I’m The King

Chapter 805: : Sunrise Oriental (30)

In the main rear formation of the East Army, the high-character flag fluttered in the wind. I kept staring at the changing heights of the battlefield and saw the first division stand firmly. I could not help but breathe a sigh of relief. The three axes are the most difficult to resist. As long as the first wave of attacks is blocked, they will become better and better in the future. They will not be able to break through the army, and they will not be able to use their speed advantage. There is nothing terrible about the palace guards in the East Army. When the cavalry is unable to compete with the opponent, the powerful infantry with suitable weapons is still the only magic weapon to contend with the iron cavalry of Donghu.

The palace guards on the central battlefield began to retreat. They needed to keep a distance and launch a second charge. The first division did not stop. Mei Hua and Wu Ya gathered the lineup and slowly retreated. Dasha Yang’s 500 Mo The sword soldiers strode forward, holding their original positions, the first and second battalions moved closer to the sides of the Mo sword soldiers, and a solid army formed once again.

However, on the two wings, the battle for cavalry continued. Countless horses drove back and forth. Whether it was infantry or Shangguanhong, they intentionally or unintentionally pulled the East Hu cavalry on the two wings toward the distance, making them more and more away from the central battlefield. The generals of the palace guard are not aware of this, but they want to retreat, but it is not so easy. The other side is also a cavalry. Now the two sides are bound together, and they are involuntarily fighting farther and farther with the other side.

Gao Yuan turned his head, looked at Kumamoto next to him, and asked with a smile: "General Xiong, what do you think of my conquest army?"

Kumamoto himself was originally a titan, and he fought countless fierce battles, but he was still eclipsed by the fierce battle just now. Generally speaking, an army. When one-third of the battle is damaged, it has already lost its combat effectiveness, and if the battle damage exceeds two-thirds, it will definitely collapse, but today. What he saw was another look. The two battalions of the Young Guards of the Eastern Army at the forefront had absolutely lost more than one-third, or even close to one-half, but they still fought hard. , And successfully merged into one at the last minute. Once again, the defense was stabilized, and the oppressive play style of the first division also made the palace guards extremely uncomfortable to face the powerful palace guards. After withstanding the opponent's first wave of attacks, the subsequent two wings pressed on. . The central attack forced the palace guards to retreat and regain their strength. All the achievements they had achieved before, at the moment they retreated, had completely vanished. When they were ready for the second round of offensive, they faced The army’s army has already re-completed the layout of the army.

Cavalry attack on infantry. It turned out to be a war of attrition, which is absolutely unbearable for the Donghu people.

"Such a powerful army. It is no wonder that the governor has been invincible over the years and defeated Donghu on the brink of desperation. Even the well-known palace guards cannot break through the army formation of the Eastern Army. I can hardly imagine that there is another army in this world. Able to rival your military commander’s army" Kumamoto Road

"Yes, there are!" Gao Yuan turned his head and looked west.

Kumamoto's heart tightened. I immediately understood what Gao Yuan was referring to, Qin. The army of the Qin Kingdom far in the west is also a powerful army that is invincible. Over the years, countless small countries have been destroyed, and even South Korea, one of the top seven, has no resistance. Now it is Wei Guo's turn to tremble under their swordsmen. If there were no Zhao people to send troops to help, I am afraid that Wei Guo's great beam would have been long gone. But now Zhao Guo has also crossed the river with mud bodhisattva, and it is difficult to protect himself. It is really hard to say when he can support the Wei people.

"The Governor, how long do you think the Donghu people can survive?" Kumamoto asked

"General Xiong, you are too humble, you have the talent of a general, and you have fought countless battles. I believe you have already seen the key points of this." Gao Yuan laughed and said: "It's not like you said. Say, what will Thorpe do next?"

Kumamoto looked at the East Hu army formation in the distance, "Then the general will show his ugliness. Thorp gathered his troops in Yulin to seek a decisive battle with the governor. He himself was a lonely throw, a helpless move. It's a foregone conclusion. Soon he will be able to fight against Lin, Yulin, and Thorpe in two ways. He can only fight as a trapped beast. He hopes to defeat the governor here and seek the opportunity to turn defeat into victory in the impossible. Therefore, he will never He will not admit defeat. In fact, at this time in the battle, Thorpe should also understand that he has absolutely no chance of victory. The only thing he can do is to withdraw his troops. But for the Donghu people, withdrawing means defeat. Yulin has no chance. The danger is defensible. He can only retreat to Helin, and how long can Helin besieged by the Great East Army Army? This is not the last time the Donghu people deliberately did it."

"So Thorpe will definitely not retreat, but will launch a decisive attack."

"Yes, Thorpe's reason for the decisive battle with the governor here is nothing more than hoping for the strong fighting power of the palace guards, but now, the palace guards obviously cannot break through our army's defense. I think Thorpe will try again, and then He will launch an all-out attack, launch a suicide attack"

"Suicide attack?" Gao Yuan laughed. "What good is this for him? His soldiers and horses are lost here, and my East Army can still take Helin."

"What he wants is your life" Kumamoto turned his head and said: "If you can kill you, then the Eastern Army will be in chaos, at least temporarily unable to attack Helin, and win this precious breathing opportunity, I Thinking is exactly what Thorpe wants"

"Take my life?" Gao Yuan laughed. "Thorpe boasts a generation of geniuses, and he is so innocent General Bear. If this is the case, how do you think we should deal with it?"

"As long as he wants a decisive battle, he will be given a decisive battle. We don't have to wait for them to start first. Instead, we can preempt them. Instead, we can disrupt their deployment. I think the superintendent instructs the infantry generals and General Shangguan Hong to draw the enemy on the left and right sides more and more. The farther, the meaning is also here, right?"

"Well, as expected, what the hero sees is the same. What General Xiong said is exactly what I want to say that he is going to fight a decisive battle, so I will give him a decisive battle!" Gao Yuan: "The infantry and Shangguan Honghui separated the six thousand palace guards on the left and right wings. Army, here, tens of thousands of troops will launch a fatal blow to Thorpe, he wants to kill, why don't I want to kill him"

"The governor, Kumamoto is asking for an attack!" Kumamoto looked excited. As a general of the former Yan country, in his life, he didn't want to destroy Donghu and take back the Liaodong Peninsula? But in the country of Yan, this ideal can only be an illusion, but now, this may have been infinitely magnified. Participate in this battle, defeat Donghu, and take back Liaodong. His name will also be in the annals of history along with the governor Gaoyuan.

Gao Yuan smiled gently. "General Xiong's loyalty is understandable, but what you have is not restored to its best state now, so let's take it as the last wave of attacks. At that time, I believe Donghu is already in danger. Lead the army and give them the final blow. They need a hearty victory to boost their morale and restore their confidence. "Looking high at the 20,000 Zhao army array behind the bear itself

Kumamoto nodded speechlessly. He was very clear that Gao Yuan was right. With the intensity of the battle he had just seen, the subordinates under his command would really be unable to deal with it. If his subordinates are in the current First Division. I'm afraid it would have collapsed long ago

Gao Yuan’s statement of giving the final blow to the East Hu’s army in a precarious situation is actually just a nice statement. In other words, it is for him to take his army to pick peaches and use a victory. To bring his army back to the old spirit

"But water is impermanent, and soldiers are impermanent. If we don't attack smoothly, General Xiong, it's up to you." Gao Yuan lifted the Modao in his hand.

"Does the captain go to battle himself?" Kumamoto asked in surprise.

"Of course, I haven't played in person for a long time, and the bones are a little loose." Gao Yuan laughed and said: "It is rare today. There are opponents with the same chess and drums. Naturally, my hands are itchy. I will go to the battle myself, General Kumamoto. Get on your army, you can control it by yourself"

"Thank you for the Governor's letter." Kumamoto was very grateful and bowed with his fists. "The general will definitely not belong to the Governor's expectations."

Gao Yuan smiled and nodded, "I am afraid Thorpe is still expecting a miracle on Ussuttan's side. Hey, it's really whimsical. With only 20,000 cavalry, does he want to shake the tens of thousands of our Northern Army? "

In Jingyuan, the troops of the Northern Group Army led by Xu Yuan, the First Army of the Northern Army led by Yan Peng, Gongsun Yi, and Luo Lei led tens of thousands of independent cavalry divisions. The independent cavalry division alone had more than 15,000. With human cavalry, equipped with various foot soldiers, in the direction of Jingyuan, the Eastern Army has a greater advantage

Gao Yuan raised the Mo Dao in his hand and moved forward. As his Chinese army's banner moved forward, the whole army of the Second Army under Luo Weiran's command also moved forward together.

"Conquering the Eastern Army~www.NovelMTL.com~Wansheng!"

Every time the high and far flag passes by a phalanx, the soldiers in the phalanx utter deafening cheers.

Dasha Yang turned his head and saw the high-character banner approaching the front line. He also raised the Modao high, and shouted: "The governor has entered the battle himself, do we still need the governor to come to the end? On the front line, that is our shame, the Young Guards, advance, assault!"

"Youth Guards, go forward!" Mei Hua and Wu Ya two brothers stood side by side, raised their swords in their hands, and echoed loudly.

Yang Dasha led the Five Hundred Moknife Team to stride forward, one to the left and one to the right, was the Second Battalion of the First Battalion of the First Division. Behind them, Mei Hua and Wu Ya were bloody. The remnants of the third battalion and the fourth battalion regained their strength and strode to keep up.

Guo Lao Ling raised his iron gun and pulled a big gun in the air, "Youth Guards, go forward!" The second division also closely followed the steps of the first division in front.

Thorpe’s pupils contracted. For the first time, he saw the infantry charge towards the cavalry (to be continued)

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