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Chapter 871 Absolute Crush!

The almost explosive power in the body made Lan Feng unable to bear scream.


The strength has doubled!

Lan Feng only felt that he was omnipotent, and his heart suddenly raised a bold spirit.

But this feeling only lasted for a moment, and Qin Yu let the one-eyes take it back.

Suddenly fell from heaven to the bottom.

How could the young and vigorous Lan Feng endure.

Even with pleading and spitting, it was only finally that the one-eyed promised him again and made him feel that powerful.

Of course, this is also through Qin Yu nodded.

He asked only one sentence.

“Are you sure you want to use this method to forcibly improve your strength?”

Lan Feng was immersed in the powerful feeling just now.

This is of course nodded without thinking.

He even swears to swear that no matter what happens, he will bear it alone.

Qin Yu has only added one vision to him.

Let him think that his strength has improved.

But everything he saw was real.

My own feelings are also true, but there are only some deviations in the power of the inside.

“This kid is really not knowing the immensity of Heaven and Earth.”

“Where is the way to forcibly increase strength?”

“If it is later, it really exerts its strength beyond this realm, but it is just squeezing itself.”

Dragon Soul is too lazy to remind.

He also wanted to persuade him just now, but he was blocked before he even said it.

I won’t say that at all.

Lan Feng’s own forcible promotion, if he had any consequences, it would be his own responsibility.

The lord also wanted to let his son know the consequences of the impulsive impulse.

So there is no reminder.

Just watched with cold eyes.

Qin Yu took the lead.

Seeing an empty place outside.

All the talents are aware that something is wrong.

Obviously they have all escaped for so long, why hasn’t anyone come yet?

The imaginary siege did not appear.

They can even walk around at will.

“You did this thing!”

Think of a wave before.

Plus what is happening now.

The only one who can do this is the youngster he cannot see through.

Qin Yu did not at all make any explanation.

“In a short time, they should all come over.”

“Make everyone ready, we are impossible and have been waiting for them to come over here.”

The guards feel that their power is already very strong.

each and everyone is not afraid at all.

Even aggressive clamoring to fight.

Qin Yu still didn’t say anything, he just helped him.

What kind of choice the city owner has to make has nothing to do with him.

After Dragon Soul withdrew his Innate Ability, it didn’t take long for someone to rush out.

And layer by layer all of them surrounded.

The menacing appearance does not seem to be ready to let anyone here.

“I thought you had no chance to turn over.”

“Who knew there was a real face killed halfway!”

This raw face first entered the city and was discovered by their people, further directly removing the people he sent in the past.

Who knows, when he was arrested everywhere in the city, this person touched the dungeon silently.

And all the people were released, how can he be reconciled.

After looking at it all the people were released.

The old man with his face full of creases is already in his mind.

“It seems that the waste in Qichuan has been killed by you.”

“It’s really useless. I haven’t interrogated you for so long!”

“But do you think you can run away now?”

“It’s so naive! Lanxia! Why don’t I know when you were so naive?”

Lanxia looked at this face with shock in his heart, but he had already guessed it.

I am not surprised to see True Master now.

However, Lan Feng froze after hearing his brother’s name.

He had never doubted before, even if Qi Chuan’s every move was actually suspicious.

But he never doubted that this person would choose to betray him, and also put his family in such a situation!

Thinking of the injury on Lanxia, ​​Lanfeng was incredibly angry.

Qin Yu doesn’t care about these grudges.

He just used another method to return the 100 times of the repayment.

Contract is just a form.

It’s enough for everyone to have a count, and the contract is not that absolutely does not have holes.

Because human relations cannot be measured by material.

The value of life is higher than anything.

Even saying that these people are worth, Qin Yu has returned many times.

But he no longer wanted to mix himself with others.

The old man who appeared later hated him.

After all, the appearance of Qin Yu and Dragon Soul broke all his plans.

The original thing had been successful, but because this person suddenly killed, his plan has been completely destroyed.

Those who caught caught each and everyone ran out. I do n’t know what to do, but I still look like in great spirits lively dragon and animated tiger.

Even he doubted whether someone had betrayed him.

Otherwise, how could these people have an antidote?

Qin Yu did not have the time to steal antidote specifically.

Because of this, the old man was shocked, even terrified.

“Get me all of them, especially the guy who killed halfway.”

“I must let him die better than life!”

However, Qin Yu has now reached Mysterious Immortal.

I didn’t use too much force before.

Coupled with more things, not many people notice this.

Even Lanxia did not notice this.

Now everyone is fighting together.

It was only noticed that Qin Yu had arrived in the Profound Immortal Realm world.

Lanxia was so scared that he almost shook his hands and threw his weapon.

This was just grabbed from the enemy.

If there is no weapon, it is not easy to say how to fight.

Bare-handed fighting against those who are not worse than themselves is almost a dead end.

There is only one Qin Yu in this world, which can despise all the rules.

Qin Yu disappeared instantly.

When he reappeared, he had reached the old man.

And those who fought against them over there have been killed and injured a lot.

Almost one-sided advantage.

old man keeps going back.

Suddenly found a person hit.

Dragon Soul actually stayed behind him!

Now it is no longer possible to advance or retreat.

“I’m fighting with you!” He is also Mysterious Immortal, even his age is this realm.

The accumulated experience should not be underestimated.

Qin Yu didn’t use much effort to kill people easily!

Finally, carrying the head back.

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