I’m The King

Chapter 879: : Huanghuang Hanwei (4)

At this banquet, the generals of the Eastern Army were very depressed. The defeated general Tian Dan talked freely. The governor at the banquet was very attentive, and the other tycoon Jiang Jiaquan unexpectedly started with Tian Dan from time to time. Debate, these two talents are super talented. How can the generals understand what they are debating? In the clouds and fog, there is nothing to do except for drinking and drinking. You can't make a loud noise. Look at the captain. He looks serious, and seems to value the views of this field list. Many people have connected with each other in private. When the banquet is over, the big guys find a place to gather together. Of course, wait for the party. , Are their respective coteries

The Fufeng family, the Ye family, the Donghu family, the Xiongnu family, and the former Yanjun family. There are so many people. Speaking of which, the lofty subordinates are really a hodgepodge now.

After finally getting over to the banquet, the generals @猪@猪@岛@小说ww.zzhdo.om could not wait to say goodbye, and left in twos and threes, and Tian Dan also made a lofty account with Jiang Jiaquan’s accompaniment.

Coming out of the warm and lofty tent, Tian Dan shrank his shoulders in response to the cold wind outside. He looked up at the slowly falling snow under the sky and sighed slightly: "I know now. Why did Governor Gao Yuan have today's achievements!"

"Oh?" Jiang Jiaquan looked at each other with interest, "I would like to hear the details."

Tian Shan turned his head and looked at Jiang Jiaquan, "You have found a good proprietor," paused, and said with emotion: "He even listens to the opinions of my defeated general so seriously, he is indeed a wise man who is good at accepting advice. Lord, he has a broad mind, and I am not as far as he is. Today’s feast makes me convinced by the defeat."

Jiang Jiaquan laughed, thinking that you are just looking at the flowers today, and you only have a superficial understanding of the governor, waiting for you to stay here for a long time. I'm afraid to admire the five-body cast

"Jiang Yizheng, when can I discuss business affairs with the Gaodu Governor?" Tian Dan looked at Jiang Jiaquan, and asked if he said that Tian Dan is indeed very good, although it is just a dinner, he has already seen roughly Jiang Jiaquan’s position in the Eastern Army was somewhat similar to that of Li Ru of the Qin State. Not only was he highly regarded and respected, the generals below were also very convinced, if he could get a letter from him. That's probably not far from ten

Jiang Jiaquan smiled slightly, "Why should Tian Xiang be in a hurry? It's not easy to come to the place where we are conquering the Eastern Army. No matter how you have to take a good look, take a walk, and besides, the governor will soon return to Jishi City to get married, the two ladies But we are all waiting, this auspicious day is certain, and there must be no delay. Whatever the case, we have to wait until the governor has finished the happy event, and we have finished the wedding wine, and then we can talk about these business affairs? What's more, these things. Can it be said clearly in a few words? No hurry, no hurry"

Tian Dan thought bitterly, naturally you are not in a hurry, but can I not be in a hurry? But at this time, the man was killed by a knife. I don’t even have the slightest bargaining capital for the fish, except for waiting. But there is no way

"Jiang Yizheng, my soldiers, are they okay now?" Tian Dan asked

"Of course it's very good. It's much better than their longevity, drinking wind and eating snow." Jiang Jiaquan laughed and said, "Tian Xiangke, though rest assured, I have been conquering the Eastern Army for many years. Have you ever been a prisoner of war? Normal soldiers will naturally be a good place to go, and the senior generals have been sent to Jishicheng to stay temporarily. If Tian Xiang can reach an agreement with our governor, then these people will naturally be released."

Tian Dan nodded, "Where is Tian Jingwen?"

"We have sent someone to find Tian Jingwen in Xiaoshan with Tian Xiang’s handwriting, but Tian Xiang also knows that now that the snow is covering the mountain, Tian Jingwen is a cat in the mountains. It takes a lot of work to find him. It is impossible for us to send a large force into the mountain, but we are not in a hurry. Although the mountain is big, there is always a boundary, and it can be found after all." Jiang Jiaquan smiled.

"Thank you!" Tian Shan said helplessly. The other party was obviously adopting a dragging tactic with no other purpose. Naturally, he wanted to make the fight between the two fields of Qi and the two fields impossible. So I started discussing these issues with myself

In fact, there is a more terrifying possibility. Tian Dan is unwilling to think about it, and he doesn't dare to think about it. That is, he may never go back to Qi in the future, and Qi will be in the battle between his two sons. In the middle, it has been falling towards the bottomless abyss, until one day, the high palm reaches Qi Guo

"Tian Xiang, your Qi country is magnificent, but our place is also unique. The magnificent scenery of thousands of miles of ice and thousands of miles of snow is also fascinating. Former Yan Guotai Wei Zhou Yuanzhou boss People, now live by the Dayan Lake in Dayan County, where green bamboos are fences, the lake’s provocation, the green bricks and red tiles, and the grandsons, leisurely fishing by the lake and horses on the grasslands. I have to find a time to visit, and speaking of it, you should be old too!" Jiang Jiaquan suddenly touched on another topic.

Tian Dan felt cold in his heart. When he mentioned Zhou Yuan's old life, was it implying that he would also be neighbors with Zhou Yuan in the future?

Tian Dan, who was depressed, returned to the large tent set up specifically for him. Gao Yuan really gave him extremely high treatment. In addition to the large tent, this large tent is different from the previous lofty Chinese army. Compared with the tent, it is not inferior at all. It has everything to meet the needs, but how comfortable here can make Tian Dan sleep soundly? Tossing and turning, difficult to fall asleep

Tian Dan’s mood is mixed, but Gao Yuan is comfortable and tight at this time. Regardless of Tian Dan’s enemy identity, this person’s talent is indeed rare in the world, and the perspective of the problem is also unique. Talking about it, Jiang Jiaquan provoked the topic and aroused Tian Dan’s eagerness to win, but it made him vomit what he thought about Tian Shan’s singularity. After such a big defeat, he was naturally dissatisfied. When Jiang Jiaquan was excited, he let him express it , Wanting to win over the verbal debate, the confrontation between the two of them is inferior to Gao Yuan, but the bystander has the advantage of the bystander, but it makes Gao Yuan clear a lot.

Zhao Guo, it is indeed not unreasonable now. If the Qin people are pressing too tightly, they should help him. Speaking of that, they are only there. But after all, he is old and has a stalemate with Li Xin for a long time. It is inevitable that he will not be immune to Li Xin. Cheng, and Lu Chao in Wei State, after watching his footprints in the past two years, Gao Yuan also promoted him to the level of the same opponent. Zhou Changshou and Wei Guoren, if not his opponent, Qi Guo is now his own ban. Twin, has been included in his own expansion map, and is also one of his important areas for dealing with the Qin country in the future. The Chu people also got in at this time, which made things a little complicated, as Ye Zhen said earlier. The report’s treatment of the Chu princess was very appropriate. In any case, there is a line in Ying. The people of Chu will be one of the important forces against Qin in the future. This country has a vast territory and abundant resources. There are many, and now I don’t have the right to be with them. It seems that Qi Guo’s interests need to be surrendered, but how much is to be surrendered. This has to be paid attention to. As for Wei Guo, they will not be able to last long. Er, I can have a good deal with Zhao Qi again. Rather than make Qin country cheaper, it’s better to let our two families divide him.

After making gestures on the map for a long while, Gao Yuan was very satisfied with using charcoal to outline his own map on the map. Looking at the vast area, he couldn't help laughing smugly. The policy orders are completely different, but time is on my side. The longer the time, the greater my advantage. Later, one will lose and the other will grow, but you won’t be able to tolerate your tyranny like today.

Thinking of the death of the powerful Qin Dynasty II in the previous life, I have to say that they have made a great deviation in policy. Although this Qin Dynasty is not the other Qin Dynasty, the policies adopted by the two countries are almost the same. How can fishing last? Gao Yuan sneered in his heart

"Captain!" He Wei walked in with a piece of hot water at the far end.

"Yeah!" Gao Yuan nodded, put down the charcoal in his hand, walked to the chair, went to the shoes and socks, stretched out his feet in the slightly hot water, and groaned comfortably, "Zhiyuan, has it been passed from Godsend?"

"I have come here today, and the report said that the lady and the little son have passed the Xiaoshan Pass. Today they should rest in Qingtian County for one night, and the day after tomorrow, they will be able to rush to Daying." He Weiyuan said

"Well, I'm really afraid that she will make her little temperament not come back in Langya!" This time I went back to Jishi City and wanted to marry two wives all at once. Ning Xin doesn't have to say, but He Lanyan and Ye Jing'er It’s not the right plate. One is soft on the outside and strong on the inside. The other is strong inside and outside. Thinking about the two people living together under the same roof in the future, Gao Yuan will have a headache, but Ning Xin is a sensible person, and she mediates in the middle , I don’t expect anything to happen

"Wei Yuan, this time I marry two ladies, have you heard anything outside?" Gao Yuan looked at He Weiyuan with interest

"The Governor marries his wife~www.NovelMTL.com~ What a joyous thing, everyone is very happy!" He Weiyuan said

Gao Yuan laughed, "You kid, you have learned to sloppy with me, to be honest."

He Weiyuan hesitated for a moment, and then said: "Actually, the generals below have nothing to do with the governor marrying the two wives. They are really happy. Just a few days ago, I heard some people say Helan coach."

"What about her?" Gao Yuan's face sank slightly

"They said, it would be great if Helan taught the first daughter to give birth!" He Weiyuan whispered.

Gao Yuan frowned. This is the disadvantage of the family’s great cause. Xiao Xing is the eldest son. Behind him is Ye Jing'er, a real wife. Ye Zhong and Ye Zhen are all important generals under his command. Xun Xiu and others are also in the Ye family. There are also Zhang Yi and others in the Supervision Institute. When it comes to the relationship, I am afraid that they will be closer to Ye Jing'er. Behind He Lanyan is the entire Huns. How powerful is it in the army? He Lanxiong, Gongsun Fang, Luo Lei, Hao Lianbo, are all Titans in the Army

Some things, it seems that I have to start arrangements early (to be continued...)

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