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Chapter 900 Active Contract

This is a palm-size doll.

This person can only be used once, but it can crush all the saints under the strongest posture.

More powerful, can be used to deal with the existence of the Holy King.

Huo Rong is not without, but he dare not take it out.

What’s more, it is now useless for Qin Yu.

Qin Yu accepted it without looking at it, and said many thanks again.

Huo Rong looked at him again with unable to bear.

Treasure like this, even she herself is a bit rare.

Some people will be indifferent to this treasure, but at a critical time, they can save their lives.

These two treasures can do much more, go one attack and one defense, can guarantee to be invincible in front of the Holy King.

If it wasn’t for her kindness, she was still reluctant to take out the treasure she had hidden for a long time.

Qi Yan seemed to know that it was almost time to separate now.

Unable to bear holding Qin Yu’s legs rubbing non-stop.

Soon he was reluctant to let go.

Huo Rong has now taken the antidote.

She can’t take the initiative to feed the medicine, this step is done by Qin Yu.

After swallowing medicine.

Qi Yan lay down on the ground with black blood in his mouth.

The pain kept rolling, and after a while, he fell to the ground dying, but his spirit was much better.

When Huo Rong passed, he easily embraced his child in his arms.

“This time is still many thanks to you. Without you, I don’t know what will happen.”

“If there is anything later, you can go to Shenghai to find me.”

Mu Bai secretly wrote down the name.

After all, no one knows if he will have anything to come to the door.

There is such a relationship, if one day he encounters something, he may come to the door for help.

Although the treatment may not be very good, as long as he can get a sufficient reward, it is not too difficult to think about it.

Qin Yu still has no changes, it seems not at all will Fire Qilin Race taking seriously.

In fact, he just didn’t think that one day he would go to Fire Qilin Race for help.

If it happened to be passing by, you can take a look at it.

Just forget about the rest of the time.

Before leaving, Qi Yan leaped to Qin Yu’s face.

With a great effort, it came out of my eyebrows, a drop of blood.

This blood of the heart directly reached Qin Yu’s eyebrows.

People can’t stop it, as if they only encountered a shadow of illusory shadow.

“Before leaving, you have to sign a friendly equal contract with him.”

“At a young age, he knew that his elbow had turned out, and he didn’t know what to do after that.”

Huo Rong looked at this scene helplessly.

Although Fire Qilin Race is not as arrogant as Dragon Race, it would rather die to lower its head, but it never asks for a contract.

Others say that they are actively requesting a contract, and their Fire Qilin Race and even the traces are often difficult to find.

Countless people want to find their homes, all have broken their heads.

Qi Yan would be better. Within a few days, he had actively taken the initiative and worked out an equal treaty.

Say it is equal, at most it will not be forced to do anything and cannot resist.

It’s actually a pet-like location.

Not even better than one-eyed.

At most a little more freedom.

But as long as he is summon, he can immediately reach Qin Yu’s side.

Qi Yan regardless of waiting for the contract to be fully established, this is to leave hearts.

Mu Bai’s feelings of envy, jealousy and hatred are about to overflow.

How did he also didn’t expect.

Qin Yu has since harvested a Divine Beast so easily.

And it still took the initiative to sign the contract, it seems that it is not good.

Obviously looking for something that should be expected, but now this kind of thing really happened, he was still surprised.

“If you feel envious, you can also find the residence of Fire Qilin Race and see if there is a minor Fire Qilin, who is willing to sign a contract with you.”

Upon hearing this, Mu Bai was decadent.

If he can do this, he needs to be worried.

Not to mention that this is a contract with Little Fire Qilin, he may not even be able to walk in.

Even if you go in, it must be hostile.

“Forget it, I still think about how to rebuild my city better.”

“Then my city owner can have more say.”

“Are you dealing with the two corpses outside? I deal with it? I don’t want to cause so much trouble.”

Qin Yu flicked his hands directly to deal with those bodies with one eye.

In fact, it’s already a body that can’t be called.

Has been crushed into a pile of meat foam.

Mu Bai was really jealous in his heart, but he was not prepared to really do anything.

But if I didn’t do anything, I still felt quite uncomfortable.

Seeing the flesh on the ground that could not be washed away, I suddenly had an idea in my heart.

Let the kitchen cook the minced meat.

I use good, Immortal Qi ample spiritual meat.

Those dishes are also all kinds of heavenly material earthly treasure.

If you don’t talk about improving your strength in one go, it is also beneficial to the cultivation base.

This kind of good thing, normally he doesn’t touch it very much.

Today, I was out of it and took out the best materials in the warehouse directly.

People made a large meal and delivered it directly to Qin Yu.

“It’s too obvious for him to be the main player.”

Dragon Soul saw the stir-fry of minced meat, and some did not want to eat it.

Seeing Rou Mo reminds people of being unable to bear, reminding Tong Xuan Ling Jun and Lin Xuan Yu of miserable death.

Profound Heavenly Sect over there has already begun to shake.

Tong Xuan Lingjun and Lin Xuanyu died almost simultaneously.

The Soul Sea made by 2 people using special methods also shattered at the same time.

Suddenly disappeared without a trace, which means that 2 people are dead.

The head of contemporary Profound Heavenly Sect, the look of Xuan Tian Sheng Jun is rather ugly.

Tong Xuan Ling Jun is the most satisfying discipline he sat down in.

It is also the best candidate for the next gate master competition.

Normally, I think it is my duty to maintain Profound Heavenly Sect, and the Duke is selfless and unrelenting.

Now is the most intense time for competition.

In the near future, the successor of next gate master will be freshly released.

When the time comes he can also retreat behind the scenes, quiet shock, higher level Realm.

But now everything is broken.

When he didn’t know, this best candidate was already dead.

He even took his favorite apprentice.

All of them were so unfathomable mystery dead, and no one could find the body.

“What the hell happened? I want to know everything in the shortest time!”

Xuantian Shengjun immediately used most of the power of the entire Xuanmen to thoroughly investigate!

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