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Chapter 915

What a lie that he cheated.

I don’t know if the powerful people here are too stupid.

But this guy’s trick is very superb.

Can deceive all people with no difficulty, and make them convinced.

“I am here, what are you going to say to me?”

“If what you say doesn’t satisfy me, I will immediately shoot you to death.”

The self-talking man suddenly shivered all over his body.

Some cannot to bear turned their heads stiffly.

He never thought that people were behind him.

Originally he was thinking, maybe this time can plentiful harvest.

Everything is broken now.

Because this time was accidentally discovered, he had to say something to save his life.

What should I say?


He began to turn his head and looked at Qin Yu carefully.

Look at every detail of him.

But no matter how he looked, he could not find any weak spot.

I didn’t find any weaknesses. The only thing I can see is that his strength and temperament must be very strong.


He blurted out.

“Do you want to find who this lord?”

“If you want to find who, you can ask me, although I don’t know much about it, but I can also be … Bah! I still have a group of friends to ask!”

“My friends don’t say that they are everywhere, but they are everywhere!”

He tried every way to justify himself, but also tried every way to save his life.

Although this method is slightly inappropriate here, he has no other choice.

Qin Yu unable to bear laughed.

Not because this guy guessed what he was going to do, but his attitude.

I just said how to deceive. If you don’t know it, then just talk nonsense.

At this time, it changed quickly.

Also said that his friends are all over the world.

He didn’t believe a word.

More impossible revealed to him.

“Tell where the dark dragon is.”

“I’m going to find him to describe the old.”

Midsummer froze for a moment.

is it possible that he guessed wrong from beginning to end.

Qin Yu simply is the man of the dark dragon.

And know the dark dragon god.

Otherwise, how to explain this matter?

Except for this probability, in fact its probability is minimal.

He is indeed ready to find the dark dragon god to narrate the old.

Regarding the previous matters, it is time to settle a good account.

Since all come here, then of course impossible go directly, since it came from his side, of course, it is also a way to find out from his side.

Impossible elsewhere sent him back.

No need to reach any other place, as long as you can return to Tianzhou.

He must return as he comes.

“Dark God Palace has always been relatively secret. Although the forces have been built a lot, it has never revealed its true purpose.”

“No one knows what they are for, but some people have heard that it seems that the dark dragon is about to resurrect who.”

“Of course, such a move against the sky was impossible, so it was targeted.”

Midsummer tentatively uttered his true thoughts about the Dark Dragon God, and received no news.

Qin Yu’s eyes are always faint, and he doesn’t seem to take these things into his eyes.

Even he is dispensable.

If he didn’t take the initiative, he wouldn’t be caught.

Because it seems that this powerhouse is not only young, but it seems not at all to take the initiative to cause trouble.

It seems that the previous way of discoloring Heaven and Earth is just for a moment of happiness.

I just did it because I wanted to do it.

Thinking of him, he asked directly.

“Why did you make such a big deal before?”

“Is it possible that just for a moment of happiness?”

After he finished talking, he was unable to bear and laughed. How is it possible?

Such a huge movement, if it was done just because it wanted to be done, how arrogant should this person be.

Since being born in the world, it must be bound by this world.

Born to be human, has both wisdom and complex mind.

He had never seen such a pure person, so he thought that the person who wanted to do it simply did not exist.

But he got an answer that surprised him.

There is no answer.

But it seems reasonable to think about it, the difference in strength between the two is too obvious.

“Point me in the direction.”

Midsummer didn’t ask why, because his previous experience had told him clearly, even if he asked, he might not get any results.

No matter what.

It ’s better not to ask him.

The less you know, the easier it is to live. This is the entire dark within the realm.

There is a dark dragon temple in the city nearby.

There are many places like that, but there is a better place.

There are many believers among them, and many people will come to worship in the past.


Qin Yu remembered seeing that pious look once before, unable to bear smiled.

If it is as he thinks, maybe he doesn’t need to find any Dragon Race, he can reap a drop of blood essence?

Relatively speaking, the blood essence of the dark dragon god is much stronger than the blood essence of other Dragon Race.

He seems to want strength of Faith, but also wants a huge life force.

It’s just that these all are positive forces that are out of step with this dark world. Why does he want these?

2 flowing light flashed, and the two of them fell into the city. There is no entry procedure, it is very chaotic.

As long as you have the strength, let you go in and out casually, and no one will even bother to kill even on the spot.

Because of this, Qin Yu came in easily.

“It’s just ahead, but this is not the time to gather together. If you want to see the situation, I’m afraid you have to wait.”

“I wonder if I can leave now, I have brought you here …”

Qin Yu didn’t seem to hear these words.

It’s just that Dragon Soul next to him looked at him.

This one glance made his soul tremble.

No more words to leave.

Didn’t he serve?

But I was more or less puzzled.

This powerhouse does not seem to be very strong?

It should not be said that the strength is indeed very strong, but realm does not seem to be very high.

But he dare not ask.

Whether this is the right thing for him, or whether the powerhouse has intentionally converged his strength, is not visible.

He thinks the latter is more likely.

But I have to admit that the former is equally possible!

An extremely ridiculous idea rose even to his horror.

What if he was just cheated?

Perhaps the previous Dragon Race powerhouse was not Qin Yu, after all, he could see a huge claw.

Let’s look at Qin Yu again, although there is a little powerhouse breath on his body.

But he has never seen him shoot!

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