I’m The King

Chapter 486: :reverse

Ever since he retired to Fufeng, Zhang Junbao, who had not been called by Tan Feng, was immediately overjoyed. As long as the other party still remembers himself, it means that he is still useful to the other party. He didn’t think about it at the moment, so he took Wu Yi with him. Rushing straight to Tan Feng's residence.

After Tan Feng retired to Fufeng City, he did not live in the General Mansion in the city, but he took care to live in Gaoyuan’s private house in Fufeng County. This house was merged by the two families of Gaoyuan and Ye’s. A house, but not very big, much smaller than the General's Mansion.

When Zhang Junbao rushed to the front of the house, Yan Lingwei stood upright outside the door, without squinting his eyes, the whole street was silent, and he couldn't see a single figure, so he couldn't help but wonder.

"Why don't you see the other adults?" He asked the Lieutenant Yan Lingwei who led him and Wu Yi.

The school lieutenant smiled and bowed and said: "I don't know about the others. I was just ordered to inform Zhang Junshou and Master Wu. Maybe the other adults are still on the way. Zhang Junshou also knows that the soldiers in the city have been in a panic these days. Yes, everyone is very busy."

After hearing this, Zhang Junbao couldn't help but feel a pain. Everyone was very busy, only he was an idler and had nothing to do.

The most ironic thing is that he is still the owner of this land. After the current King Yan became the throne, in order to reward Zhang Shouyue for his support, he gave the Liaoxi County feudalism to Zhang Shouyue, and inherited his father's prefecture. Liaoxi said it was his own private property, but now, in his own home, his master has been overwhelmed by the crowd, and he has no right to speak at all.

Strength! Zhang Junbao lamented in his heart, now that he is high and far outside the city, how can he show off his power? Isn't it because he has such a bunch of big soldiers who dare to fight? When the crisis passed, he returned to Liaoxi City. You must work hard, recruit talents, and rebuild a strong army. Only in this way can you be proud of yourself.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but hate Zhang Shubao, Huang Desheng, and Lu Hong. People like Lu Hong help to abuse them. If they don’t have a high way to fuel the flames and hinder them, how come the brothers smashed the wall and put themselves in such a situation?

People like Zhang Junbao will always only think about their own interests, but when things happen, they will only put the blame on others, but they can't find reasons from themselves.

Step into the yard. Inside, I still saw Yan Lingwei who was heavily armed, neither the other people in the meeting nor Tan Feng.

"Two adults, please!" The captain smiled. Started and walked into the large open lobby.

Zhang Junbao and Wu Yi just stepped into the gate, and amidst the rumbling sound, the gate was closed tightly, and the school lieutenant who had just smiled on his face changed his face. In the center of Zhuo Li's lobby, he shouted sternly: "Come here, arrest these two collaborators and traitorous bastards."

Not waiting for Zhang Junbao and Wu Yi to react. Yan Lingwei on both sides of the lobby rushed up and pushed the two to the ground, their arms were sheared back, and they were neatly tied with twine rope.

Zhang Junbao was shocked. He pressed his face on the icy stone slab and yelled, "I'm Liaoxi County Shou, what do you want to do?"

The school lieutenant smiled, walked to Zhang Junbao, squatted down, stretched out his hand to grab Zhang Junbao's hair, and pulled hard, Zhang Junbao yelled in pain, looking at the school lieutenant slantingly, with deep fear in his eyes. .

"Zhang Junshou, huh, you are also worthy of this title. I think what a hero Zhang Shouyue is, but gave birth to such a rebellious and unfilial thing like you. In order to win the position of this county, kill my father and kill my brother, and let Donghu make me Dayan. Tens of thousands of army hate, Zhang Junbao, you just wait to be slashed by thousands of knives!" The captain pressed his hand hard, and with a bang, Zhang Junbao's face fell heavily on the stone, and suddenly he was bruised.

The school lieutenant stood up and snorted coldly: "Detain these two guys first. Without the command of the commander, no one can approach them. Offenders, kill!"

"Here!" In the room, dozens of Yan Lingwei responded in unison, glanced at the two people who were paralyzed on the ground like a mangy dog, the captain turned around in disgust, and walked behind.

Looking at the school lieutenant’s back, Zhang Junbao shouted hoarsely, “I’m wronged, commander Tan, forgive me, I’m still useful, I can help you stabilize Liaoxi, no, no, I’m willing to dedicate Liaoxi to the court, my Zhang family doesn’t Liaoxi, as long as you spare my life, Commander Tan, I want to see Commander Tan!"

Wu Yi, who was on one side, had his face like ashes since he was pushed to the ground. At this moment, he turned his head and looked at Zhang Junbao, desperately saying: "The county guard, don't call, Tan Feng has reached an agreement with Gao Yuan. Sold, it is one of the conditions for us to let go of the standing army in the city if we want to come, we are dead."

After listening to Wu Yi's words, Zhang Junbao's complexion turned from red to purple, and then to snowy white. After a short silence, he twisted his body desperately, struggling to scream again, but this time, he Can’t shout, Yan Lingwei behind him dragged the two from the ground. With a wave of his hand, a large mass of things was stuffed into Zhang Junbao’s mouth. He didn’t know where he took the rag. A stinking smell only rushed. The nose almost fainted.

The two were dragged out like a dead dog.

Tan Feng dragged a chair and sat quietly among the dozens of plum trees in the backyard. At this time, the plum trees had a period of time to leave the flowers, but on top of the branches and poles, there had been countless growths. Some of his little buds have quietly bloomed two or three leaves, and there is a faint plum fragrance permeating the yard.

Tan Feng closed his eyes, stretched his limbs, and threw himself between the plum blossoms extremely relaxed.

With the sound of footsteps, the captain who captured Zhang Junbao steadily walked out of the plum trees and stood behind Tan Feng with his hands tied, but made no sound.

After a long while, Tan Feng opened his eyes, "Is everything done?"

"Yes, everything is done, Zhang Junbao, Wu Yi has been arrested, and their personal guards should be disarmed at this moment." The captain bowed.

"Well, send these two people to Jiang Jiaquan and tell him that I have done what I promised and they should give way."


"Which General Zhou is ready?"

"General Zhou's side is all ready, as long as an order is given, the army can start pulling out."

Tan Feng nodded and was silent for a while, then stood up, stretched out his hand to fold a branch from the plum tree, held it in his hand, and turned and walked straight out.

In Fufeng County, Yi Bin strode in and looked at Zheng Jun: "Order Zheng, the last unit of the Yan army has left the city, and General Gao will soon enter the city to take over. You are all ready here. ?"

"Naturally, they are all ready!" Zheng Jun laughed loudly, "Go, let's go to the gate of the city to welcome General Gao. By the way, Yi Bin, is the manpower arranged? Tan Feng is very gloomy, maybe Assassins will be left in the city. The safety of General Gao must be strengthened."

"Don't worry, I have arranged everything that should be arranged. This Fufeng County is the home of the general. What assassin can hide here?" Yi Bin smiled.

"That's right, but you must do well. Don't be afraid of 10,000 yuan, just in case! If there is any assassin, General Gao scratched a little oily skin, and Cao Tianci came back and skinned you! "Zheng Jun jokingly said.

Yi Bin shuddered, and stopped all of a sudden, "You should go and pick up General Gao alone. I have to go and see again."

Zheng Jun suddenly froze, looking at the hurried figure of Yi Bin, dissatisfied: "Cao Tianci is such a terrible little guy? A joke will scare you like this!"

Fufeng's city gate slowly opened in front of Gao Yuan, headed by Zheng, the old Fufeng people swarmed out, pouring out from the door hole, and the guards behind Gao Yuan quickly lined up in two rows to block the enthusiastic crowd on both sides.

Gao Yuan did not ride a horse, did not have a helmet or armour, but was dressed in plain clothes, so Shi Shiran walked over, his eyes swept over the cheering crowd of onlookers, and found countless familiar faces from inside, Gao Yuan Raised his hand, waved to them, and said loudly: "Guys, I am back high and far!"

"High, high!" Among the crowd, the old Fufeng man responded enthusiastically.

"General Gao!" Zheng Jun took a step and gave a deep thought to Gao Yuan~www.NovelMTL.com~, "The general commanded Zheng Jun fortunately to live up to his life."

Gao Yuan held up Zheng Jun with both hands and nodded vigorously, "Major Zheng, it's hard work. Go, let's go back together." With Zheng Jun, the two walked side by side to the general mansion in Fufeng City.

Twenty thousand Yanjun left Fufeng County in despair and headed away. In this way, everyone felt very humiliated, but compared to the fiasco in Donghu, what is this humiliation?

Zhou Yu's face was very gray, defeated by Donghu, and then by Gaoyuan, making this once-motivated general all ages several years old, and his beard has not been shaved for how long, and the whole person looks extremely decadent .

"General Zhou, let's go and climb Nanshan!" Tan Feng, who was beside him, looked at him sideways, but his face was full of smiles at this time, and there was no frustration in the slightest.

"Are you still in the mood to climb the mountain?" Zhou Yu's eyes widened.

Tan Feng pointed to Nanshan and smiled: "This mountain is full of plum trees. A few years ago, there was a good story spread across the mainland. When my hair reaches my waist, it’s okay for you to come and marry me? Such a resort, if Wouldn't it be a great pity not to go sightseeing!" (To be continued...) u

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