directly swallowed the fruits of the rules of gold .

The fruit of this Golden Rule contains the power of the Supreme Golden Rule, which is the most important thing for Xuan Yuanming, which can help Xuan Yuan Ming to realize the Golden Rule more quickly, and make him take less detours,

Xuanyuan Ming sat cross-legged and closed his eyes tightly. The whole body exuded a burst of golden light, looking very sacred, and his whole body also had a lot of powerful laws. The power was converging towards this side. Xuanyuan Ming's entire person As if traveling in the sea of ​​the power of the rule of gold, there is a comfortable understanding of the law of gold.

Zhang Yan and others were not in a hurry, standing there watching Xuanyuan Ming quietly, waiting for Xuanyuan Ming's comprehension to complete.

Zhang Yan and others waited for three days. In these three days, the power of Xuanyuan Ming ’s whole body is to gather more and more, the power of the law is getting stronger and stronger, and even Zhang Yan and other people cannot Close to Xuanyuan Ming within a kilometer range, can only stand in the distance looking at Xuanyuan Ming.

And Xuanyuan Ming still sat cross-legged in the center. Even the power of the rule of gold around him had formed a storm. Xuanyuan Ming still had no influence. He still understood the power of the rule of gold. The power has realized that the state of great consummation is about to come, only one last step.

After this last step is completed, Xuan Yuanming will be able to ask the peak of the Valkyrie. Xuan Yuanming is also trying to understand here, but he still feels a little bit worse and has been unable to break through, but even so, Xuan Yuanming's strength He also unknowingly broke into Valkyrie Nine.

Zhang Yan and others looked a little shocked, thinking that this Xuanyuan Ming is indeed a heir to the God of War family. This talent is not comparable to ordinary people. It has even reached Valkyrie Nine in such a short period of time. The stock frontier looks even sharper, making people dare not approach.

And on the fourth day, all of the power of the rule of gold all around suddenly rushed into Xuanyuanming's body, and suddenly disappeared. The heaven and earth suddenly calmed down, and Xuanyuanming's whole body spiritual power also There is no more fluctuation, and the power of the law has not been leaked in the slightest. Xuan Yuanming's full-bodied feeling on the whole person has also completely disappeared, replaced by the feeling of returning to the same place as Zhang Yan.

When everyone saw the situation, they couldn't help flashing their eyes, thinking that Xuanyuan Ming finally broke the limit and took this last step.

Xuan Yuanming also opened his eyes with satisfaction. At this moment, a golden light flashed from his eyes, and finally disappeared completely. Xuan Yuanming's eyes also became milder from stern, and said with a smile: "Thank you for helping me to protect the law, It's really hard for you. "

Zhang Yan heard the words with a smile and said, "Where did Brother Xuanyuan say? We still need to say these polite words? As long as your strength has improved, we are all happy to follow. Now you have been repaired by Valkyrie, only If you comprehend the laws of space thoroughly, you will be able to make a breakthrough towards Emperor Wu. "

Xuan Yuanming said with a bitter smile, "How difficult is this law of space? How many people have been trapped in the realm of martial arts because they ca n’t fully understand the law of space throughout their lives. They are better than Zhang Yan brother. You are not the same now I ca n’t fully comprehend it. "

Zhang Yan heard a smile and said, "Take your time, I believe we can all break through."

"However, we have been here for a long time. It is time to go and try Xianxian. Presumably, a lot of people should already be there now," Dao Chen reminded.

Zhang Yan also said, "Yeah, we have to hurry up and stop the dragon and Luohan there. We can't let this old guy run away from here, otherwise things won't be easy."

"It's not too late, let's go quickly," said the fat man.

Xuan Yuanming looked at Qian and asked, "Do you know where the test fairy stone is?"

"Of course I know, but there is a lot of coercion against us monsters, we dare not get near it at all," I answered.

"Since you know it, just leave me everything else, and I promise to take you out," Zhang Yan said, "you just need to hurry us over."

"Then you sit still, and I'll take you there," I said, making my body several times bigger, so that Zhang Yan and others could sit on their backs.

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