I’m The King

Chapter 484: : 3 requirements

Zhou Yu failed to withdraw from Fufeng City.

In Fufeng City, there is still a large amount of ordnance and supplies. There are about 3,000 people in the standing army who fled from the grassland with Zhou Yu. He wanted to leave with these ordnance and supplies when he retreated, but he was recruiting civilians. When he was riding a horse, he encountered passive resistance from Fufeng County magistrate Zheng Jun. Zhou Yu was unable to recruit enough horses, horses and civilian husbands. Zhou Yu didn’t want to use strong, but Fufeng has always been strong in the people. Zhou Yu only tried to do it tentatively. After a few moves, there was a strong rebound immediately, and he had to give up halfway.

Fufeng people have a kind of heartfelt gratitude and admiration for Gaoyuan. It is because of this man that they are freed from years of fear and anxiety and have lived a peaceful and peaceful pastoral life. They still remember that Gaoyuan was How to tie the corpses of more than a dozen Donghu people behind the horse, drag them all the way back to Fufeng City, and then hang them high on the city wall to show the public. Over the years, Gao Yuan, big and small, fought hundreds of battles with Donghu. Gaoyuanli Tongdonghu, the plain minds of these people do not believe in anyway, they believe that some people tell them that these Yan Nation's standing army have lost the battle and are jealous of General Gao's invincible war, so they want to discredit General Gao. To reduce their guilt.

This kind of argument spread violently among the people, making the people of Fufeng become more and more angry with the standing army. They were not able to fight in the foreign war, and they were humiliated by them. They bullied their family members, but all of them were experts. When the standing army did not come. , General Gao led his army against the Donghu people in all battles. When you came, even General Gao was defeated. Isn't there any other reason why you are holding back?

The proliferation of this trend of thought is naturally indispensable to the planning of Yi Bin, the deputy commander of the military law department, who is hiding in Fufeng, and the tacit approval of the county magistrate Zheng Jun. When Zhou Yu found that he could not recruit manpower, carts and horses, he turned to Zheng Jun for help. when. When he saw a dull face, he had no choice but to let his subordinates act as coachmen and work hard.

But he found that he could no longer go.

Thousands of cavalrymen of the Eastern Expeditionary Army have already cut from the flanks to the main communication road between Fufeng and Liaoxi City, cutting off their way back.

And when Tan Feng and Hu Yanchao led their troops to Fufeng, behind them, a large number of soldiers of the Eastern Army also rushed to them. They were stationed in a place not a few miles away from the city, standing on a high place in the city, and it would be clear. I saw the high-character flag flying outside the city.

The city boiled. The people rushed to tell, General Gao is back!

And this kind of boiling, for Tan Feng and Zhou Yu, is the warm water that is gradually heating up. If they don't want to do anything, they will be boiled to death in this small Fufeng city.

In Fufeng City, they couldn't believe anyone. Fortunately, there was still no shortage of logistics materials controlled by the army, and the army would not be hungry.

Tan Feng didn't understand what Gao Yuan wanted to do. If they were to be cleaned up, Gao Yuan had a lot of opportunities to leave them on the grassland when he withdrew. Thousands of cavalrymen of the East Expeditionary Army were a great threat to the troops he had retreated, but Gao Yuan let go until they arrived at Fufeng City.

Although Fufeng City is small, it also has a city wall. And because it was a frontier city, his city wall was much stronger than many counties in the interior, and the standing army of the Yan army was also very knowledgeable about defending the city. Moreover, Hu Yanchao and other defensive people are here, will Gao Yuan still attack the city?

But this doubt was resolved the second day after Tan Feng entered Fufeng City.

Yan Lingwei from Jicheng brought the latest news of Jicheng.

Gao Yuan blocked the road from Fufeng to Liaoxi City, only banning the passage of the army, and did not block small groups of troops or pedestrians, which allowed Tan Feng to maintain smooth communication.

The news of the death of Ye Tiannan and his wife brought by the messenger made Tan Feng take a breath. He finally understood what Gao Yuan's move meant, and he would have to pay more to get away.

He doesn't have many choices, either fight another game with Gao Yuan, but this is not what he wants. Let alone fight or win, even if he wins, he loses in a big way. Gao Yuan camped outside the city, but he didn't mean to attack, because he had gotten his mentality. Gao Yuan is now grinding time with Tan Feng to see who is consuming whom.

If you don't fight, you have to talk. In this passive situation, Gao Yuan will definitely want the lion to open his mouth. Where is his bottom line is also a question he needs to consider.

Ye Tiannan was really ruthless, he didn't hesitate to gamble his life. This bet puts himself in a more embarrassing and difficult situation.

Hu Yanchao walked over with the sound of thumping footsteps from outside, "General Tan, this Fufeng City is terribly staying. The people in this city are very hostile to us. The local officials and officials are very hostile to us. Either it was perfunctory, or it was procrastinated to do nothing. If this continues, we will be dragged down. I am even more worried that Gao Yuan will suddenly launch a sneak attack. I am afraid that there are many people in this city who are willing to respond to him. This city, originally Can't keep it."

Tan Feng smiled bitterly, "Fufeng was originally a lofty lair. This is something we can imagine. What can we do? We can't kill them all, right?"

"Then it's so dry, I'm afraid Gao Yuan would be more happy to see this situation!" Hu Yanchao worried and authentic.

"There's no way, now I'm waiting for Gao Yuan to send someone to negotiate, and see what Gao Yuan wants? I'm afraid we won't be able to get out of Fufeng City if we don't meet Gao Yuan's conditions." Tan Feng shook his head. "Where is General Zhou?"

"General Zhou stayed in the barracks, Dayan Lake was defeated, General Zhou was extremely hit. Commander Tan had to deal with him well, and lead his troops to fight. There is no one who will not lose. In this world, there is no permanent victory. The general is like Zhao Mu, and when he is defeated and vomiting blood!" Hu Yanchao said.

"Okay, General Zhou is not an ordinary person. After this moment, he will naturally get excited again. Let him be quiet and quiet these few days." Tan Feng said.

Fortunately, Gao Yuan didn't let Tan Feng wait long, and the special envoy for the negotiation came to the door.

Jiang Jiaquan’s appointment as the Chief of the Eastern Army was not noticeable at first, but as time went by, as the position of the Eastern Army became more and more important, Gao Yuan became more and more important figure in Dayan, this historical man. The details were gradually dug out.

The first information obtained is surprising. This person is just a counselor who has no ambition in Yuyang County. He has been discussing the rivers and lakes for decades. He is depressed. It is just an inconspicuous retainer of the Jiang family, who even enters Jiang Dawei’s eyes. No, I was given Jiang Xinliang as the conspirator by the support. It is really hard to believe, why a man such as Gao Yuan, who is so talented and broad, fell in love with such an ordinary person and used him as the long history of the army in the East. Not only that, but also in Gao Yuan. When he went out, he was entrusted with the important task of entrusting him with all the administrative affairs of the army.

But with the depth of the investigation, people are not calm.

Borrowing from the nameless Jiang Jiaquan, there was a famous brother Li Ru who used his own power to promote change in Qin and succeeded in gaining the support of King Qin Wulie, who was still the eldest son at the time. After King Qin Wulie came to the throne, Li Ru said more It was in Qin that became the dominant academy. In Qin, it is even more difficult for non-Li Confucian scholars to obtain an official position. It was this person's academic tradition that allowed Qin to become the most powerful hegemon among the nations in recent decades.

With such a brother, even if the brother is worse, where can he get worse?

In addition to the bitterness, Tan Feng couldn't help but admire the lofty luck. He had seen this Jiang Jiaquan before. It was when Gao Yuan captured Jiang Xinliang and this Jiang Jiaquan alive from Mount Luliang and tied them to the front line of Yuyang. At that time, he had never thought about the embarrassed and dirty body. The little muddy old man has such a background?

Looking at Jiang Jiaquan, who was extremely calm in front of him, with a pair of Zhizhu in his hands, Tan Feng didn't say much nonsense.

"What does Gao Yuan want?"

"Western Liaoning, my general must definitely want it." Jiang Jiaquan smiled.

This is the intended meaning of the question. For this, Tan Feng has also been mentally prepared for this. This is the price he has to pay. But other things, I am afraid that is the focus.

"What else?" Tan Feng asked in a cold voice.

"Secondly, Commander Tan, your people can go, but things can't go. General Gao said, except that you can take away the necessary rations, weapons and armors, you have to stay in Fufeng. The Eastern Army took over."

Tan Feng was furious: "His great appetite, Fufeng and Niulanshan, where there are dozens of large camps of ordnance, he wants to swallow it in one bite, and he is not afraid of ruining his appetite."

"It's our business if you don't support it!" Jiang Jiaquan smiled, "I don't have to worry about the leader. In fact, leader Tan, we Dayan threw to the Donghu people in Liaoning Wei, I'm afraid there will be more! Of course, I think the leader also understands that if you don’t give it, can’t we get it? If that’s the case~www.NovelMTL.com~, I’m afraid it will hurt the peace.”

The words are very light, but the threat in the tone is obvious.

"There must be a third one!" Tan Feng swallowed and asked with difficulty.

"Yes, the third thing is that General Gao wants to ask you how many people from Tan Commander!" Jiang Jiaquan said.

Tan Feng's expression stagnated, "Zhang Junbao?"

"Yes, Zhang Junbao, Wu Yi, Peng Bin, these three people, please lead them to us."

"It's impossible." Tan Feng rebuffed, "Liaoxi can give you, and the supplies can be left to you, but I must take away people."

"Does the general still expect to keep this Zhang Junbao in order to regain western Liaoning in the future?" Jiang Jiaquan smiled and said, "It is true that Commander Tan said that we have captured Zhang Zhuo alive, and that about Bi Xiufeng, those people are not dead. There are still enough people who have survived. They are now in our army. This matter will spread all over the world in a few days. Such a character who kills his father and kills his brother, if Commander Tan takes him in again, I will only be afraid of you. Isn’t it a hindrance to his reputation!” (To be continued.)

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