I’m The King

Chapter 872: : Sunrise Oriental (97)

Tian Yuanyuan was crumbling. In the small study, the guards watching Niu Ben looked at each other. The news Niu Ben brought was so shocking that their first reaction was that this guy from western Liaoning was a liar.

"Master Tian, ​​you think I'm not far away, I let several horses run off my strength, and risked my life to stop you in the street, just to tease you?" Niu Ben was happy, but his face was not. "You don’t have to believe me, but I think it won’t take a long time for the second son of Tian to enter the border of Qi with tens of thousands of troops. If he returns to Linzi, the situation of the first son may not be too great. Ok?"

Tian Yuanyuan took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down

"Gao Yuan, Governor Gao didn't tell me so kindly, right?" Tian Yuanyuan said coldly.

Niu Benha laughed. "The big young man is right. Actually, I have worked so hard to inform the big young man. Naturally, I have no good intentions, but what about it? Unless the big young man is very handsome and is willing to hand over the huge Qi country. Let the second son, with the temperament of the second son Tian Fucheng, I'm afraid that the first son will want to be a rich man and it will not be available. As long as the first son is ready to die, we will naturally have nothing to do, just a dignified and upright plan. , It’s not a ghost trick"

Tian Yuanyuan's face turned blue, looking at Niu Ben, his eyes flashed with uncontrollable killing intent.

"Do you want to kill me?" Niu Ben said indifferently: "I think it will be more valuable for the first man to leave me than to kill me. Tian Fucheng returns to the country and carries at least 60,000 to 70,000 yuan on hand. The elite army, and the strength that the eldest son can rely on is very limited. At that time, I am afraid that we will still need some assistance from the East Mansion. If we are happy, then it will not be some army to give you the eldest son. impossible?"

Tian Yuanyuan's eyes flashed, "According to you, the seventy-eight thousand army of my father was besieged by you in the west of Liaoning. What price must I pay to let your father return?"

"This is not what I can do." Niu Ben shook his head and said: "You need to talk to our superintendent. If you have this idea, we can provide this channel."

Tian Yuanyuan was silent for a long while. Just as Niu Ben said, Gao Yuan is a dignified maneuver. Tian Fucheng returns with his army and will inevitably kill himself to establish his position as the first person in Qi. If he succeeds, I am afraid that his father will never return. So, what Gao Yuan wants is to start an internal conflict between himself and Tian Fucheng in Qi, and he will profit from it. Although I understand it in my heart, what can I do? Will I be bound by my hands?

Looking at the triumphant bull rushing, although he was full of killing in his heart, he knew in his heart that this person could not be killed.

"Mr. You have been working hard from a long distance, please go and rest first. For specific matters, I will discuss with the ministers before making a decision." He ran towards the cow in a slow tone.

Niu Ben arched his hands and said: "Okay, please hurry up. Tian Fucheng has tens of thousands of troops. In order to keep secret, he will fight for time day and night. Now every bit of time is very precious to the old man. There are so many things!"

Tian Yuanyuan arched his hands silently and watched Niu Ben strode away.

An hour later, before the gate of the Tianzhai, there were already full of carriages, and a large number of important officials hurriedly walked into Tianfu's mansion one by one. Tian Yuanyuan called in the middle of the night. Although the messenger was unclear, everyone knew. There must be something great, and now. The biggest thing in Qi State is Tian Dan's swallow-cutting move. A few days ago, good news continued to come, and the country was full of joy. Why did things turn around in just over ten days?

It took only half an hour to step into the gate of the farmhouse with endless doubts. The civil servants and military commanders who had just entered the gate once again hurriedly left the farmhouse. This time everyone's expressions were added in addition to the hurriedness. Countless solemn meanings

The silent Linzi suddenly turned around alive, and a group of soldiers drove out from the barracks, their horseshoes smashed the silence of the night, and ran in all directions.

That night, countless people in Linzi were broken into by the army, and they were arrested and sent to the prison without any explanation. Even the king of Qi in the palace was closely guarded.

When the sky was twilight, Tian Yuanyuan, who hadn’t slept all night, walked into the hall where the ministers were gathered in the palace. On the high steps, King Qi did not show up, but under the steps, he put Holding a chair, Tian Yuanyuan sat where, looking at most of the unknown situation, most of the officials with a look of fear

In the last night’s cleaning, Tian Fucheng’s manpower was swept away in Linzi City. This put Linzi firmly in his hands and let him breathe a sigh of relief. Obviously, Tian Fucheng wanted to keep it secret. Even the people in Linzi who are loyal to him didn't notify him, otherwise the action last night would not have been so smooth.

While controlling the capital, orders came out from Linzi, rushed to all the towns and cities where Tian Fucheng's return was necessary, and fled Tian Fucheng, causing the army of Qi to be trapped in the west of Liaoning, and the crime was at stake. The world calls on all the people to attack it together, discuss it together, and strictly order all roads, counties and counties to close the door, and the court will soon send an army to conquer the anti-thief.

To be fair, Tian Dan’s army was trapped in the west of Liaoning. In fact, it has nothing to do with Tian Fucheng. This is just a battlefield failure caused by Tian Dan’s own judgment and intelligence failure. However, in Tian Yuanyuan, it is described as Tian Fucheng’s intentions. He usurped the throne and framed the army of Qi. He is a wicked person. This edict is endorsed by the King of Qi, and naturally it still has some credibility.

In the hearts of ordinary people in Qi, the king of Qi is still the supreme existence. Tian Dan’s strength only exists between officials and nobles. In fact, in Qi, Tian Dan’s reputation is very good.

With the proclamations spreading all over the country, the anger of the people can be imagined. Nearly 200,000 troops went to the country of Yan and the journey went smoothly. Even the country of the country of Yan was occupied, but suddenly, it came. Disruptive news. If this is not because someone insiders retorts, how could such an ending happen? This is the most simple understanding of the common people. This is the 200,000 army, 200,000 households, and it is related to millions of people. Last name, how can people not be angry?

All of a sudden. Tian Yuanyuan's conscription plan has received unprecedented support in just a few days. They re-enlisted an army of nearly 50,000 people, plus the left-behind troops and the garrison troops in Linzi. Tian Yuanyuan has gathered 100,000 troops in a short period of time. Although these troops are far less effective than the troops brought back by Tian Fucheng in terms of combat effectiveness, if the public opinion and now Tian Fucheng are stinking in the country, The reputation of the street has to be calculated separately

As for the unlucky King Qi, he can only live and die in his own palace, and live a day by day. He was responsive to Tian Yuan’s request. Tian Dan was trapped and his life might not be preserved. Although he was happy, he knew that even if Tian Dan was not there, he was afraid that it would be difficult for him to turn over. The two Tian family brothers No matter who wins, he won't end up very well, by comparison. He also hopes that Tian Yuanyuan will win, because Tian Yuanyuan has a better reputation, just like Tian Dan. Although he is ambitious, he wants face and lining. Otherwise, Tian Dan is so powerful that he would have sat on his current position. If he is replaced by Tian Fucheng, I am afraid that the first time, this army will be rude. The man would go straight to the hall, slash his head with a single knife, carrying a **** steel knife. Sitting in his seat grandiosely

It's better to lose both sides, he thought not without malice in his heart

And Niu Ben. After successfully reporting the news to Tian Remote, he acted as a spectator. After witnessing a series of operations by Tian Yuanyuan, he admired the elder Tian family's methods in his heart. He was satisfied when he saw that he gathered a large number of troops and successfully made Tian Fucheng's reputation stinks in the country. Di left Linzi with Tian Yuanyuan’s handwritten letter and returned by water.

Walking on the road, I remembered Tian Yuanyuan’s servile words in front of him, begging for the Zhengdongjun.com to open a side, put back Tiandan and the trapped Qi State soldiers, and promised to pay a large ransom. Niu Ben Can't help but want to laugh out loud, silver, isn't it what our governor wants?

When Niu Ben was walking in the dark, he also knocked on people's sticks, but he never dreamed that one day, he could knock on the sticks of a country, and the other party would have to laugh at it when the knocks were so loud. I was afraid that I would offend myself, such a life, I really enjoyed it!

This kind of pride made Niu run on this road, often waking up with a smile in his dreams, so that his entourage looked at each other, why did his boss go to Linzi, and when he came back, he became so nervous?

Take a boat back to the base secretly built by the navy. It is an isolated island about dozens of miles offshore. On a small island with a radius of tens of square kilometers, there are endless mountains and mountains, but there is a natural and extremely secretive island. The bay of the city was once the base of a pirate gang, but under the attack of the four extra-large sea ships of the Eastern Army, it was wiped out long ago, and the pirate gang staying on the shore was in the hands of the ancestor of the horse bandit, Bai Yucheng. Unable to fight back, this harbor and the pirate stockades on the shore have all become the trophies of the navy of the Eastern Army. After several months of renovation, the old look has been renewed, and it has become an unsinkable sea ship with both offensive and defensive capabilities. ferry

"Miss, everything is like this. The Qi civil war is inevitable. We can take advantage of the fishermen's profit." Niu Ben happily reported to Ning Xin on his trip to Linzi. "Tian Yuanyuan is also a personal thing, and his response is extremely fast. Come to Tian Fucheng can’t ask for a big deal."

Ning Xin, who had lived in the harbor for several months, her fair complexion was obviously darkened, and her strong outfit made her add a lot of bravery. After hearing Niu Ben's words, she chuckled and said: "It's good for two people to be equal, anyway. As far as we are concerned, whoever falls short, let's help them. We will knock on Tianyuan and Yuanyuan first, and when the time is right, we will knock on Tianfucheng. We will find the source of both sides. If we don't get all the benefits, we can't let the civil strife in Qi end "

"In that case, we won't take Qi Guo's operation in a short time?" Bai Yucheng asked, touching the thick beard on his face.

"Of course not. After several battles, the Zhengdong Mansion was almost empty, and the people's strength was at its limit. After all, there is a place where you can work endlessly to gain benefits. How can you easily win it? If we win, it will be difficult to start. Let the Tian family brothers get enough benefits for us first, so that when they get angry and angry in the country, we will clean up the mess. At that time, it will be easy to clean up people's hearts. , Well, let the two brothers exhausted, wouldn’t it be good for us to go to the fisherman to make a profit?" Ning Xin smiled lightly~www.NovelMTL.com~ But what he said was murderous.

"Poor Qi people, poor Tian family!" Bai Yucheng touched his beard, jokingly: "This is really what we sold and we have to count the money!"

"General Bai, there will be great chaos in Qi, and you have just taken the opportunity to act. We don’t need to keep the bandits we captured before, and kill them all. From now on, you will be the leader of this band of bandits and replace them. , Landed ashore at the right time, obtained a place, and secretly developed our strength so as to serve as an internal response when we conquered the East Mansion and attacked Qi."

"Understand it!" Bai Yucheng said solemnly

"Miss, this matter is over, and you have to go back. In the order from the governor, you are clearly required to go back to the mainland immediately. Chaos in Qi is imminent. Even here, it will not be too safe." Niu Run

Bai Yucheng smiled, "Deputy Dean Ning, you really should go back, maybe next time I meet, I will call you Madam."

"General Bai!" Ning Xin's face flushed, she glared at Bai Yucheng, but Bai Yucheng laughed and turned and ran out (to be continued)

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