I’m The King

Chapter 620: : Fish in troubled waters

At the foot of Mengshan Mountain, more than ten miles outside of Xinhui County, Hejian, outside a military camp, teams of cavalry were galloping back and forth. A place within a kilometer of a radius had been trampled on the grass and the infantry was standing at the gate. Looking at the high-spirited cavalrymen, their brows were extremely tight.

This barracks is a barracks stationed in Xinhui of the Field Army of the Central Group of the East Army. There are not many garrisons. When the number of troops is the largest, there are only more than 3,000 people. Every once in a while, some recruits will rotate here for training. And the only one that did not rotate was the cavalry led by the infantry.

The number is not large, only five hundred. At present, the Zhengdong Army and Donghu are in full-scale war. Almost all the cavalry capable of fighting have been transferred to Sun Xiao in the Hetao and Helanxiong in the direction of Niulan Mountain. These five hundred cavalry are actually one of the re-recruitment and training of the infantry after they arrived in the river. A new army.

Ye Zhen served as the commander of the Central Army, but this army was almost empty. When Ye Zhen came to Hejian, he had nothing but a hundred officers with him. Two years have passed, and now it is. The Central Army already has more than 10,000 soldiers.

Xinhui is now in a strange state. In the eyes of outsiders, Xinhui under the control of the Eastern Army and Anlu in Yuyang County should be in a hostile state. The scale of the friction, from time to time, will draw swords and crossbows, and the soldiers underneath can’t figure out the situation. After each other’s sentry and scouts meet each other, apart from anything else, they basically draw out their swords and guns, which is a real fight. , Life and death are desperate, but the upper-level leader knows that this kind of battle is only limited to the contest between the scout and the small team. In a big conflict, it is impossible for both sides to go to war in a short period of time.

However, the caravans between the two places are endless. Countless traded goods that are prohibited by both parties on the bright side are traded grandiosely here.

Seeing that the sun was slanting west, the infantry signaled to the trumpeter beside him to blow his trumpet to retreat. He also turned and walked into the camp. Although he has one foot made of iron, he walks quite steadily now. If you just look at In his upper body, he would never feel that this person is a disabled person.

Wherever the infantry passed, all the soldiers looked at the general with one iron foot in reverence. Iron feet occasionally stepped on the stone and made a ding sound, but it did not affect the balance of the infantry in the slightest.

The infantry has become accustomed to the soldiers’ vision, but at this moment, his mind is still thinking about some things about the cavalry. The cavalry at hand has been training for a whole year. From the outside, they are already quite powerful. Fight immediately, ride and shoot immediately. The combination and transformation of formations in the battle are all decent, and there are only generals like infantry who have experienced countless cavalry battles. Only then did I know that this cavalry was still just a sleek for now.

Of course, this kind of goods also depends on whom to compare. If you compare them with the cavalry in the Central Plains, the infantry is still very confident that they will not lose to them, but it is compared with the East Hu cavalry. Or if the Cavalry on the front line of the Eastern Expeditionary Army came to compare, that would be a big difference.

"Maybe only when you get to the battlefield, fight fierce battles, and die some people, will you make progress!" The infantryman murmured, he didn't forget how he grew from a **** step by step. For the most powerful cavalry generals in the Eastern Army, that is to fight non-stop, on the battlefield, and wander non-stop on the edge of life and death. This is how human potential is squeezed out bit by bit. .

We are not like Donghu people and Huns who grew up on horseback since we were young. What we can do is to squeeze out human potential as much as possible in a short period of time.

Returning to his own big account, the first thing the infantry did was to bring up a pen and record some of his own experience and experience in practicing cavalry this day. Since listening to the words of the governor, the infantry has been insisting on it over the years. He reads and reads, although it is said that the writing of a note is not very good, but compared to the illiterate that year, he is indeed reading a lot of books now, of course, it is mainly military books.

Putting the pen down, the infantry thought silently, maybe he should try the new tactics that the coach Helan has just experimented with. For the East Army, this is a shortcut for equipping a large number of new cavalry.

The Eastern Expeditionary Army never lacked horses. They lacked soldiers that could fight on the horses. They didn’t want the Huns to dominate the world among the Eastern Expeditionary Army cavalry. Don't ask Gao Yuan why, but he can also figure out this matter, especially after talking with Ye Zhen, he has benefited a lot.

balance! This is the truth Ye Zhen told him. As a superior, the best thing he needs to do is balance.

"Commander, commander!" Guard Mu Sany ran in, "Commander Ye is here."

"Huh?" The infantry raised his head strangely. Why did Ye Zhen arrive at him silently, "The commander is here?"

"Yes, but it's weird, dressed in casual clothes, with only a few entourages." Mu San also looked strange.

"Go, go out and welcome." With a move in the infantry's heart, he lifted his steps and walked out. Ye Zhen came out, hiding his trace, as long as something big was about to happen, otherwise, why bother to be so mysterious on his own territory .

As soon as I left the big account, I saw the officer on duty walking quickly with a few people. The leader was Ye Zhen, the commander of the Central Field Group Army of the East Army who was stationed in Hejian.

"I have seen the commander!" The infantry slapped his chest with his right hand and paid a military salute to Ye Zhen.

"Talk inside the tent!" Ye Zhen nodded, and while walking inward, he said to the people behind him: "Keep at the big tent, no one can come in."

The infantry's heart jumped, looking at Ye Zhen's face, as if he wanted to poke something out of it, but Ye Zhen looked calm, just some excitement flashing in his eyes.

"It seems that something is really going to happen!" The infantry was thinking in his heart.

There were only three people left in the tent, Ye Zhen, the infantryman, and a fierce middle-aged man who followed Ye Zhen. The infantryman looked at each other carefully and made sure he didn't know him.

"Infantry, in Xinhui, are you so bored?" Ye Zhen dragged a chair to sit down, looked at the infantry, and smiled authentically.

"Of course it's boring, it's so boring." The infantry nodded and said, "Commander, is there any work to do?"

"Yes, there is not only a job, but also a big job!" Ye Zhen said with a smile. "But this time for the big job, we just fished in troubled waters to get a little bit of benefit from it."

The infantry blinked, "Is there something going on in Yuyang?"

Ye Zhen laughed, "I know I can't hide it from you." He nodded heavily, "There is something going on in Yuyang, and it's not a trivial matter. We can't stop it, so we can only fish in troubled waters. It's a benefit to get a little good."

"I have insufficient strength. In addition to five hundred cavalry, there are only 1,000 infantrymen. With this strength, if you want to profit from it, if you don't do it well, you will steal the chicken without losing the rice!" The infantry touched his chin. Embarrassed.

"Since I'm here, how could I come empty-handed!" Ye Zhen smiled, "The three thousand elites stationed in the county city have already set off in the name of training. I have already calculated the time. When they arrive here, immediately It will be able to invest, so that it will not make people suspicious. Anyway, our East Army often trains in various counties, even if someone finds out that we are deploying troops, there is no doubt.

The infantry clapped their hands, "Okay, the commander has already planned it. Now I want to know how we fish in troubled waters, where is this fish?"

Ye Zhen laughed, "This fish is naturally in Yuyang County. We will take Anlu this time, and there is a man and horse, and we will also bring it into our arms."

The infantry jumped up, "How is this possible? Anlu County has stationed Jiang Xinliang's Three Thousand Heart Abdomen Team. General Zeng Xianyi, who is Jiang Xinliang’s **** confidant, assists Jiang Xinliang in calculating Jiang Dawei’s generals. These three thousand soldiers here are the essence of Yuyang soldiers. In a real fight, we have little chance of winning."

Ye Zhen looked at the infantry mysteriously, "Why do we need to fight?"

"Don't fight?" The infantry was a little confused, "What kind of way is this?"

"Infantry Commander, I'm not joking with you, let Captain Niu tell you the specifics!" Ye Zhen pointed at the capable man behind him with a smile.

The man stepped forward and saluted the infantryman: "The Supervisory Court Niu Ben, I have seen the infantry commander."

"Niu Ben!" The infantryman said several times in his mouth, suddenly thinking of someone, his eyelids jumped, "Are you Ms. Ning's person?"

Niu Ben smiled slightly, "Ms. Ning is now the vice president of the Supervision Institute, and Niu Ben is naturally also a member of the Supervision Institute."

The infantry blinked his eyes twice, "You can tell me, what is the specific situation?"

"Ten days ago ~www.NovelMTL.com~ our wild wolves sent out intelligence in Jicheng and Yuyang's dark piles at the same time. The intelligence showed that Tan Feng decided to take down Jiang Xinliang and formally annex Yuyang County. From the information we have so far Judging from this, Tan Feng has instigated at least a dozen main generals in Yuyang County. In other words, Jiang Xinliang is now almost a polished commander, except for his own army and Anlu’s Zeng Xianyi. Once launched, Jiang Xinliang must be unlucky. According to Jicheng intelligence, Tan Feng’s plan is to kill Jiang Xinliang, and the mutiny slogan is to welcome back to the old county and guard Jiang Dawei. Of course, Jiang Dawei cannot regain control of Yuyang County. He will be taken back to Jicheng by Tan Feng. With this guy in his hands, Yuyang County will be taken back by the court, and it will be justified."

The infantry sighed, "Jiang Xinliang, who is from both sides, wants to please everyone. As expected, he will not end well. Niu Ben, what are we going to do?"

"Zeng Xianyi is a good friend of Jiang Xinliang's biological mother, so this person cannot be instigated, but his three thousand Yuyang County soldiers can fight very well, so it is what we want. When Tan Feng launched the army, we As long as he is involved in Anlu, he can't move, and when the news that Jiang Xinliang was killed by Tan Feng reaches Anlu, where else can he go?"

"He has almost nowhere to go except to take refuge in us." The infantry nodded. "In other words, Zeng Xianyi, his three thousand soldiers, and Anlu will all belong to us." (To be continued...)

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