I’m The King

Chapter 882: : Huang Huang Hanwei (7)

Tian Dan, who was wrapped in a thick fox fur, stood high and watched one ship after another, carrying Tian Jingwen and his five thousand soldiers away from the coast, gradually toward the endless sea. As he went away, the corners of his eyes were a little moist, like a sculpture. He stood here, watching the last ship offshore. He saw Tian Jingwen and Tan Shaowei on the ship kneeling on the deck, kowtow in the direction where he was. Finally raised his hand and waved there, although he knew it, the other party couldn’t see it.

Gao Yuan still kept his promise in this matter. Not only did Tian Jingwen let the five thousand soldiers go away, he also returned the equipment of the Qi army, and even generously filled them with feather arrows. Of course, Tian Dan It is clear that Gao Yuan has no good intentions. At present, Qi Guo's intelligence is constantly being sent to Gao Yuan's desk, and Gao Yuan does not hide it from him. He has almost seen all the information about Qi. Ueda has a long-range advantage, but above the military, it is Tian Fucheng`Pig`Pig`Island`Novel`www.huhuom. Gaoyuan sent these five thousand people back. I am afraid that the boss could not resist the second child in the early stage. Was defeated by the offensive, but the second child’s military advantage will slowly be overtaken over time. Since Tian Fucheng failed to complete his counterattack in the first time, he has already determined his final defeat. Taking Tian Jingwen's return to the country as one of the conditions for surrender is to shorten this process as much as possible.

"Tian Xiang, go back, it's windy here, don't be sick!" By the side, Cao Tianci, director of the Zhengdong Supervision Institute, said

"Yeah, let's go back, there is nothing to see." He turned to look at Cao Tianci. "But when people are old, they are nostalgic for the past, unlike Cao Yuanchang, who is young, promising and aggressive."

"Tian Xiang is a hero in the world. It is insincere to say this!" Cao Tianci smiled. "The governor and his wife are about to arrive at Jishicheng, so you must hurry up, otherwise you won't be able to catch up with the governor's wedding."

"This glass of wine, I naturally want to drink." Tian Dan straightened his chest and walked back. Down the mountain, a carriage and hundreds of soldiers were waiting there.

When Tian Dan was marching towards Jishi City under the **** of Cao Tianci, the high-distance horse team was also dozens of miles outside of Jishi City. After catching up with the early departure, Ye Jing'er and Xiao Xing got off the horses, got into the warm carriage, and smiled high and reached out to carry Xiao Xing over, and held them in their arms. Ye Jing'er returned from Langya County. At that time, he did not go to live long, but set off straight towards Jishi City. Gao Yuan knew in his heart that Ye Jinger was unhappy in his heart. This time he married two wives as soon as he married. As long as a normal woman is unhappy, there is nothing he can do about it. Gao Yuan also feels guilty in his heart. Unlike people in this era, he thinks it is normal for a man to have three wives and four concubines. Gao Yuan feels sorry for the wife who has gone through ups and downs in his heart

"Father!" The one-year-old Xiao Xing was already able to speak. He raised his head, with a pair of bright eyes, staring brightly at the beard and stubble Gao Yuan Gao Yuan and couldn't help being overjoyed. Some time ago, he communicated with Ye Jing'er and said that this little guy would only call his mother, not his father. Unexpectedly, not long after this has passed, the little guy has learned to call daddy

In great joy, he stretched out his head and squeezed his face fiercely on Xiao Happy's face. After being pierced by Gao Yuan's stiff beard, Xiao Xing's little hands danced in the air, "It hurts, it hurts!"

Gao Yuan laughed loudly, raised the little guy to his eyes, and said loudly: "Called Dad, Dad...Dad!"

"Yes... Baba, Baba!" Xiao Xing learned to exclaim, but the pronunciation is extremely inaccurate.

Gao Yuan smiled, swaying with a little joy, "Look at my son, he is really smart."

Where did Ye Jing'er sit cross-legged, smiling and saying: "What are you teaching nonsense, don't teach the kids badly"

"How can I teach the child!" Gao Yuan smiled and turned Xiao Xia around, "Mom!"

"Mom!" This time the hair is much more accurate

"Okay, okay" Gao Yuan's eyes narrowed with joy. He looked at Ye Jinger's somewhat bewildered appearance, and was even more happy. He held the little joy into his arms for a long time of affection, and said that the little joy is already gone. More years old, but the time the father and son spend together is really only a handful

"Jing'er, this time I really thank you for putting you in a dangerous situation again. I worry day and night!" Gao Yuan turned his eyes to his wife and said apologetically.

"You and I are one, you have difficulties, I should stand up, let alone, I didn't do anything!" Ye Jinger shook her head.

"No, staying in Langya is the greatest encouragement to the conquest army there and the people there, so that all the people know that we will never abandon them, which gives them the strength and strength to resist the invading army. "Gao Yuan shook his head and said:" Cao Tianci, this kid, I will punish him severely when I return. I actually use you as a bait. If there is a mistake, he will bear the responsibility?"

"Don't coax me. Under the circumstances, Godsend had to quickly quell the internal troubles in the city. He could only do so. Besides, there were hundreds of surveillance guards around me. You are the governor who is punished, which shows that your subordinates are simply incapable, and even some mobs can't deal with it." Ye Jing'er laughed.

Gao Yuan Tan Tan said, "Well, in front of you, I am always unreasonable." I stretched my waist for a long time." Finally I asked for it. Seriously, I really miss home. The taste of home is always the same Different"

Ye Jing'er stared at him, teasing: "I'm afraid it's not homesick, but the two big beauties, right now they will hug the left and the right, can't you hurry back?"

Gao Yuan's face suddenly became hot and embarrassed, "Where do I miss a beautiful woman? Besides, isn't the beautiful woman right in front of me?"

"Also tease me!" Ye Jing'er scowled. "Does my family still know what they are doing? I am not as far as Ning Xin in terms of appearance, and I am not as good as He Lanyan in terms of appearance. Each is good at it, but it’s me. I don’t know what to do. I just hope you don’t have a new person and forget the old one."

"Dare there, that is absolutely not dare" Gao Yuan salivated his face, moved his **** to Ye Jinger's side, and put her arm in his arms. "The two of them are indeed good at each, but they are not as good as you. There is a brave heart, Jing'er, you are always the first in my heart. This point will never change. No matter the swallow or Ningxin, I don’t want to lie. I do like them. , But in these likes, there are many other things mixed in, unlike me and you, like is like, there is no trace of impurities."

Listening to Gao Yuan’s words, something bright flashed in Ye Jing'er’s eyes, and she gently leaned her head on Gao Yuan’s chest. "Actually, you don’t need to explain so much to me. I am not a jealous woman, although there is something in her heart. Not happy, but this enthusiasm will always pass, whether the swallow or Ning Xin, they all have their own good, not only the talents and appearance are the best choice, both of them have made great contributions to you, no Marrying Yanzi, how do you comfort He Lanxiong, how do you confess to the hundreds of thousands of Huns? And sister Ning Xin is also related to the big event that you will take the Yanzi in the future and be recognized by the nobles of the old Yan, how can I not know? , Are we going to Jicheng soon? I grew up in western Liaoning and lived in Jishi city for so many years. To be honest, I really don’t want to leave here and go to Jicheng. Jicheng didn’t leave it to me. Happy things, there are only memories of previous sufferings"

Gao Yuan pondered for a moment, and said: "Jing'er, Jicheng, we must go. Yan Nation will not exist soon. A new country will re-emerge in the east of this continent, but my progress will not Stop, if I set the capital in Jishi City, it will be too far from the center of this continent, which is not conducive to my next step. The existence of Jishi City, Dayan County Dayan City, Hetao County and the three Liaodong counties under construction have already It is enough for me to firmly hold this area and let them become my rear area. Next, I will visit the Central Plains, Jicheng, and it will only be our temporary foothold."

"I really don't want endless wars!" Ye Jing'er raised her small face and looked at Gao Yuan. "To be honest, I just want to live peacefully with you, no interruption, no one knows. Where is it!"

"Xanadu does not exist now!" Gao Yuan smiled ~www.NovelMTL.com~ What you want, we need to fight for, now I have embarked on this road, and this road does not allow me to turn back Yes, as soon as I turn around, I will die without a place to bury. When the time comes, let alone a peaceful life, even the safety of your mother and child cannot be guaranteed. Therefore, I can only move forward and move forward until all my enemies are defeated. Only then will it be possible for us to have the life you want"

"At that time, you will be the only king in this world. How can you live this kind of life, the world is so big, billions of people, there are too many things that need you to worry about, and you want to let go, how can it be possible? "Ye Jing'er sighed." Why did you call me Ye Jing'er's man is a great hero? Since I am married to you, I can only marry a chicken and a chicken, and a dog as a dog. Wherever you go, I will follow Where is it!"

Gao Yuan laughed, "This is a good thing, let's sing and sing with women, let's go together to lay down the little happiness left by us."

Ye Jing'er's eyes flickered, and she hugged Xiao Xing from the high arms, and said softly: "Son, have you heard that? Daddy wants to leave you all the flowers he has laid down!"

Gao Yuan looked at the mother and son with a smile, Ye Jinger's words, he naturally understood (to be continued...)

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