I’m The King

Chapter 874: : Sunrise East (99)

In mid-November, the first heavy snow came on the land of Western Liaoning as scheduled. The cold wind swept across the land, and the temperature dropped sharply. It was cruel to Tian Dan and his army trapped in the longevity. The fact is that it makes people feel colder than the severe cold weather

The fact that Tian Fucheng led the army has been gone for nearly half a month, and finally through some channels to enter the longevity that has been besieged, despair spreads among every Qi army soldier, there is no food and grass inside, no reinforcements outside, and he is on the verge of despair. Their true portrayal now is that they expected Tian Fucheng to lead the army to assist them, to meet the inside and outside, to break through the encirclement of the Eastern Army, and Huo Siwei's devastating destruction in the river attracted the encirclement and suppression of the Eastern Army to ease the pressure, but Huo Siwei and Wang Pei All of them have left with Tian Fucheng, and all hopes are aging. The only foreign aid Tian Jingwen has only 5,000 people. After holding on to the Weishan Pass for half a month, he finally can’t resist Zheng Yangyang, Ding Wen, and Qingtian counties. Zhang Hongyu’s attack on both sides resulted in heavy losses. Tian Jingwen led the remaining troops to retreat into the mountain, Langya and Liaoxi reunited and completely blocked Tian Dan’s breakthrough.

Difficulties have come, and the soldiers have fallen to the lowest point. The most serious problem is that there is almost no food. The army has begun to slaughter mules and horses. The weather is getting colder and colder. In the defense zone, there are things that can be used for heating. Almost burned to death, the cold scene in the entire defense zone made everyone feel extremely chilling.

Around them, the Zhengdong Army’s offensive pace slowed down instead. The daily offensives were more like perfunctory actions, and the attackers were different each time. The experienced Tian Dan was stunned. He discovered that Gao Yuan actually regarded him as a training target. In the offensive team, a large number of recruits have repeatedly appeared

This fact greatly frustrated Tian Shan's self-esteem, and was furious. He organized a large-scale and horizontal counterattack, never wanting to fall into a high trap again. The Zhengdong Army lured the counterattack troops to the open area, and then launched an attack with large-scale cavalry. This time thousands of elites who counterattacked, either dead or captured, were few who could return to the camp.

This was the last counterattack of the Tian Dan organization. Since then, the Qi army's counterattack has completely stopped

In the deserted big tent, Tian Dan was sitting by the fire wrapped in heavy fur. In the entire defense zone, he is the only one who still supplies firewood every day

"Master, what exactly does Gao Yuan want to do?" The counsellor Qin Shaowei, who was sitting on the side, shrank and asked in a low voice: "If he launches an attack now, we will definitely be unable to stop it."

"What is he waiting for? He is waiting for me to surrender!" Tian Dan's face showed a bleak expression, "Our army is gone, and the weather will get colder day by day. Apart from surrendering, we really have no second choice."

Hearing the meaning of Tian Shan's words, the astonishment on Qin Shaowei's face only flashed slightly and passed away. Now that things have come, there is indeed only one way to surrender. He opened his mouth and wanted to say something. But didn't say anything

"You want to ask, since I have decided to surrender, why am I still here to persevere and suffer? It also makes the soldiers' grievances worse?" Tian Dan looked at Qin Shaowei

"Yes, this is what I don't understand." Qin Shaowei nodded.

Tian Dan smiled bitterly, "I'm waiting for news from China."

"Domestic news?" Qin Shaowei asked inexplicably.

"The second child wrapped up Huo Siwei, Wang Pei and others returned to Qi, naturally they wanted to kill the boss and replace me." Tian Dan raised his head. "I am waiting for the news that he won and got his wish. Wait until he succeeds. , I will naturally surrender to Gaoyuan"


"Why. I don't want to be the target of lofty use!" Tian Dan sighed: "What I fear most is that my second child does not act secretly and is known to the boss. The two are inextricably fought, and a large-scale civil war has formed in the country. , Then Qi State, it's really over."

Qin Shaowei was silent. In his heart, even if Tian Dan is gone, Tian Yuanyuan is the most suitable candidate. Tian Fucheng is brave and brave, but he is indeed not the face of the master.

"I know what you think, but now, Qi only needs one voice, and only one voice can concentrate the nation's power to resist foreign aggression. My defeat has already shaken Qi's fundamentals, those foreign enemies who are staring at him. If you are willing to miss this opportunity, you will inevitably take advantage of the situation. So even if the second child does not have a clear vision, but he sits on it, it is better than nothing." Tian Shan slowly said

"My grandfather, although Qi has suffered such a big defeat, as long as my grandfather is still there, as long as my grandfather can go back, the re-emergence of Qi is not a dream. So please don't be pessimistic, but should muster up lofty ambition." Qin Shaowei comforted.

"I'm sixty-five!" Tian Dan stretched out his hand to hold up the white hair floating in his ears, and sighed: "People have lived seventy years ago. How many days do I have to live? I originally wanted to take advantage of my energy. , To create a stable state for Qi, and strengthen its strength to cope with the future sweeping trend of Qin. This greed of thought has brought Qi into the abyss. I have become Qi’s sinner."

"People are not as good as the sky. How could we have expected that Donghu, who was once a powerful horse, was so vulnerable and defeated so quickly in front of the Eastern Army. Even if they lasted for a few more months, victory would be It belongs to us. God won't bless me!" Qin Shaowei's eyes are red and authentic

"God bless you!" Tian Dan's eyes were a little straight. "Does God really bless this lofty place?"

The two of them were relatively silent, and the matter was over. What should the husband say?

There was a sudden sound of footsteps outside the door, and an officer trot in and bowed to Tian Dan and said: "Master, there is news from the front camp, the special envoy of the Eastern Army, the chief of the Eastern Mansion, Jiang Jiaquan, and ask to see you."

"It's finally here!" Tian Dan glanced at Qin Shaowei. "The time to come is always here, Shao Wei, please come and meet me on your behalf!"

"Yes, Master!" Qin Shaowei stood up

"My Lord, do you want to prepare and give this special envoy a disarm?" The officer hesitated and said

Tian Dan waved his hand, "Man was killed by a knife, I am a fish, why bother to make a laugh, go, good luck to invite Jiang Yizheng in. He is the number two person in the Zhengdong Mansion. He came to give me an ultimatum, but it is also for him. It's enough for my face"

Qin Shaowei and the officer hurriedly left, and Tian Dan stood up. Before walking to the bronze mirror in the house, he looked at his haggard face. Mottled white hair, shook his head, "Come here, get me some hot water, clean clothes, I want to take a shower and change my clothes."

Outside the city of Longevity, the defense zone that used to stretch for dozens of miles has long been beaten with sore holes. The enemy and our front lines are staggered. After the first heavy snowfall, the two sides seem to have a tacit understanding, holding on to their positions, and no friction has occurred. For Qi Jun, in this situation, surrendering to the opponent seems to have been The only way out, and for the Eastern Army, is on such ice and snow. The above no longer ordered the offense, it is also a kind of compassionate soldier, let alone. The enemy is already Wengzhong’s turtle, just trap them and starve the opponent to death.

The nearest defensive line of the Zhengdong Army has reached close to less than one mile from Changshou County, and beside him, there are two defensive positions of the Qi Army eyeing up. At this moment, a team of more than 100 soldiers is holding a huge shield. Supported by Jiang Jiaquan. They moved forward slowly, when they were only four to five hundred steps away from Changshou County. It stopped just now and conquered the Eastern Army's position behind them. Lore’s more than a thousand cavalrymen stand on horseback and are likely to initiate a charge at any time. Once the opponent moves, they will be dispatched as soon as possible to **** Jiang Jiaquan back.

The gate of Changshou County was wide open. Two teams filed out, with long spears and crossbows, guarding both sides of the gate. On the top of the city, the nerves were also tense at this time, guarding against the tricks of the East Army to seize the gate.

Qin Shaowei hurried out, walked through the jungle of soldiers, striding to meet the shield soldiers of the Eastern Army on the opposite side.

The shield soldiers separated left and right like a tide, and Jiang Jiaquan walked out from the inside with a smile.

"Jiang Yizheng, admiring his great name for a long time, finally saw him today. Fortunately, fortunately!" Qin Shaowei clasped his fists in his hands and hit the ground.

"Mr. Qin has said it!" Jiang Jiaquan smiled and returned the courtesy. "When Mr. Qin was helping Qi State to help Tian Xiangyi fly into the sky, Jiang was still down in Yuyang. To me, Mr. Qin's name is really thunderous."

"For many years, it is a blockbuster, like Mr. Jiang, who would rather sting without being caught by the master, you are an expert!" Qin Shaowei sighed: "Now you and me, one wins the scroll, the other is on the verge of extinction. Sentence!"

Jiang Jiaquan smiled slightly, "Mr. Qin, you and I don't have to praise each other. My governor is still in the camp waiting for me to bring back the results of the negotiations with Tian Xiang. Let's go to the city. It's freezing cold, you and my soldiers, presumably I'm tired of it too"

"Please!" Qin Shaowei waved his hand.

Jiang Jiaquan turned around and waved his hand at the guard behind him. He was so single and swayed with Qin Shaowei into the city.

Tian Dan was sitting on the main seat in a precarious manner, and he freshened up~www.NovelMTL.com~ At this moment, he couldn't see the previous depression and oldness at all, and he appeared to be full of energy. He stood when he saw Jiang Jiaquan stepping into the room. stand up

"Jiang Jiaquan, the government of the East Mansion, has seen Tian Xiang!" Jiang Jiaquan clasped his fists and bowed in salute

"Jiang Yizheng does not need to be polite, please sit down." Tian Dan nodded, and turned to the guard who said to the side: "Let Jiang Yizheng take a seat."

Jiang Jiaquan sat down generously and looked up at the world-famous chief assistant of Qi. At the same time, Tian Dan was also watching this lofty chief counselor rise with great steps, and Jiang Jiaquan’s reputation followed. The army of Zhengdong spread all over the world. It was not until this time that someone unearthed Jiang Jiaquan’s past. This person who had borrowed from an unknown person turned out to be famous all over the world. The younger brothers and brothers of Li Ru, the present-day masters, are both different. He actually assisted two deterrent regimes, and he couldn't help but admire Tian Dan looking at each other, wondering jealously, why didn't he meet such a person himself?

(Okay, I admit, I am a person with no new ideas. I am a lofty country. What is the name of the country? I like the domineering of a big man. Those who violate my big man will be punishable even though they are far away. I watched War Wolf a few days ago. It’s quite exciting. I also like the inclusiveness of the Tang Dynasty and the self-confidence of the inclusiveness of all rivers. After hesitating for several days, I decided to stay in Han. It will end after the 100th chapter of the sunrise, so the name of the next chapter is called Huanghuanghan. Wei!) (to be continued)

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