I’m The King

Chapter 820: : Sunrise Oriental (45)

"Master, I'm leaving!" Xiang Shenkang stood in front of Huang Zhan, his whole body covered in blood and blood, but his face was smiling. "Master, you have to be good, Kang Zi can't be by your side to take care of you, me." Go to the master"

"Kangzi, where are you going and what are you going to do?" Huang Zhan's eyes widened. "Are you not in Xinhui? What are you doing here with me? What happened to Xinhui?"

Xiang Shenkang smiled, but didn't make a sound. He just looked at Huang Zhan and stepped backwards step by step. His figure became more and more blurred. He was about to retreat to the door of the big tent. Huang Zhan was sweating all over his body and wanted to Go chasing him, but both legs are like lead, unable to move any minute

"Yangzi, don't go!" he yelled

& (Pig) (Pig) (Island) (Novel) www.zhunbsp;This shout, but like a thunderbolt, the sound of waves, Xiang Shenkang's body is like a bubble, turning into a puff of blue smoke and disappearing into the yellow In front of Cham

With a loud scream, Huang Zhan woke up from the nightmare, and suddenly sat up from the camp bed. He was dripping with cold sweat. He stretched out his hand and wiped his forehead, which was dripping with water.

Fortunately, it was a dream. Huang Zhan was panting and thinking about the plot in the dream. Fortunately, his heart became more and more uneasy.

The shout obviously alarmed the guards on duty outside the tents. Two guards rushed in, all the knives in their hands had been pulled out of their scabbards. "Master, what's wrong?"

Huang Zhan turned over from the camp bed, pacing back and forth in the tent, but his heart became more and more restless

"Has the scout sent out yet to come back?" he asked

"Master, did not come back"

"None came back?"

"None came back"

Huang Zhan went around a few circles on the spot, and suddenly raised his head, "Go, tell Xie Zongjie and Pang Li to come to me immediately!" He said sharply

The two guards turned around and ran out of the account, and Huang Zhan felt even more uneasy.

"Yangzi, are you giving me a dream? Are you gone anymore? No, you have to live. You are the best of me, and the two of us have to fight together!" He thought silently in his heart Then, walked to the camp bed, pulled out a bamboo tube from under the pillow, pulled out a map from inside, and spread it on the camp bed. With the torch in the tent, I carefully watched the journey from where he is now to the new meeting.

"Master!" The curtain was lifted, and the two regiments Xie Zongjie and Pang Li walked in. The two of them are neatly dressed, and they must not be able to wear so fast in such a short time. It only means that they lie together at night.

Huang Zhan raised his head and looked at the two of them, "Kangzi gave me a dream just now!"

what! Both of them looked at Huang Zhan in amazement. They were both Titans on the battlefield. That one was not murderous, but he had never believed in these ghosts and gods. They also knew that Huang Zhan had always sneered at these. At this moment, when Huang Zhan suddenly said this to them in a spiritual way, both of them hardly believed their ears and looked at each other. I think the teacher must be too nervous during this period

"Kangzi was **** and bloody, and nothing was intact. He smiled and told me that he was gone!" Regardless of the surprised look of the two powerful men. Huang Zhan still considers himself authentic

"The new club must be lost, and Kang Zi must be gone."

"Master, it's just a dream. Kangzi has always been in love with you. You are attached to him. It is expected that you will have nightmares. The dreams are reversed. Now Kangzi is still fighting Qi Jun vigorously in Xinhui. !" Xie Zongjie comforted

"Yeah, sir, Yasushi is a fierce general, and he must be fine." Pang Li also said

"No, this time is different. My feeling is very bad." Huang Zhan shook his head. "None of the scouts came back. This is abnormal, abnormal, Xie Zongjie, you will immediately take five hundred people and set off overnight to occupy Qinglong Bridge. Li, you also brought five hundred people to me and guarded Yanglindu at the upper reaches of the Qinglong Bridge. If Qi Jun has really captured Xinhui, then these two places are the places they must pass. It just rained heavily, Qinglong The river has soared. They can only cross the river at these two places. If they want to get around these two places, they have to walk a hundred miles more."

"Master, the brethren have only rested for two hours, are you waiting for dawn to leave?" Xie Zongjie asked

"No, now, right away, right away." Huang Zhan stopped abruptly and said sharply.

Seeing Huang Zhan's fierce eyes, Xie Zongjie and Pang Li stopped talking, but stood at attention one by one, and gave a military salute to Huang Zhan, "Yes, now, right now, let's go right away."

The two turned to leave the account. After a while, they became noisy inside. Huang Zhan ignored the noise outside, and knelt on one knee in front of the camp bed, staring at the marching map, "If the Xinhui really is lost, then I Where should I fortify?" My eyes swept across the map, but in the end it still fell on Qinglong Mountain.

"Qinglong Mountain, there is only here." He stood up, "Come here!"

Guards come out

"Immediately send scouts to Qinglong Mountain, I want the general topography of Qinglong Mountain, and whether there is water on the mountain, etc., let them go immediately."


"Notify the logistics, bury the pot for cooking, half an hour later, wake up the remaining soldiers to eat, and then the whole army pulls out of the camp."


Everything was in order, Huang Zhan sat on the camp bed, took out his saber from under the pillow and wiped it carefully.

"Yangzi, if you really aren't there anymore, I'll take Qiren's head in honor of you"

The Qinglong Bridge is about 20 miles away from the current station of the Zhengdong Army. It is almost halfway between Xinhui and the Qinglong River. The Qinglong River crosses Xinhui and separates Xinhui from them. The place that can cross the river is just around the corner. There is only Qinglong Bridge, and then more than ten miles back, there is a ferry, Yanglindu. Except for these two places, there is almost no other place to cross the river. More importantly, the heavy rain a day ago will cause the water of the Qinglong River to surge. It's more difficult to cross the river

Although somewhat disapproving of Huang Zhan’s nervousness, the strict military regulations of the Eastern Army still made Xie Zongjie dare not neglect the military orders. He led 500 of his subordinates and went straight to the Qinglong Bridge where he was fully armed. Although he only had a rest for two hours, These soldiers were almost full of blood and resurrected at this time. While walking, they stuffed fried noodles in their mouths, took a few mouthfuls, and poured a sip of water into their mouths.

Fried noodles is also a far-reaching invention. This processed cooked food has extremely high calories and is easy to carry. One or two handfuls are enough to make you feel full. After adding the ingredients, the taste is also good. This greatly relieves the conquest of the East Army. Logistics pressure, other standard equipment such as marching water bottle, engineer shovel, etc., is basically unheard of in other countries in this era.

"Hurry up. Before dawn, you must rush to the Qinglong Bridge!" Xie Zongjie yelled. "Brothers, if you are full, please sing to me when you are full. Come, sing our military anthem."

In the dark night, under the shining of torches, accompanied by loud military songs, five hundred soldiers ran towards the Qinglong Bridge with one foot and one shallow.

When the first white fish belly appeared on the side of the day, Xie Zongjie’s ears heard the rumbling sound of water. This was no less than Xianle at this time, even though it was only more than 20 miles away. Under his road conditions and marching conditions, he was proud to be able to reach Qinglong River on time in such a short period of time.

In this world, perhaps only our East Army can do this

The sky was getting brighter and brighter, Xie Zongjie clearly saw the Qinglong Bridge standing on the rushing water of the Qinglong River. This is an all-stone bridge with dozens of bridge piers supporting the bridge deck. It is nearly two meters wide and can accommodate a car. The big horse-drawn carriage passed. At this time, on the opposite bank of the Qinglong River, there was still no figure in sight, which made him let out a long sigh.

The teacher thought about him too much and said in his heart

"Accelerate and occupy the Qinglong Bridge" Xie Zongjie shouted loudly. He took the lead and ran to the **** size of the Qinglong Bridge. It almost filled the bridge hole under the bridge, watching the turbulent Qinglong. River, Xie Zongjie was a little surprised, his mother, this water, except for this bridge, I am afraid that it is really impossible to cross over.

Seeing the Qinglong Bridge, the soldiers knew that their destination had arrived, and they all uttered a cheer. The muddy road for more than 20 miles, and they marched hurriedly with a load of tens of kilograms, it is a fake to say that they are not tired.

I can finally take a breath, everyone said in their hearts

The Five Hundreds of the Eastern Army quickly rushed towards the Qinglong Bridge to Xie Zongjie and immediately took the Qinglong Bridge. At least at this time, it was really one man, and Wan Fumo opened his head. He looked back at the incoming soldiers, and couldn't help but smile. Get up, there are five hundred heroes here! All that is left now is to guard the Qinglong Bridge and wait for the army of the division commander Huang Zhan to arrive. It seems that there is nothing wrong with the new club, and the other party did not intend to occupy the Qinglong Bridge.

The soldiers arrived at the Qinglong Bridge and immediately began to make preparations. Although I don’t know if there will be an enemy, the necessary preparations still need to be made. At this end of the bridge, hundreds of soldiers quickly pulled up the barbed wire~www .NovelMTL.com~Dug out soil to build a breast wall, put sand and stones in sacks, and lift them to the middle section of Qinglong Bridge one by one, and build barriers. In a moment, Qinglong Bridge has been divided into two worlds.

This set of procedures of the Zhengdong Army has been practiced very well in normal times. In less than an hour, everything was ready. Xie Zongjie sat cross-legged on the chest wall built up by sack in the middle of the bridge in a relaxed mood, tapping his hands. He hummed a little song comfortably. The other soldiers also sat in twos by the Qinglong River and began to wash.

The sun slowly climbed up from the east, Xie Zongjie, who was bathed in the sun, suddenly stood up from the breast wall, widened his eyes, looking in the direction of Xinhui, and there was a rumbling sound from the ground. It was a horse's hoof stepping on the ground. The voice of not only him, but all the soldiers of the East Army also felt abnormal. The chattering and laughter stopped. All the soldiers stood up and turned their heads to look in the direction of the sound.

After a while, a big banner suddenly appeared in the field of vision of the Zhengdong Army

"Qi people are Qi people!" a soldier yelled

"Quick fight!" Xie Zongjie jumped down from the parapet. "The first company, leading the middle section of the bridge, attacked the enemy frontally. The second company and the third company guarded the two wings of the bridge and blocked the enemy with a crossbow. The fourth company is the reserve team!" (To be continued...)

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