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Chapter 1016 Die or Go!

If he is a Tianyuan beast, there is no absolute certainty that he can defeat Qin Yu.

When the time comes is it still losing so tragically, I am even more uncertain.

But no matter whether he is replaced in the end, he will win or lose.

Qin Yu’s strength is beyond doubt.

Only those absolute powerhouses that do not appear in the field can comment on equal terms with him.

None of these people’s exclamation could make Qin Yu stop his pace.

Instead, it goes faster.

This guy has good strength, and has a very unique attachment to flesh and blood. Qin Yu has no Tianyuan Beast.

The strength of this animal is good, he also used the power of ten out of ten.

Directly wipe out this scourge.

As he was about to leave, someone in the passageway stopped him suddenly.

It’s not bad looking at his strength.

However, there are some differences compared to him, and now things have temporarily settled.

But for most people, it is too late to think about the luck of escaping from the dead.

More is dissatisfaction.

They bet how no one can win now and how to be reconciled.

This was the case with the original gambling game. If there were any accidents in the middle, they would have to bear the responsibility.

Those who wait and see without betting are the minority.

Since this time is so big, everyone is betting.

They are not short of money, but they have lost so much in this time, but they are also extremely uncomfortable.

The sudden appearance of the Aristocratic Family’s children smashed all the few months in his hands.

I thought I might be able to double it in the end.

But now it is completely lost, and the things in his hands are completely floated.

If he had lost his bet, he might have swallowed this breath.

at worst after going back to ask for some money, not too stingy.

But now someone suddenly appears to disrupt the game and what can be considered.

So I didn’t even think about it at all.

He went straight out and blocked Qin Yu’s path.

There is only one entrance and exit to the arena.

If Qin Yu wants to go out, he must pass by him.

Since he blocked the road, he made up his mind.

I want to get back the money I have lost.

Otherwise, how can he be reconciled.

“Do you know that I don’t think you’ve broken my good deeds.”

When I said this sentence, I saw Qin Yu’s unstoppable face.

Putting his gaze into the pair of extremely deep pupils, he suddenly felt huge pressure.

Suddenly, there was some retreat.

But after all, his identity is a little different, and he will not flinch with no difficulty.

Coupled with the fact that there are many people next to him who want to encourage him, he feels more courageous.

Most people do find this very interesting.

Qin Yu, who can easily provoke?

Just so easily, he subdued Tianyuan Beast directly.

And almost without much effort, so light.

There are no gorgeous moves.

Directly kill the Tianyuan Beast.

All are replaced by any one person, it is estimated that it will not be better than the end of the Tianyuan Beast.

Seeing that Qin Yu was stopped by someone, Jin Yao suddenly felt a little embarrassed.

Maybe I want to associate with such a powerhouse.

Or maybe it was that he had not dealt with the Aristocratic Family disciple.

Look down on such a guy who only knows to eat and die.

Among all the people, he is the only one who stands out, and the others are more good at watching the show.

Focused on the child of the Aristocratic Family.

Very few people care, what will happen to Qin Yu.

Anyway, it’s just a few probabilities.

One is the arrogance of his own powerhouse, directly shot to kill people on the spot, and stay here forever.

Either choose submit to humiliation and leave.

It doesn’t matter if this guy chirps those nonsense here.

After all, most powerhouses encounter the children of Aristocratic Family who have no strength but a heavy background.

This is almost always the case.

Not having to worry about these things is to cause trouble for yourself.

If you don’t care about it but stay in theory, it also lowers your level.

Then he will no longer take care of everything, and leave all the grievances and grudges behind.

This has to be said to be a way not to offend the person.

Jin Yao’s strength is good, plus the undefeated name.

So much so that he still has some status, at least among several Aristocratic Family, he has several points of respect.

In this arena almost everywhere.

As long as you can get a reputation here, you almost have a very high future.

There are also endless benefits.

He is like this, and almost everyone is like this.

Nowadays, which of the Great Influence is not the first to slowly gain some reputation like him.

Then, after further improvement in strength, he gradually opened his own arena.

Although occasionally they will fight again, but they will not take their own lives to fight hard.

Powerhouse has had such an experience.

Only these children of Aristocratic Family will be so coquettish.

Not even dare to play in the arena, what can be done afterwards.

“It’s better to stop this matter, how to use your strength without the confidence to be able to challenge a powerhouse.”

“From now on, he and my friend, Guo Liang, don’t overdo it.”

Guo Liang could not swallow this breath.

He lost a lot of money.

The powerful Jin Yao did make him feel more nervous.

But after all, normal is also used to arrogant and despotic, did not take this matter too seriously.

There was even some hatred, even with gold Yao was hated by him.

His father is extremely powerful, and his innate talent is extremely high.

Although I haven’t played in the arena, the rate of improvement is not very slow.

However, in the eyes of Jin Yao and those who are fighting out of life and death, his strength is nothing more than some flower racks.

How can I get the respect of the big guy without the hardship of life and death.

He didn’t even bother to glance at some flowery stands.

The sudden appearance of Jin Yao made Qin Yu slightly surprised.

But that’s it.

The blocker also seemed to be a child of Aristocratic Family.

It’s a pity that I only learned arrogant and despotic without any cultivation.

Let him feel quite disappointed.

If the so-called Aristocratic Family’s children are like this, then it is better to die all.

So as not to waste such a good resource.

After all, he also overturned countless family rule in the wind world.

Naturally, I do n’t have any good feelings about such minute insects that eat and die.

“Leave or die.”

Jin Yao thought he had spoken sternly enough.

It is neither lacking in politeness nor absolutely domineering.

With his current reputation and strength.

It is not a very troublesome thing to want to take such an ignorant Aristocratic Family child.

However, Qin Yu’s words still made him startled, and in the end he felt very happy.

Sure enough domineering!

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