I’m The King

Chapter 849: : Sunrise Oriental (74)

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Compared with the prosperous Jicheng, the small town of Wei State in Quwo is a world apart. The broken city walls, narrow streets, patches of thatched huts, and the impoverished people, even the poor of Jicheng, are even better than here. People living here are better off. It is now the home of Yanwang Ji Mausoleum and his ministers Zhou Yu, Tan Feng and others.

Qi Guotian Shan broke the Yan, although Yan Guo still has a large area under the nominal control of General Zhengdong, but Yan Ji is homeless. Under Tan Feng’s suggestion, Ji Ling asked Wei Wang to settle down. Land, the king of Wei graciously agreed to assign Quwo to the Yanwang Ji Mausoleum for recuperation. Of course, there is no free lunch in this world, Quwo, now [猪^猪^岛^小说][www].[zhu][]. [] Almost right on the attack line of the Qin army led by Lu Chao, although it is not the front of the attack, the position is still very important

Quwo is for you, but you have to guard the frontier for me. This is an exchange between the two sides.

All the way to gather the scattered soldiers and defeat the generals. By the time they got Quwo, Tan Feng and Zhou Yu had gathered thousands of people. Counting the troops who broke out with them, they finally had tens of thousands of horses in their hands. Wei The king generously replenished them with food, grass and weapons, but they also knew in their hearts that this was probably the first and the last time, because the envoy of the king of Wei made it very clear that Quwo would give them to Yanling in the future. The place of recuperation, that is to say, they will rely on Quwo to feed their soldiers and horses in the future.

"There are 5,832 households in Quwo's ​​radius of a hundred li." With the household loan transferred from the county seat, Tan Feng reported to Ji Ling.

"With a radius of a hundred miles, it's not a small county anymore. Why are there only more than 5,000 households?" Ji Ling asked in surprise.

"Quwo here is often attacked by the Qin army. There have been many fugitives. People's livelihood is withered and poverty is extremely high." Tan Feng sighed. "My lord, here, there are 10,000 soldiers and horses who want to feed. I'm afraid it's impossible."

"More than 10,000, Comte’s messenger arrived today. Comte is bringing 10,000 soldiers and horses and will arrive in about ten days." Zhou Yu emphasized.

"Why are there only 10,000 soldiers and horses?" Tan Feng raised his head in surprise. "There should be at least 20,000 people under Kong De's command."

Zhou Yu smiled bitterly: "I asked the messenger the same way. The messenger told me that in order to get rid of Ye Zhen's army, their major general Kong Fang took 5,000 men and broke them off, covering the evacuation of the army. At the same time, some people were unwilling to leave their homes. When I came to Wei State, I became deserters halfway through, and some wounded soldiers were not convenient for traveling far, so they were given travel expenses to be dismissed."

Tan Feng's face was ugly and tight. "Kong Fang is afraid that it is not the queen, but the five thousand people Ye Zhen, right? If I expected it, the five thousand people must be the most elite troops under Kong De's command."

Ji Ling raised his head and waved his hand at this moment, saying: "Fine, nothing, Kong De can come. He can also bring ten thousand people, and he is very loyal. You don't need to be too harsh, if you use this matter. Blame him. Doesn't it make him chill? Now that we are in this situation, he finds one for his son. It is understandable. After Tan Qing and General Kong arrive, there is no need to mention this matter again. Quan should not know!"

"Sheng Ming, the king!" Zhou Yu bowed and said: "Kong Deken is already here, it is already thank goodness that he must not chill his heart."

"The king can rest assured, the minister will naturally save this matter, but there is some injustice in his heart. Comte asked his son to hold the thigh, but this thigh is not necessarily so reliable. Tian Dan's tens of thousands of troops are attacking the west of Liaoning, and Gao Yuan There was no time for the army to come back in Donghu. Once Liaoxi falls and the accumulated stones are not protected, Ye Zhen's forces will be divided to defend the river and Yuyang. Where can they be defended?"

"All the courtiers and thieves, everyone should be punishable!" Ji Ling said angrily: "If it weren't for Gao Yuan's chaos, how could this king be in today's dilemma? Now I would like that Tian Shan to enter Liaoxi, defeat Gao Yuan, the best way is Only his head can solve my hatred."

"The king is relieved. Gao Yuan’s main force is far in Donghu and Lin. Tian Dan’s tens of thousands of troops attacked the western part of Liaoning. Gao Yuan’s lair will inevitably be difficult to protect, and Gao Yuan will definitely rush back day and night to save the old man. It’s really at that time, Tian Dan. Replenish your energy, and Gao Yuan’s soldiers will be exhausted. As a result of this battle, regardless of whether you know Gao Yuan, his unwillingness is obvious. Now let the dog bite the dog between the two of them. It is best to fight both losers and wounds." Tan Feng Road

Zhou Yu raised his eyes and glanced at Tan Feng. He opened his mouth as if he wanted to say something, but finally lowered his head again.

"I don't know if Chun Yuyan is in Chu country now?" Ji Ling looked at the two of them, "I wonder if he can tell King Chuhuai to help him?"

"Chun Yuyan is not aware of the sharp mouth. If he goes, he will definitely live up to the king's expectations. King Chu Huai is your father-in-law. How can he just ignore it? Even for the princess, Chu King Huai will also help the king’s "Tan Feng smiled and said:" As long as the king of Chu Huai and Chen Bing move along the border of Chu and Chu, they will inevitably force Tian Dan to the negotiating table. Tian Dan and Gao Yuan will fight a fierce battle. With vitality, at that time, or we only need to pay a certain price, the king will be able to return to Jicheng."

"A certain price? I'm afraid that the price will be high when the time comes. Tian Shanyan has the reason not to speak loudly?" Ji Ling said sadly: "I'm afraid that when the time comes, the king's big swallow will be cut off countless lands."

"My lord, even so, it is better than we are now nestling in Quwo! Although we will pay the price at that time, as long as we work hard, there will always be a comeback when life rises and falls, and this is normal. I think of Daqin back then. Isn’t it also often beaten by the Huns to make indemnities and make peace? Can you look at now, the Huns are still there? Even the lord of their royal court was beheaded by the Yingying! The big man endured the humiliation for a while, but what he asked for was forever. Foundation! "Tan Feng speaks strictly and has a sonorous and powerful tone

"I hope so!" Ji Ling was also aroused by Tan Feng's words.

Zhou Yu on one side suddenly said, "If, I mean, if Gaoyuan wins this battle? What should we do at that time?"

Yes, what if Gaoyuan wins?

It is not that the other two have not thought about this issue, but they are unwilling to think deeply about the result of this. If Tiandan wins, there will still be the mediation of Chu State, and then cede the land for compensation to return to Yan State. But if Gaoyuan wins, will they still have a chance to go back?

"Taipei Zhou, do you think Gaoyuan has the possibility of winning in the current situation? If you are Gaoyuan, and you are commanding this battle, do you think you have a chance to win?" Tan Feng asked rhetorically

Zhou Yu was silent for a while, "Yes. For a while, I can't think of any chance to turn defeat into victory."

Tan Feng heard what he meant. Zhou Yu meant that he couldn’t think of it, but it didn’t mean Gao Yuan couldn’t think of it. After all, Gao Yuan had created too many miracles in the past ten years. I don’t know, but Ji Ling didn’t come

"Lieutenant, even you can't think of any chance Gao Yuan has to win. Then what are we doing so much?"

Coming out of the humble residence in Ji Ling, Zhou Yu and Tan Feng walked slowly on the narrow street. The sun shone from in front of them, dragging their shadows extremely long behind them. Looks extremely bleak

"Tan Feng, if Gao Yuan wins, what shall we do?" Zhou Yu asked again

"It's impossible for him to win." Tan Feng is decisive.

Zhou Yu sighed up to the sky, Gao Yuan did not have a chance to win. It's just that if Gao Yuan wins, they will never have any chance again, and they will inevitably fall into Quwo from then on. Become a knife in the hands of King Wei to resist the Qin people

"There are so few people in Quwo that we can't support our army at all. This is not even the 10,000 soldiers and horses Comte will arrive. Have you thought about this question?" Zhou Yu turned around and asked.

"Of course I thought about it." Tan Feng nodded. "Our soldiers are too much compared to the difficulties we are facing now. Let's cut them! We will eliminate the weak and keep the strong. The resettlement, Quwo has the advantage of fewer people and fewer people. Those deserted land will be allocated to the soldiers who have been intercepted. It not only reduces our burden, but also finds a way out for these people. By next year, we will have to By collecting taxes from them, we will survive this year and tomorrow, everything will be fine."

"Then how much are you going to abolish?"


"Where is Comte?"

"Including Comte, after Comte's arrival, we have a total of more than 20,000 people, we will abolish half of them, leaving only 10,000, and then we will restart."

"This is taking away Comte's military power in a disguised form. Will he agree?"

"If he doesn't agree, does he have the ability to get enough money and food to feed his army?" Tan Feng sneered. "If he doesn't come, we can't do anything with him, but since he is here, how can he do it? Right?"

"Kong De is still loyal to Dayan, you can't use fierce means to deal with him, otherwise it will arouse his dissatisfaction and cause mutiny, then it will be out of control!" Zhou Yu warned Tan Feng.

"Brother Zhou, don't worry, I have my own measures. Since Kong De is still loyal to Dayan, it is easy to handle. There is a saying that gentlemen can be deceived." Tan Feng laughed.

Zhou Yu shook his head again, "The Queen was humiliated in Jicheng. Although we concealed it from the king for a while, it was impossible to keep it from the king, and it was impossible to conceal it from the king of Chu. When we fled, there was no If there is time to bring the princess, will King Chu Huai be annoyed by the king's refusal to borrow troops?"

Tan Feng snorted, "In this matter, our King has no face, but is King Chu Huai very face? Wang Shang has fallen to this point, and he is already shameless, but Chu Huai still has to face it. Yes, Brother Zhou, I have sent people to Chu State to publicize the matter, even if King Chu is shameless, there will always be shameless people among the Chu people. When the time comes, King Chu Huai will have to send troops. This time I was overwhelmed with pride."

Hearing Tan Feng commenting on his group like this, Zhou Yu couldn't help but flushed, but he was speechless. Yeah, at this point, what face is there to talk about? (The novel ``I am King'' There will be more fresh content on the official WeChat platform~www.NovelMTL.com~ and there will be a 100% lucky draw gift for everyone! Open WeChat now, click on the "+" sign at the top right "Add", search for the official account" "And pay attention, hurry up!) (to be continued...)

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