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Chapter 968 powerhouse toys

Xuan Celestial Immortal smiled and stood behind.

He knew that his disciplinary and his heart were connected, and he could understand what he meant.

Although this is a troublesome thing, after all, it is to help others, why not do it?

Qin Yu did not directly agree, although he already knew.

However, he still asked Situ Hua what compensation he could get.

Situ Hua was slightly agitated, but still tolerating the excitement and the pain in his body, he reported a series of names of heavenly material earthly treasure.

Each one is worth the price, and there are more than 100 reported, which only stops a bit, then take a sip of water and take a break.

But the master and disciple 2 people still have no emotion.

Not even a slight change in expression.

Finally, I remembered the bloody enmity that I was carrying.

Situ Hua finally gritted his teeth and took out the secret he had buried in his heart.

This was originally something that Situ Family Patriarch, or the next Substitute Patriarch successor can know.

Situ Sheng certainly did not know that qualification.

But now Situ Hua is not so sure. It is not only he who knows the news.

Because of this uncertainty, he told the outsider directly and frankly.

And now these 2 master and disciple are really not outsiders.

Halfway through the words, suddenly looked at Xue Lan on the side and revealed a look of hesitation.

“This is my insider.”

Xue Lan’s snow-colored cheeks suddenly floated a red cloud.

Situ Hua was a little nodded. Since that was the case, he would have no more scruples.

He also didn’t know whether Situ Sheng was struggling because of this secret. He even chased and killed him, but he also wanted to be a family member.

After all, the news is so big that no one can completely ignore it.

As this wind within the realm’s largest family, no one can replace it for 100,000 years.

Situ Family naturally has its own survival.

It is said that it has some relationship with the legendary dragon.

That was some news passed down from the ancestors.

Because father died suddenly, he didn’t know much.

I only know that it is related to the dragon of the origin.

And he also overheard a place name from father’s mouth.

It seems to be closely related to this secret.

“If the place name is as convenient as you said, it is intimately related. How do you know that Situ Sheng has not been there in advance.”

“Perhaps he has already unveiled this so-called secret in advance, and has been chasing you down, just to kill you and prevent others from knowing.”

Qin Yu only asked the most critical.

Although it sounds very good, the risks involved are huge.

And this sounds more and more unreliable.

If it is really so powerful and it is related to the dragon of origin, how Situ Family has always been just a family.

And the Position of Patriarch was also taken away by a side branch.

Situ Hua had more sorry on his face.

In fact, he couldn’t guarantee it, he just said that he knew.

Although there is a suspicion of avoiding the light, it does not mean to hide.

Since he was asked and answered truthfully, he was not sure.

I can’t guarantee how much I can get now.

All you can do is find foreign aid as much as possible.

Maybe there is a way to get back everything that should belong to you.

“I can’t guarantee that this is true or false, maybe more is just a legend.”

“But you can rest assured that I will never come here like this.”

“If you help me, most of the Situ Family is not important, and everything that will affect the demise of the family can be given to you.

“Even if it is some extremely precious heavenly material earthly treasure, or some extremely precious inheritance.”

“As long as you see what you can take away, as long as you help me this time.”

Qin Yu reached out with a smile and pulled him up from the ground.

“Since that is the case, then I promise to be.”

Situ Hua finally left tears of joy.

All this is the best news for him.

He has already witnessed the ability of the master and disciple with his own eyes.

Even if it is impossible to do it in a while, as long as the master and disciple 2 lose, they are willing to help him.

At least since then, he is not alone in fighting alone.

Not to mention the strength shown by the pair of master and disciple before.

He has absolute self-confidence and he must be able to turn over this time.

Take the thankless wretch from Stuart from Patriarch’s place!

Although now I promised to accept the matter proposed by Situ Hua.

But now they are directly flying to the Situ Family’s station.

There is a pool of wind.

Countless whirlwinds around.

Like a blade, strangling all those who did not pass the right way.

Must use very special password and movement technique to be able to open.

Originally, Situhua was free to enter and exit.

He has great rights, but now he is not sure.

After all, he has been kicked out of the house, and his vicious and merciless Uncle will never leave him alive.

If pinching this point changes the way to enter and leave, then when the time comes he will definitely die.

With his current strength, he still has no ability to break through.

“Wind Pool? It’s just some small wind blades. As long as you forcibly split a road, you can’t go where this world is!

Xuan Celestial Immortal did not take this matter seriously, and after listening, it was snort disdainfully.

Not to mention that his current strength was placed before 10000 years, when he was younger and younger.

Nor will this thing be taken into consideration.

This thing is that’s all that fools the outsiders. Some people with a little ability and knowledge may not see it.

That can force a breakthrough.

As long as it can block the wind blade attack.

You can come and go freely.

Even within this realm, there are many powerhouses that can achieve this!

The reason why those people did not force it, but only because they were afraid of the name of the first family of Situ Family.

Otherwise, if they want to have a way, they can break through the so-called extremely strong barrier outside.

Would you like to come in and out with no difficulty?

So what is really used for precautions can only be other more secretive things.

If it is serious, there is no other means of defense except this wind blade.

That is absolute confidence in his own strength.

No matter who comes, it will never retreat.

Situ Hua was a little dumbfounded.

It seems to be didn’t expect, it turns out that this so-called strong defense.

In the eyes of powerhouse, it is just a toy used as a deterrent.

What really scares people is their Situ Family itself, not the so-called pool of wind.

“But everyone in the family thinks so.”

“At least the younger generation of my peers, there are some more remote side branches, they are all proud of it.”

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