I’m The King

Chapter 638: : Chengtou Dialogue

The East Hu army rumbled away. On the top of the city, the hundreds of civil and military officials had almost disappeared, but Thorpe was still standing at the top of the city, staring at the end of the sky. There was no other color besides the empty white. .

After taking a deep breath, Thorpe turned his head slightly, "Kumamoto, look at me Higashi Kojiro, how about?"

Kumamoto nodded in commoner clothes and said, "Yes, I can be the title of Tiger Wolf Teacher."

"How is it better than your Yanjun?"

"Each is good at each, each has its own advantages."

Thorpe laughed loudly, "Kumamoto, to this day, you are still so proud, um, as you Yan said, the pig’s head is cooked, but the bones are still hard. If you Yanjun really have my Donghu Erlang so brave , How come I was so defeated by my sons and sons, even you are stranded in my Donghu?"

Kumamoto looked sad and remained silent for a while, and said: "The specific statement of the specific battle. This battle is not because our Yan army was not brave, but because of another reason. If you Donghu soldiers are truly invincible in the world, after so many years, it will not be enough. Even Liaoxi can't enter, and a Zhang Shouyue will block you for decades."

Thorpe said coldly: "You are right. Non-warriors are not brave. I, Donghu Erlang, cannot enter Liaoxi. It is not only because we can't fight. There is an invincible cavalry in the east, but there are also his shortcomings. I don’t care. Above the political system, or above the military system, there are shortcomings that cannot be made up in a short time, but now we realize it, so we are changing, Kumamoto, look at it, in a few years, I will bring I'm going to take a look at Liaoxi."

Kumamoto laughed, "It's not ashamed to say it, have you forgotten that Yuwenke lost tens of thousands of lives in Hetao, but in the direction of Liaoxi. Aguhuaien was so suppressed by He Lanxiong that he could not lift his head, and let you be a lofty one. I'm struggling. I want to invade Dayan. Are you dreaming!"

Hit people but not face. Thorpe, the army general of Kumamoto, was a little embarrassed and snorted, "Yan Qi will definitely bring back that lofty man's head this time. When that happens, I will definitely invite you to have a drink and celebrate."

Kumamoto laughed, "Let’s wait and see. But I’m thinking, if Yan Qi loses again this time. Even your Wang Qi is left in Hetao. Then, how do you suppress Donghu’s domestic opposition and how to deal with you? Political enemy? Raise the butcher knife again and kill again, and your Donghu foundation will be wiped out."

"Do you think Yan Qi will lose?" Thorpe asked rhetorically.

Kumamoto was stunned and looked up at the heavy sky. In a flash, he had thought of countless possibilities, but none of them could effectively defeat Yan Qi. Under the terrain like Hetao, Yan Qi's fifty thousand cavalry had the absolute upper hand, and they could rely on it at a great distance. Perhaps it was the Liaohe River, but Yan Qixuan sent troops at this season, obviously to take advantage of the severe cold of this season.

Liaohe, it's going to be frozen! Kumamoto sighed. With the severe cold here and the frozen river, there is no problem, let alone walking, or running on the horse. I don't know if Gao Yuan noticed this problem.

Looking at Kumamoto hesitated. Thorpe proudly said: "Look, even General Kumamoto can't think of any possibility of defeating Yan Qi from Gaoyuan. What else can I worry about?"

"Yan Qi does have a greater victory, but don't forget. Since Gao Yuan's rise, every battle has been weak and strong, and small enemies are big. But these years, he has not only lived well. , And getting stronger and stronger, when you think he will definitely lose, he will often give you great surprises. This is a man who can create miracles. Although I can't think of any tricks to defeat Yan Qi, he doesn't It means he can’t. Thorpe, I’m just a dying old guy, and lofty, but full of vigor. "Kumamoto said, suddenly remembered something interesting, and laughed," he said, this Gao Yuan is really the suffering master of your Donghu people. From the beginning of a soldier, he used your Donghu people to operate. Every time you grow up, you Donghu people will serve as a stepping stone for him. This time, I really wait and see and look forward to a miracle!"

Thorpe was angry in his heart and snorted coldly, "Then you wait, I will invite you to come and see when the head of the distant man is picked up."

The two stopped talking, standing at the top of the city, but each was thinking about their own thoughts.

After a long while, Thorpe squinted at Kumamoto. Although he was over fifty years old, where this veteran was standing, he was still like a tall pine, captured in Donghu, but never lost the dignity of a general. Think about it again. In the previous battle with Lin Cheng, this man relied on his incomplete vanguard to launch a decisive impact on He Lin Cheng time after time. Even in the face of the last attacking palace guards, he was brazenly not afraid. This person commanded 20,000. Almost all of the Yu Pioneers died under Helin City. Even though Thorpe dismissed Yan Jun, he still maintained respect for Kumamoto. This is also the reason why Kumamoto was able to live well in Helin after he voluntarily stayed in Donghu and was unwilling to bow his head to Donghu.

"General Kumamoto, Tulu often talks to you about some things on the court of Yan Kingdom?" Thorpe shook his head and changed the subject. "Now Tan Feng and Zhou Yu hold the power, Ning Zecheng is dead, Zhou Yuan is reprimanded, and the veterans and officials who went back with Zhou Yuan have almost all been deposed. Nowadays, in the state of Yan, the newcomers control the government, even if you go back. , I have your position, and the best ending is to return to the old garden. You have just passed fifty, so you are willing to make such a shock?"

Kumamoto sneered, "You still want to surrender to me. Why don't you give up? That's all that Tulu is always screaming in my ears. You dignified king, how can you repeatedly come from taking the humiliation, even if I just do A gardener who works all day long will not work for you Donghu people."

Thorpe's face changed, he was about to have an attack. Looking at Kumamoto's light and wind, he seemed to be waiting for him to do something, and he couldn't help but disappear. He laughed, "Alright, General Kumamoto, but waited for me to break down. With the big Yan in your heart, Donghu Iron Cavaliers swept the world, after what Qin, Zhao, Qi, and Chu have all stepped under their feet, I want to see if you are willing to work for me?"

Kumamoto was startled, and suddenly laughed wildly. He bent his waist and smiled while shaking his head, pointing at Thorpe, "Arrogant, extremely arrogant, I am willing to wait, but I am afraid that I will die of old age, you It is not necessarily a step into the Central Plains."

Looking at Kumamoto who was laughing uncontrollably, Thorpe said coldly: "You people in the Central Plains have a saying, call someone with aspirations, and things will come true. I have this patience, Kumamoto. Maybe this process will be very long. You may not really see it. Arrived, but I have this determination and patience. When my horse takes the foot of the world, I will ask people to find your sons and grandsons, give them officials and knights, let them work for me, and then I will take them Come and put a stick of incense in front of your grave, but you have to see if you win or I win in the end!"

Staring at Thorpe with a serious face, the smile on Kumamoto's face gradually froze. He was a lunatic, he said in his heart.

Looking at the frozen Kumamoto, Thorpe smiled triumphantly: "Now under my rule, many of you who are frustrated in the Central Plains have been recruited. They are completing a series of vast projects such as the legal system and the ritual system for me. , I know the shortcomings of our Donghu people, but the emperors in the Central Plains, can you know their shortcomings? Kumamoto, you don't want to work for me, but can other Dayan people be like you!"

He laughed and turned back to the guard behind him: "Here, bring them all, let General Kumamoto take a look."

Kumamoto was a little surprised. Then, he saw a row of dozens of people filed in front of him and Thorpe. After giving a big gift to Thorpe, he straightened up and glanced across Kumamoto. They all looked ashamed and bowed their heads. language.

Kumamoto's eyebrows gradually rose. Among these people, he knew only a few, but they were all generals in the Yan Army's standing army. But now, they are all wearing Donghu palace guard uniforms.

Thorpe looked at Kumamoto and said with a smile: "You don't want to work for my Donghu, but they do. Now, they are officers of our palace guards. These people are not high in your standing army, the highest It’s just a general, but I have carefully inspected and visited these people. These people are all talented. It’s just because of the so-called unspoken rules of the country of Yan, their highest level is now. But in our Donghu, I can Give them a higher position and let them show their strengths."

Kumamoto's eyes swept across the faces of everyone, and slowly became disdainful, "If you count your ancestors and forget your ancestors, heaven will kill them."

The expressions of these dozens of generals became extremely difficult to look at.

Thorpe said in the first place: "Good birds choose trees to live, loyal ministers choose their masters, you work hard for the king, and this king will not treat you badly. I have sent someone to ask for your family members from King Yan. King Yan did not dare to detain him. Estimated the time. When you people in the Central Plains celebrate the New Year, your family will come to Donghu to reunite with you. From now on, we will train soldiers for my Donghu and fight against the enemy."

"Thank you, King!" Dozens of generals showed surprise and joy on their faces~www.NovelMTL.com~ If these people surrendered to Donghu, there is nothing to worry about the Central Plains, then it is only theirs. Family now.

Thorpe turned his head to look at Kumamoto triumphantly, "General Kumamoto, now you should also think, what are they doing for this king?"

Kumamoto snorted coldly, "What else can I do? It's just training pawns. You don't have many self-employed farmers. Except for herders, you are slaves. Do you expect these slaves to become a strong army? A joke, it's just too much. It’s nothing more than some death-dealers on the battlefield."

"You are wrong!" Thorpe sneered. "The main body of the pawns is indeed from slaves, but do you know what slaves desire most, freedom. The main bodies of these pawns are from the second or even the third generation. Slaves, this king has promised them that as long as they have made military exploits on the battlefield, they can cancel their parents’ slave status, turn them into self-cultivating farmers, and grant them land. Therefore, their fighting spirit is very high! Qin! The man’s strategy is wonderful, and I am also going to implement it in Donghu, General Kumamoto, what do you think?"

Kumamoto looked at Thorpe, and his face finally became heavy. (To be continued)

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