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Chapter 876 The Great Influence

Soldiers bearing the city’s badge were dispatched together to disturb the entire city.

The ordinary person in the city shut down early because he thought he didn’t want to be involved in this matter.

There have been some signs before, but this time has completely exploded.

“Everyone disarms without killing.”

“If you revolt, you will kill it!”

The voice passed clearly into everyone’s ears.

Someone dropped their weapons on the spot.

Those who laid down their arms were soon injured more or less.

Still stabbed by someone he knew.

“Yeah, you traitor!”

“Actually betrayed us at this time, go to die, I was wrong about you!

No one wants to die.

Those who surrendered in the first place just thought they could not win.

So I want to get a life-saving opportunity.

But now that it has been attacked.

Immediately picked up a weapon to fight back. Although he did not give up his dead hand, it was another person who helped City Lord Mansion in another way.

Soon all these forces were gathered.

Whether they are willing or unwilling.

All are held together.

Fights and fights are not allowed, nor are there any conflicts.

These people are supervised by others.

The person in charge of these people is Lulu.

When he first saw Qin Yu, Lulu almost didn’t directly throw himself to death.

Although he didn’t fall to death, he was also seriously injured on the spot.

Because at that time he was standing on a high place, coupled with fright, it seemed extremely bad luck.

But then he went smoothly.

Because he knew Qin Yu, he even introduced Qin Yu to the city owner.

At present, he has a little face on the side of the city master, and arranged an errand that is neither too big nor too small.

And most people are very respectful of his attitude.

He can be regarded as salted fish turned over.

I don’t know how many people have died.

Lulu is proud of one’s success here. Suddenly I saw someone coming, and a carp stood up straight.

“Why did you come in person? If you have something to tell us directly.”

“You don’t bother about this little thing!”

The person coming is Qin Yu.

He took some blood from here.

These people are all captives, even if they are punished, it is as it should be by rights.

If they are suspected of obstructing them, they can even beheaded at will. This is the rule.

Because they lost, the weak have no right to speak.

Lulu didn’t find this matter troublesome, and even prepared to kill some people.

“Your killing is too heavy.”

“I only need some people’s blood.”

“Everyone puts a little bit out of it, everything is mixed together.”

Although things are going smoothly.

but also not no one was injured.

Lan Feng’s body was not completely good.

It is quite capable of rushing to the forefront.

So it was no surprise that he was brought back with a wound, and he almost couldn’t save it.

It is still slowly recuperating in a coma.

Even if a few drops are released from everyone.

The blood of all people is added together, and that’s a lot.

Waited for a big bucket.

Lan Feng lay on the ground.

Qin Yu is holding a pen.

Dipped in some blood mixed together.

Then began to draw in a unique way.

Every time a long thin bloody thread was pulled out, he would float in the air and let him do it.

Soon after, a lot of thin blood lines appeared in the air.

Formed a huge strange pattern.

Plus faintly discernable blood-reeking qi.

Lanxia almost thought that his son had been used to cast some kind of witchcraft.

But in the end, he calmed down because he had enough trust in Qin Yu.

It’s just looking a little weird.

He also knew the origins of those studies, but everyone had a little blood on him.

It seemed very weird, as if it killed a lot of people.

But in reality that is just what it looks like.

Qin Yu may lack any other power here, but Soul Power has always been lacking.

The role of Zhen God War God is very small for him.

But there is a huge amount of Soul Power stored in it.

There is still the potential to continue to increase strength.

In the reduced version of Array, a long, gray thin line condensed with Soul Power is isolated.

Soon the final part of this strange pattern was completed.

The ominous breath contained in Soul Power is mixed with a touch of bloody smell, and it looks more like a magic art.

But soon after, Lan Feng opened his eyes.

The injuries in the body have also recovered.

It even felt more energetic than when he bravely ran out before.

Knowing that Qin Yu pulled himself out of the edge of death again.

Lan Feng looked at him as if looking at God.

All eyes are full of worship, and even the idea of ​​apprenticeship is even heavier.

“Don’t mess around!”

Lan Xia severely reprimanded, while faintly discernable looking at Qin Yu.

If this thing is done, he is also an attractive spectacle.

But the superficial attitude still needs to be done.

10000 One Qin Yu is not willing, he also has an excuse, not so embarrassing.

Qin Yu never thought of accepting an apprentice.

Even if is innate talent is a good seedling.

“That’s a joke, my strength is only a great realm than he just appeared.”

“How can he be his master.”

“Especially this strength has risen in a short time.”

“Speaking of which I have no experience.”

I was somewhat disappointed, but Lanxia did not feel any surprises.

If this thing can be achieved, he is an attractive spectacle, if it is not true, it is only commonplace.

The most tricky part of the game is only one Immortal Monarch to the east.

The other large and small forces have basically been wiped out by them all.

Unwilling to surrender or surrender to him all in one word, kill!

If you are acquaintances, it is not impossible not to look at those you are familiar with in the past and get a good deal.

The large and small forces in the entire city were swept away by them.

When these people were in the hands, Lanxia received a lot of wealth and resources.

The Xueling Mine was discovered in it, and Qin Yu gave it all in one breath.

He did not refuse.

For him, this is just a small snack that one-eyed prefers.

Even if this ore is very precious, very rare, and has very, very high value.

He is also indispensable to play casually with one eye.

All the gains were given to Qin Yu.

More of them are resources that can be used to increase strength.

Lanxia was extremely thoughtful in handling such details.

There are many people in his hands, so he needs some weapons and armor.

He also needs Martial Skill.

But Qin Yu does not need these, so he allocated all the resources that can enhance his strength to Qin Yu.

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