I’m The King

Chapter 894: : Huang Huang Hanwei (No. 19)

Mei Hua jumped out of the bed with a carp, and Wu Ya straightened up from the chair all the time. The two looked at each other for a while before Wu Ya said, "It seems that your family visit is going to be soaked."

The army suddenly received such an order during the rest period.There is no doubt that a new task has been issued.Since there is a new combat task, Mei Hua's family visit leave is naturally gone.

Mei Hua grumbled a few words, and didn't know what he was talking about, and quickly went out with Wu Ya and the two of them, stepped on their horses, and rushed towards the division. Master Yang Dasha was indeed the two of them. There is a lot of love, but this kind of love is reflected in the requirements, which is more demanding than other people. If there is nothing to do well, it must be a swearing, sometimes anxious, and even more punches. Kick, when the two guys on the left and right first entered the Red Guard, they were already beaten by Dasha Yang to lose their temper.

"Mei Hua, you can't be your wife this time!" Dasha Yang, who saw Mei Hua and Wu Ya step in the door, leaned on the chairs, and raised their legs on the table, laughed loudly. , The whole face trembling with the scars, "This is your bad luck, but I gave you a fake, but the commander has ordered, we have to start pulling immediately!"

Battalion Commander Meng Songhai of the first battalion smiled grinningly: "We are already impatient for our plum blossoms. This time, it will be hard for him. I guess his pillow will break a few big holes when I look back."

There are all men in the room, and naturally they all understand the meaning of this, and they all laughed.

"Not so much." Another battalion commander, Xu Xin, was transferred from outside. These old people in the First Division are considered to be outsiders. At this time, they waved their hands again and again. "I know that Meihua has a very good family background. There is never a shortage of silver, and there is no shortage of brothels in our Jishi City, just outside our Jishihu barracks, aren't there several new buildings that have been opened?"

After hearing this, the faces of the few people in the room were subtle, and Wu Ya said coldly: "If he dares to go to the building to have fun, I will kill him."

When he said this, Xu Xin couldn't help being stunned. Yang Dashou leaned into his ear and whispered: "Wu Ya is Mei Hua's brother-in-law, and his sister married Mei Hua. Tell me, he can allow Mei Hua to go upstairs. Have fun in your child?"

Xu Xin laughed out loud, looked at Mei Hua with a sympathetic expression in his eyes, and he was in a unit with his brother-in-law, which was a lot less fun. Seeing Xu Xin's wink, Mei Hua walked to Yang with a grin. Dasha lowered his head and sat down with a bang, "We are not that kind of person, I am a gentleman, don't you know? To say that the most diligent person in the building should be our Master Yang. A few silver in his pocket. , But they are all given to the girls in the building. I said, teacher, you still save a few dollars, isn't it better to marry a wife?"

Yang Dasha picked up the helmet in front of him and smashed it at Mei Hua, "You damn, you dare to entertain Lao Tzu, what's good in marrying a wife, it's all troublesome, the first division of the Guards is my daughter-in-law. , When there is no more war, Ma Fang Nanshan and Bingjia enter the warehouse, Laozi will find a daughter-in-law and give birth to a lot of dolls."

There are a few people in this room, except for Meng Songhai who is an old man of the first company of Red Guards, Mei Hua and Wu Ya joined halfway, and Xu Xin has just been transferred in. The old man of the first company has been in several battles. In the middle, there are not many survivors, and naturally there is not much to Yang Dasha's past, and Yang Dasha is a character who never mentions the past.

As the old company commander of the first company of the Red Guard, Dasha Yang adhered to a principle when he was in the red guard. However, all the brothers of the first company who died in the war, the family members are all brothers who have survived. He was guarded, and later the Red Guards were appointed as the Young Guards. The troops under his command were immediately guarded by a division. Such a policy can no longer be implemented, but the survivors of the old brothers are still owned by the brothers of the Red Guards era. They all contribute together. Although the Zhengdong Army has a complete pension system and follow-up policies, he still insists on this, which will make these survivors live better. The family loses the backbone, even if there is a generous policy, compared to other families Come, it's always worse.

Over the years, most of Yang Dasha's salary has gone to these places. Just now Mei Hua and him were just joking. Among these people, only Meng Songhai knew that Yang Dasha had seen too many survivors of the brothers. , Seeing the tears and desolation of those orphans and widows, these circumstances made Dasha Yang reluctant to marry another wife and have children during the war. On the battlefield, there is no eye on the sword, and no one knows how long he can live. If he died unfortunately On the battlefield, leaving behind orphans and widows, that day was sad.

But these things, Dasha Yang will naturally not talk to Mei Hua and the others.

"Master, where are we going this time and who are we going to do with?" Wu Ya asked, sitting beside Xu Xin.

"This time, we might have to fight with the Qin people!" Yang Dasha blushed with excitement, "This is the world's largest country. We have finished with the Donghu people. What Donghu people's iron cavalry is unparalleled in the world. It's not that we have overturned it. This time I will fight with the Qin, who is known as the number one **** in the world, so that they will also know what his mother is called Tian Xia Wushuang."

"Of course, our guards are unparalleled in the world!" Mei Hua gritted his teeth. "The son of a bitch, Qin, disturbed Lao Tzu's chance to visit relatives. This time, they will definitely make their heads bloom."

Yang Dasha coughed dryly, "Well, this matter, let's talk about it when we arrive, well, let's get back to the subject, this time our Guards First Division and Agu Wine's Donghu Cavalry Independent Division rushed to Tianhe, temporarily belonging to the central government. General Ye Zhen, the commander of the group army, gave the orders very urgently. Aguwine and the others are cavalry. They can walk on their horses. We are a little more difficult. Now the Chamber and the Ministry of War are mobilizing a large number of carriages. The soldiers also go by carriages. We have five to six thousand soldiers, plus one to two thousand logistics and auxiliary troops. All of them are deployed in carriages. It can be seen that the governor attaches great importance to this matter, so on this road, we The first is speed, and the second is speed.Western Liaoning, Langya, and Tianhe have already received the order from the superintendent. Everywhere we go, we have prepared all the food, grass, and materials we need in advance, spanning more than a thousand miles. You have all paid attention to me as you reach your destination. If you don’t arrive on time, my military is not a vegetarian."

"Understood!" the four battalion commanders responded in unison.

"It's more than a hundred miles a day. It's not too difficult to ride a carriage." Mei Hua said. "Or it can be a little earlier. But the old company commander, how can we fight with the Donghu people this time? This is a bit uncomfortable. child."

"What's not strong?" Yang Da snorted stupidly. "Now their Donghu people are also people under the supervision of the capital. They are now called the Zhengdong Army. You guys have figured it out for me. If anyone has a heart for them Because of this prejudice, the battle is delayed, and his head can be twisted off as a chamber pot."

"Understanding the old company commander, I just feel uncomfortable. I just fought with them and became friendly in the blink of an eye. Old company commander, I can't forget the battle on the Hetao Icefield. We are the last company of the old company. Only sixty or so brothers came back." Mei Hua's eyes were red.

Dasha Yang waved his hand, "The past things are not for mentioning. We are not strong, they are not strong, don't forget, Donghu even the country is destroyed by us, as a winner, we must be magnanimous. What, tolerance, melt them in our arms, ah, ah, ah, the Governor said so naturally, why did you come to me to say it, and I feel a little disgusting."

In fact, Yang Dasha was even more unwilling to cooperate with the Donghu people, but as a high-ranking officer, he must naturally suppress this consciousness. Whenever he reveals a little meaning in this respect, he will be magnified innumerable when he reaches the bottom. Bei, it's really because of these things that the governor has missed the major affairs at that time, I am afraid that the governor will be the first to unscrew his Yang Dasilly head.

Just when Dasha Yang began to arrange the launching, the Aguhuaien Department who was still in the west of Liaoning also received an immediate military order. After returning to the Eastern Army, fought for the Eastern Mansion and used his own combat achievements to fight for his own people. More benefits and a higher status. At least at this point, Aguwine and Gaoche and Mu Gulu reached a consensus. Now both Gaoche and Aguwine have sent their family members to Jishicheng. Although Mu Gulu was a lonely member of the East Army to lose its sincerity, his people were cleanly killed in the Helin coup, but his subordinates were also the most infiltrated by the East Army. Coupled with the formation of a cavalry division with Gao Cha and Aguwine, any previous ideas have long been obliterated by reality, and they are honestly preparing to serve for the Eastern Army.

Several officers of the Donghu Independent Cavalry Division have all performed. The Zhengdong Mansion is naturally not hesitating to show his generosity. The first is to change the uniform. The uniform navy blue uniform of the whole army makes the whole army look vigorous. They are all up to the next level, and the soft armor specially made for the cavalry makes them sigh. At the time of Donghu, their army was self-funded and self-supported. A leather armor or grandpa used Lao Tzu's use, Lao Tzu's use It was used by my son, and it was dilapidated. There, as now, bundles of refined leather armor were piled in front of them. These leather armors are two-layered, and the inside is lined with a thin layer of iron net. The iron net is very flexible. Although it has low protection against arrows, it can play a great role in cutting the saber. The Donghu independent cavalry division has only more than 10,000 people, but the soft armor here is transported. But there are a total of 20,000 sets.

The Donghu people use scimitars, and the horseback shooting is amazing, so they don't need to be equipped with crossbows and other weapons. And the officer in charge of the logistics supply of the Donghu Independent Cavalry Division rushed here soon after the order was arrived here. When they arrived at the division headquarters of Aguhuaien, they reported to him in detail the logistical supply points along the way, the camping points and other logistical support arrangements. In short, for the Donghu Independent Cavalry Division, all they have to do is to concentrate on fighting the battle. Nothing else, they don't care about other things at all.

"What is a war? What is a war?" Aguwine looked at the two colleagues and sighed: "This is the two, we Donghu people are not unjustly defeated."

Gao Che and Mu Gulu also nodded lonely. (To be continued)

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