I’m The King

Chapter 489: : Trapped in the city

Holding a bowl of thickly boiled herbs, Ye Zhong climbed the narrow stairs to the second floor, pushed open a closed door, and walked in.

The room was extremely small, and there was nothing else in the room except a big dirty bed. As soon as I stepped into the door, an extremely unpleasant musty smell came. It's cold outside, but the temperature inside the house is not much better than outside. It is also like an ice cellar. You don't have to think about a brazier for such a small inn.

Ye Zhong sat on the edge of the bed, stretched out his hand to support a teenager lying on the bed, leaned his head on his chest, and whispered, "Master, wake up, it's time to drink medicine."

This seriously ill boy is indeed Ye Tiannan's son and Ye Jinger's only younger brother, Ye Feng.

Ye Zhong wanted to rescue Ye Tiannan in Tianhe County, but was refused. Ye Tiannan had another plan in his heart. In desperation, Ye Zhong could only take Ye Feng away and head towards the west of Liaoning. When they finally arrived in the west of Liaoning. At that time, bad news came that Ye Tiannan died before Yanwang Palace.

Ye Zhong had already prepared in his heart, but Ye Feng couldn't bear such a huge blow. Although he was sad, he actually fell ill in Liaoxi City. Ye Zhong could only find a place to live in Liaoxi City. There were a group of brothers under him. Ye Zhong also let them out to inquire about the news. Since Tianhe County escaped, they have been surrounded by Yan Lingwei. Spy, Ye Zhong didn't dare to take it lightly. This Liaoxi City is now a place where the enemy is entrenched. If you vent your whereabouts, it is not a joke. If you can martial arts to the sky, hundreds of people will surround you. If you pair it with a crossbowman, you won't even have a chance.

Ye Feng hadn't suffered any blows and frustrations since he was a child. Even when Ye's family was the most troubled, he was protected by Ye's and Ye Jing'er, and this time, he was finally knocked down.

"Uncle Zhong, are we still in Liaoxi City?" Weakly opened his eyes, glanced at Ye Zhong, and he asked weakly.

"Yes, son, we are still in Liaoxi City."

"Is there any news from brother-in-law?"

Ye Zhong shook his head, "No, the brother sent out has not come back, and there is no news from him, but don't worry, your brother-in-law will be fine with him."

"I'm going to find him!" Ye Feng struggled a few times, but his whole body was sore and weak. After only a few stiffs, he fell weakly into Ye Zhong's arms.

"My son, the most important thing for you now is to recover from the disease. When you recover from the disease, we will go to Gaoyuan," Ye Zhong comforted.

After opening his mouth and taking a sip, Ye Feng's brows wrinkled deeper, "So bitter!"

"Good medicine is good for the disease, son, if you drink the medicine and sleep well, the illness will heal faster. If you want to see your brother-in-law earlier, you have to get better sooner, right?" Zhe Ye Zhong In the eyes of Ye Feng, Ye Feng is indeed still a child.

"I drink! I drink!" Ye Feng opened his mouth and swallowed the soup medicine.

After drinking the medicine, Ye Feng fell into a deep sleep again. He reached out and touched his still hot forehead. Ye Zhong's brows wrinkled deeply. He was hidden in Liaoxi City. He didn't dare to go to the doctor at all, even though he did. I knew a little bit of medical theory and went to grab some herbs by myself, but after a few days, Ye Feng was experiencing jet lag, and it was always impossible. It seemed that I still had to go to a doctor.

He stood up, took out a short knife from the pile of debris in the corner, hid it in his arms, and couldn't drag it anymore. If he had repeated fevers, it might have caused Ye Feng's body to collapse completely. Ye Feng's body has been very strong in the past few years. If it hadn't been like this, he would have been unable to stand it, but if this continues, it will not be a thing. The Ye Family has just such a root seedling, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with it.

When he walked to the door, he looked back at Ye Feng who was sleeping. He gritted his teeth and walked out. If you want to find a doctor with good medical skills, you will definitely not be able to find it in Xicheng. In this place, there are many doctors in the world, but their medical skills are not comparable to Ye's weight, so how can they show Ye Feng the disease.

Walking out of this small inn, Ye Zhong wrapped his cotton-padded jacket tightly, a felt hat covering most of his face, lowered his head, and hurried forward. Few people in Liaoxi City recognized him. But the people of Yan Lingwei who came after had already seen his portrait. Although his appearance has changed drastically since these days, he can hide it from ordinary people, but in front of these guys, any care It's not an exaggeration.

The Liaoxi city is now in chaos. The news of Zhou Yuan’s defeat of Donghu came, and the Liaoxi County began to mobilize the county. The county soldiers from all counties were gathering here. In the early stage, Zhang Junbao took a group to attack the Jishi city, which was high in the grassland. Later, under the command of Shi Pengbin, the governor of Western Liaoning, he prepared to defend the city of Western Liaoning.

Currently, there are about 20,000 young people who have gathered temporarily in the city, but in Ye Zhong's view, if the Donghu people call, it is true that these two million young people will defend the city, I am afraid that they will not be able to hold on for a few days.

There are many people in the city, and most of them are young and strong guys. Most of the generals in the Liaoxi city followed Zhang Junbao to attack the Jishi city. In the Liaoxi city, there is only one Peng Bin who can take charge of things. No matter where you are busy, the security in this city suddenly becomes chaotic. The last elite of the Liaoxi County soldiers in the Piansheng city also went out, and no one in the city could suppress these young men.

There was a loud noise in front of him, mixed with screams and crying, Ye Zhong leaned to the side of the street as much as possible, pulled the felt hat down again, and looked up, but it was in a small restaurant in front of him. A man dressed in the costume of a county soldier was walking outside while picking his teeth. Behind him was obviously the owner of this small restaurant closely chasing him. Seeing the boss’s bruised nose and swollen face, it must be these county soldiers who didn’t eat. Qian Fan beat the boss, and watching the boss crying and chasing behind him, Ye Zhong couldn't help but shook his head. This was really a pain.

As expected by Ye Zhong, the last soldier who walked back turned his head, brandishing an unsheathed knife, and slapped the boss directly at the door of the store. In the eyes of everyone daring to speak, he swaggered away. went.

Since the death of Zhang Shouyue in the west of Liaoning, it has been worse than one day. Ye Zhong sighed secretly in his heart, but it was a pity that Zhang Shouyue's first hero ended up like this in the end. Zhang Shubao is dead, and Zhang Junbao is obviously reduced to a **** in Tan Feng's hands. Zhang Shouyue's lifelong struggle has vanished in just a few months.

Seeing those county soldiers drifting away, Ye Zhong suddenly thought of Gao Yuan and his Jishicheng. I wonder what's going on with them now? If the city of Jishi was broken, and Gaoyuan was defeated, then he would only have to bring Ye Feng to hide his name from now on.

At this point, the chill on his body became heavier. He wrapped his clothes hard, and Ye Zhong immersed his head towards the East City. The most urgent thing was to cure Ye Feng's illness.

There was a rush of alarm bells in his ears. Ye Zhong suddenly pierced the ground like a nail. He raised his head and looked at the towering bell tower in the distance. Different bells have different meanings, and so hurried. The sound of the bell only represents one thing, that is, the enemy invaded Liaoxi City.

Did the Donghu people come so fast? impossible! In an instant, countless thoughts convolved in Ye Zhong's mind.

Shi Pengbin, the head of the county guard house in the west of Liaoning province, was trembling all over, looking at the courier with the dusty face standing in front of him, he couldn't believe his ears.

Just like this, the tens of thousands of troops didn't take down the city of Jishi, but were defeated by Gao Yuan?

"Tan Feng, Zhou Yu, you shameless people!" Peng Bin roared hoarsely. He couldn't think of it. In the end, it was Tan Feng and Zhou Yu who had shamelessly sold Zhang Junbao after their defeat. Give Gao Yuan, in exchange for their safe departure.

Sitting down on the chair, he only felt full of power and what it meant to be defeated. Of course, he understood that all the previous efforts had been lost, and what was waiting for him would be the catastrophe.

Zhang Junbao, Wu Yi, and Zhang Zhuo all fell into the hands of Gao Yuan, which also means that the matter of Dove killing Zhang Shouyue and ambushing Zhang Junbao must be made known to the world. As a participant and planner, he will be executed without delay, and his head will be cut off. That is more than enough.

"Long history, there are still more than 20,000 young people in the city, weapons and equipment, and enough food. Hurry up and gather all county lieutenants to prepare to defend against the enemy!" An official beside ~www.NovelMTL.com~ said anxiously," There are many cavalry under Gao Yuan's command. What the messenger reported was a matter of ten days ago. If he can get here, the opposing cavalry will soon come down."

Peng Bin raised his head and glanced at the official like an idiot, resisting, what kind of resisting, relying on the mess of county soldiers in this city? If Zhang Junbao and Zhang Zhuo are still in the city, they might be able to subdue these guys, so why do they? Most of the lieutenants who led troops in these counties were Zhang Shouyue's personal soldiers. I am afraid that when the truth is revealed to the world, these old immortals will be the first to kill themselves!

"Yeah, yeah, quickly call them to the county guard's office to discuss how to rescue the county guard!" Peng Bin waved his hand, "You go to inform immediately."

Seeing the official leaving in a hurry, Peng Bin stood up and ran backwards. After a while, he rushed towards the city gate with a small cap and casual clothes.

Ye Zhong was lying on the bell tower, beside him, an veteran who was ringing the bell was lying on the ground, not knowing his life or death. At the end of his sight, Ye Zhong saw countless cavalry soldiers rushing forward, and the eye-catching characters on the flying flag made his eyes burst into tears.

Lofty, still lofty after all. He did not live up to Ye Xiang's expectations, he came. rs

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