I’m The King

Chapter 860: : Sunrise Oriental (85)

Liaodong was initially determined, and the situation was not stable. Kumamoto took Luo Weiran’s army and stationed in the territory of the original Donghu. The army seemed a little weak in the vast area, and Aguwain, Mu Gulu, Gaoche and their elite were all taken away. It is also for the convenience of Kumamoto and Sun Xiao to consolidate their rule in Donghu. Without a leader, even if there are any disturbances, with Kumamoto’s old spice and Sun Xiao’s pragmatism, I believe it can be calmed down as soon as possible. These three Donghu people, if they had any ideas at the beginning, but under the plan of drawing a salary from the bottom of the pan, they could only leave their roots with the army in a daze. On this road, they saw the true meaning of the Eastern Army. After the strength, the three of them slowly recovered from the initial depression.

Yes, Gao Yuan is right. They have been dreaming of entering the Huahua World of the Central Plains all their lives, haven't they? Since following the Donghu King Court cannot be achieved, then following the Gaoyuan realization, the same thing has reached the present point. The three people also know that they have survived among the many Donghu people and are still in high positions. It is not because they have How capable, but Gao Yuan needs a few benchmarks from them to show his gentle policy towards the remaining Donghu people. With the current strength of the East Mansion, it is not impossible to eliminate all Donghu people from the roots.

Since I decided to take refuge in desperation, I must show the value of my existence to the new owner with tangible combat exploits. If one day Gao Yuan can really rule the world, I will not treat them badly if I want to.

Among the three, Mu Gulu is the strongest now, followed by Gao Cha, and Aguwine, who has taken refuge first, is the weakest. Mu Gulu has been operating between the black mountains and the white waters for a long time, and has received strong assistance from the Eastern Army. There are now nearly five thousand cavalry under his command, mainly Donghu people, but his troops. It is also the most severely infiltrated unit by the East Army Supervision Institute. Gaoche now has more than 3,000 people. Almost all of them were his soldiers. When Aguwine joined the Eastern Army, there were originally more than 10,000 people, but he ran into the palace guards. A great battle almost wiped out his army, and now only left. About two thousand people, the weakest

However, Gao Yuan compiled the three Donghu men into an independent cavalry division but appointed Agu Wine as the commander of the independent division. With such an appointment, Gao Che naturally has nothing to say. Anyway, he is no better than Mu Gulu, and he is better to be honest. Although Mu Gulu has complaints in his heart, he is a general of Donghu's old brand, and he has more seniority than him and is well-respected. He is also taller than him. Secondly, Gaoche is a bit biased towards Aguwine, and the two add up. The strength is not much worse than that of him. Besides, he also knows what is going on in his army, after being assigned as an independent division. The first thing he received was the military law of the Zhengdong Army. This was the first time Mu Gulu saw the military laws of the Zhengdong Army. I saw the dense rules and regulations inside, and almost didn't make him faint. Gaoche is the same, but Agguwine, because he joined the Eastern Army earlier and has been walking with the Eastern Army, but has adapted. The subordinates and soldiers are also strictly restrained, slowly transforming into a highly disciplined force

Aguwine is a wise man. He knew very well that he could be the teacher of this independent teacher. It's not because of his strength or his profound strategy. Gaoche and Mugulu are not inferior to him, but Gaoyuan needs to check and balance the East Hu army by himself, so of course he must deeply implement the thinking of leadership.

Ten thousand East Hu cavalry began to set off towards Qingtian County. They had to go around to the rear of the Qi army and almost made a big circle in Liaoxi County. Even though their mobility was extremely strong, they had to rush to Qingtian within the stipulated time. Not easy

So far, Gao Yuan has invested two independent cavalry divisions in western Liaoning. In addition to the 6,000 infantry cavalry, the total number of cavalry exceeds 30,000. In the direction of the infantry, Xu Yuan’s Northern Army and Ye Zhong’s Southern Army. , He Lanxiong’s Eastern Group Army, three large field regiments have assembled more than 100,000 troops, slowly spreading out in western Liaoning.

"The Governor, when our decisive battle with Tian Dan begins, Ye Zhen will launch an offensive against Tianhe County, threatening Tian Dan’s remaining army in Jicheng. As long as we win, we will not only be able to win the entire Yan Kingdom in one fell swoop, but also Qi State will also be dying by us. "Jiang Jiaquan, who rushed from Jishicheng to Fufeng, couldn't hide his inner joy, stared at the map and smiled at Mimi's tunnel." We took the Yan State and we conquered the area controlled by the East Mansion. It is already bigger than all the countries in this world, and the governor can establish a country."

Gao Yuan laughed, "The site is big, but there are still few people under his command. People are the most fundamental thing. Whether it is the prairie or the Liaodong Peninsula, the land is vast and sparsely populated, and the Donghu people rule Liaodong. The peninsula has been exploited too much for many years, and the foundation is too weak. To run them, it will take much more effort than fighting. It is easier to win a battle and let the people of a place. It's harder to get rich!"

"The governor said that in the war, the first thing to do is to fight for money. We have fought in the East Mansion for years. Now that we count it, we are already in debt. Fortunately, the continuous victories on the battlefield have given our people infinite confidence, but The debt is always to be repaid. This is a credit issue. As the captain said, once credit goes bankrupt, we will be facing catastrophe."

"This is where our current crisis lies." Gao Yuan tapped his fingers gently on the table. "So, our building is still built on gravel, and the chassis is extremely unstable. This time, even if we win the country of Yan, I'm afraid It didn't have much to gain. After hearing that Tian Dan had taken Jicheng, he moved the country's accumulated savings back to Qi country!"

"They moved out, and after a while, they all have to be moved back to us." Jiang Jiaquan suppressed his smile. "You have to add a lot of interest. The governor, Wang Wudi will settle accounts in the household every day. This time, if we don’t hit the field stubbornly, our finances will really have a big problem."

Jiang Jiaquan cocked his finger and said, "The army won a battle, and rewards are indispensable. This is a large expenditure. The compensation for the dead and wounded soldiers requires a lot of money. This time in Liaoxi Province, we paid for our enemy. The cost of the post-war recovery is huge. In order to issue next year’s bonds, the principal and interest of last year that need to be paid this year, the warehouse must have a certain amount of reserves to dare to issue bonds on this basis, Wang Di Wu is just a rough calculation, I'm afraid I can't get it without tens of thousands of taels!"

Gao Yuan took a breath, "It's so much? Did Wang Wudi make a mistake?"

"Who is the superintendent of Wang Wudi is still unclear? He said 10 million taels, but he was afraid that he still severely reduced the number of other expenditures, so this is the basic number."

"Didn't you get a lot of money in Helin?" Gao Yuan asked

"The Governor, He Lin did gain a lot, but this harvest can only sustain our two battles. The remaining money must be invested in Liaodong. There can be no chaos and Wang Wudi counted it all. Our expenditure after the war" Jiang Jiaquan was helpless and authentic

Gao Yuan gritted his teeth, "Then all these can only fall on Tian Dan. Isn't Qi State very rich? This time, let's make him become too poor."

"This is what it should mean. After the governor has established the country, the next target must be Qi. Of course, we must take this opportunity to hit the Qi country severely, destroy his army, and then hit the bones and **** the marrow. The economy is also in trouble, which is conducive to our next action!" Jiang Jiaquan laughed. "Many generals under his command are still thinking about taking this opportunity to destroy Qi in one fell swoop!"

"That won't work!" Gao Yuan laughed and said, "It would be fine to interrupt his backbone. Even if it is Tian Dan, he has to let him live. This guy suffered a big defeat this time, lost his teacher and insulted the country, and returned. In China, in order to maintain his rule, he will inevitably adopt a high-pressure policy. In Qi, many people opposed him. This time they seized the excuse. Is there any reason not to take the opportunity to make trouble and let Tian Dan go back? Clean it for us!"

"The governor said that!" Jiang Jiaquan laughed with his palm. "It is better to let him clean than when we raise the butcher knife. When Tian Shan cleans up the house for us, we will move in comfortably. There is much less resistance to the implementation of our policy. It has both reputation and benefits. Why not do it?"

"Benefits are available, but reputation is not necessarily good." Gao Yuan blinked his eyes. "After all, we are going to destroy other people's countries. This is not like we are in Yan Guo."

"Speaking of the court of Yan State, Ji Ling went to Wei State, it will be a trouble then?"

"Why trouble~www.NovelMTL.com~ Isn’t Wei Guo always begging us for weapons and equipment? This line must be maintained. When the overall situation on our side is certain, we will ask them to welcome back to Ji Ling, Mr. Jiang, Do you think Ji Ling will come back?" Gao Yuan asked

Jiang Jiaquan laughed happily, "I'm not willing to come back for fear of killing him. Since he doesn't come back, such a monarch who has abandoned the country can still be remembered by the Yan people, and the governor will replace him. His name is justified."

"Wei people are asking for us, so they will exert a little pressure when the time comes, and they are not afraid that they will not embarrass Ji Ling." Gao Yuan said indifferently, "I will have to see when the time comes. Where else can Ji Maing go?"

"The Governor, Zhao Qi asked us to send troops in Shannan County to threaten the border of Qin State to relieve their pressure. How do you respond?"

"Promise him!" Gao Yuan said: "Ye Zhen sent troops to Yuyang this time to attack Tianhe. In exchange, we could threaten the Qin people in Shannan County, but you also clearly told Zhao Qi that it was just a threat, not a real one. Don’t expect too much of the war"

"I want to come to Zhao Qi to also understand this. Feng Fayong's 20,000 generations of soldiers leaving Shannan County are enough to make the Qin people nervous." Jiang Jiaquan nodded (to be continued)

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