I’m The King

Chapter 846: : Sunrise Oriental (71)

ps: I want to hear more of your voices and receive more suggestions from you. Now search the WeChat public account "qdread" and pay attention to it to give more support to "I am King"! Zheng Xiaoyang stood on the top of the tower, staring at the most critical wall hundreds of meters away without blinking. Where, a Qi army general led more than a hundred people on the wall and built one. Peng Chao is leading hundreds of people to encircle and suppress them in the small bridgehead. Since the morning, Peng Chao has personally put on the battlefield. Zheng Xiaoyang feels that it will not be too long for him to go shirtless.

The Qi army that came up suddenly is obviously the elite among the elite. It can't help that the armor on his body is obviously different from that of ordinary soldiers, and the combat effectiveness is also higher than that of a grade. Anxiously, Peng Chao is actually not a small one.

Zheng Xiaoyang's hand touched the handle of the knife, and the embankment of a thousand miles was destroyed by the ant's nest. If Peng Chao can't solve them in a stick of incense, he will have to go out himself.

"Kill!" Under Zheng Xiaoyang's attention, a man came out from behind Peng Chao, brandishing a big knife, and rushing straight into the crowd of Qi Jun with no fear of death, but with this charge, he was already too much. There were several wounds, if it weren’t for the armor on his body, I’m afraid it would have killed him.

Zheng Xiaoyang’s pupils contracted slightly, this person is not someone else, really Ye Hong, who had just been escorted by the supervisory guard, and handed over to him.

Breaking into the Qi army, with the knife up and down, a Qi army screamed and fell to the ground

"One!" Ye Hong hissed, "My son's life!"

A spear pierced his side diagonally, and the tip of the spear collided with the armor and slid slightly to the side without hitting the point. Ye Hongqi went straight forward, punched out, and immediately smashed the face of the opposite Qi, and then slammed into it, the pointed spear on the helmet pierced into the opponent's wide open mouth. Shaking his head violently, blood splattered, and all the soldiers fell to the ground

"Two!" Ye Hong shouted again, "Daughter's life!"

The crazy Ye Hong didn't care about the steel knife that was slashed on the face. He was slightly slanted, slashed on his left shoulder, and pierced in. At this moment, his knife slashed flat, cutting off the heads and shoulders of all the people who attacked him.

"Three! Mother's life!"

Every time a person was killed, one would be injured. Qi Jun looked at this opponent who was like a lunatic. With a look of horror in their eyes, they stepped back one after another, killed one person, shouted a number, and called an unfamiliar word, such a person, who is not a lunatic? But where can they retreat, above the city. The crowd was crowded with people everywhere, unable to retreat, and Ye Hong rushed into the crowd frantically. One knife for one life, his subordinates are the enemy without one.



Ye Hong has become a blood man, but the smile on his face is getting thicker, thinking that every time he kills a Qi army, he saves the family members who have been sent to prison at this time, and he feels Although his face became paler with great excitement. But within the body, a great power surged from nowhere. Brandishing a broadsword, he rushed forward. The slashing Qi army was turned into a mess by him alone. How could Peng Chao let this opportunity pass, as the fuselage leader, followed Ye Hong, and slammed into the crowd.

With the sound of the wind on his body, Ye Hong looked up, and saw the face of an angry Qi nationality. The resentment on that face wanted to swallow Ye Hong, and he could hold his heels when he saw it, and he was actually caught by a madman. Broke down

Ye Hong didn’t retreat but moved forward, shouting forward, the spear screamed with wind, and when he pierced directly into his chest, Ye Hong’s smile remained undiminished. Stepping forward, the sound of the friction between the barrel of the gun and the flesh and blood caused the people around to change color unexpectedly. The anger on the faces of the members holding the barrel of the gun was completely replaced by fear at this time.

"Six!" Ye Hong shouted wildly, and the big knife in his hand suddenly slashed and slashed diagonally on the opponent's neck. This final blow with anger actually chopped the qi from the neck to the crotch into two pieces diagonally.

This member Qi Jiang died, and the remaining Qi army immediately lost morale, and was killed by Drum Chao, who led the Zhengdong army to chop melons and vegetables.

Below the city, there was the sound of Jinjin's retreat. Tian Fucheng watched with a bit of dismay at the blow of the best hope from the guards he had organized, and ended in the destruction of the entire army. Morale was lost. The battle can only end here

Ye Hong collapsed on the top of the city, and two soldiers of the Eastern Expeditionary Army carefully hugged him, resting his head on their thighs. These ordinary soldiers didn't know the inside story at all. In their opinion, it was this. The emergence of warriors allowed them to wipe out the enemy army that killed the upper city with the fastest speed. It depends on his service color, not the regular army of the East Army, but the young people in the city. Look at his armor and identity. I'm afraid it's not low

The surrounding soldiers of Zhengdong gathered around, looking at Ye Hong with admiration all over his body.

Peng Chao squeezed into the crowd, squatted down and just took a glance, knowing that Ye Hong was dead or alive, and there was no way to save him. Looking at the blood man in front of him, he sighed deeply in his heart. Knowing this, why bother in the first place!

Ye Hong opened his eyes, amidst the blood red, he saw Peng Chao, grinned, and raised his still intact right hand with difficulty. Peng Chao nodded and reached out to hold it. His right hand said, "The person you killed in the end was the commander of Qi Jiang Tian Fucheng’s personal guards. He alone can hold up to ten Qi troops. Therefore, you killed not six, but fifteen. I will report your record truthfully."

Ye Hong's hand tightened suddenly, and he firmly grasped Peng Chao's hand, his eyes gleamed with gratitude, "Thank you, thank you!"

Peng Chao nodded silently

"I'm so regretful!" Ye Hong spit out the last few words, his head tilted, and he died in the arms of the soldier of the Eastern Expeditionary Army behind him.

Peng Chao slowly stood up and said, "Carry him and follow me."

Above the tower, Zheng Xiaoyang stared at Ye Hong’s corpse silently, "Although he did something wrong, he finally died violently. Peng Chao, send someone to send his body back to his wife. His record will be based on yours. Let’s report fifteen."

In the western part of Liaoning, the county seat of Qingtian, the county magistrate Zhu Jinlong caressed the battlements, watching the billowing smoke rising in the distance a little nervously. Next to him is the county lieutenant Hu Changjie. Qingtian County is a border county in western Liaoning, the nearest to Langya County. In the past, I thought that they bordered by Langya, frequent trade and trade, was a solid fat shortage, but in the past two years, as the Zhengdong Mansion and Yan Ting became antagonistic, the commerce here slowly withered, even so, However, Qingtian County was not destitute because of this. The Dongyu was lost and the mulberry was reaped. Qingtian gradually became the main force of the East Mansion. A large number of troops often stationed here to supplement supplies, and the people turned to work. The army’s business still makes a lot of money

As the Qi army invaded Langya, Qingtian County also became nervous. Qingtian County has only more than 1,000 county soldiers. It is usually more than enough to maintain law and order, but it is more than enough to capture the bandits, but it seems that it is unable to deal with the elite of a country. This half a month , Although another three thousand new recruits have entered Qingtian County, Zhu Jinlong felt bitter in his mouth when he looked at the army of green faces carried by the disabled veterans.

The county lieutenant Hu Changjie next to him is a veteran. On the contrary, he is not nervous at all. Instead, he has a look of excitement. He is almost ready to try.

"Lao Hu, this time our task is just to guard the county seat, and we must not go out to fight. The opponents are all cavalry. If the soldiers in this city go out, they don't need to fight!" Zhu Jinlong reminded the man next to him. veteran

"The county honored, Lao Hu is in the province." Hu Changjie smiled. "Although Lao Hu wants to fight a good fight, he doesn't touch his eggs on the rocks. Besides, there are so many people in this city. We just need to keep it. They have done a great job, and I won’t be outdone."

"Which is good, whichever is good!" Zhu Jinlong nodded comfortedly

"The governor doesn't know when he will come back. These tens of thousands of cavalry rushed into the west of Liaoning, and the people in the west of Liaoning were in great disaster!" Zhu Jinlong shook his head.

"Dangerous*!" Hu Changjie didn't care. "If they have a seed, they will come to attack the city. As long as we hold on for a period of time, the army of the governor will return. The good news has come a few days ago. The governor has been wiped out. It’s Donghu, ha, the people of Qi want to touch our captain’s tiger ass. If we don’t beat them up this time, we won’t be called Zhengdongjun!"

"I hope so!" Zhu Jinlong is not so confident. With hundreds of thousands of troops in Donghu, it is easier said than done to come back in time! Now that the army is extremely empty in the conquest of the East Mansion, the Qi people have a good time to take a look and make a good calculation!

"Xianzun, look, they are here!" Hu Changjie suddenly pointed to the distance and cried out loudly.

The smoke and dust gradually dissipated, and a huge cavalry appeared in the vision of the two men. The boundless cavalry was all over the mountains~www.NovelMTL.com~, giving all the people in Qingtian County a huge visual impact. Hu Changjie felt the people around him. The county magistrate's body trembled a little. This magistrate is a talented person. Wherever he has seen such a scene, Hu Changjie couldn't help but comforted: "The county magistrate doesn't have to worry, the cavalry can't fly. You see, they don't even have a ladder, no. They will come to attack the city, and at most they will come to demonstrate. We only need to prepare a bed, crossbow, bow and arrow. When the time comes, we will give them a rain of arrows, and they will naturally leave."

"With you here, what am I worried about?" Zhu Jinlong was a little embarrassed. It was indeed the first time he saw such a scene.

"At that time, the county lord, if they really come to hit the county seat, you can sit down in the mansion and watch us!" Hu Changjie said cheerfully

Down the city, Wei He looked at Qingtian County, his face was not very beautiful. After entering Qingtian County, he didn't even see any ghost shadows. In the original villages, people went to empty houses without leaving him a single piece of grass. Wei He, who had been fighting to support the war and supplying supplies along the way, looked at the well-prepared Qingtian County, and felt something wrong in his heart.

Strong wall and clear wild, four words jumped to his heart (the novel "I am the King" will have more fresh content on the official WeChat platform, and there will be a 100% lucky draw gift for everyone! Open WeChat now, click on the upper right " +" sign "add friend", search the official account "qdread" and follow, hurry up!) (to be continued)

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