I’m The King

Chapter 696: : Why is it too anxious to fry with the same root (18)

Hearing Zhong Li’s words, Feng Fayong laughed, "Common language? By the way, there are many common languages, but Zhong Houye, these common languages ​​are not good memories, right? I know very well that you are. You want to persuade me to surrender, but are you going to rely on this? I think you should talk about some practical questions!"

He spread his hands and laughed teasingly. (Baidu search for the fastest and most stable update of the literature network)

Looking at Feng Fayong’s appearance, Zhong Li instinctively felt that his departure today might end in failure. The other party seemed to have a long time to come, but he still wanted to work hard once. If Feng Fayong can really return to Qin, for As far as Qin State is concerned, it is more than just reaping a Shannan County.

He took a deep breath and rationalized his thoughts. For a person like Feng Fayong, the effect of making a wish on officialdom won't be very good, and he needs to start from another aspect.

"Qin and Zhao have been hostile to each other for many years, and Xianggong Zilan is also one of our greatest enemies in Daqin. As a member of the Qin State, I will be happy about the death of Xianggong Zilan, because this is in the great cause of Qin's unification. I went to a strong enemy, but as a personally speaking, I am very sad. Zilan is a terrible enemy, but also a respectable person." Zhong Li began with an unusually sad tone, saying while examining Feng Fayong's expression.

Sure enough, he immediately saw the expression he wanted to see from Feng Fayong's face.

"Mr. Feng has extremely detailed files on my Black Ice Platform. As far as I know, your relationship with Zilan Xianggong is not just a pure subordinate relationship, right?" He asked.

Feng Fayong nodded, "You are right. To me, Zi Lan Xiang is not only a respectable boss, but also an elder who has great grace to me."

"General Feng drinks water and thinks about the source. I think Zilan Xianggong will be relieved when he is under the Jiuquan. In this case, we will be straightforward. I think, the death of Zilan Xianggong, the strangeness of this, General Feng will not fail to feel. "Zhong Li said indifferently: "Although there is no direct evidence, those who are in our line can directly see the shadow of manipulating from the clues that have been exposed." Zhong Li said, "General Feng, you are us." The best in this line, don’t tell me, you don’t see these doubts."

Feng Fayong was silent. Obviously, he agreed with the facts Zhong Li said.

"I have to say that the East Army is planning this time, which is amazing. I have to say that I admire it. I have seen and personally manipulated countless similar incidents. However, I sold others like this and made others feel completely stunned. I don’t know if I am still grateful for the act of helping to count money. This is really the first time I have seen it. Geli Literary Network recruits the Eastern Army Supervision Institute, regardless of whether he has a decent record in the past, this alone is enough to make them stand proudly. Ah!" Zhong Li sighed, "The layout is far-reaching, and the plan is so old, it is a classic example of instigating rebellion."

"So, Xianggong Zilan died not so much at the hands of Zhao Qi as he died at the hands of the Eastern Expeditionary Army. At this point, the intentions of the Eastern Army are clearly revealed. They want to replace the county, but It is not captured by force, but a peaceful evolution. Now General Feng leads the main force of the county to guard Shannan County, and is an enemy of our country, Qin. He does not dare to leave a little bit. The forces within the county are weak, and Zhao Qi may come right away. Zhao Yong’s counterattack, Zhao Yong can only rely on the Zhengdong Army. At the moment, the Zhengdong Army has gathered more than 6,000 cavalry and 3,000 infantry in Daijun. If you add some secret forces, the strength of the army is already There are more than 10,000 people, and the total strength of the East Expeditionary Army is not much. Now there are so many soldiers and horses gathered in Daijun. What do they want to do? Does this need to be said? General Feng, I am afraid that it will not be long, Daijun will It is no longer the Daijun of the Zhao Kingdom, nor the Daijun of Zilan, but the Gaoyuan Daijun."

"So, what do you want to do?" Feng Fayong asked lightly.

"Daijun must not be able to keep it. It was either taken back by Zao Wou-ki, or fell into the hands of the Eastern Army, or became a part of our Daqin." Zhong Li bluntly said: "General Feng, so you are faced with a choice. If you don't want to die with Daijun, you must choose one of these three forces as the newest target. Zhao Yong, obviously it is not worth your service for him, because he is not a promising master at all."

Feng Fayong smiled, "Of course Zhong Houye urged me to return to the State of Qin?"

"Does this need to be said?" Zhong Li laughed. "Zao Wou-ki has been afraid of Zilan all his life. Zilan's death is what he deserves. If Daijun is taken back by Zao Wou-ki, he will definitely clean the son next. You must be the first to bear the brunt of Lan’s direct descendants. Therefore, returning to Zhao is the worst choice for you. What about the Army of the East? It is undeniable that the Army of the East is indeed flourishing. The new forces, they just defeated the army of Donghu in Hetao, can be said to be booming, but their biggest weakness is a new word. The background is too thin, and it is their fatal injury. Yan Guo has gone through civil strife. Perhaps for such a situation. There is no power to do, but Zhao and Qin Ke are different. If these two countries are determined to deal with him, how long do you think he can fight against him? If the county is returned to the East Army, Zao Wou-ki will become angry and will inevitably attack. , Although Gao Yuan is the general of the East of the Yan Kingdom, do you think that King Yan will rescue him? Even if we do not fall into the rock, how long can he stay high, the distance seems to be beautiful, but he is attacked on all sides, and the army is trying to win the power. The county’s technique is very clever, but in my opinion, it is very unwise. What they should do now is to hide their capacities and bide their time, instead of being so eloquent."

"So, I have only one road left to Daqin." Feng Fayong smiled.

"Yes, Da Qin, only Da Qin is your best destination." Zhong Li stood up, "General Feng also knows the ambition of my king, that is to unify the world and build a unified country. In the past two years, we have met Some resistance, especially the defeat of Hangu Pass by Jing Rufeng, was the heaviest blow we have suffered. If General Feng can belong to Daqin, we can do several things with one stone and open the north gate of Zhao. At the same time, Li Xin will send his letter to Guguan to attack again, making Jing Rufeng’s Hedong Camp immobile, and Lu Chao is already waiting for him. Once he starts here, he will start attacking Wei Guo, three-way attack, and Zhao When Mu is dead, I can’t think of any way out for Zhao Guo. Once Zhao Guo left, what future did Yanqi have. As for Chu State, haha, Meng Tian was not able to lead our army to a division, so they were scared to move. No, how long can they last until my army sweeps down the Central Plains and they live in the southern corner? In this way, at most ten years, my Great Qin can dominate the world and build a new atmosphere in the world."

"So, my place is actually the key to Da Qin's dominance of the world?" Feng Fayong smiled.

"Of course!" Zhong Li said without hesitation, "Otherwise, I won't be here personally. If General Feng returns to Daqin, we will not only open the north gate of Zhao, but also conquer thousands of elite troops. Being locked in Daijun, the combined forces of General Feng and Wang Jian were enough to destroy them countless times. With the reputation of General Feng, they raised their arms in Daijun to explain the truth of the death of Zilan Xianggong and conquer the Eastern Army. Is there a way to survive?"

"Since I am so important, what reward is King Qin going to give me?"

"Honored. And it’s not like me, but Cheer. General Feng, this reward is enough to show our sincerity, Daqin’s twenty-first-level strategy, and it’s ranked twenty. In you Above, only the monarch has been entrusted, and in Daqin, there is no one except the royal family." Zhong Li said.

"It's really exciting." Feng Fayong laughed, "Think of me Feng Fayong, who started out of loneliness and struggled for half his life, is only a general of a fief of Zhao, compared with those nobles who are superior, it can only be regarded as a small difference. It’s really a honour to have the chance to become the strongest country in the world in one fell swoop."

"So, General Feng intends to Luo?" Zhong Li smiled.

"Not busy, not busy!" Feng Fayong shook his hand randomly, "Before this, I will introduce someone to the master, okay? Oh, no, you know each other."

Zhong Li's face slowly became serious, "I don't know who General Feng is talking about?"

Feng Fayong stood up, his smile unchanged, just patted his palms lightly, and with the sound of crisp clapping, a slow step came from the back door of the lobby with a hearty laugh, "Hou Master Zhong, I haven't seen you for many years," The demeanor remains the same, so gratifying."

"Mr. Jiang!" Zhongli's pupils contracted, looking at Jiang Jiaquan who was slowly coming, his disappointment was beyond words. "Are you actually here?"

"Master Zhong Hou came here in person~www.NovelMTL.com~ How can I dare to stay in Jishi City and enjoy the blessing? Running around in the snow, it almost broke the bones." Jiang Jiaquan laughed.

Zhong Li stared at Jiang Jiaquan for a while, turned his head, looked at Feng Fayong, and said indifferently: "General Feng, I think, no matter what conditions Mr. Jiang offers you, he can’t be compared with Da Qin, and the strength of Da Qin. , Is not comparable to the Zhengdong Army, so I believe General Feng will definitely make the right choice."

Jiang Jiaquan witnessed Zhong Li's blatant provocation, but did not refute it, but just looked at Feng Fayong with a smile.

Feng Fayong nodded, "Indeed, compared with the conditions Daqinkai gave me, the Zhengdong Army can say that it did not give me any personal benefits."

"So, General Feng has made a decision?" Zhong Qiqi was slightly pleased.

Feng Fayong nodded and said: "Yes, as Zhong Houye said, Daijun can no longer exist independently, he will become the food in the tiger's mouth, so I must have a choice, and my choice is..."

"Da Qin!" Zhong Li said confidently.

"No, Zheng Dongjun!" Feng Fayong's words instantly smashed Zhong Li's confidence. He looked at Feng Fayong dumbfounded, and said in disbelief, "Why?"

"Zhong Houye, you have been to western Liaoning, and I have lived under the Zhengdong Army for a long time. Can you see the difference between the Zhengdong Army and the people of Daqin?" Feng Fayong turned his head and looked at Jiang Jiaquan. Jiang Jiaquan nodded with a smile. P

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