Immortal Asura

Chapter 1232: Shura Shinshin

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The evil **** and Zhang Yan both fell aside, the evil **** looked at Zhang Yan with disdain, and then spurred the power of his blood, and saw that the power of blood around him was like a dense fog, and he was half his body. They were all wrapped up, and then the expression of the evil **** was a little bit painful. The half body cut off by Zhang Yan's sword began to grow a little bit again.

The evil **** has full confidence in his recovery ability, and he can recover in a short while, but he looks at Zhang Yan with disdain, and wants to see if Zhang Yan can be faster than himself this time, he wants to Compare it with Zhang Yan and see who has strong recovery capabilities.

At this time, Zhang Yan did not put the evil **** in his eyes at all. The power of blood flow on Zhang Yan ’s body did not seem to be as great as the battle of the evil god, but Zhang Yan ’s body was recovering quickly. Speed ​​is much faster than the evil god.

The evil **** saw his eyes widened and couldn't believe it. He couldn't believe it. This time he lost to Zhang Yan again. How could this boy's physical recovery ability be so strong? Why is it stronger than your own evil spirit body recovery ability? He studied it from ancient books. According to the study of the Shura immortal body of the Shura people of that year, he thought that his recovery ability was the first in the world. No one would compare to the true Shura immortal body. His recovery is strong.

When the evil **** thought of this, suddenly his eyes became frozen, looking at Zhang Yan in horror, his eyes were shocked, and there was a hint of surprise at the same time, he suddenly realized a situation, the evil **** didn't look Believing at Zhang Yan and asking, "Are you the legendary Shura Immortal?"

Wang Zong and others on the side are no longer watching here. They are preparing to attack him while the evil **** is injured, but they are stopped by Zhang Yan on the side. Zhang Yan said seriously: "This injury is for both of us. It ’s nothing, we wo n’t lose our fighting power at all, you rush forward, you will only be attacked by him. "

"Just give him to me, this time I want his life," Zhang Yan's killing skyrocketed in his eyes, and the murderous gas that was stronger than the previously released murderous gas burst out from Zhang Yan's body for a moment Bombed towards the evil god.

The evil **** was also surprised when he saw this. He really couldn't think of it. Zhang Yan still had such a powerful murderous body. How could this be? Now the evil **** is more and more convinced of his own guess. Although Zhang Yan did not answer him positively, but with his research on Shura's indestructible body, Zhang Yan's situation is like Shura's indestructible body.

It ’s just that the Shura people have already been confirmed and they are extinct. The person who appeared before Zhang Haotian ’s Shura bloodline is already shocking. Now why is there another one? And the kid ’s Shura Immortal is almost ready.

This time, the evil **** was completely afraid. Although he had never seen Shura's indestructible with his own eyes, he has studied it from ancient books. He is aware of the power of Shura's indestructible, even his fake Shura indestructible. Can be so powerful, not to mention the real Shura immortal body?

But after thinking about it, while Zhang Yanxiu is relatively low, he can still be his opponent. If he catches alive and goes back to research, he will even exchange the blood of the kid to himself, wouldn't he be more powerful? Is it?

Crazy thoughts flashed in the mind of the evil god, but the evil **** still looked at Zhang Yan greedily, and looked at the healing Dao Chen, where Dao Chen was concentrating on the blood of the evil **** in his body. gas.

The evil **** said with a greedy smile: "Today is really shocking. I didn't expect that I suddenly saw two of the four immortals. I didn't expect that the heavens and the heavens and the immortal experience together were really amazing. what."

"But just right, as long as I take you all down and wait for me to figure out how to fuse your fairy body skills, then I will be invincible," the evil **** cried out, followed by him. The injury was almost complete.

It's just that Zhang Yan's recovery speed is faster than him. Now Zhang Yan has completely recovered. I saw Zhang Yan clenching the cut moon sword in his hand and looked at the evil **** coldly and said, "This time you give me go to hell."

Zhang Yan's figure turned into a red light, and instantly came to the front of the evil god. He cut the moon sword in his hand and chopped it down. A blood-red sword gas merged Zhang Yan's murderous and spiritual power. A sword went straight to the head of the evil god. Beheaded.

The evil **** did not want to be outdone when he saw this. The blood of the evil **** in his hand burst into blood. Although his body has not recovered yet, it does not affect his actions at all. After all, he is a gas double repair cultivated by Valkyrie, not to mention that the evil **** body is really strong, but Every time he recovers from injury, more blood is needed, and these blood are accumulated by the warriors who slaughtered before. If the blood is exhausted, his body will not be able to carry it.

Compared with Zhang Yan's Shura immortal body, the evil **** body still has great disadvantages, and it is not as strong as Zhang Yan's self-healing ability. He needs external help.

But even if he doesn't use his body, the evil spirit's practice is still here. Zhang Yan still has a hard time trying to overcome him.

I saw a powerful evil **** power erupting on the evil god, and directly resisted Zhang Yan's sword energy. Zhang Yan's entire body was also shocked by this strong spiritual power, and this time the evil god's body It was completely restored.


The evil **** laughed strangely, looked at Zhang Yan with a sneer, eyes full of killing, licked his lips and said, "Boy, your strength is really strong, Shura's indestructible body is really strong, It's stronger than I thought, but your cultivation is still not enough. After all, your strength is still to me, no matter what means you use. "

"I have a lot of research on Shura's immortal body. This time you can't escape," said the evil god, looking at Zhang Yan coldly.

Zhang Yan snorted and said, "Really? Then do you know the ultimate state of Shura's immortal body?"

Zhang Yan's words stunned the evil gods and looked at Zhang Yan with some doubts. The people on the side were staring at Zhang Yan with curiosity. They also wanted to see what else Zhang Yan could do?

I saw Zhang Yan ’s blood power soared. Zhang Yan ’s hair turned silvery white instantly, and her pupils became blood red. The murderous power, which was several times stronger than before, was released from Zhang Yan ’s body. Relentless, cold-blooded momentum was released from Zhang Yan's body.

Shura real body! Zhang Yan showed his hole card directly.

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