I’m The King

Chapter 855: : Sunrise Oriental (80)

Wei and the 20,000 cavalrymen went straight to Fufeng County. As he got closer and closer to Fufeng, there were more attacks on him along the way. A small group of local army tentatively approached. In the middle of the night, in the mid-morning, he began to attack his logistic supply horse team again and again, and the scale became larger and larger, and the horses were paid in return. The many counties in western Liaoning, including the Liaoxi County, frequently mobilized soldiers and horses, and some assembled troops to attack him. intention

Although the opponents were on the verge of proliferation, and often unexpected attacks caused some losses to Wei He, Wei He also took the opportunity to connect and annihilate several small-scale local troops of the Eastern Expeditionary Army. However, the more so, the more delighted Wei He was. , His decision was right, and marching towards Fufeng was like stepping on the tail of the Eastern Mansion. They had to build up their forces and shake themselves hard, and this is what Wei He has always wanted since he entered the western part of Liaoning. Things

Wei He speeded up and arrived in Fufeng County on October 26. Fufeng County was the place where Gaoyuan started. Now although Gaoyuan has left here and moved to Jishi City, Fufeng’s special status has not changed. The temporarily recruited young and strong team was also stationed by a battalion of regular troops. When Wei He arrived at Fufeng City, he just glanced at it and felt that he was on the right side. The Zhengdong Mansion might not have lost other places in the west of Liaoning. How much heartache, but I will never allow the wind to be lost. Now, the army of the Zhengdong army that is gathering here is a proof.

Wei He dismissed the soldiers and horses that were gathering from all over. The scouts had already found out clearly that these troops were just young men who were temporarily conscripted. They didn't even have a military flag, and they had all kinds of weapons. . Although the number was large, there was no fear. Wei He decided to quietly wait under Fufeng City for the arrival of the Zhengdong Army troops who came to relieve the siege of Fufeng. He wanted to destroy these troops in a battle.

Using the mobility of the horse team, of course, they can be divided and wiped out. But if only one or two of them are eliminated, the rest will inevitably become a frightened bird, and will inevitably be scattered. At that time, it will be difficult to gather them together.

Wei He's army set up a large camp outside Fufeng City, collecting materials everywhere. Started to make siege equipment, and put on a look like he would never leave to help the wind

In Fufeng City, the officer in charge of guarding Fufeng City, Luo Feng, was on the verge of an enemy. Ever since he learned that Wei and 20,000 cavalry had directly attacked Fufeng City, he stayed undressed and arranged defenses on the city. A battalion led by him was stationed in Fufeng County. The battalion he led was called Fufeng Camp. Fufeng Camp was a lofty and established army with a glorious tradition and great reputation. Later, the army was reorganized and the Fufeng Camp withdrew from the operation. The army was turned under the direct jurisdiction of Zhengdong Prefecture. Stationed at Fufeng

Although Luo Feng led only one battalion of troops, his rank was the same as the commander of the field troops, and the equipment of the Fufeng battalion was much stronger than that of ordinary field troops. As the commander of such a battalion, he knows more or less about the overall plan for this battle. Although he has a bottom in his heart, he still dare not slacken the way. Although all members of Wei He are cavalry, he cannot be ruled out. It is impossible for infantry to mount a siege to become cavalry. But the cavalry can become infantry after dismounting

As a county directly under the jurisdiction of Zhengdong Prefecture, Fufeng naturally has many privileges that other places do not have. At the beginning, too many young men and women joined the lofty team, and the old Fufeng army formed by these people was also in the battle of the East Army in the past ten years. The most lost manpower, but those who survived, without exception, became the backbone of the army. Even if they retired due to injury and returned to Fufeng, they became local officials. Almost all the land in the county became dead or Yongyetian, where the soldiers are still alive, is the most enthusiastic support for Gao Yuan

Being an official here is a kind of glory, of course, it is also a kind of pressure, because or an old woman on the street who sells country goods can directly knock on the gate of the governor of the East Mansion in Jishi City

Wei and the cavalry suppressed the border. Dong Haicao, the magistrate of Fufeng County, ordered all the people in the villages to come to the county. The reason given was that the enemy was pressing the border and there was a possibility of breaking the city. The old house and the ancestral hall Dong Haicao knows very well that if there are other reasons, the people here are likely to refuse to enter the city because they miss their family business and their land has not had time to harvest the crops. But for this reason, the people will not refuse to enter the city.

Sure enough, the order was reached. The people from all over the country, men, women, old and young, each carrying weapons, gathered endlessly into the city. The speed came so fast that the county officials were dumbfounded, so that some necessary preparations were still needed. Not completed, a large number of people have gathered in the county town, making Dong Haicao and his subordinates very busy for a while.

Although he knew that they would not be needed for this big battle, Dong Haicao still organized these enthusiastic people into ranks by taking the village as a unit step by step.

Wei He is here, but the city is full of fighting spirit

"Kill all the invaders" will be heard in the city from time to time

Dong Haicao took a few officials and walked out of the county office, looking up at the patter of autumn rain, feeling the coolness, and feeling very comfortable in his heart. Wei He was destined to have no chance to attack the city. Just now, a supervisor from a guard The spies sneaked into the city and brought the news he had been looking forward to

The autumn rain was bleak. Most of the people who came to the city were poorly clothed, and there was not enough space for them to live in. Many people held weapons and lay down under the eaves on the street. But when it started raining, Dong Haicao had to do it. Go out of the house, go to patrol, and solve some temporary problems anytime and anywhere

At the head of the city, Luo Feng stood with a knife, Qiu Yu flowed down his helmet and armor, gathered into a stream under him, and then flowed into the distance.

At night, the rain was getting heavier, but Wei He felt a little uneasy. Half of the dozens of scouts he sent out have not returned yet, or they have lost their way because they are not familiar with the place. He was ambushed and attacked by the enemy and was killed.

There was no panic in Fufeng City because of his arrival. The troops who went out to raid, and the news brought back, without exception, the villages around the county town had long been gone, everything was clear, and Fufeng County had long ago. Prepared, and Wei and he rushed along this road. He asked himself that it was lightning fast. It should be impossible for the other party to react so fast and hide the people outside cleanly unless they had expected that they were coming.

But is it possible?

The only gratifying thing is that there are still a large number of crops in the field that have not been harvested, which makes him no worries for the time being, but this annoying autumn rain has inevitably discounted his plan to grab the harvest.

Wei He is a little wary in his heart, but he is not worried. The enemy at the Xiaoshan Pass is only a man's arm blocking the vehicle. The enemy at the Xiaoshan Pass is only three to five days, and he is not worried. Break through the opponent's defense and enter Liaoxi. At that time, everything will develop according to the previous rehearsal.

Thinking of this, Wei He's agitated heart temporarily calmed down. Tomorrow, he will begin to attack the city, even if he is just acting, he will start the siege operation. Only in this way can he destroy the enemies who are still on the road. Fufeng County is concentrated, and only in this way, can I complete my work and wipe out the people who can mobilize the enemy in the west of Liaoning.

With good wishes for the future war situation, Wei He fell on the camp bed and fell asleep soundly.

As time went by, the rain got bigger and bigger, lightning was caught in the thunderbolt, and the wind was wrapped in the rain, and the tent was rustling. Such heavy rain caused Wei He to send out a team of guards. One group ran back to the camp, and the canopy above the watchtower in the camp was completely unable to block the wind and rain.The sentry above was holding a weapon and shrank in a corner, cursing the **** weather. At this time, they had completely lost their vigilance. The effect is as far as the eyesight, but it is only a few meters.

At this moment, this large camp of as many as 20,000 cavalry for dozens of miles, almost completely lost its vigilance and defense, and completely opened its door to the enemy.

In the heavy rain, the infantry was riding on the horse, letting the rain pour on him, his body was like a cast iron statue, staring at the rain curtain in front of him, he drew the saber on his waist inch by inch, pointed forward, and roared:" Strike! Step down the enemy camp."

Six thousand cavalrymen rushed to Weihe Camp a few miles away in the storm.

The iron hoof stepped on the rain, and the saber opened the rain curtain.This cavalry was like a ghost in the night, under the accompaniment of thunder and lightning, advancing forward like a wind.

They had fought desperately with the enemy in worse weather than this. This kind of weather, in the view of the cavalry led by Wei He, was not suitable for combat, but in their view, it was the best time for a sneak attack. .

Six thousand cavalry attacked.Even with the cover of wind, rain and thunder, the momentum of that row of mountains and seas could not be concealed at all.The ground was trembling, and the rumble of horse hooves covered the thunder in the sky.

Wei He jumped up from the bed. He thought it was the roar of thunder and lightning just now, but immediately he realized that there was a large-scale cavalry attack. In an instant, cold sweat leaked out of his body, and the cavalry came from there. ?It is impossible to be your own team, there is only one possibility, the enemy, the enemy is coming.

He rushed out of the big tent, and the scene in front of him made his soul fly away. When the sky was torn open by lightning, what he saw was countless heavily armed cavalry soldiers who had already arrived outside his camp. Tens of thousands of cavalry are still chaotically in the camp. Cavalry confrontation, the victory or defeat is generally in a sudden, when the enemy's overwhelming charge has arrived, and the other side, even the horses have not yet stepped up. In this battle, what is there to say about the victory or defeat, and some will only be a massacre. (To be continued)

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