I’m The King

Chapter 660: : The wind and snow keeps the sky and the blade is cold (12)

Chen Bin never hoped that the snow in the sky would be heavier or more fierce. The opponents continued to attack, which had caused serious damage to the walls of Dubozhai. The only thing fortunately was that he could take advantage of this heavy snowy day. In the gap of time, I quickly repaired the city wall, patted the snow on it, poured water, and in a blink of an eye, it became solid and frozen, but by now, the snow in the city and the new snow falling every day have been completely unable to keep up. The extent of the loss. The snow-covered city wall is dwarfed every day. The snow platform outside the city is now higher than the city wall. The crossbow installed on it is now condescending to attack the city, if it weren't for the equipment inside the city. There are many crossbows, the rate of fire is faster, and the accuracy is higher. It has long been crushed by the opponent.

Compared with those ski terraces, what worries Chen Bin more is the siege ramp that is getting closer and closer to the city wall. The three-meter-wide ramp starts from beyond the range of the crossbow, and the closer it is to the city wall, the higher it is. Although the Donghu people had already paid heavy losses in order to pile up these three siege ramps, this ramp was still firmly approaching the city wall every day.

The arrival of the three thousand infantrymen accelerated his progress. Compared with the cavalry, the infantrymen could use a variety of weapons to resist attacks on the city and speed up the construction of ramps.

I don’t know that it was the **** who came up with it. They made large slingshots from bamboos. Two bowls of bamboos were tied with ropes, and a piece of animal skins were tied to the ends. Several Donghu big men pulled the ropes to reverse the bamboos. Pull it back, and the stone wrapped in the animal skin will fly, and its power should not be underestimated. The wall of ice and snow in Dubo Village was basically destroyed by these bamboos.

"Xiao Mo, how much do you prepare for those things?" He looked back at a guy beside him with his head wrapped like a rice dumpling.

"Two hundred pieces have been prepared."

"A ramp can be divided into sixty branches, and it should be almost the same." Chen Bin murmured, "As long as they can kill their opponents greatly for the first time, they will be scrupulous."

In Donghu Daying, He Tianju looked at Mo Yandu faintly, "Tomorrow, you can send a team of horses to charge, and the three ramps attack at the same time. As long as one opens the gap, all the villages are broken."

But Mo Yandu was a little uneasy, "General He, these days, we have been building ramps with great fanfare. Chen Bin doesn't know what we want to do. Guess, how will he respond?"

"I don't know!" He Tianju shook his head.

"I don't know, please?" The bone auspicious on one side looked at each other dumbfounded, "How can I not know?"

"There are many ways to deal with it. I don't know which one he will use. I can only read it and talk about it."

"But if I read this, I will take a lot of Donghu Jianer's life." Mo Yan said angrily.

He Tianju laughed out loud, "General Mo Yandu, you will succeed in your life. You are the leader of the army. You don't know this truth. The victory of war has always been accumulated by life, don't you think about it? How is it possible to win by making sacrifices? This is a fortified battle. In all wars, the heart is the first, and the siege is the lowest. I tell you, in the history of Dayan, there was a rebellion. At that time, we were great. Yan's standing army attacked a city guarded by five thousand rebels, fighting for three full months, paying 20,000 lives, and finally invaded the city. Four times the casualties of the defenders, more than 1,000 were killed. Defender, this season, hey, even five thousand people have died, I am not surprised."

Hearing such huge casualties, Mo Yandu and Bone Jili both got black faces, "Is there no better way?"

"No!" He Tianju shook his head and said, "If time permits, we can grind slowly, but General Yan Qi is so anxious, and you have limited time for General, what else can you do? You can only use the corpse to form a path. Passage to the head of the city. Unless you don’t care about General Yan Qi’s military orders."

Mo Yandu was silent for a long while, "Tomorrow, send cavalry to charge the city."

Many soldiers in Dubozhai didn’t sleep. They worked hard for most of the night before they were finished. The ramp was only a few feet away from the city. This distance, not to mention horses, even people, struggling to jump. , Can also jump from the ramp to the city. Chen Bin is not worried about people, but worried about the horse team. Once the opponent's cavalry rushed up to the city on horseback, they would be able to occupy an area at the head of the city.

The sky was getting brighter, and the sound of drums in Donghu Camp suddenly sounded. With the sound of rumbling war drums, on the top of the city, lying horizontally on the ground like dead corpses, the soldiers of the Eastern Army jumped up, and instantly disappeared. In the meantime, one by one, they started to pick up their heads and became radiant. The bowstrings of a crossbow were quickly replaced, and a brand-new stretch-armed crossbow was taken out of the Tibetan soldier's cave. At this time, the chances of the bowstring being damaged are surprisingly high. If you are not careful, a crossbow will be scrapped.

The Donghu infantryman raised a large shield and slowly advanced. On the snow table in the distance, a piece of felt cloth was torn off, revealing the crossbow underneath. Like the city, the crossbowmen began to change the bowstrings of the crossbow. .

Standing behind the wall, Chen Bin fixed his eyes on a somewhat vague figure under the flag that was fluttering on the opposing pawn. No matter how he looked at it, he felt familiar.

The sky gradually brightened again, and Chen Bin almost stuck out half of his body from the battlements. This time, he finally saw the man’s face clearly. In a short time, his complexion changed drastically and his teeth were clenched. Sounds, He Tianju, is actually He Tianju, the vice-general of General Kumamoto.

It's no wonder that Donghu people are still attacking the city in different ways. It turns out that this person is pointing to the Donghu people. Chen Bin roared from the bottom of his heart, and one stepped forward to the side of a crossbow, "Help me!" he roared in a low voice.

After the wall piled up, the crossbow slowly turned, and an experienced crossbowman adjusted the angle and distance, aiming at He Tianju in the distance.

"Head Chen, the distance is too far, even if it is shot there, it will not be lethal." The crossbowman was a little embarrassed.

"I know." Chen Bin gritted his teeth and said: "This is my declaration of death to him. This is my attitude. I want him to know."

"Who is he?" the crossbowman asked curiously.

Chen Bin sighed, "You are just a small soldier. I was also a good general before. The man opposite is He Tianju. You haven't seen him before, but I often see him in the big tent of General Kumamoto. He He is the vice general of General Kumamoto."

The crossbowman opened his mouth, "Well, that's a high official, why did you surrender the Donghu?"

"In this world, there are always people with soft bones!" Chen Bin stroked the cold arrow shaft.

The crossbowman swallowed, "Leader Chen, He Tianju surrendered, and General Kumamoto can't..."

"Fart, who is the General Kumamoto? How could he surrender to the Donghu people." Chen Bin took a sip, "Don't talk nonsense, aim at Luo, even if you can't shoot him, it's good to scare him to pee. This weather, As soon as the urine comes out, it has to freeze, and it is best to freeze his sex."

The crossbowman chuckled, "Head Chen, you are so funny."

"Aim, shoot!"

With a muffled buzzing sound, the crossbow arrows shot out and flew towards the big flag in the distance, but as the crossbowmen said, the distance was too far, and when he flew to the front of He Tianju, he did not have the slightest strength. , Poring down, even so, it still shocked He Tianju. Above this distance, he thought he was safe enough, but the opponent's crossbow arrow range was obviously farther than he had judged. some. He raised his head abruptly and stared at the city angrily, and then he saw that above the city's head, Chen Bin's legs were standing on the wall, and a **** was raised high towards him.

This gesture was learned by Chen Bin from Xu Yuan. It is said that Xu Yuan learned it from Governor Gaodu. It was a gesture that despised people extremely.

He Tianju didn't understand the meaning of this gesture, but he knew that Chen Bin made this gesture at him, absolutely not to praise him. He Tianju was full of shame when he looked at this general who he could not even look at before.

The kind of person who becomes a traitor by himself and cannot be a traitor in the whole world.

"Shoot!" He waved his whip in anger and shouted sternly. On the ski platform, dozens of crossbow arrows slammed into the ground. Chen Bin leaped to the ground and stuck to the roots of the battlements. The crossbow arrows slammed into the ground. Above the ice wall, Chen Bin's body was shaken by the shock, but Chen Bin laughed happily, "Sure enough!"

Below the city ~www.NovelMTL.com~ The drum beats quickly, the infantrymen holding their large shields, turning themselves into a moving tortoise shell, and slowly pushing forward. On the city, the soldiers silently loaded the stone into the simple Above the slingshot. There are no fresh bamboos in the city, but there are still many bamboos that were used to build shelves when the capital was built. Inspired by the big slingshots outside the city, the city also started to make this stuff, although it cannot be shot because of the material. It's too far, but it's okay to fly a stone weighing a dozen kilograms from the city to dozens of meters away. The craftsmanship of the people in the Central Plains is naturally not comparable to those of the Donghu people. After a series of quenching, these bamboos have excellent elasticity and are not easy to break. Unlike the Donghu people outside, the two bamboos with the thickness of the bowl can not be used a few times. Need to be replaced.

"Knock off their turtle shells!" A company commander lay on the wall and waved his hand fiercely. Dozens of stone bullets flew out of the city and fell to the shield that was approaching in the distance with a rumble sound. It sounded constantly, one block of the shield was smashed, revealing the pawns underneath, many people were beaten to bloodshed. With bad luck, the last stone bomb smashed the shield, but the next stone was. It falls directly on the head, and the account is taken on the spot.

Chen Bin didn't pay attention to this. His gaze had been watching the opposing cavalry. Today, the opponent will definitely use the cavalry to storm the city.

"Be prepared." He yelled at the soldiers who had already prepared in front of a few ski platforms, "Let's serve Donghu Manzi a fresh dish." P

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