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Chapter 1000 Zero 20 7 Things for Friends

Empty bamboo!

The person heard next to them could not wait to spit gold and froze.

How could such a cherished existence be kept for him because he said it in one sentence.

Did he know if he suddenly appeared an empty bamboo.

What does it stand for!

At this moment, I did not release the news in advance

Otherwise, there is absolutely more than these prices they can come up with.

If they didn’t have much money, they must shout the highest price.

This thing has a price but no market.

Even if someone can pay a high price.

If it is a little too much to propose a sky-high price.

As long as there is no empty bamboo in this world, no one can get the money.

No matter how the price goes against the sky, it seems completely useless.

If the sky cloud bamboo wants to generate, it needs extremely harsh conditions.

Time and place are indispensable.

It is not only the birthplace of the absolutely pure and ethereal treasure.

It also needs to have the right weather, plus some people to intervene appropriately.

Give adequate nutrition.

If the sky cloud bamboo wants to produce, it needs many auxiliary plants.

It is precisely because these conditions are extremely stringent that even a seedling in this world is hard to find.

What’s more, after some unknown years, it has grown into a full-scale bamboo.

Qin Yu followed the request of Jin Yao, and took out that small section of the sky bamboo.

“Let’s forget this time.”

This sentence is actually expected by everyone.

There was not so much noise among the crowd.

It’s just that some people cannot to bear laugh. Sure enough, the sky cloud bamboo still has extremely high value.

They said how could anyone care so much, tossing the empty Yunzhu aside.

It’s like throwing garbage.

They saw their scalp numb and their eyelids jumped straight.

Although Jin Yao was a little disappointed, he was not too demanding.

Although he desperately wanted, but since this time the sky and bamboo appeared, he would fight for it.

Even if it is this time, the fight fails.

Qin Yu has proved to him that he does not need a gold to be his younger brother, and he is not short of people.

As long as he wants, he can become the most powerful existence in the world with no difficulty.

But there is a next sentence after this sentence.

“This bamboo section is too small and too slick.”

“I have intact adult plants here, and I think the effect will be even higher.”

What he just thrown into a lot of resources just now is just a small bamboo joint.

Although it is still complete, it is enough.

But after all, there is only a small section.

After saying this, Qin Yu had an extra hand with a warm luster.

The whole body is like the bamboo of the upper jasper.

It is taller than a person, and grows extremely stout.

At a glance, you know that it is really good.

There are also some leaves on it, and a thick layer of mud is wrapped around the bamboo roots.

The mud looks a little unremarkable.

But some people still recognize the goodness of this mud.

If it is not the effect of this mud.

It is never possible to save the sky cloud bamboo so well!

A complete, well-preserved diabolo.

Even buried in the woodland, there is this good mud.

It can even guarantee that Kongyunzhu will survive and continue to grow.

The value of an empty bamboo plant that can continue to grow has long exceeded the value of that small piece of empty bamboo plant.

Survival means that it can be regenerated.

Even if a part of the slub is intercepted, it can grow again!

As long as you can have enough input, you can even have inexhaustible treasures.

Jin Yao had a guess in his heart, but he couldn’t believe it.

If this good baby is really for him, then he will make a big bargain.

But before things were finalized, Jin Yao didn’t feel that he really had that luck.

After all, there has never been any luck beyond ordinary people.

“What do you still do?”

This thing is not very important for men.

Although the sky bamboo seems extremely precious here, there are many in the wood within the realm.

Although it is also cherished, it has not been seen for many years.

Therefore, there is a large empty bamboo in his collection.

This strain is already in excellent condition.

Although it is not a bamboo king, its value is not comparable to that one.

Compared with many heavenly material earthly treasure, it has been called a small top grade.

Jin Yao is not to look down upon, but simply didn’t expect to really fall into his own hands.

With his cleverness, he doesn’t understand Qin Yu.

I just ca n’t believe that I can get such a precious treasure one day.

I still felt out of reach before, but now it is already in my palm.

Taking a breath, Jin Yao made up his mind.

from now on Not to mention, follow Qin Yu to sign the deed of sale.

But this friend was identified.

If someone is against Qin Yu, it is against him.

“I accepted it cheeky.”

“I didn’t bring enough money with me, but I must make up for it afterwards!”

You can get such a complete, still alive diabolo.

This is what he took advantage of.

Even if it costs a lot of money, he has made a lot of money.

Others only admired him.

Some people even moved their minds and wanted to rob directly from him.

It’s just that after all, Qin Yu, who is standing on one side, scruples and doesn’t dare to take any actions easily.

Jin Yao is not blind to their movements.

Snort disdainfully acted on them naturally.

But this thing had been promised to him, and he gave up easily.

Since this thing belongs to him, anyone who covets him is his enemy.

Of all the people present, he could be regarded as an enemy after all.

Most of them do not have that ability to threaten him.

“This time, please change the daily report again, then Guo old man has already been impatient waiting.”

“I believe you can definitely drop him in the water.”

“But it’s still a little bit good to start.”

“If you kill people directly in one breath, who knows if the Guo family will rake.”

After hearing the rest, they finally refocused on this matter.

This matter is big and big, and small and small.

But before because all of them had focused on that pile of protection.

So much so that they ignored the real reason they came here.

This is Qin Yu taking the initiative to compare with Guo old man.

The latter is also somewhat famous, and there are not many people who know him.

Although it is not a small group of people in Peak.

But I have also heard of it.

Qin Yu is slightly unknown.

But borrowing no name does not mean that the strength is very weak.

A small number of people who are really clear are thinking of reading jokes.

Who wins who loses is really not necessarily.

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