I’m The King

Chapter 656: : The wind and snow keeps the sky and the blade is cold (8)

The team where Fu Xiao and Dong Zhuang belonged is aimed at supplying the logistics system of the Donghu army, while the other teams led by Niu Ben are scattered and sneaked into the cities in the Donghu area. Their goal is simpler. Some, to assassinate and create chaos. |[2][3][w][x] Niu Teng, another general under Ning Xin’s command, had already entered Donghu earlier, and his task was to activate some of the secret nails that Ning Zecheng had hidden back then. These secret nails survived by luck after Lu Shiren's betrayal. At this time, it was time for them to play a role.

"This kind of poison, oh, actually shouldn't be called a poison contract. It is specially formulated by us. It won't kill people, but it just makes the stomach upset. Of course, horses are no exception. You must try your best to sneak into the other party's logistics department. Battalion, mix these powders into some of the grain and grass. Remember, it’s a part, not all. We don’t have enough troops on the east coast, and Yan Qi’s army is too much. It’s impossible to make them all fall. One after another, what we need to do this is to be secretive, and to make these Donghu people think that it is not we who have given the medicine, but that there is a problem with their own food, or it is caused by mildew, which weakens the enemy’s war. Strength is our goal. Don’t be too big to lose your mind. If you want to paralyze the enemy, it will be counterproductive.” Niu Ben waved the small paper bag in his hand, “Hold the enemy’s attack until next year. The warmth of spring and the thawing of the Liaohe River are the beginning of our victory."

After repeatedly admonishing Fu Xiao several times, Niu Ben left. In his hands, there was a long list of assassinations, killing these people, creating countless chaos within Donghu, and allowing Thorpe's court system to operate. If there is a gap, the enemy will inevitably lead to chaos. You must know that Thorpe used a strong force to suppress the wave of opposition within Donghu. If Thorpe's confidant core is at this time. Suddenly a large number of deaths, then some people who oppose him are very likely to be in power. These people can create difficulties for Thorpe, perhaps more powerful than on the battlefield.

Tulu is on the list.

Lu Shiren is ranked second only to Tulu's name.

Huo Tianliang, another traitor to the Yan people.

Staring at one after another on this list. Niu Ben's eyes were murderous.

The wind is getting stronger and stronger, the snow is wrapped in the wind and dancing in the air, the line of sight is only a few feet in front of you, even if you wear the warmest clothes, you only show two eyes outside, Fu Xiao The two of Dong Zhuang and Dong Zhuang also felt the bone-chilling cold, which seemed to be the next moment. Will be frozen into an ice sculpture. Dong Zhuang blinked, his eyebrows and eyelashes were covered with fine icicles. "Captain, it's almost done. I don't believe those Donghu barbarians will do their best to patrol in such a ghostly weather." Although the wind and snow were raging. No one could hear the two of them, but Dong Zhuang carefully lowered his voice.

"Have you seen those watchtowers?" Fu Xiao lay on his body in the snow nest at this moment. Covered with a layer of snowflakes, when you lifted your hand, the snow fell rustlingly, "Still a moment, I will lead a team, you lead a team, sneak in quietly, remember, don’t kill, don’t kill, or it will let you If the enemy is suspicious, after the matter is over, they retreat to the point where they are directed to meet."

"Understood, Captain!" Dong Zhuang nodded and landed on all fours, twisting and twisting like a snake to crawl to the other side. The next moment, the two of them each took a dozen team members, divided into two paths, and ran towards like a civet cat. The enemy camp in the distance.

In fact, Fu Xiao still overestimated the vigilance of the Donghu people. Special operations are still a new thing in this era. Some generals may do it accidentally, but like the Zhengdong Army, a separate unit of this kind is organized. , Specializing in these tasks, but Donghu people never expected.

Yan Qi's protection of logistics is not negligible. Along this logistics channel, there are a total of 5,000 cavalry troops to protect along the route. In this large camp, more than 1,000 cavalry are stationed. Considering that it is on the east bank, The troops of the East Expeditionary Forces were weak. Except for the annihilated, the only troops left were the besieged. The force of this large battalion was really strong enough.

Obviously, the Donghu garrison in this big camp was also bewildered by this fact, and this raging snowstorm made them feel more at ease. No one can start a war in this kind of weather. You will be frozen stiff, you can't hold the handle of the knife at all, can't hold the spear.

It was a little better during the day, and at night, the wind and snow were like a knife.

The equipment of Donghu’s people is not as good as that of the general Zhengdong Army. They are even more incomparable with these special forces. Special forces like Fu Xiao and Dong Zhuang, all over their bodies, are all top-notch items. Wearing clothes made of cashmere, with cashmere gloves on his hands, and a thick headgear wrapped around his head, almost everything except his eyes was covered.

The patrolling horse team finally hid in the latter half of the night. At a few fixed checkpoints, the soldiers set up a big fire and kept throwing firewood into it. If it was a little slower, it might be poured into the fire by the wind and snow. Stop, everyone should squeeze as tightly as possible, and above which watchtowers, the soldiers on guards can’t make fires, so they can only wrap themselves in thick blankets, wishing to curl up their whole bodies into a ball, only looking forward to them. The time for the changing of the guard is coming soon, and the other one is watching with all his heart, but then again, even if he opens his eyes, he can't see how far away.

Dong Zhuang did this work for the first time, and he was still a small boss. He was a little bit worried about more than a dozen people, but as they sneaked into the other party’s camp smoothly, he suddenly became excited and seemed to be back again. When I was a teenager, when I was very hungry, I had the courage to go to the land of the landlord’s home to steal food. The landlords of my hometown were really ruthless. Not only were there people patrolling with evil dogs, but there were also many others. Tenants live in the shed, specializing in preventing people from stealing food, but even so, he can smoothly mix himself up for a while, and sometimes he can sneak some things back to his younger siblings. I can't let them know, otherwise, I have to break my legs.

"Dog!" Dong Zhuang's mind suddenly came up with this guy's hideous appearance, and his heart suddenly became cold. In this camp, there will be dogs too? Dong Zhuang stopped suddenly and waved his hand. The people behind him all fell down. When he was a boy, the horrible scene of being chased and bitten by a dog replayed in Dong Zhuang's mind. Now he is not afraid of dogs, but in case it is here. There are dogs, and the dogs bark when they find them. They are in the other party's camp. There is really no way to get started.

He made a few gestures, and one person crawled forward on the ground. In front of him, there was a huge stable, which was indistinctly crowded with densely packed war horses. On the other side of the stable, one after another One of the grains stood tall, and when he looked closely, Dong Zhuang couldn't help but sweat in such a cold winter. Outside the stable, there was a big guy lying on his stomach. It was a dog, a big dog, at least Dong Zhuang has never seen such a big guy. It seems that this dog is not used to watch, but to watch over the horses.

Fortunately, there is only one. Dong Zhuang wiped the cold sweat on his head. If there is too much, then he can only retreat in embarrassment. I hope that Captain Fu will not run into this thing, this thing is very alert.

Dong Zhuang couldn’t help but thank him for the heavy snowstorm in his heart. Dogs never depended on their eyes, but by their keen sense of smell and extraordinary hearing. This heavy snowstorm made him The martial arts abolished Taiban, and the smell on his body now probably has nothing left besides the cold ice and snow.

He crawled slowly on the ground, but his eyes were staring at the big dog, getting closer and closer, Dong Zhuang holding the dark dagger in his hand, his eyes widened.

The dog stood up and seemed to have found something. He looked up and looked around, as if he was looking for a target. At this time, Dong Zhuang, lying on the ground, was like a raised snowdrift. The dog would naturally not find anything, but it was still light. He stepped forward and walked towards Dong Zhuang.Although the wind and snow covered most of Dong Zhuang's smell, the dog is not a human being.Even a trace of strange smell is enough to arouse its vigilance.

The big dog arrived in front of Dong Zhuang, and his green eyes stared at the snow mound, and the light of doubt appeared in his eyes.At this moment, Dong Zhuang suddenly violent, and his upper body was frightened. When he jumped to retreat, he had already strangled the big dog's neck with one hand, and the whole person bounced like a spring, and his two legs were twisted and wrapped around the big dog's body. The purpose of strangling his neck was to prevent the dog from barking. Sure enough, the dog was caught off guard by the sudden violent attack, and was knocked to the ground by Dong Zhuang abruptly, with his mouth wide open, but he couldn't make any sound. Those fangs made Dong Zhuang's heart cold.

My heart was cold, but my hand was not idle, but the short dagger in the other hand was stabbed at the dog one after another. After three or five stabbings, he watched the big dog's eyes gradually disappear. The strength of struggling slowly weakened. Dong Zhuang was relieved to thank the landlord Lao Cai. The dog you raised allowed Lao Tzu to develop this dog-killing stunt since he was a child. When Lao Tzu becomes an official, he will return home. At that time, I won't kill you anymore, just beat you up to vent your anger.

Turning over from the dog, Dong Zhuang lay face up on the snow, panting for breath. It seemed very simple just now, but Dong Zhuang only needs a bad one to let the dog bark, or let the dog find him in advance. They are miserable.

"Captain, great!" Behind him, a dozen team members climbed over and gave him a thumbs up. Dong Zhuang rolled his eyes and glanced at the stable. When the dog was killed, there was some commotion in the stable. , But Dong Zhuang's movements were too fast, and the horses had calmed down at this time.

"The Liangtun is over there, remember, every other Liangtun, sprinkle some powder, and then, let's retreat!" He said weakly. (To be continued~www.NovelMTL.com~ When going out, just go to the mobile version

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