I’m The King

Chapter 844: : Sunrise East (69)

ps: I want to hear more of your voices and receive more suggestions from you. Now search the WeChat public account "qdread" and pay attention to it to give more support to "I am King"! Zhang Hongyu stared at Yang Guopei. Now he finally understands why Yang Guopei, who is the minister of the Ministry of War, personally sent this military order. Aside from the perspective of confidentiality, if such a military order is sent by an ordinary messenger, he must Will doubt the authenticity of this military order and make mistakes in its execution

"Why did the original plan suddenly change?" Zhang Hongyu put down the military order, stared at Zhang Guopei, and asked

Yang Guopei picked up the kettle again, but this time it was like drinking fine wine. He took a small sip, narrowed his eyes, and said in a low voice: "Gongsunyi's independent cavalry division will return for a while since the people of Qi want to come and make trouble in western Liaoning. Let them come wherever they are. There are not many cavalry in Qi people. Wei and this cavalry of 20,000 people are what they weigh at the bottom of the box. The governor wants to keep them in the west of Liaoning. But this way, you are The pressure on Yaoshan Pass is very great, and Tian Dan will definitely see the strangeness in it soon."

Zhang Hongyu sighed softly, "I wait for the soldiers, it is nothing to fight to death, but in this way, I am afraid that Liaoxi will suffer.

"Zheng Jun has already begun to make corresponding arrangements to minimize the losses. Hongyu, in this battle, the superintendent is not planning for the gains and losses of one city and one place, but to defeat the vital forces of the Qi army. If we succeed, we will not only You can successfully march into Jicheng, and you can even go one step further and take the Qilu land. "Yang Guopei stood up," not only you, but Ye Zhen also got the military order to prevent Zhao Guo from coming to us this time. Jiang Yizheng has personally entered Zhao, lobbying Zhao Qi and Zhao Wang, do you know what we have given?"

Zhang Hongyu shook his head

"What we are paying is the manufacturing technology of our Zhengdongfu's arms and crossbows and the latest iron smelting technology that has just matured. Zhao Guo is already strong. After obtaining these two technologies, we can improve the army in a very short time. In the war against Qin, he regained some disadvantages. I believe that the Zhao people will definitely agree to "Yang Guopei."

"Not long ago, I heard the messenger here say that Li Ru, the national teacher of the Qin Dynasty, had just left Jishi City, and we also promised to supply them with food. Now we are giving these two technologies to the Zhao people, but they are doing business at both ends!" Zhang Hongyu Suddenly laughed

"Both will become our enemies in the future, and now they fight harder and harder, the more casualties, the more happy we are!" Yang Guopei's eyes shone coldly. "All of you in the Zhengdong Mansion are pragmatic people who are not constrained by false names. This is the attitude you should have in doing things. Therefore, in order to achieve this strategic goal, if the people of Liaoxi have sacrificed something, it will be helpless. Today's sacrifice, It’s for the happiness of tomorrow. West Liaoning is in the Zhengdongfu system. It has always attracted attention, and various preferential care policies have always put them first. Now it is time for them to make contributions to the governor."

Zhang Hongyu looked at Yang Guopei, and suddenly felt that this guy was a little crazy in his heart, could this plan come from this guy's hands? I shook my head, put the thought behind me, and didn’t think about it anymore.

Picking up the military order on the table again, read it carefully. After meticulously experiencing this military order with only a few simple words, I finally read the infinite murderous vest from the inside and couldn't help but sweat a little. When the hair was upside down, he was extremely excited. If the governor’s plan is implemented smoothly, then no one will be able to curb the strong rise of Zhengdong Mansion. Looking at the world, only Daqin can compete with Zhengdong Mansion.

With his hands trembling slightly, he stood up and said to Yang Guopei: "I will resolutely execute the military order at the end."

Yang Guopei nodded with satisfaction," Chief Zhang, to implement this plan, the most important thing is whether your new First Army can withstand Tian Dan’s offensive. Since the new First Army came into force, it has not fought a battle. In the big battle, although the grassroots officers in Neri were all experienced soldiers, other soldiers did not have such qualities. This is a great test for your newly-formed First Army, but it is also a great opportunity for outstanding achievements. In the hand, just see if you can hold him."

"In the end, he will not let down the high hopes of the governor," Zhang Hongyu said firmly

After nearly half a month of rapid marching, the new First Army's speed suddenly slowed down. At the same time, all kinds of weapons and weapons from western Liaoning began to gather in the army continuously, making the new First Army attack at long range. The proportion of weapons and defensive weapons is far more than that of any army

Wei He led 20,000 cavalry troops to the Xiaoshan Pass. When he saw the rubble everywhere and the messy ruins of the Xiaoshan Pass, he couldn't help but laugh with his whip. After the Xiaoshan Pass, I thought that from now on, the Xiaoshan Pass would become their site, and even this dangerous pass was removed, but I don’t want me to wait until today. If the Xiaoshan Pass survives, I only need to station a force of three to five thousand people. , Can you keep me out of the pass, what a humiliation? Now that the Xiaoshan Pass has gone, passing through the Xiaoshan Pass, a horse and a Pingchuan, who can stop my Qilu cavalry?"

The generals around are also laughing out loud

"Heaven's desire to perish, must first make it crazy. This is the bad news of the Eastern Army, but it is the blessing of my Qi country. Let me go!" Wei He took the lead, spurred his horse, and galloped through the Lingshan Pass. The remnant site, the iron cavalry is rolling, rushing towards the land of western Liaoning

At this time, Tian Fucheng also launched a crazy offensive in Langya County. He finally saw his subordinates, killing on the top of the city again and again. Although each time he was driven down by his opponent, the other party beat each other again and again. The difficult counterattack made him see the hope that the city will no longer be the army of the Eastern Army all dressed in navy blue. He also saw Min Zhuang in colorful and variegated clothes stepping on the city’s head and joining the counterattack array. , This can only explain one thing, that is, the opponent has a gap in the strength of the troops.

The enemy's rotation speed is also getting faster and faster. During the half-day of the offensive, Tian Fucheng has seen the troops led by the same general appear three times in a row. In the past, this rotation speed was generally morning and afternoon. once

They finally couldn't hold on anymore, Tian Fucheng finally felt a trace of relief when he looked at the bones piled up under the city. Up to now, he has completely given up the illusion of taking the city of Langya County underneath. The only feasible way to take down this heavy city is to exchange it with human lives, but now they can afford it. Because in Langya County City, there are two very important figures, and if you win them, you can be a great army.

Outside the city, the Qi army's attacks became more and more urgent. In the city, on the streets except for the occasional teams of soldiers who walked quickly and and the young men who hurriedly withdrew from carrying frames. Almost no people can be seen. War is a terrible thing for ordinary people after all. Every family closes their doors and burns incense in the house to pray for blessings. Pray that this fairy Buddha can protect Langya County from being attacked by the enemy

Because everyone knows very well that the more fierce the resistance of a strong city, the greater the damage it will cause to the enemy. Once the city is broken, the enemy’s revenge will be more violent. It has been more than half a month since the Qi army attacked Langya County. The corpses are piled up. I don't know how many deaths and injuries, once the city is broken, the people in the city. I'm afraid that no one will have a good life. Now, only everyone can unite to ensure that Langya County City will stick to it.

The drums outside the city became more and more intense, and the waves of shouting continued to spread into the city. It seemed that the Qi people had made a breakthrough in a certain place. A huge cheer came from outside the city, a moment later. The gate of Ye Mansion suddenly opened, and hundreds of men in black rode on war horses. Filed out, rushing towards the wall

This soldier and horse could not pass through half a pillar of incense, a side door of Ye Mansion suddenly opened, and a man appeared from inside. He looked around, gently brought the door to him, turned around, anxiously. Rush to the east

"The time has come!" In a certain house, the old man surnamed Wang stood up and chuckled away his outer robe. He wore a bright silver chain armor inside. He was brave enough to wear armor in these days , Waiting for this moment to come, strode out of the house. In the outer courtyard, nearly a hundred young and strong men have gathered. The old man surnamed Wang walked toward the door without hesitation, and more than a hundred people behind him followed closely.

"The time has come!" Ye Hong glanced sadly at his wife, children, and children in the room. "I will fight for it today. If I survive, I will be rich and prosperous for a lifetime. If I die, the whole family will go to the Yin Cao Jifu together. "Not to be lonely" lifted the spear beside him, walked out of the room, and walked out of the house with dozens of family members.

"The time has come!" In the city of Langya County, at this time, among the five or six high-ranking households on weekdays, almost all of them were repeating a voice, repeating the same actions, led by the head of the family, the more were hundreds, the less were Dozens of people, all dressed in armor, walked out of the house, headed towards Ye Mansion, and gradually gathered together.

With the sound of horses hoofs on the street, a cavalry patrol galloped across the street. The leader of the cavalry patrol saw this group of people, frowned, and shouted: "Stop, you belong to that unit. Why are you not in the city at this time? On duty?"

Everyone stopped and looked nervously at the head of the few people. This cavalry patrol is not many, but there are about a dozen people going up and down, but once they see through, they will inevitably alarm Ye. Once Ye Jing’er slips away, they can’t catch Ye Jing’er’s mother and son in the first place. They’re afraid that they will perish.

The elders surnamed Wang came out more and more~www.NovelMTL.com~ and said to the cavalry headed by: "This general, we are all Ye's retainers. The city was in a crisis before, and the young lady ordered Cao Tianci to lead his troops to the city. Go to the rescue, we people can’t fight, but one by one is also a good hand at the nursing home, so the lady asked us to take these people to the Ye Mansion for protection."

"Oh, that's the case. By the way, the last time my wife came back, I was on duty in the mansion as a guard. I saw you. Your surname is Wang, right?" The rider suddenly realized

The old man surnamed Wang nodded repeatedly, "Yes, the general has good eyesight."

The rider smiled and said: "I'm not a general, I'm just a small sentry rider. Go ahead, this soldier is panicked, but don't have any unsightly thieves flow into Ye. In the mansion, it’s not good to be shocked by the lady and the little son."

Abandoning these words, the rider and his men actually beat their horses and left. The old man surnamed Wang let out a long sigh. He looked back at the few behind him, and he couldn't help but snorted coldly. It’s useless, let’s go, hurry up, lest there be extra branches" (The novel "I am the King" will have more fresh content on the official WeChat platform, and there will be a 100% lucky draw gift for everyone! Open WeChat now, click At the top right "+" sign "add friend", search for the official account "qdread" and follow, hurry up!) (to be continued)

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