I’m The King

Chapter 694: : Why is it too anxious to fry with the same root (16)

In Zhao Guangyang County, in an unknown town, Pan Hong sat in a small wine shop, holding a rough wine bowl tightly in his hand, but his ears were stunned, listening attentively to all kinds of things in the small wine shop Kind of discussion.

This small town belongs to Pi County, on the border with Guangyang and Dai County. The biggest news in this period of time has been the attack on Dai County by the Standing Army of the Zhao State.

It was precisely because of this war that Pan Hong came here, but he could no longer move forward. The military had blocked the road to Daijun, and he, Pan Hong, and Zilan's first counselor were naturally also Zhao. One of the key criminals the army wants to capture.

Thinking of this, Pan Hong couldn't help laughing. Although he had been here for several days, the news he heard in this small restaurant every day was enough to make him feel excited. The soldiers of Daijun connected to the victory, and even Zhao Qi was trapped under the city of Xiling. He traveled to many places and achieved good results. Within Da Zhao, many powerful aristocrats have already confirmed. In addition to dissatisfaction with Zao Wou-ki, if we can take advantage of this great victory, perhaps a big deal can be expected.

It only needs to convince Zhao Mu at last. He could not stay in Guangyuan, partly because he wanted to block Zhao Mu here, but strangely, Zhao Mu was replaced by Zhao Qi, but he never returned.

There was a rush of horse hooves outside the wine shop. Pan Hong looked at it and saw a fast horse moving from far to near. The rider was obviously very tired. He stopped the horse outside the wine shop and said, "The shopkeeper, give me The wine in the skin is full, this **** weather is really freezing to death."

"Come on, Lord Jun!" Xiao Er ran out quickly and took the skin bag from the knight's hand. The knight carried a long letter box on his back, clearly a messenger.

"Military master, how long will this battle be? Can we win?" a guest in the wine shop asked loudly.

Pan Hong's ears also stood up immediately. The messenger came from the front line, and naturally all he knew was the latest news at the first time.

"How long? Who knows? Maybe it will end soon, maybe it will take a long time." The knight sighed.

"I heard that our standing army was surrounded by Xiling City. Can we still win?" someone asked again.

"Then don't think about it, these 30,000 people. It must be given to Dai County." The messenger pouted.

Someone started to panic, "Military Lord, so we are not defeated, will the Dai County people fight over? Are you here to move the soldiers?"

"It's not. I'm going to report victory." The knight laughed. "I'll tell you the big news. Taiwei Zhao was in desperate situation in our army. He used a clever trick to lure the county and county guard Zilan. Lan has been killed by our army. Although we have lost tens of thousands of troops, we have killed Zilan and the county has no leader. We will eventually win this battle."

"Really?" Cheers in the wine shop, although Zilan is in the country of Zhao, her reputation is extremely high. But King Zhao is still on the top, in the eyes of ordinary people, the king is going to crusade. Naturally there was a problem, and Zilan didn't catch it at all, but instead raised troops to fight against the court, that was also a big rebellion.

No one likes war. Now that Zilan is dead, the war must be over.

Zilan almost thought that he had heard it wrong, but when he heard the cheers in the wine shop, he was sure that he had not heard it wrong, only a humming in his ears. Zilan is dead, is this true? If Zilan is really dead. What's the point of what I have done? No, this must be fake, Zilan could never die so easily.

He clenched his fist tightly, his body trembling slightly.

"Sir!" The guards around him were also shocked. Seeing Pan Hong's face suddenly turned pale, they looked at him very worriedly. They are in the enemy's realm now. If they show flaws, it will be difficult to grow wings. Fly out.

"I'm fine, I'm fine!" Pan Hong took a deep breath.

Three days later, Pan Hong, who lived in a small inn above the small town, finally determined that the news he heard that day was true, because he saw Zhao Qi and Zhao Jun, the simple temporary use Coffin with wooden boards nailed together. Seeing Zhao Qi's appearance, Pan Hong affirmed that Zilan was really gone.

Closing the window, Pan Hong slid down the wall, holding his head in his hands, and cried silently. What's the point? What's the point? His own rush has won the support of so many people, but Zilan’s work has been abandoned, Zilan has no successor, Zhao Zhuo is dead, Zhao Yong, because of physical reasons, can hardly go out of the door. In Daijun, Many people don't even know that there is such a person as Zhao Yong, how could he support Daijun?

How to do? What should we do now?

Pan Hong just curled up in the corner of the wall until it was dark, and Daijun's future was like the dark night outside, so that he could not see the slightest light.

The door was gently pushed open, and the guard walked in from the outside like a ghost, turned and closed the door, and walked to Pan Hong, "Sir, I'm back."

Pan Hong leaned on the wall and stood up, "Did you find any news?"

"I got it, but the news is terrifying." The guard whispered: "I spent fifty taels of silver. I found out from the soldiers who returned. The grandfather has indeed passed away, but Zhao Mu is also dead. The body was hidden in the army. Zhao Qi was worried that Zhao Mu's death would affect the general situation in the DPRK, so he kept it secret."

"Zhao Mu is also dead?" Pan Hong was taken aback, and faintly felt that it was probably not simple here, and there must be a huge article hidden here.

"You tell me in detail."

"Since Zhao Qi was trapped under the city of Xiling, Zhao Mu rushed back on his way back to Handan and invited Zi Lan Xianggong to talk in Ma'anshan, but no one knows what happened in Ma'anshan, only that Zilan and Zilan and his Zhao Mu is dead. The soldier also heard people say that it was Zhao Mu who designed Xianggong Zilan. He laid ambush the army in Ma'anshan and killed Xianggong. Although they killed Xianggong, they later counterattacked him in Daijun. In the middle, Zhao Mu also died. I heard that in order to bring back Zilan Xianggong's body, Zhao Jun also paid the price of two thousand soldiers." The news from the guard was intermittent, and many things made Pan Hong feel incredible.

"Since the interview is in Maanshan, which is very close to Hefeng, it must be Zhao Mu's sincerity for the peace talks. The security work must be taken care of by our army. How could Zhao Mu ambush the army in advance, and since Zhao Qi is trapped Under Xiling City, how could he appear here? Who is in charge of Ma'anshan's defense?"

"Sir, that soldier is just a small guard, how could he know so much." The guard shook his head. "I can find out this because there are so many rumors even among Zhao Jun. Everyone is discussing this matter."

Pan Hong went around the house a few times, and suddenly said: "Pack up, we leave overnight and return to Dai County."

"Sir, now the grandfather is gone, what shall we do?" The guard was a little nervous.

"Although Xianggong is gone, Xianggong still has a son. When we go back, no matter what, I will keep this foundation for Xianggong."

"But the little boy?"

"The little son is not in good health, but the little son is already married. As long as he has an heir, there is hope. Now, I am afraid that many forces are watching Daijun. We have to go back and help the son. "Pan Hong resolutely said.

A few days later, Pan Hong appeared on Ma'an Mountain. The place where Zhao Mu and Zilan talked is now in ruins, and there are traces of war everywhere. Pan Hong is carefully pampering in the ashes, wanting I found some clues. On the empty mountain, after removing the sobbing cold wind, there was no trace of life in sight. The guards around him have already inquired about Hefeng's situation. In Pan Hong's mind, this incident revealed too many strange things. If something that shouldn't have happened happened, there must be a problem in it.

His hand touched a hard object in the ashes, Pan Hong stretched out his hand to hold him, and drew it out. It was a crossbow arrow, holding this crossbow arrow in front of him, Pan Hong could not help but took a breath. This crossbow arrow was for the Eastern Army, not an open-armed crossbow, but even in the Eastern Army, it was not equipped. There are many crossbow arrows, Pan Hong has seen this kind of crossbow arrows, which can be loaded with a crossbow for three rounds at a time, and it is extremely powerful in close combat.

How could the weapons of the Eastern Expeditionary Army appear here?

A big question appeared in Pan Hong's mind.

"Sir." There were rapid footsteps and heavy gasps behind him, and Pan Hong turned his head to see his guard running over.

"What did you inquire about?" he asked.

"I heard a lot of things." The guard swallowed, "During the time of the accident, Hefeng's garrison was a cavalry team led by the infantry generals of the Zhengdong Army, because our strength in Hefeng has been lost to Zhao. The army was wiped out. At that time, the other army of the Zhengdong Army was responsible for the defense of Ma'anshan. However, I heard that this army was in a conflict with the Zhao army, and the whole army was killed.~www.NovelMTL.com~The Zhengdong Army , It's the conquest of the Eastern Army again!" Pan Hong's body trembled slightly.

"What else?"

"The son has officially announced that he will inherit the post of Daijun County in Xiling City, but there is another thing, but Ye Zhen, general of the Eastern Army, led 5,000 cavalry into Daijun, and now he is not far from Xiling City." The guard swallowed, "I heard that he came to Daijun at the request of the son to prevent Zhao Jun from making another counterattack."

"Five thousand cavalry!" Pan Hong took a breath. "Where did the five thousand cavalry soldiers come from? They fought in Hetao and confronted the Donghu people in Panshan. Where did the five thousand cavalry come from?"

He stared at the ruins in front of him, and suddenly reacted. The Eastern Army seemed to have anticipated today’s events. So early on, they began to deploy troops to deal with what was in front of them. Otherwise, the Eastern Army was faced with the situation. How could it be possible to mobilize five thousand heavy soldiers so quickly to appear in Dai County in time.

If everything was planned by the East Army, then their intentions would be self-evident. Pan Hong just felt cold and swishy. Daijun, is this the front door rejecting the wolf and the back door welcoming the tiger? (To be continued) ()

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