Immortal Asura

Chapter 1276: Kirin Kaku

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Zhang Yan suddenly thought of the Shura Change. If you want to continue to practice the Shura Change, then Zhang Yan needs to find the next treasure, and then the next treasure that Zhang Yan needs to find is nothing else, just the legendary unicorn. angle.

This was when Zhang Yan practiced the seventh change of the Shura Change, the things needed to practice the eighth change came to Zhang Yan's mind automatically, but at the time Zhang Yan felt that all this was too far away, so there was nothing special I care about it, but it's different now. Now Zhang Yan has reached the seventh level of Wushen's cultivation. Seeing that he will break through to the fifth level of Wushen, it's time to consider looking for the unicorn horn.

But Zhang Yan was helpless at the time. After all, this was the legendary beast unicorn. Where did he go to find the unicorn horn? Even if you found the unicorn beast, that Xiuwei is also at the level of Emperor. Zhang Yan wants the unicorn horn, which is the same as pulling a tooth out of a tiger mouth. It is simply impossible, and even if this unicorn horn is very precious, It is impossible to be taken out.

However, Zhang Yan did not expect that this accidentally came to Xianlu and even received the news of Qilinjiao. This is good news, although this is only a legend that Dao Chen knows, no one has ever seen it. Kirin, not to mention the Kirin Horn, but Zhang Yan still has a glimmer of hope, after all, there is always a hint of news that is better than nothing.

Zhang Yan now hopes to do a sweeping search at this last place, so that Zhang Yan will be more sure to find the legendary unicorn horn.

Zhang Yan looked at Dao Chen and said, "Is there any treasure here? Or is there anything other than the test fairy in the depths?"

"Yes, of course. Although it looks desolate, there are many earthy or metallic monsters. Most of them are mainly beasts, and a large part of them live underground. There are more monsters than the sum of all the monsters you encountered before, which is even more dangerous. Only within a radius of 100 miles near the test fairy stone, there are no monsters, "Dao Chen continued to answer.

"Not only that, there will only be more treasures than before, not less than before, but every treasure will be guarded by a powerful monster, not to mention there are more warriors in it, after all, all warriors are facing here Gather together, "Dao Chen said.

Zhang Yan heard his words and nodded and said, "It's true, I just felt it when I stepped in here. There are many warriors around, and the strength of these warriors is not weak. It seems that the warriors who can arrive here in a short time. Is not easy. "

"Yeah, after my nose entered here, I could smell the treasures everywhere, making me a little bit wondering where to go first," the fat man added aside.

Zhang Yan raised her eyebrows and said with a smile, "Don't worry, we come from the nearest place, look one by one, and see if we can find the legendary unicorn. If it is fortunate to find the unicorn, that would be a godsend." "

"Brother Zhang Yan, what are you looking for for Unicorn?" Dao Chen asked in confusion.

"I have some problems with my practice skills, and I need the Kirin Horn urgently, otherwise I will never be able to enter the emperor's realm." Zhang Yan also did not hide them, and directly told me that he needed the Kirin Horn. After all, If they got it by chance, Zhang Yan would have to redeem it from them.

Dao Chen said something shocked and said, "I didn't expect Brother Zhang Yan to have this practice in your practice, but this unicorn horn is really hard to find. As the saying goes, the phoenix horn is just like Teng Tiantian. It ’s hard, after all, the unicorn Kirin is too hard to find. "

"If we really encounter a living unicorn, I'm afraid we are not opponents," Dao Chen said.

Zhang Yan smiled indifferently and said, "There is no way but to look at luck."

"Yeah, in case the legendary Kirin can't stand the years and has already died here, its horn must be somewhere here, maybe we will be met," Xuanyuan Ming at this time Said.

The fat man said anxiously when he said, "What are you waiting for? We have to act quickly. There are so many treasures in it. If we find it late, it will be difficult to be hidden by someone. Look for it. "

Zhang Yan nodded in agreement and said, "Then you quickly lead the way."

"Well, you follow me," the fat man promised, and then the whole person turned into a residual image, and quickly swept away.

Wang Zongjun smiled and spit out: "This guy, usually looking at walking and struggling, this hearing and searching for treasures, this body speed is faster than me."

After hearing the words, everyone in Zhang Yan laughed, and then quickly followed the fat man looking for treasures in the distance, but what disappointed Zhang Yan and others was that the treasures around here were all low-level treasures, even the prefecture Intermediate-level treasures are rare, not even heaven-level treasures, let alone the legendary Treasure Unicorn Horn.

However, these treasures are also very easy to find. Those monsters on the periphery encountered Zhang Yan and others and they did not dare to resist. They could only lie on the ground to deter and tremble, and they let Zhang Yan take the treasure away with them. Even if they don't dare to make a sound, it is a blessing for them to survive.

These elixir and other treasures were not needed by everyone in Zhang Yan. In the end, they were all accommodated by the fat man. Now the fat man is taking the road to find the treasure, while holding the prestige elixir in his hand, eating and eating there. Image, and the fat phage is growing fast.

Seeing the fat eater, Dao Chen and others were all envious. I didn't expect that there is really a sacred body that can be practiced by eating. It is just envy.

And the fat man looked for it, and suddenly his eyes lighted up, and his breathing was a little quick, and he said excitedly, "Hurry up, the treasure in front of you is very strong, at least it is a heavenly treasure, but there are warriors there, we You have to hurry up or you can easily be snatched away. "

After the fat man spoke, he quickly hurried to the distance, Zhang Yan and others followed closely, and the speed was very fast. Within a moment, he rushed to the place where the treasure is located, and here is a high mountain At the top of the mountain, there were three warriors besieging a powerful monster. For a while, flying sand and stones, the spiritual force fluctuated violently.

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