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Chapter 890 2 Bai Xu, waste!

Arrogant, really arrogant!

“Bai Hong …”


“I don’t believe you can still be safe!”

Several other Immortal Monarch felt this extremely huge energy, unable to bear complexion greatly changed.

Mu Bai stood up from the position of the city master.

Leap forward.

Then came to the light group with huge destruction power.

Fight for the strength of the whole body.

It was at the last moment that this extremely huge force of destruction was blocked.

“Are you crazy!”

No matter how annoyed in my heart, this is an exchange meeting after all, on the surface can not do so obvious.

But he not only did it very clearly on the surface, but also used such a powerful trick, even if he tried his best with Immortal Monarch.

It takes a great price to use such a powerful force.

Mu Bai just had a little restlessness just now, and he didn’t stop it. The result is that all the people in the scene will be killed and injured a lot.

Bai Xu Immortal Monarch’s strength is not among the best in a person, but it is also among the best.

This is his bottom card for years.

Few people know that his strength is already comparable to immortal spirit.

After calming down, it looked like there was still no damage.

His body was spotless, and even in his eyes it was still a time of indifferent Qin Yu.

Bai Xu Immortal Monarch suddenly seemed to be poured into a bucket of cold water, looked at the mess around the ground, and looked at his hands with confidence.

However, he didn’t regret at at all, just shocked.

Why did he take out his hole cards and still failed to kill Qin Yu on the spot!

“Are you going to stop me?”

“Do n’t forget that you are just the city master here.”

“Although the communication will be under your jurisdiction and held on your site, this does not mean that you can speak to me like this.”

Although Mu Bai also has the idea of ​​stifling those Great Sects, he definitely does not allow anyone to humiliate himself like this.

Now the difference in strength between the two is so obvious.

Originally Bai Xu Immortal Monarch was already very embarrassed, one after another took out all the strength.

Now he simply has no strength.

But still put on this attitude.

Even the kung fu on the surface was reluctant to do it, and he fell fiercely directly on the surface.

“Since I can’t control it, let this discussion continue!”

He knows better than anyone that he is definitely not a good character to get along with.

Although the huge force just swept the whole venue just now.

But the opportunity at the center of the power vortex did not show fear.

Even indifferent from beginning to end.

Although he had already figured out how to face all of this, he might even think that such a thing might happen at the very beginning.

Mu Bai finished wanting to walk to walk.

Say no matter what, then he really doesn’t care about it.

Bai Xu Immortal Monarch can express his arrogance verbally, full of pride in his identity.

But since this exchange meeting was held in his Baixia city.

If he didn’t speak, he would have to continue this session!

As of now, Bai Xu Immortal Monarch is also a little flustered.

But asking him to give up is impossible.

Don’t even think about losing in public.

Otherwise, where does Immortal Monarch’s face go, and take the initiative to admit defeat to someone who is much lower in strength?

Since realm is there, there is no room for regret.

“Now 3 tricks have passed, let me see what you can do!”

“Wouldn’t it be so full of words before, but now it can’t show its strength?”

Realm is there, even if a small number of people have the strength to cross the realm challenge, but there are very few such people.

That kind of genius, every Great Sect will rush to collect.

If it was Heaven’s Chosen Child, he was very famous, and he would not have heard it before.

After carefully thinking in his mind, he was sure that he had never seen Qin Yu, nor did he know that there was such a number one character, Bai Xu Immortal Monarch became more daring.

Frankly, without the awkwardness and fly into a rage out of humiliation.

Drink the Dragon Sword!

Bright silver rays of light flashed with a swish.

Lin Xuanyu was able to stand up, before he was knocked down by such an unpredictable blow and fiercely came out in front of everyone.

Now this move is used in other Immortal Monarch.

If this time Shirayuki Immortal Monarch is defeated, that’s all.

If Baixu Immortal Monarch is not affected, wouldn’t he be reduced to the laughing stock of everyone?

But letting his enemy win is not what he wants to see.

Feeling annoyed and hated, I still made up my mind that I will never let Qin Yu go back after this exchange.

“Crazy Dragon!”

Cut the dragon roar 4th Style.

Qin Yu changed easily and was able to learn the first 3 moves, but it took a few days to learn the 4th move.

It’s almost the sum of the previous 3 moves.

Of course, formidable power is also extremely out of the ordinary.

Lin Xuanyu thought it was a shock this time.

However, he quickly surprised him.

The bright white light suddenly turned into an arrogant dragon when approaching.

But it soon disappeared completely.

Bai Xu Immortal Monarch fell in response.

Then on the ground, his eyes closed, his mouth vomiting blood, and his life and death were unknown.

“Bai Xu!”

“Senior Brother!”

Several people quickly got out on the table inside and stayed beside Baixu Immortal Monarch.

After careful inspection, it was found that the person was only seriously stunned and died in the past, and he had not cut off his breath for a while, so he was slightly sighed in relief.

But soon ugly complexion, because although the gas has not been cut off, it is not far from the cut off.

Bai Xu Immortal Monarch has been seriously injured and is almost incurable.

If you want to save such a severely injured person again, you do n’t know how much resources will be spent.

What’s more, even if the person is finally rescued, the strength of the body will certainly be reversed.

At one time everyone had different ideas.

Bai Xu Immortal Monarch is not without a family, and some people want him to live well.

It’s just not going to be a trace at this moment, and I moved my hands and feet a little. It’s really easy.

“Tsk tsk, this is too ruthless!”

“At this time, there are already 3 people starting at the same time, and if it is after a while, people will really not be able to save it.”

“Each and everyone turned out to be highly toxic, either turning people into cripples or turning them into idiots.”

One was already difficult to unravel, and so many different poisons have been dropped simultaneously.

I am afraid when the time comes, even if it is saved, people are basically completely abolished.

Apart from panting, it is estimated that nothing can be done.

Not to mention Immortal Monarch, I’m afraid it will become the laughing stock of everyone.

Mu Bai, who had the highest strength, was not unaware.

He didn’t do anything, and Qin Yu wouldn’t take the initiative to remind him in the past.

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