I’m The King

Chapter 853: : Sunrise Oriental (78)

The first ray of sunlight in the sky tore through the sky, sweeping away the haze that filled the sky, but the sound of the sky-shaking cry that had just echoed on the battlefield disappeared at this time, leaving only the wounded and the undead in pain. With the groaning sound of the thousands of Qi troops who followed the thousands of death squads, they stared wide-eyed in front of them. In front of the opponent’s position, none of the thousands of death squads could still stand, including their general, Left Bank. Inside

The pace of progress came to an abrupt end

The left bank's eyes were blood-red, and he stood up from the ground staggeringly. The stormy crossbow arrows just now completely enveloped the protruding soldiers. At the critical moment, the guards next to him grabbed a step and stopped him. Before, when this was the case, he also wore a few arrows. The strength of the opponent's arrows and crossbows was completely beyond his expectations. The sophisticated armor could not block the sharp arrows at all, deeply embedded in the flesh of each (pig ) (Pig) (Island) novel www.zhu.om moves, and it hurts deeply

There was no soldier beside him. Behind him, thousands of follow-up troops were hundreds of steps away from him. He suddenly roared, raised his broadsword high, dragged his injured leg, and advanced step by step towards the opponent’s position.

Behind him, Qi Jun’s exclamation came

Cui Chengxiu sneered, stretched out his hand, took the crossbow from the soldier beside him, bent his left arm, put the crossbow on the bent left elbow, raised it, and took aim.

"It's not easy for you to want to die?" These words came out of his mouth, and Cui Chengxiu pulled the trigger without hesitation.

With a swish, a crossbow arrow shot out, impartial, and the left bank throat screaming in the center, the left bank fell on its back, unsatisfied, and as soon as he met, he died worthlessly in the hands of an opponent he looked down on.

Is this just a group of young men temporarily grouped together? In the last consciousness, Left Bank was thinking about this question

The method of death on the left bank aroused the sound of war drums from the Qi army behind him. The Qi army screamed and rushed to the defense line of the Zhengdong Army. Seeing the Qi army rushing in like a tide of anger, Cui Chengxiu laughed. The task of their unit is to prevent the large troops living in Tian Dan from entering the western part of Liaoning. At the beginning, Zhengdong Mansion was preparing this. Among this unit, let alone, the proportion of long-range attacks has reached a terrifying figure, which is different from bows and arrows. Long-term training is not required for the shooting of an open-armed crossbow. A novice can shoot with an open-armed crossbow with only a little training. Although the shooting accuracy is not high, the crossbow arrows have always been used for covering shooting. After wave after wave of dense formation attacks, I look at Choi Chengxiu and just want to laugh out loud.

Qi Jun has never had the experience of fighting against a large army of Zhengdong Army. The opponents they encountered before, no matter it was Xiang Shenkang from Xinhui. It’s Zheng Xiaoyang from Langya County. Among his troops, there are such densely equipped long-range weapons.

Arms stretched the crossbow, and the roar of the crossbow covered all the sounds for the rest of the time. Especially the arms stretched crossbow, round after round, it seemed endless, after cutting all the leeks and shooting all the troops down. Qi Jun's anger was finally overwhelmed by the terrifying casualties, and they retreated like a tide. Only one corpse left

The first battle suffered a heavy setback. The general left bank was killed on the spot. An unexpected defeat made Qi Jun go up and down silently. Looking at the fortress positions at the old site of the Liaoshan Pass, the disdain in his eyes gradually disappeared, replaced by solemnity. This enemy army does not seem to be as easy to deal with as imagined

Tian Dan's heart was naturally very angry. The death on the left bank did not make him heartache. On the contrary, he was very annoyed by this general. His own capital is strong, and he is fighting against the enemy. When he can be dignified and crushed, he does not need to play. Conspiracy, what kind of early morning raid, if it is in broad daylight, if you set out a cart and horse to attack, how can you get caught in the enemy's trap?

But now because of the death of the Left Bank, morale has been somewhat low. Tian Dan must immediately reverse this situation so that all generals can regain their confidence in victory.

He looked up to the sky and laughed. Facing an inexplicable consternation of the generals, Tian Dan smiled and said: "Sure enough, it is a group of young and strong recruits. It seems that Zhengdong Mansion also knows that these soldiers are unbearable at all, so they can only be equipped with. Such a dense range of long-range weapons make up for the lack of combat power, but the weapons are dead and humans are alive. No matter how much he can use the Eastern Army's crossbow arrows, he is not invincible and unbreakable."

He paused and looked at the general of the account: "Huo Si'an"

"The end is here!" Huo Si'an strode out, holding a fist to make him kiss Huo Siwei, but although Huo Siwei is a younger brother, his rank is higher than him, and now he can lead the army alone and stand alone.

"You lead your troops and horses to attack, open the way with a heavy shield, and at the same time order to follow the military craftsmen to make a Mongolian chariot, cover the advance of the infantry, and fight the enemy before advancing to the opponent's position to open a way for me."

"The final commander!" Huo Si'an said loudly

"Give you a day of preparation time, tomorrow, I want to see your offense"

"Don't worry, you will go home at the end. When the sun rises tomorrow, you will launch an attack on time."

After a day’s waiting, or Tian Dan at this time didn’t feel anything, but a lot of things actually happened. For example, in Chu State, King Chu Huai issued a mobilization order, and Qu Zhong began to send a letter to him. Orders were sent to various places, and the army of Chu State, which had been sleeping for many years, began to move. Although I don’t know how much combat power they still have, once such a huge country is mobilized, its strength is still amazing.

If it was Chu State who moved and made Tian Dan sneer and disapproving, then the arrival of a branch in the Cuiping Mountain in West Liaoning at this time would be destined to be the beginning of Tian Dan’s nightmare.

This cavalry has only 6,000 men. They are led by Gao Yuan’s general, known as General Ironfoot. Behind him, they are followed by Gongsunyi, 15,000 Northern Field Army independent cavalry led by Loray. division

Cuiping Mountain is already the site of western Liaoning. This mountain is in Chima, and it is only two or three days away from Fufeng for the cavalry. At this time, Wei He, who knows nothing about it, is heading towards Fufeng. Rush

It was also on this day that the main army of the Eastern Army arrived at Liaoning Wei, where they rested for a while. After supplementing, they began to cross the Liaoning Wei and walked into Panshan. On the way, Kumamoto led 20,000 soldiers to stay behind. Lin, clarified the chaotic situation of Donghu after the war. Sun Xiao did not come back. As the protector of Liaodong, he was in charge of Hetao and all matters in the former Donghu.

Cui Chengxiu didn't know that this day could be regarded as an important point in the entire battle. At this time, he was concentrating on dealing with the enemy in front of him. He changed a general and a different style of play, but it was obvious that this opponent Much harder to deal with

Layers of heavy shields are the forwards. Behind them, there are Meng Chong vehicles. There are lush trees around Xiaoshan Pass. The opponents cut down the trees on the spot to make Meng Chong vehicles one by one, and the infantry hides in them. Under the car, pushing the Meng Chong car forward, their biggest reliance on the arm crossbow was lost. Although the bed crossbow can shoot these temporarily built cars that are not very strong, the rate of fire is too slow to alleviate the opponent's offensive

"It's going to be a hand-to-hand fight!" Cui Chengxiu licked her lips, murderously, but he didn't pull out his knife at this time, but widened his eyes, watching the opponent move forward step by step until he reached a certain point.

"Blow the trumpet!" he screamed

The stern bugle rang suddenly, and the voice was high-pitched and stern, and went straight to Yunxiao. Qi Jun didn't understand what the bugle meant, but the attack of the Eastern Army began at this moment.

The attack does not come from the enemy fortress in the distance in their eyes, but from their feet

Almost just in front of the layers of heavy shields, the layers of turf were overturned, and the sergeants of the East Expedition suddenly jumped out from the ground, fiercely breaking through the heavy shield formation, and rushed directly behind the heavy shield. Among the soldiers of Qi Sergeant, these soldiers carried an earthenware bottle in their hands for no reason. They were filled with grease and raised their hands. These earthenware bottles hit the Mengchong car, the oil bottle broke out, and the rockets shot out one after another. In an instant, the Mengchong vehicles were turned into chariots of fire, but the Qi Sergeant soldiers in the chariots of fire were uncomfortable. When they were covered in fire, they would escape from the car. , Screaming and rolling on the ground~www.NovelMTL.com~Cui Chengxiu has taken hundreds of soldiers to kill out of the fortress

The offensive lineup has been disturbed by the soldiers of the East Army who suddenly came out of the ground. Cui Chengxiu’s sudden counterattack time was very well grasped, and he entered again when the opponent was at the most chaotic. , Suddenly collapsed

Cui Chengxiu chopped melons and vegetables, beheading the enemy army in front of him. While busy, he raised his head and glanced at the defense zone of Gao Chengdong on his left. The two are worthy of being the two heroes of the Jishicheng Military University in this issue. , The methods that he came up with were surprisingly consistent. Just when Cui Chengxiu was killing him, Gao Chengdong was also leading his army to counterattack. The tactics adopted were exactly the same as Cui Chengxiu’s.

Thanks to the Jishicheng Military University for collecting almost all the military works in the world. There, the instructors carefully told the students the characteristics of each country’s army, the favorite battle formations, the formations, the methods of attacking fortifications, etc., and let They each came up with a one-to-one corresponding cracking method. Today, they used the same method that they used to deal with the instructor during the drill in the school, and it really did not hurt.

The officers and soldiers led by Cui Chengxiu and Gao Chengdong each amounted to only five or six hundred in the front and the back. However, their unexpected style of play achieved amazing results. Huo Sian's first attack ended in a mess. Escaped back (to be continued...)

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