I’m The King

Chapter 835: : Sunrise Oriental (60)

Smoke and dust billowed throughout Langya County. After the main force of 50,000 Qi troops led by Tian Fucheng invaded Langya, he marched all the way, except for the tenacious resistance in Xinhui and Huang Zhan's nail in Qinglong Mountain. The momentum was almost broken along the way. , Did not encounter any decent resistance at all, which made his originally a little arrogant heart even more arrogant. Just when he launched his last attack on Helin from a high distance, the Qi army also came to Langya County.

At this time, in addition to Tian Fucheng’s 50,000 infantrymen, another 20,000 cavalrymen came from Tianhe County to join the offensive against Langya. In the next final siege battle, I was not able to play much of a role, and I was worried that he would encounter cavalry attacks from the Eastern Army when attacking Langya. After all, although the main cavalry forces were all in Donghu, the local cavalry gathered together. If you can make up some, the two thousand cavalry entering Langya can completely make up for the shortcomings of the Qi army entering Langya County.

After the general Zheng Xiaoyang stationed in Langya and the county guard Fan Dengke asked Ye Jing'er, who was unwilling to leave the county town of Langya, evacuated all the garrison troops of all counties on the way of the Qi army to the county town. These garrison troops are basically one. There are about a hundred people in the company. Usually, it is mainly to maintain law and order and fight against bandits. They can't stop the enemy at all. Let them stay on the spot. They have no other effect except to give the Qi army their military exploits. It is better to withdraw all of them. Langya County City, which accumulates little into more, can still play a role in the final defense of Langya County

This kind of withdrawn army adds up to the current Langya County city with more than 2,000 people. Zheng Xiaoyang has a total of 12,000 regular troops, but for a magnificent city like Langya County. There are 12,000 people, indeed a little stretched. After arranging the defense everywhere, Zheng Xiaoyang has almost become a polished commander, and there is no reserve team in his hand.

Langya is not Liaoxi. It is not Jishi. The Zhengdong Mansion has just incorporated this piece of land under its own governance, and all the policies are too late to be rolled out in Langya. In the west of Liaoning, Jishi screamed. It is possible to collect countless reserve soldiers who are willing to fight to the death of the East Mansion from the civilian recruitment, but here, it is the respondent Liao Liao. Even if Ye Jing'er went out in person, he only recruited less than 5,000 people in the county. Qingzhuang

But these young men looked in the eyes of generals such as Zheng Xiaoyang. At the time of the war, I was afraid that not only could not help, but also caused chaos, but it is better than nothing. Zheng Xiaoyang struggled to squeeze out some grassroots officers and veterans and flood these young and strong teams to act as the leader. Qingzhuang carried out temporary training, even in wartime, to be able to transport supplies to the city wall. It's always helpful. In your spare time, you can drag up the city wall to show it to Qi Jun. It is also good for Qi people to incorrectly estimate the number of troops guarding the city

Grinding the gun, Zheng Xiaoyang can only comfort herself like this

Thinking of the supplies to defend the city, Zheng Xiaoyang's forehead began to hurt again, because when Hu Yanchao withdrew from Langya, Gao Yuan and Jicheng reached a peace agreement, so when Hu Yanchao retreated. The warehouses of almost all the heavy weapons in Langya County City were completely wiped out. After the East Expeditionary Army entered Langya, it had not yet completed the supply here. Qi Jun has already fought over the bed crossbows, feather arrows and other materials needed to defend the city for a long time. It is extremely scarce. Although there is no shortage of artisans in the city of Langya County, how short is it to create these things? Can meet the needs of the army in time? In these days, Van Denko has almost never sleep. He personally nailed it in various workshops, urging the craftsmen to work overtime day and night to make all kinds of urban defense equipment. He came from this background, and each workshop is involved in the production process. He can't play any tricks in front of his eyes, and every time he produces a bed crossbow or a stone thrower, Van Denko immediately sends people to the city wall and delivers it to Zheng Xiaoyang.

"Commander, the Qi army’s offensive, I’m afraid it will start tomorrow at the earliest. These days, you can see that they have built a large number of ladders and siege vehicles." Peng Chao pressed his hand on the hilt of his waist to confront Zheng Xiaoyang. There are three places under Dao Zheng Xiaoyang. Master Huang Zhan is basically useless. He can only stay on Qinglong Mountain for a little restraint. Ding Wei is still on his way from the west of Liaoning to Langya, but his division loses a lot when attacking the Yaoshan Pass. , The shortage of staff is serious. Even if you enter Langya, you will not be able to kill Langya County. Like Huang Zhan, it can only play a certain role. Only Peng Chao’s division and his army headquarters are fully staffed.

"We fight in the morning and at night. I would like to see the true skills of Qi Jun." Zheng Xiaoyang snorted coldly.

"It's not necessarily so strong. Although the Xinhui is broken, Xiang Shenkang can keep 10,000 troops under Xinhui City for ten days with the strength of one battalion. This is evident." Peng Chao is a bit disdainful and authentic." Don't look. Their military strength is several times that of ours, but fighting is not effective when there are more people."

Zheng Xiaoyang laughed, "You make sense, but sometimes there are many people, but it works. However, Langya County Town is too big. If it can be as small as half, then we can really make Qi Jun nowhere to go. But now, Peng Chao, in my opinion, our defense is full of loopholes!"

Hearing what Zheng Xiaoyang said, Peng Chao also sighed helplessly. This Langya County Town was too **** big. It was much bigger than Liaoxi City and Jishi City. After all, it was a state where the people were rich. The city is magnificent, but when the troops are insufficient, it becomes a fatal soft threat.

"Commander Zheng, is the enemy going to attack?" A voice came from behind. Zheng Xiaoyang and Peng Chao looked back and saw Cao Tianci striding over. The director of the Supervision Institute rushed to Langya in person. He originally wanted to pick up Ye Jing. Children and happy mother and son, I didn’t expect that Ye Jinger would resolutely refuse to leave. After dragging it now, she could not leave even if she wanted to. Zheng Xiaoyang worried about the dangers of Ye Jinger’s mother and son staying here, but at the same time he was happy that Cao Tianci was like this. The guys from Cao Tianci were also trapped here. Although Cao Tianci brought only three hundred people from Liao and Liao, these three hundred were well-equipped, all of them were good players, and their combat power was enough to match their own battalion. Langya City adds a strength

"It's coming soon. It seems that the offensive will start at the latest tomorrow morning. The Qi army has already begun to dispatch troops and horses these days." Peng Chao replied

"Which door will they focus on attacking?" Cao Tianci walked to the two of them. Asked

"Tomorrow is their first offense. It should be a test first. It is estimated that every goal will be played for a while. They want to test our defensive weaknesses, and then they will have a focused attack." Zheng Xiaoyang smiled. "There will be no fierce battle tomorrow"

"My three hundred soldiers, including me, don't hesitate to assign combat tasks." Cao Tianci said

"Thank you, Dean Cao!" Zheng Xiaoyang surrendered to Cao Tianci, discussing status and position, Cao Tianci is above him. He couldn’t help but express his gratitude for the other party’s statement. "However, it’s not available yet. I also asked Dean Cao to help Xiaoyang sort out the restless elements in the city at this stage. The most feared thing is to defend the city. If there is any insecurity in the city, it will be the safety of the lady and the little boy."

Cao Tianci snorted, "Tian Shan has been planning for a long time, and naturally there are a lot of their nails in the city. The layout of our Supervision Institute in Langya has just begun. Although there are some difficulties, you can just leave these things to me. Who is it? I want to jump out and make a mess, so I punish his full door."

"Dean Cao is an expert in this area. He came to Langya County in just a few days. He has already solved a big case. Speaking of which, Quan Mingkang is also one of the important officials in Langya City when Ye Cheng's family was in charge. Unexpectedly, it was Qi’s insider. If it weren’t for Dean Cao to dug him out, when the fighting was at its most intense. This guy jumped out to be admired, but he was about to cause trouble." Peng Chao gave Cao Tianci a thumbs up.

Cao Tianci laughed. "This person danced so happily, it's hard not to attract our attention. He is in Langya, and he probably hasn't heard of the interests of our Supervision Institute."

"I'm afraid it's not just this person" Zheng Xiaoyang said

"Of course, it's just that we captured Quan Mingkang by thunder, and everyone else is safer. Although we have taken all of the line of Quan Mingkang, Tian Dan will definitely not just bury this line. The spies of "are looking for information. I believe that with the progress of the war, these people will more or less reveal some flaws, and then they will come and kill them." Cao Tianci arched his hands at the two of them. Nothing happened, Cao left, and I will stay in Ye Mansion forever. If there is anything wrong, just go there and find me."

"President Cao, please" the two paid a military salute to Cao Tianci

Seeing Cao Tianci's leaving behind, Peng Chao was very envious: "Dean Cao is already in a high position at a young age. The Cao family is now in our East Mansion, but it is in the midst of the sky. He has a plan ahead. It is really impossible. Limited!"

Zheng Xiaoyang smiled slightly. For some things, he would naturally not be too sensitive to Peng Chao's explicit statement that Cao Tianci's position was, so for him, his father Cao Tiancheng had to withdraw from the management of Zhengdong Mansion, and Sun Xiao resigned from the military position. It’s hard to say that the transfer to a place is not related to it. In fact, the Cao family’s power has been greatly weakened.

Inside the Ye Mansion, Ye Jing'er was calm, teasing little happy, the little guy is naturally a young man who doesn’t know how to feel sad, and chuckles very happy.

"Madam!" Cao Tianci walked to the two of them and bowed to Ye Jing'er.

"It's a godsend!" Ye Jing'er stood up, waved her hand, and let the maid behind him carry Xiao Xing aside. Xiao Xing saw Cao Tiangang in armor clanking as she moved, and she couldn't help being very interested. It was struggling to stretch out his hands to Cao Tianci, yelling in his mouth, actually wanting Cao Tianci to hug

"I'm glad I want you to hug him, so please hug him!" Ye Jinger laughed and said that the Cao family is closely related to the Gao family, and Ye Jinger has never regarded Cao Tianci as an outsider.

Cao Tianci took the little joy stiffly, as if he was holding a piece of precious jade, for fear that he might have touched it by accident, but the little guy happily reached out and touched the oracle bones.

"God, there are many elderly people who came to intercede for Quan Mingkang today, saying that this person was just a momentary lard, confused and confused. I would like to ask me to tell you and spare his life~www.NovelMTL.com~Look. How is this?" Ye Jinger said

Upon hearing this, Cao Tianci's face turned cold, his eyes fixed on the little joy in his hands, and he said, "Madam, right now is Langya's most critical time. You also know the current situation, these aliens." Regardless of whether it was a deliberate plan or an impromptu intention, in short, he betrayed the captain and the Ye family, madam, look at Little Happy. If they succeed, what will happen to Little Happy?"

Staring at her son for a long while, Ye Jing'er nodded, "I understand what you mean, let me deal with it, I don't care about this."

"Thank you, Madam for being considerate!" Cao Tianci handed the little happiness to the maid behind him, "I will drag this Quan's Man Sect on the city wall to kill the flag when the Qi army attacks the city tomorrow."

Ye Jing'er was taken aback, "Destroy the door? Is this too much?"

"I do extraordinary things in extraordinary times. I am not only killing chickens and monkeys, but also drawing snakes out of their caves!" Cao Tianci showed a cold look on his face. "There are other spies in the city, I want to draw them out" (thinking Do you know more exciting news about "I'm King"? Open WeChat now, click on the "+" sign at the top right, select Add friends to add an official account, search for "wang", follow the official account, and never miss every update !) (to be continued)

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