I’m The King

Chapter 826: : Sunrise Oriental (51)

Mo Yanhe, who was stationed in the holy city, fell into a huge panic. His communication channel with Helin was completely isolated. Tens of thousands of armed bandits, active in the black mountains and white waters, blocked all the channels leading to Helin. It was he who sent the most elite manpower in disguise to sneak out in secret, like a meat bun hitting a dog, never going back. Outside the holy city, there seems to be a big airtight net that wraps him tighter and tighter. In it

Ten thousand palace guards are stationed in the holy city, but now, their range of activities is limited to a dozen miles around the holy city. Once a small group of troops are far away from the holy city, they will be attacked endlessly. , Harassment, as time goes by, this kind of uninterrupted and endless attacks are increasing, and the scale is getting bigger and bigger. The most spectacular one, Mo Yanhe witnessed tens of thousands of bandits flocking to the holy city from all directions, although opponents This time the action was more like a demonstration than a siege, but it still gave Mo Yanhe tremendous pressure.

The holy city is the holy land of the Donghu people. There is no room for loss. Over the past year or so, he has successively lost nearly two thousand palace guards. In Mo Yanhe's view, these powerful palace guards died. It’s not worth it. They were all ambushed while on duty, suffocating the enemy’s hands to death.

With the Donghu people taking control of the entire Liaodong Peninsula, most of the Donghu people have migrated from the poor black mountains and white waters to the more prosperous areas. There are very few Donghu people left in the holy city, most of them It is the family of the guards of the palace who stayed here. Although there is sufficient food and grass and the army is piled up like a mountain, the shortage of soldiers has become Mo Yanhe’s biggest headache now.

With the loss of soldiers, he has incorporated all the Donghu people over fifteen and under sixty in the holy city into the army. Although these people added to the palace guards in terms of numbers, they undoubtedly reduced the combat effectiveness and execution power of the entire army.

There has been no news from He Lin for a long time. This is the worst news. It only shows one thing. Helin can't even maintain the communication channel with the holy city. He is active here with tens of thousands of bandits, and on the other side of Helin, like this The situation arises. It can only explain one thing, and Lin is surrounded

Mo Yanhe didn't know how long he could hold on if he fell to Lin, no matter how many food troops there were in the city, there would be a day of exhaustion. With such a small number of soldiers, when the East Army is aggressively attacking, one die, and one less.

He fell into despair

Mo Yanhe, who was already making the final preparations, received a piece of good news today. An emissary from Helin, with all his hardships, got through the encirclement of the bandits and had ragged clothes. Appeared in front of him with scars all over his body

"General Mo Yanhe, my companion, in order to cover me. They all died in the hands of the bandits." The messenger burst into tears. "The king's life and tokens we carried all fell into their hands. Only I was the only one who managed to escape. A life"

"How is He Lin. How is King?" Mo Yanhe ignored these, grabbing the scarred messenger with one hand. Asked hurriedly

The messenger burst into tears, this is not a pretense. It was the real expression of temperament, because Donghu was really going to end, and the tears of the messenger dispelled Mo Yanhe's last doubt. In the intermittent recounting of the messenger, Mo Yanhe finally figured out the current situation outside.

The battle of Yulin ended with the complete defeat of King Thorpe. Under the Acropolis of Liaoning, Yuwenke and Kirgiz died in the battle of Donghu. The main force of Donghu was lost. His soldiers and horses here have become the last essence of Donghu.

Mo Yanhe was dumbfounded, and Porto sat on the chair with a sound. After a long while, Mo Yanhe stood up abruptly, "I will lead the army to Helin and fight the East Army to the death."

"General!" exclaimed the messenger, "I can't go, now outside Lincheng, tens of thousands of soldiers are besieging the East. Don’t say whether the general can go out, even if it’s Helin, it’s hard to save the defeat. The casualties increase, and even the last bit of vitality of our Donghu people will be lost. The king has his life, please General Mo Yanhe to guard the holy city and leave the last seed for Donghu!"

"Said the king?" Mo Yanhe looked at the messenger dullly.

"The king ordered General Gaoche to take Helin's last batch of combative soldiers, escorting Prince Suo'etu, breaking out, and rushing to the holy city. As long as Prince Suo'etu can safely reach the holy city, we Donghu still has hope!" said the messenger

"Gaoche? Didn't he support Liaoning Guardian? Why is Yuwenke Kirgiz killed in the battle, and he is still there?" Mo Yanhe asked suspiciously

"General Gaoche was ordered to garrison the border shop. Later, the general situation was gone, and General Gaoche led the remaining army to break through and move Helin desperately, but only half of the more than 10,000 troops under his command had just arrived outside Helin City. The king sent someone to the little prince Suo Etu and ordered General Gao Che to return to the Holy City immediately. The king said that Li Suo Etu was the new king, with General Mo Yanyan as the first minister, and General Gao Che. As the second assistant, assisting the prince to ask for the map, and try to make a comeback, and try to make a comeback." The messenger said

Mo Yan stood up hoarsely, "Where is the high car now?"

"Back to General Mo Yanhe, General Gaoche has now arrived more than fifty miles away from the holy city, because the eastern army is chasing after him, and there are bandits in front of him. They are fighting all the way, and the villain is not right now. Do you know where is General Gao Cha?" the messenger said

"Come here!" Mo Yanhe stood up, "passed the order to Pinto, and immediately asked him to lead the three thousand palace guards out of the city to meet the prince Suo'etu and Gaoche."

He looked at the messenger, and the messenger knew and said: "The little man is willing to be the leader."

"Okay, thank you for your hard work, but now is really not the time to rest"

In the Xiakou of Qipan Mountain, tens of thousands of bandits are launching a crazy attack on the Donghu army at the entrance of the Xiakou from all directions. At the narrow mouth, there are rows of armored and sharp knives and guns. They are obviously elite bandits. At the Xiakou, the East Hu cavalry responded to waves of shocks, and around, more unclothed bandits screamed frantically with the attacking Donghu soldiers, forming a formation of Donghu people. It has been compressed small enough, but the defile is still under the control of the bandits

Under the banner, Gao Cha looked at each of his fallen subordinates distressedly, and said dissatisfiedly to He Lan Xiong next to him: "Commander Helan, these are the people who are determined to follow me to the governor. They are dead like this, too. not worth it!"

He Lanxiong smiled, "The play is going to be a complete set, and Mo Yanhe must completely believe in you. Then these sacrifices are worth it, General Gao Che, Ye Feng has said before, how many people you die, how many people we will give you, absolutely. Will not damage your strength"

Hearing He Lanxiong's words, Gao Cha couldn't help but said, "The person you supply me, is that still my person?" But the matter is now, what else can he say?

"Will Mo Yanhe send someone to respond?" He was a little worried.

"Of course, don't forget, Suo Etu is here for you!" He Lanxiong smiled and looked at the back of the tall car, a Donghu Xiao Wang Suo Etu who was firmly tied to his back with a belt and stayed awake.

At the same time, on the top of Qipan Mountain, Mu Gulu looked at Niu Teng beside him dissatisfiedly, "General Niu, these soldiers blocking the gorge are all elites I trained hard, and died so vainly, wouldn’t it be too great? It's not worth it!"

"Nothing is not worth it!" The smile on Niu Teng's face is the same as He Lanxiong's. "This is a crucial step for us to win the Donghu Holy City. We would rather die here, and we can't do anything wrong. You know, if you can't get it. With Mo Yanhe’s trust, if you attack the holy city hard, more people will die."

Mu Gulu didn’t speak any more. He glanced at Niu Teng and said in his heart, isn’t this a way for your army to weaken my heart and abdomen. Unlike Agu Wine and Gao Cha, Mu Gulu is An ambitious person, seeing his tribes fall one by one under the attack of the high-car cavalry at this time, is really heartbroken as a knife. Every person who falls at this time represents his own efforts. He was weakened by one point, but he had no way, because he clearly knew that among these tens of thousands of bandits, the force controlled by the Conquered Eastern Army Supervisory Office was far greater than himself, and he was now standing between himself and Niu Teng. The people around him are almost all from the power of the Supervision Institute.As long as he shows a slight dissatisfaction, I am afraid that it will immediately attract accidents.

"Here, the palace guards are coming!" Mu Gulu suddenly pointed to the distance and shouted. The arrival of the palace guards meant that their mission had been completed, and then they would retreat. The palace guards came a little earlier, he You can save a bit more strength.

Niu Teng glanced at him with a smile, "Well, it is indeed here, Mu Gulu, you can sound the horn and make the brothers retreat, but the next task is still very heavy, we must follow them closely. Holy City."

Dozens of horns blew at the same time. This was an order to retreat. The bandits who had been desperately attacking the high-car unit suddenly spread out in all directions with a bang, and then fled to the surroundings. , The rumble of the palace guard's horseshoes was spreading over the sky.

"It's time for us!" He Lanxiong pulled out the scimitar at his waist and smiled at Gao Cha, "General Gao Cha, let's attack, join the palace guards, let's go to the holy city and visit Mo Yanhe."

Gao Cha looked at the palace guards rushing in the distance with a complicated expression. He also pulled out the scimitar and shouted: "Strike out, rendezvous with the palace guards, let's go to the holy city."

Pinto led the Three Thousand Palace Guards, like a tiger descending the mountain, dispelling the bandits around, and gathered together with the tall cart that broke out from the front.

"High car, where's the prince?" Pinto asked loudly. Soon, he saw the picture of the forehead tied to the back of the high car, and his expression changed. "What's the matter with the little prince?"

"The little prince is okay. Gao Che is not willing to let the little prince see such a dangerous scene, so let him fall asleep for a while, and it won't take long before he will wake up."

"Let's go, we will meet the holy city immediately. It will be troublesome to let these bandits get entangled!" Pinto said loudly: "I'll open the way, you will follow closely."

Abandoning these words, Pinto turned his horse's head, and went to lead the way to kill, without knowing that he is now leading the way, but it is a group of killing gods. (To be continued)

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