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Chapter 800 40 6 Zhen God War God!

“There are still…”

“It’s a pity that he was able to kill him once, but now there is no way to kill him for the second time.”

The people standing outside the Array listened to this extremely clear voice.

The complexity in my heart cannot be described in one word.

On the one hand, sympathy for them, on the one hand, hatred for them.

each and everyone looks so decent.

What can be done in private is really unbearable to look at.

I don’t know what happened, even each and everyone felt they had left.

And even those things that they did not conceal at all, were said in front of everyone.

At this time the big guys heard clearly, but someone justified them, and there was no evidence.

No one is a fool.

Suddenly, the anxiety on the face of one of the crowd turned into panic and anger, and regret.

He is the most central dog under the Great Emperor.

Just now I have been worried that something will happen, impatient wants to rush to save people.

Still thinking that even if you take your own life, you must ensure that the floating Emperor is safe and sound.

But it is in this conversation.

He learned a great secret!

His pair of children, who have been missing for many years, were caught by the beast and used to refining the secret medicine!

There are also a few of these people in the crowd.

each and everyone or regret or anger.

All were extremely reluctant. They even worked for the enemy for many years, and they were loyal.

Thinking about it now is as disgusting as swallowing a dead fly.

Qin Yu was not surprised that they did these things.

Some of them have been inquired, but some of them are unknown.

“It’s hidden deep.”

“Come out, even if you hide outside and remedy in time, you are still wrong.”

“But these things will be calculated slowly with you later.”

“Now let these people go first, and I want them to practice with me.”

It was clearly written in the book of war at the beginning.

Either he died, or they died.

He had already thought about it.

It is also time to fulfill the promise and fulfill everything in the book of war, including the battle between life and death.

The 8-bit Great Emperor woke up instantly.

But in their sight, they felt that the sky was spinning, and the entire Heaven and Earth suddenly changed.

It was as if they had been given a curse that could not escape.

Even if they have left, they will be teleported to this place in the blink of an eye they never want to return.

But after all, they are within the realm cream of the crop.

It did n’t take long for someone to understand that just now they were in the illusion, and they were not able to leave from start to finish!

And let them understand all this is the familiar faces of each and everyone, angry or disgusted or can’t wait to eat their eyes raw.

each and everyone heart is cold.

An unspeakable chill slowly spread from the tail vertebrae.

It wasn’t until the coldness spread to the whole body and 4 skeletons of 100 limbs at the end, which caused a chill.

“The agreement was made before, you should not regret it. Under the eyes of everyone, either you and my life and death duel, or I will kill you all.

“You have no choice.”

8 people are very clear.

Only they can save them at present.

Only later will Qin Yu be killed in life and death duel.

Then they can be safe and sound, as for reputation and so on, all can be ignored!

In the end, they will only be scolded by 10000 people, but the strength is there, they can still be at ease.

Whatever you choose, you already know.

Qin Yu was very satisfied to watch a few people come up with the spirit of seeing them as if they were dead.

This is the opponent he wants.

“It’s not impossible for us to have a Dao of Life and Death with you, but we can no longer suppress us all with Xuanyu Sky Formation!”

“Yes, that is not a fair fight at all!”

These people swarmed up just now and shot a person whose realm was more than one weight lower than himself.

I didn’t think it was unfair at all, but now it’s fair.

Qin Yu faint smiled at them and agreed in a short while.

Those who already hated a few Great Emperor were worried about Qin Yu at this moment.

They wished that these people would die as soon as possible.

These few scum scum live a day, it will make countless injustices rest.

And those innocent souls have their family and friends.

But these people simply cannot influence Qin Yu’s choice.

There was a flash of excitement in 8 people’s eyes.

Sure enough, Qin Yu simply will not care about these little things with them.

At any time, he has always been very confident in his own strength.

Especially at times like this, it’s so easy to agree to some small demands of the enemy.

Even they can already see the hope of victory in sight.

As long as you can win, as long as you can win, then everything can be mastered again, and everything can be slowly recovered!

“Yinshan cold wind palm!”

“Sorry Mountain Boxing!”

“Supreme Stick!”

“Ho Shi Pear Blossom!”

Several people have just prepared to do their utmost to get a try!

Suddenly, I felt the extremely powerful force of suppression that made them familiar and frightened.

This huge force of repression was very easy to break up the strength they had gathered together.

each and everyone complexion greatly changed.

Originally like a majestic imposing manner, forever aloof and remote incomparable Great Emperor, swearing directly.

“How can you be so sorry!”

“It turns out that everything is deceiving, and you are just a decent person, saying one thing in your mouth, and actually making a set of hypocrites behind your back!”

“If you have the ability, you can withdraw this repressive force. We will try to compare it!”

Even those who stood outside the Array felt a little stunned.

Only Dragon Soul sneered again and again.

This Array is not a Xuanyu sky array at all.

It’s Zhentian War God!

It is conceivable that when 8 people who were suppressed were informed of this matter, the regret in their hearts could not be said.

They should first ask what the name of the Array is.

Rather than relying on that sense of familiarity and blurting out, it was Xuanyu Tianzhen!

The difference of only a few words brought them disaster.


Don’t regret it at the beginning.

As for what they regret, even they are a bit unclear.

Perhaps I regretted the sneak attack.

Perhaps it is regret, this time to have no shame time and time want to be behind sneak attack.

However, it was still them who died in the end.


They are all dead.

Qin Yu finally let them go.

But these people have basically lost their fighting spirit.

He took out all the Martial Skills and weapons on hand to practice his hands.

People will die cleanly.

The last living mouth committed suicide.

After the last person died, Qin Yu suddenly realm Perfection.

Take out a drop of blood essence from the statue and refine it on the spot.

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