I’m The King

Chapter 813: : Sunrise East (38)

Ke Yuanshan was busy almost all night last night, and only reluctantly slept for a while before dawn. In the barracks, naturally, there was no lazy sleep to sleep. The sky was still dark, and the sound of the bugle rang. The war, morning class is exempt, but the assembly of the whole team is still indispensable. Ke Yuanshan was awakened by the sound of the bugle, and immediately got up again to check the wounds of the wounded, change the dressing, and he was very busy.

This is his life-saving straw now, how can he not hurry up?

His medical skills are indeed superb. Although the wounded soldiers he has dealt with have only been over one night, all of them have improved greatly. At this moment, when the dressing was changed, the wounded soldiers all thanked him.

Jixiang walked over and looked at Ke Yuanshan: "Doctor Ke, are you finished?"

"It's over, it's done right away!" Ke Yuanshan looked at Jixiang and said

"That's good, the battalion commander is looking for you!" Jixiang Xiao Mimi said authentically

Mei Hua sat in the room. The officers came and went in an endless stream. All kinds of official duties and civil servants needed him to sign a lot of money and sign his name. Only after getting the soldiers' military merit records. At that time, he carefully looked over one by one. When Jixiang brought Ke Yuanshan in, he just finished reading the last official document, signed and suspended it and handed it to the officer to take it down.

Raising his head, rubbing his wrists, looking at Ke Yuanshan, his face turned out to be quite bad. Ke Yuanshan couldn't help but smile.

"Doctor Ke, please sit down!" After walking down from the big case, Mei Hua dragged a chair and stuffed it under Ke Yuanshan's buttocks. "I heard the soldiers say that Dr. Ke's medical skills are superb, and they are very grateful."

"Don't dare, this is what the Caomin should do. As a native of the Central Plains, the Caomin has been stubborn under the rule of the Donghu people over the years. Now that the righteous teacher arrives, the Caomin is as happy as he sees the sky after the clouds are lifted. It’s really impossible to express what you can do for the righteous teacher. That’s what it deserves." Ke Yuanshan said carefully and authentically.

Mei Hua smiled, and she pulled a chair and sat across from Ke Yuanshan. "If this is the case, that would be great. It's just Dr. Ke. After the governor left last night, our teacher Yang also came here to visit the wounded. After hearing about Dr. Ke, I was not so happy!"

"Yang, Master Yang?" Ke Yuanshan hit a sudden

"Yes. We, Master Yang, heard something about Dr. Ke," Mei Hua said slowly and honestly.

Ke Yuanshan's face slowly turned pale, his body softened a little bit, and finally his body slipped off the chair and fell to the ground.

"Doctor Ke, what are you doing?" Mei Hua stepped forward and pulled Ke Yuanshan up and pressed it back on the chair.

"Captain Mei, help!" Ke Yuanshan exclaimed, "The villain is just a doctor. In Yulin, I used to have many contacts with Donghu people, and that was just for diagnosis. The doctor's parents, whether it is Donghu or Donghu. People from the Central Plains and the villains are treated the same, and they have never colluded with the Donghu people to harm the Central Plains people!"

Mei Hua looked embarrassed, "Doctor Ke, what you said is right. But you don't know that when our teacher Yang was young, we were brutally murdered by the Donghu people, so we treated the Donghu people. There was also collusion with the Donghu people. Guy, that’s not a normal hatred. Looking at his attitude when he leaves, I’m afraid that it will be against Dr. Ke. Dr. Ke has saved me so many good brothers. I should have spoken for Dr. Ke, but Master Yang is my immediate superior. And his temper cannot tolerate rebellion. I am embarrassed!"

Ke Yuanshan is also a shrewd person. Hearing Mei Hua's tone, he did not seal the door. He saw a glimmer of light in the confusion. Where would he let it go, Pang Tom knelt down again with a cry," Battalion Mei, please help. Save me, save me!"

Ji Jixiang coughed," Battalion Commander, no matter what happened before, this Dr. Ke saved so many brothers in our camp, that’s true. If you have a way, you might as well save Dr. Ke, otherwise the brothers must be wrong. Happy, Dr. Ke must be their savior."

Mei Hua touched his chin, "Well, let me think about it."

Ke Yuan looked at Mei Hua happily, wishing that the young officer would immediately figure out a way.

After a while, Mei Hua's eyes lit up, "Yes!"

"What method did the battalion commander come up with?" Jixiang asked in a hearty voice from the side.

"You also know Master Yang's temper. It will definitely not end well with him. But if we find a bigger officer, Master Yang will have to bow his head too?"

"You mean?" Jixiang pretended to be puzzled

"The governor!" Mei Hua spread his hands. "Did the governor also come here last night? He admired Dr. Ke very much. Dr. Ke, whether you live or die, it depends on the governor's thoughts. , You know, you have a close relationship with the Donghu people. It’s no secret in Yulin City. Our army was originally appointed to Yulin. It’s certain that people will be used to demonstrate. Will you become one of these people? It depends on the governor."

Ke Yuanshan's face was pale, "But how can the Caomin get forgiveness from the governor?"

"Yeah, how can you be valued by the governor?" Mei Hua looked at Jixiang

"Battalion Commander, my subordinates have an idea." Jixiang said

"Hurry up and talk"

"Didn’t our Jishicheng Military University open a new medical department? When the governor came to inspect yesterday, he still lamented that the professors in the medical department are too far behind, and he wants to select talents to go there. Yesterday the governor appreciates Dr. Ke very much. If the battalion commander went to see the governor, he said that because he admired the governor, Dr. Ke wanted to work for the governor and the East Mansion, and he was willing to teach in the Medical Department of Jishicheng Military University. Think about it, the governor still praised Dr. Ke. Today, the battalion commander made such a mention while the captain was still fresh in his memory. The captain was naturally willing."

Mei Hua patted his hands: "Good idea, Dr. Ke had a close relationship with Donghu people in Yulin City. Many people know that, but no one in Jishi City knows Dr. Ke, this is your vitality. I don’t know the relationship between me and the Donghu people. As long as the governor agrees to work in the Department of Medicine, he will never regret it afterwards. You left Yulin City and others don’t know where you went. What do you think?"

"Jishi City is a good place. That is the core of our East Mansion. The prosperity of the city is not comparable to that of Yulin. Where does Dr. Ke go, he will train more good doctors for the governor, saying that there is no future for him. Jixiang is helping

"Yes, yes, think about Master Qiu, wasn't he also a doctor before, but now we are the chief medical officer of the East Mansion, and he has great power!" Mei Hua looked at Ke Yuanshan with a smile, "Doctor Ke" If you are willing, I will go to see the governor. I used to be a guard for the governor, but I can still see the governor at any time."

"Yes, yes!" After finally catching a straw, where is Ke Yuanshan willing to relax, "Is it just my family?"

"If you want, naturally you will all go." Mei Hua waved his hand. "It's just that Jishi City has many houses and expensive houses, so it's not easy to live in!"

"Xiaomin has been practicing medicine for many years, and he has accumulated a little bit. This is no problem. Thank you Battalion Commander Mei for his help. Caomin dare not say thanks. In the future, if there is a need for me, Ke Yuanshan, just send someone to say it." Ke Yuanshan Grateful

"This is unnecessary. Dr. Ke only needs to heal my brothers, even if it is to repay me, without hesitation, I will go to see the governor!" Mei Hua said to leave, lifted his leg and walked out. Ke Yuanshan can't afford it

Hearing Mei Hua talk about how to rectify Ke Yuanshan, Gao Yuan laughed happily and lit Mei Hua's forehead, "If Dasha Yang knows you are using him as a gun, be careful that he breaks you. butt"

Mei Hua salivated and said: "As long as the governor stretches out his hand, Master Yang will only be a dumb man who eats Huanglian. I can't say it. Besides, this Ke Yuanshan is really a talent. The wounded soldiers in the final camp are never injured again. Those who have left, such talents, the final general will naturally want to do everything possible to recruit for the governor, not to mention being cheated and kidnapped, even if it is a house robbery, he has to be robbed."

Gao Yuan smiled and shook his head and said: "Mei Hua, you are talented, smart, and strong in execution. You are indeed a rare talent, but you can remember it well, don’t use the wrong place for being smart, Yang Dasha is called Dasha, and that's only for his fighting. He is shrewd. You use him as a gunman. Even if I block your guns, he will find opportunities to clean up you."

Mei Hua was sweating on his forehead, "The Governor, when I turn around, I will go to Master Yang and confess to him."

Gao Yuan nodded with satisfaction, "By the way, this is the best attitude. General Kumamoto came to me yesterday. He was willing to disrupt his army ~www.NovelMTL.com~ to our army to supplement. Our army members have consumed your third battalion this time. You might as well go to Kumamoto after you go down and pick a good batch first!"

Mei Hua was overjoyed, turned around and ran. After two steps, he remembered that he didn't say farewell to the governor. He stopped abruptly and turned to salute Gao Yuan. "The governor, can I ask Wu Ya to go with him?"

Gao Yuan laughed, "I'm giving you a letter in advance to let you take advantage of it. It's good for you, but you can't forget your brother-in-law. OK, do good things to the end, send the Buddha to the west, you go!"

"Thank you, Governor!" Mei Hua jogged away beamingly.

"This Mei Hua, clever, alert, fierce fighting, and emphasizing love and righteousness, is a good seedling that can be cultivated." Ning Xin's voice came from behind Gao Yuan

"You can see it too?" Gao Yuan smiled and said, "I really like him."

Just as Mei Hua rushed to leave the lofty station, outside Yulin City, in Kumamoto’s camp, the atmosphere was a bit heavy. Generals large and small gathered in Kumamoto’s big tent. They broke up the facts that they were assigned to the various divisions of the Eastern Army, and everyone was worried (to be continued)

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