I’m The King

Chapter 498: : Mrs. Lu

Shi Pengbin, the governor of Liaoxi County, had a good luck, and has not been arrested until now. Wang Yulong and others who temporarily took charge of the city of Liaoxi were born in a group of big soldiers. The lofty and lofty man who was immersed in various official duties really regretted leaving Jiang Jiaquan in Fufeng. If he were here, he would not have to work so hard.

After finally processing the last official document, Gao Yuan let out a long breath, stretched a long lazy waist, and raised his head. Only then did he find out that, at some point, the guards turned on the lights and concentrated on himself. When dealing with official duties, he didn't even notice. This is really hard work! Gao Yuan smiled bitterly and shook his head.

Rubbing his wrists and walking out of the room, Gao Yuan saw the infantry outside the door. Seeing his fully armed appearance, he turned out to be on guard for Gao Yuan.

"Why are you here?" Gao Yuan smiled and walked over, "Is nothing wrong in the camp?"

"Where He Lanxiong is, what can happen!" The infantryman said, "I don't worry about the general here. Although Liaoxi City is surrendered now, the forest is bigger and there are all kinds of birds. Maybe there is something unpredictable. The guy was hiding in the dark. The general came lightly this time, but the personal guards did not follow. Since Tie Xuan and Ding Wei went down to lead the team, you have not chosen a personal guard again. No, I can only come personally. Stand guard for you!"

Gao Yuan laughed, "Even if an assassin wants to come and count me, is it still my opponent's failure? My forehand is itchy!"

"General, you can't think of it!" The infantry said with a serious face: "The assassin's assassination will still be ineffective with you. Naturally, they will do everything, let alone anything else, if these guys are carrying bows and crossbows. You. Can you be sure to avoid between the electric light and flint? Therefore, the personal guard must be selected as soon as possible, and the guard battalion must be reorganized."

Gao Yuan shook his head, "You fellow. It seems that I have been with Jiang Jiaquan for a while. He has been deeply influenced by him!"

"Jiang Changshi has a set of principles, most of which I don’t understand. But there is one that fits my mind. Now the well-being of tens of thousands of people is tied to the general, and the general is no longer the light of the past. It’s a man. If a gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall, he will suffocate all things that are not good for the general in the cradle. Fang is the best choice."

Gao Yuan couldn't help laughing or crying when he saw the guy in front of him who couldn't even recognize big characters before, unexpectedly dropped his schoolbag with him, but he also realized it. With the increasing strength of oneself, the vision and knowledge of these generals under one's subordinates are also increasing day by day. See their vision for yourself. I'm afraid we have to re-examine it.

"Yes, this matter is as you said, and we will do it when we go back. But now that you are acting as a guard, then go out with me." Gao Yuan beckoned.

"The general is going out, where is he going?"

"I'm going to visit Aunt Lu!" Gao Yuan's eyes suddenly became gloomy. Over the years, she has been dependent on Uncle Lu for life. Now that Uncle Lu is gone, I don't know how she is doing?

"Yes, I will call the guards right away!" the infantry said.

"By the way, call the gift of heaven, and let him go with us." Gao Yuan suddenly remembered something and said to the infantryman.

"God, he was very busy today." The infantry said, "I don't know if he can be found right away."

"Who said I can't find my man!" As soon as the infantry's voice fell, Cao Tianci ran up and down, and from him, there was a faint **** smell, Gao Yuan couldn't help but frown, "killed." ?"

"Yes, today, I was busy catching mice! Some ignorant mice want to resist, so naturally they will kill them!" Cao Tianci said nonchalantly.

"Who are these people?"

"Guys from Yanlingwei. The publicly identified people in Yanlingwei's branch in Liaoxi City all ran away, but there are still a lot of nails buried in Liaoxi City. How can I tolerate them doing things in Liaoxi City? Gao Xi!" Cao Tianci said.

"How can you know their situation so clearly?" Gao Yuan looked at him strangely, "I don't think our wolves have this ability now."

Cao Tianci blushed, "Most of the information comes from Zhao Guo's Tiger and Leopard Cavalry, and a small part of it was dug up by our own people."

"Feng Fayong ran to Liaoxi City again?" Gao Yuan's eyes widened.

"Yes, but this time he helped me a lot." Cao Tianci smiled.

Gao Yuan looked at him angrily and funny, "There is no free lunch in this world. How could he help you in vain? You forgot about Zhong Li. If Jiang Changshi hadn't dealt with it in time, you would have added it to me. big trouble."

Cao Tianci couldn't help being embarrassed, "But this time the information he provided is very accurate and can be used, of course I need to use it."

"Okay, I see. Those Yan Lingwei's secret whistles that have been caught can be expelled from the west of Liaoning. In addition, from tomorrow, you are also welcome to the tiger and leopard riders. The people on their face will not move, but they will be secretly I caught those guys." Gao Yuan said.

Cao Tianci was stunned, but he realized in a blink of an eye, "Yes, these tiger and leopard riders know these spies of Yan Lingwei, so we must use these captured Yan Lingwei to catch the tiger and leopard rider. It will definitely be twice the result with half the effort. "

"Feng Fayong relied on a little friendship with us, a little unscrupulous, I really don't want to do anything to him, but for those hidden tiger and leopard riders, you don't have to be polite!" Gao Yuan sneered. "Liaoxi City is not their paradise."

Aside from this episode, Gao Yuan and his party rushed to Lu Hong's home in Liaoxi City.

Since Lu Hong got the shares of Wu Kai Liquor Industry, the money in his pocket has been bulging. The new home he has set up in the West of Liaoning can be described as Meilun Meihuan. Not only is the site large, but even the decoration is also first-class. I'm afraid that even the prefectures can't be compared. Zhang Shouyue is richer than Lu Hong, but his money is used to raise troops and train a large group of officials, but Lu Hong only needs to support himself.

It's just that the luxurious house in front of me is now plunged into darkness. The two white lanterns hanging at the door are very conspicuous, and the whole house looks a little gloomy.

Cao Tianci stepped up the steps and wanted to call the door, but Gao Yuan stopped him, "God, I will do it myself."

Walking to the door with some heavy steps, he reached out and knocked on the brass door knocker.

After a long while, the door was opened a crack, and a person showed half of his face. "Who are you looking for?"

"I am Gao Yuan, I want to see Mrs. Lu!" Gao Yuan said to him.

The man's face stiffened for an instant, and then he began to fall back. Hearing the rapid footsteps outside the door Gaoyuan, it was obvious that the guy was rushing in to report.

Shaking his head, Gao Yuan pushed open the concealed door, and walked in with the infantry and Cao Tianci.

After a while, an old man covered in white hurried over.

"Housekeeper Lu!" Gao Yuan greeted him and shouted.

"General Gao, you are here!" Lu Bin's words were full of sadness. "You finally came here."

"Auntie, is she okay?"

"I cry every day!" Lu Bin said helplessly, "I don't want to persuade you anyhow. It's fine if you come, and you can persuade the old lady. The master has already gone, so the lady must take care of her body."

Gao Yuan nodded, "Take me to see Auntie!"

Madam Lu was lying sickly on the bed, and even under the dim light, she could see her pale face. She was thin and thin, and she was still the blessed Madam Lu in the high and distant image.

"Auntie, I came to see you!" Gao Yuan walked to Mrs. Lu, bowed and saluted, and greeted.

Mrs. Lu, who was leaning on the girl’s arms, saw Gao Yuan, and her tears came down again, "Gao Yuan, your Uncle Lu is gone, no more, he died unjustly, you want to avenge him, and avenge him!" Mrs. Lu stretched out her hand and grasped Gao Yuan tightly.

Gao Yuan sat leaning on the edge of the bed, reaching out to hold Mrs. Lu’s scrawny hands, "Auntie, don’t worry, Zhang Junbao, Zhang Zhuo, Wu Yi, these culprits are now in my hands, and Peng Bin, who ran away, is also in my hands. At the meeting, Qiongbi fell to Huangquan and caught him. I will never let my uncle die in vain. These people, I will kill them all."

"Thank you, Gao Yuan, your uncle didn't take care of you in vain." Mrs. Lu cried even more sadly.

"Auntie, you can't abuse your body like this. I have sent someone to Bixiu Peak to bring back my uncle and their bodies. After my uncle comes back, you will have to host it later. Uncle has already gone. You must take care of your body. No matter how good, no matter what, you have to think about it for Brother Lu Chao, don't let him worry too much about you." Gao Yuan comforted softly.

"Chao'er, Chao'er will never see his dad again!" Mrs. Lu wailed again.

"Auntie~www.NovelMTL.com~ I will send Zhang Zhuo, the murderer of my uncle, to Brother Lu Chao for revenge." Gao Yuan said, "Don't worry, I won't let Brother feel regretful. "

"Thank you, Gao Yuan, you are thoughtful, I thank you for Chaoer."

"Uncle Lu has taken care of me for so many years. This is what I should do." Gao Yuan whispered: "Auntie, when you finish dealing with your uncle's funeral, you should go back to Fufeng to live. The neighbors there are familiar with them. With so many neighbors, you can also be happy."

"Return to Fufeng?" Mrs. Lu stayed for a while and shook her head. "I won't go. Where did your uncle and I have lived for decades? In that old house, there are his things everywhere. Where did I go? It will be more sad."

"Then you have always lived here? I will leave Liaoxi City and go back soon. If we are far away, I can't take care of you better." Gao Yuan said softly.

"No, I don't want to stay in Liaoxi City, nor do I want to return to Fufeng, Gao Yuan, aunt, please, don't you want to send someone to **** the murderer to Chao'er? Let me follow. I'm going to find Chao'er, I don't want to stay in Liaoxi anymore, I want to leave here far away."

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