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Chapter 1000 Zero 40 Chapter 4 Endless Road

“How did that happen!”

“Obviously it has gone very far, why did he turn back!”

He even rubbed his eyes in disbelief, unable to believe what he saw.

But no matter what, this is the room where he was trapped for a long time.

And he hadn’t even left the door, little fatty ran out again unbelievably.

But he ran far and far again.

It was just a blink of an eye and it was back again, stared wide-eyed immediately.

“I knew it, and I knew he would never be unprepared.”

“Because it’s gone, I still have to stay in such a way that I can’t run away, really …

be that as it may, but my heart is very afraid.

But he is more than enough to kill as many as such.

Maybe there is any unfathomable mystery method that can let him reveal all the truth.

Now he understands it.

The treatment he had received before was indeed extremely mild.

It should be possible that Qin Yu disdained him.

Otherwise, how could he continue to stand here unharmed, rather than long ago.

After all, he really has no use value.

Almost everything he can say is over.

At least for most people.

He is gone, no value.

It is an existence that can be thrown out at any time.

It is a hidden danger to stay.

Because if he ran away, he might say something about Qin Yu.

But Qin Yu did not kill him, this is already grace.

But little fatty is still somewhat unwilling to prepare to go out and try it.

If this time can run away.

Then he would quickly find a place to hide, divided as far away as possible.

So as not to provoke Qin Yu again.

If you find yourself in a blink of an eye, you still stand there.

It simply doesn’t run, and it doesn’t make any sense to continue running.

Why do you keep running away?

Anyway, it won’t be able to run away anymore, and it will be at this time that everything will succeed.

Of course it is excellent if it can succeed.

If there is no way to succeed, then he will admit his fate.

Do whatever you want, sit obediently and honestly here and wait for Qin Yu to come back.

He didn’t know if Qin Yu could hear the movement here, so he always talked to himself.

It looks like he is stupid.

But in fact he knew that he was really worried, Qin Yu has any special means to monitor him.

That’s why I said these things.

But after talking, there was no movement.

It can only be tried as he said before.

This time he carefully avoided all people, and also climbed the dog hole.

I was so embarrassed that I walked outside for a long time.

This time did not go back after a long time.

He could not bear to feel like he saw hope.

Does it mean that this time he does not have to go back at all.

If you can escape safely from here.

He must thank God for washing his hands after the rain.

Never do something so unethical again.

No ransomware or ransomware is done.

Just be an ordinary person.

In that case, he may have less things.

Just when he stood proudly outside the city and was about to laugh.

Suddenly, he couldn’t laugh.

Because everything in front of you is back to the beginning.

He is back again, and this time is still extremely clear.

As if everything before him was just his illusion.

For the illusion, he finally felt something was not right.

Was it all an illusion?

But he felt that it was more than just an illusion.

Little fatty looked at all traces of his body.

It was like suddenly being rescued.

When Qin Yu came back, what he saw was a meatball with an irresistible face.

Little fatty is indeed very fat, looks like a big group of fleshy.

Sitting there is like a hill.

It’s even more funny to shrink yourself into a ball at this moment.

But such a funny appearance can’t conceal his cunning.

And his flexibility.

The first impression of fatty body is that it is bulky.

But what he does best is flexibility.

It is the most natural disguise to disguise one’s true strengths in this way.

Qin Yu has checked that there are no signs of changes on his body.

In other words, he looks like this.

Can be flexible and changeable, and the character is extremely cunning.

There must be some problems with the origin of this person, at least not as simple as what appears on the surface.

“I will give you one last chance to say what are you doing here.”

“I’m just a passing person, I’m not interested in participating in your things, I just want to know the entire process of development.”

Little fatty is still a little unwilling.

He thought for a long time that it should be an illusion, but now he is back to Qin Yu again.

I think this must not be a fantasy.

After checking the surroundings again, he still couldn’t see anything.

I decided to go out and take advantage of this opportunity to break out.

He didn’t believe that he could be affected by the illusion when he ran out.

But Qin Yu’s voice suddenly increased slightly.

Although still extremely calm, it implies a threat.

Little fatty felt like he was suddenly tied to the chain.

Simply unable to move even a little bit.

But there is no iron chain on his body, only he feels like this.

Can’t help but remind him of before.

Obviously, he escaped safely.

But there is still a sense of despair in this room.

This can no longer be simply described in terms of illusion.

Even the most real illusion can never achieve this effect.

They are often designed in advance.

But even if someone manipulates it, it can’t be controlled so finely.

There is nothing wrong with every bit of feeling.

As if he was really tied by a heavy chain.

“I said I heard this time, and a group of people talked about it before coming here.”

“Actually, I am also a good gambler. I lost all my money in one fell swoop. There is no way to do this business. This is also my old business.

“I want to say that I am not the kind of very bad person, just take some of the benefits from these bad guys.”

little fatty is still justifying himself now.

Even if his appearance looks harmless.

It can’t be concealed, he is essentially a person who is not simple.

As Qin Yu guessed, the purpose of little fatty coming here is not simple.

Or the reason is deliberately manipulated.

Little fatty only came to pay for his gambling debts.

It is also to make a profit.

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