I’m The King

Chapter 892: : Huang Huang Hanwei (17)

In the past few years, the East Army has been invincible on the battlefield. In addition to the soldiers' fighting will and the strong support of the people under their jurisdiction, the military workshop located in Jishi City can also be said to have made great contributions. The army has always been ahead of its opponents in the development of weapons, and can always suppress opponents on the battlefield. Gao Yuan, who has a lifetime of experience, naturally understands the importance of weapons.

Guo Jingzhi, the principal of the military workshop, brought together the foremen and some important craftsmen in the various workshops, and Gao Yuan delivered a passionate speech, fully affirming their contributions to the Zhengdong Army on the battlefield over the years. The huge effect of victory, under the leadership of Gao Yuan, the military giants present, bowed to these craftsmen and thanked them.

Guo Jingzhi didn't expect such an appearance at all.When he saw Gao Yuan thanking the craftsmen represented by him, he, like all the craftsmen present, was full of excitement and tears. In this era, the craftsmen The status of the teachers is very low. Many of these come from Langya. To put it bluntly, they used to be the private property of the Ye family. Since they came to Jishi City, they have not only lifted the **** relationship of the previous people, but have become free. People, among them, the outstanding ones have gained official status.As long as you can make a contribution, Zhengdong Mansion has always been generous with generous rewards.

In Guo Jingzhi's small meeting room, several large tables were put together.These tables were originally used by Guo Jingzhi and the old craftsmen to study weapons, but now they are full of wine and food, Gao Yuan takes him The generals and these craftsmen huddled together, drinking and eating meat.The food was made by Guo Jingzhi temporarily, but the wine was brought by Gao Yuan.

Guo Jingzhi didn't know beforehand that Gao Yuan was going to eat here, so the food was naturally not very good, that is, ordinary food, which made him very uneasy, for fear that these generals would be dissatisfied, but he did not know that these would be in the wind on the battlefield. The guys who go in the rain are not very particular about eating. A big bowl of meat and a big bowl of wine are enough. The big bowls of dishes that Guo Jingzhi bought make them more comfortable to eat. They are more concerned about the weapons. To improve, several generals drank and ate meat while discussing some aspects of weapons that needed improvement with the craftsmen around them. The scene was extremely enthusiastic.

There is no general who leads soldiers to war and does not want his soldiers' weapons to be sharper.

Gao Yuan is surrounded by Guo Jingzhi and a few old craftsmen with white beards and hairs. A few younger people wanted to squeeze in, but there is really no place to go, but even if it is on the periphery, it does not interfere. They stared at Gao Yuan with staring eyes, and their ears were pricked up, for fear that they would miss a word Gao Yuan said.

Every artisan here knows that the first sketch of the now-famous arm crossbow was drawn by Governor Gao. Over the years, the arm crossbow has been continuously improved by the artisans and compared with the original one. A sketch has undergone earth-shaking changes, and its power has also increased greatly, but without a source, where is the living water?

I heard that the superintendent of the Shenji crossbow was the first to put forward the idea and the idea, and then it took nearly two years for several experienced crossbow masters to control this prototype. It seems that the superintendent is extremely satisfied. It is a certainty that several masters will be able to receive official bodies from the Zhengdong Mansion immediately. Now that they have finally had the opportunity to have close contact with the governor, where are they willing to let it go?

"The punching machine you are using is still not strong enough. You can try hydraulic power to drive it." Gao Yuan gesticulated. In fact, he had only heard of this stuff, but he hadn't really seen it before. It doesn't prevent him from eloquently giving special lectures to these craftsmen, anyway, the later experiments are done by them, and he only needs to come up with such a concept.

Listening to the high-level narration, many craftsmen, regardless of whether they understand it or not, first memorize every word firmly, and then come to ponder it carefully.Isn't the **** machine crossbow coming like this?

Yi Bin walked in in this hot atmosphere, standing there, looking around for a while, only then found the high distance surrounded by the craftsman, and immediately squeezed past there.

Yi Bin is one of the elders of the Supervision Institute. He is now the Vice Dean of the Supervision Institute. However, after Ning Xin arrived, all of the foreign affairs he was responsible for have been transferred to Ning Xin. He is now mainly responsible for the action and the entire supervision. The layout of the hospital is that Cao Tianci is in charge of the overall situation, Ning Xin is in charge of foreign affairs, and Zhang Yi is in charge of internal affairs. At this time, Ning Xin has just married Gao Yuan, and he will take over the foreign affairs department.

Several young craftsmen were pushed aside by Yi Bin, trying to express their dissatisfaction, but when they saw the black uniform on the other side, they immediately closed their mouths.

"Capital Governor!" Yi Bin walked to Gao Yuan and yelled lowly.

"Well, Yi Bin, why are you here?" Gao Yuan asked strangely.

"Capital Governor, something happened in Quwo," Yi Bin said.

Gao Yuan nodded slightly, Quwo's ​​end, it was naturally the Yanwang Ji Mausoleum. Since Yi Bin came to find him personally, I'm afraid it was not a small matter. Turning his head to Guo Jingzhi: "You will continue to discuss with you generals, generals. You have to pay special attention to the opinions of the people. I still have things to do, so I will leave first."

"Yes, go under the official to send the governor!"

"You don't have to send it, you just discuss it with these craftsmen here, summarize them, and write down the generals' requirements and opinions on weapons. Doing your things well is the greatest respect to me. Come and go above, understand?" Gao Yuan waved his hand and left the house.

After leaving the area, Gao Yuan, surrounded by guards, headed towards the Dudu Mansion.

"Let's talk, what happened?" Gao Yuan asked.

"Just now, General Ye Zhen from Tianhe received an urgent report from Babaili, and the veteran sent by Kong Fang to deliver the letter to General Kong De came back, but the news that came back was that Kong De had been arrested. And then our Supervision Institute also The secret report was sent back, and the secret report said that it has been confirmed that General Kong De has been killed, and that the intermediate and high-level generals that General Kong De brought to Quwo were almost wiped out." Yi Bin whispered.

With a tight hand, Gao Yuan stopped the horse, "Does Kong Fang know?"

"Not yet, when General Kong Fang came back this time, he had to **** a batch of ordnance for the Central Army. Now these ordnance are still being loaded, I'm afraid it will take two or three days before they can go.

Gao Yuan took a deep breath, looked up at the gloomy sky, and sighed, "The mountain rain is about to come and the wind is all over the building, go, let's go back and talk about it. Wei Yuan."

He Weiyuan rode his horse to Gao Yuan's side, "What is the command of the governor?"

"Go personally and ask General Kong Fang to come to the Dudu's Mansion, and say I have something to see him."

Back at the Dudu's Mansion, Gao Yuan immediately sent someone to invite Jiang Jiaquan and Ning Xin.

"I have seen Madam!" Seeing Ning Xin entering the door, Jiang Jiaquan and Yi Bin both stood up and bowed to Ning Xin. In the past, Ning Xin had to bow to Jiang Jiaquan when she saw Jiang Jiaquan, but now her identity is different, Jiang Jiaquan is also unwilling. Disrespectful.

"Mr. Jiang, I've broken my concubine!" Ning Xin quickly turned half of her body sideways, and even Gao Yuan respected Jiang Jiaquan. How could she be willing to accept Jiang Jiaquan's gift? As for Yi Bin, everyone used to work together for a long time. , Seeing Yi Bin solemnly bowing to himself, it was a bit awkward for a while.

"Well, it's my own family, so you don't have to go with Lilly." Gao Yuan smiled and said: "Sit down, Yi Bin, tell me the information you got again! Let Mr. and Mrs. Jiang understand this. The ins and outs of things."

Yi Bin nodded and succinctly recounted the information that the Supervision Institute had just received. After listening to Yi Bin's narration, Jiang Jiaquan thought for a while, and looked at Ning Xin. "Madam, the Office of the Supervision Institute has always been in charge of you. You have been following things up all the time. I want to hear your thoughts first."

Ning Xin nodded, "After Ji Ling fled to Quwo, the Supervision Institute strengthened its monitoring there. At first, it did not find any abnormalities. It seems that Ji Ling really took refuge and helped Wei Guo resist with tens of thousands of troops. Qin Jun came in exchange for Quwo's ​​shelter, which really made us pay attention to where we found the Black Ice Platform and suddenly strengthened the activities there. Among them, the most important thing is to find that Lu Chao's main counselor Zhang Shuo appeared. In Quwo, I have had close contact with Tan Feng, Zhou Yu and others."

"In other words, the Qin people are also playing Quwo's ​​idea." Gao Yuan said.

"Yes, the Qin army led by Lu Chao is now in a stalemate with the Wei and Zhao coalition forces. Wei and Zhao are unable to counterattack, but the Qin people can't move forward, but if they persuade the Yan army of Ji Ling to counterattack. Water, Wei’s left-wing defense line will inevitably be breached, and Liang will be in crisis."

"Ji Ling wouldn't be so stupid. In Quwo, he can still be his mountain king. If he really goes to Qin, I'm afraid he won't get a rich man." Gao Yuan shook his head.

"If it's Tan Feng, what about Zhou Yu and others?" Ning Xin asked rhetorically.

Gao Yuan couldn't help being stunned. "So, the death of General Comte was not an isolated incident of suspecting that General Comte had an affair with us!"

"If it is an isolated matter, it would be fine, but if this is a cover in a series of conspiracies, then I am sure that the Qin people have already controlled this Yan army, Tan Feng, Zhou Yu have already voted for the Qin army, Wei Guo We will suffer a big loss, and we will have to face Qin Jun in advance," Ning Xin said.

"What about Mr. Jiang?" Gao Yuan turned to look at Jiang Jiaquan.

"The madam's concerns are not unreasonable. We have just finished our battle with Donghu and Qi people. Now, the army needs to be repaired, and the results of the battle have to be digested. The finances also need time to restore vitality. If Lu Chao If we succeed, we will have to face the threat from the Qin people. Therefore, we must formulate a strategy in advance to minimize the threat." Jiang Jiaquan said.

"Don't be afraid of 10,000, just in case, let Ye Zhen immediately deploy the army to the Quwo area on the Weiyan border. At the same time, the infantry and the cavalry will return to the Central Army."

"I'm afraid this is not enough. Ye Zhen's Central Army also has to deploy troops on the border between Yanqi and Qi, and now he has not enough troops." Jiang Jiaquan said.

"Ordered the first division of the Guards led by Dasha Yang to support Ye Zhen, and ordered Agu Huai'en to command 10,000 East Hu cavalry to give orders to Ye Zhen's account."

"If Lu Chao is really as we expected, then order Ye Zhen to lead his ministry to approach and assist the Wei people."

"But in this way, we will directly confront the Qin people!" Ning Xin reminded.

Gao Yuan sneered coldly, "We have to confront the left and right, and it is just that our army will try the weight of the Qin people. This battle will only be a partial conflict, and it will not evolve into a large-scale battle between us and the Qin people. If Ye Zhen fights well and fights fiercely, maybe Qin's envoys will come to our Jishi City and run for a while. Now we must not let the Wei people collapse, the Wei people completely collapse, we and the Qin people have a large-scale battle. Conflict will really come."

"See you, at the moment, we really need Wei people to hold Qin people for us." Jiang Jiaquan nodded in agreement. (To be continued)

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