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Chapter 900 Chapter 22

Countless lights and shadows form a rain screen.

But under the dark black rain curtain, there was a fatal crisis.

Under these countless attacks.

Qin Yu and Dragon Soul are gradually covered up.

But the dark dragon god heartily raised a sense of crisis.

It seemed that something extremely bad for him was about to happen.

At the next moment, his bad hunch became reality.

The black rain curtain composed of countless sharp arrows suddenly had a huge gap in the middle.

The dazzling white light tears his strength.

Qin Yu slowly came out of the light and shadow, and the breath of his body continued to increase every step of the way.

When he came to the dark dragon god, his breath had reached a terrible level.

Although it is slightly worse than the dark dragon.

However, the restraint power carried by Qin Yu made the dark dragon tremble.

“This powerful power belongs to you …”

I have to say that now he does have some sense of crisis, even if he didn’t take too seriously before.

He is more angry.

But now he felt fear.

Because Qin Yu now has the ability to hurt him.

This is completely different from what he thought before.

Too much nonsense.

An extremely powerful force kept brewing and colliding in his hands, causing huge waves, even the air was distorted.

“Before the shot, I only ask you whether it is acknowledge allegiance or death.”

The dark dragon was caught in anger.

“Let me acknowledge allegiance be impossible, beat me first and say it!”

“If you can’t beat me, let alone such ridiculous conditions!”

Qin Yu’s slightly unsearchable, sighed, then tapped on his toes and jumped up.

Until he stood at the same height as the dark dragon, he quickly shot and pointed at the reverse scale.

This time he used a touch of Divine-Thunder Force.

Now his strength has already improved a lot.

At this time, Divine-Thunder Force is being used, which is more powerful than the previous formal power.

And after tempering, his strength has more than doubled.

This trace of Divine Thunder has grown from the palm of his hand.

In front of the dark dragon, it has been transformed into a huge beam of light, like a stick hitting the dark dragon.

Turn into a sky lightning, wrap it tightly and strangle it!

The body is huge, and it is not easy for the dark dragon to hide.

What’s more, this lightning can be described as hiding the sky and covering the earth.

So for a while he was tightly bound, and there was a smell of burnt on his body.

The pain caused him to roll around, just to quench the lightning on his body.

But this lightning will only become stronger after the attack. He simply has no way to extinguish this lightning.

Countless black mist spread on him, but it will soon be broken by lightning.

In the end, I didn’t know how much energy, so that the last trace of lightning was completely eliminated.

as the saying goes well, kill you while you are sick.

Qin Yu immediately deceived himself.

The unified weakness of Dragon Race is the reverse scale. No matter how powerful the reverse scale and the dragon horn are their weakest points.

Of course, they are also the most valued places.

One touch will cause them to break out and even fall into tyranny.

Suddenly, the most vulnerable place was attacked.

Slashed by a sword.

The pain suffered by the dark dragon is more powerful.

Dark blood slowly spread from his wound, forming a huge pool of blood on the ground.

“I’m going to kill you, I must smash you 10000 pieces!”

Qin Yu frowned.

“Don’t you want to bow down and say goodbye?”

“It seems that the injuries were not serious enough, so that you have not yet accepted your fate.”

“Extinction Divine Thunder!”

After hearing those 4 words.

The Dark Dragon God shrank from Unable to Bear, and quickly wanted to leave from this right and wrong.

What has been deployed since 1000 years.

What countless wealth and power have accumulated over 1000 years.

What kind of grievances are no longer important.

Now he just wants to run and leave this land of right and wrong as soon as possible.

Where can he not gain a batch of men with his strength, and have a party, why lose his life here.

But will Qin Yu let him leave from here so easily.

The memorial Divine Thunder in his hand has grown into a huge light group.

But it is still growing, until there is a person tall.

Qin Yu fully compresses it, and in the middle of it keeps crackling the sound of collision.

It seemed as if it was going through explosions and destruction.

But in the end all the energy was crumpled into a fist sized mass by him.

And this group of lightning, the breath is extremely deep, with a powerful destructive force, terrifying.

Qin Yu or his lightning hand was almost injured.

Even if he is the master of this group of lightning!


Dark Dragon God is extremely fast, and disappeared in between Heaven and Earth almost instantaneously.

At the foot of the mountain a team of people has gathered.

One of them barely opened his eyes, his breath was weak, it was A Yiyi.

Du Hai unable to bear touched the strands of hair on his head.

“Are you sure that person knows my identity, and still came here, has not come down so far?”

“I’m sure he must be around here.”

“Just don’t know where he is, but he will not leave with no difficulty from here.”

“I worry that he will have an impact on our plan. If he beat the grass to scare the snake, how can we catch the dark dragon!”

“That is, what if the beat the grass to scare the snake and let the dark dragon god transfer the body of True God powerhouse!”

“Then we have been lurking for so long, and at the moment we finally waited, did we all do useless work!”

A few people say one word to me.

But all of them had some fear of the terrifying existence on the top of the mountain.

Confirm that they have found things that can be used to restrain the dark dragon god in various ways.

But this task is indeed difficult to complete.

Under the coercion of the powerhouse, they also have a poor 40% chance of winning.

There is only a 1% chance of getting True God’s body intact.

It looks very pitiful, very little.

But they all know that this is already the highest success rate they have deployed for many years.

It was n’t even comparable to this success rate before.

The reason for their shots is still about 1000 years away, as long as they are allowed to leave.

When the time comes before them, it is not necessarily the dark dragon god or the dark True God.

“This powerhouse must be extremely difficult to deal with.”

“Take a closer look at what is on your body. Even if this time fails, we must quickly send the latest information back!”

“In order to let future generations get more experience!”

With a determined heart, Du Hai will step into Array even more.

Suddenly, the dark dragon god full of burnt smell rushed out, followed by a tiny light cluster behind him.

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