I’m The King

Chapter 480: :news

In the middle of the night, the heavy rain finally stopped. Although there was a tent to cover the wind and rain, it was still cold and cold. I wrapped a blanket high and lay on the blanket, but couldn't sleep. Can Jishicheng block the sandalwood? Feng's offensive is the most worrying issue for him right now. If something goes wrong there, he must have a life and death duel with Tan Feng. No matter who wins or loses, it is not in his own interests.

Right now, Yan State still needs to maintain a certain level of strength to deal with external pressures. I also need time to strengthen my strength and manage my own territory well.

But if the stone city is really broken, how should I deal with it? Struggling with this question, I don't know how long it has been before Gao Yuan fell asleep in a daze.

I don't know how long I slept. In my sleep, there seemed to be the sound of horseshoes coming in this direction. He opened his eyes aloft, not an illusion, but there was indeed the sound of horseshoes coming towards his big tent.

During this period of time, those who can go straight to their big tents can only have an emergency military situation and jumped up. He just stood still, and the sound of horseshoes suddenly stopped outside the big tent.

"General, I am a godsend!" The tent door was suddenly opened, and Cao Tianci stepped in. The whole body of Cao Tianci stood in front of Gaoyuan like a chicken.

Since defeating Zhou Yu, Cao Tianci has left the brigade and led a small group of people rushing towards Jishi City. Gao Yuan wanted them to find a way to inform the defenders in Jishi City that he was on his way back, but he did not expect that Cao Godsend actually came back.

"What happened?" Gao Yuan sank, and a bad feeling filled his heart. "Is the stone city lost?"

"No, it's not!" Cao Tianci shook his head repeatedly. "It's not about Jishi City, General, Jishi City is safe and sound. Just two days ago, the defenders of Jishi City defeated the Yan army and wiped out more than 10,000 enemies. The soldiers of Liaoxi County and Tianhe County were almost completely lost, and Jishi City was as stable as a rock. "

"How did you know? You probably haven't arrived at Jishi City!" Gao Yuan was a little puzzled. According to Cao Tianci's speed, it was impossible for him to return to this point to find himself after arriving at Jishi City.

"I didn't rush to Jishi City. I ran into someone sent by Yi Bin on the way. Zhou Yu had already returned to Fufeng, and there were almost 3,000 people in the standing army who fled back to Fufeng with him, and he fled back to Fufeng in Zhou Yu. At that time, Jishi City also won, and now Tan Feng has begun to withdraw his troops." Cao Tianci said.

"That's all?" Gao Yuan looked at Cao Tianci. Once Tan Feng knew that he had won, he would not be able to take the Jishi City in time. It was his best choice to withdraw the troops immediately. This was expected. But looking at Cao Tianci's expression, it was obviously more than that.

"Also, there is..." Cao Tianci hesitated for a moment, and then said, "There is one more thing about the wife's parents and parents."

"Ye Xiang? Father-in-law? He is far away in Langya. What happened?" Gao Yuan looked at him puzzled.

"The person sent by Yi Bin told me that a month ago. Just a few days after Tan Feng arrived in Fufeng, he sent personnel to Langya, arrested the Ye Xiang family and escorted them to Jicheng. Langya has now been taken over by the imperial court. Now." Cao Tianci looked at Gao Yuan, cautiously.

Gao Yuan was shocked when he heard the news suddenly. Although Langya County is now very wealthy, it is really lacklustre in the military. The only private soldier with superior combat effectiveness was given to Ye Jing'er as a dowry. But even so, it was not Tan Feng's Yan Lingwei who could take people away from Langya County at will.

Obviously, the father-in-law is willing to go. Gao Yuan was pacing back and forth in the big tent. It seems that it was because of himself that he was labeled as collaborating with the enemy and treason by Tan Feng and others. Therefore, his father-in-law wanted to cleanse himself of this wrongful song, using his own against the king. Influence, there may still be hope for this thing.

This father-in-law used to make things difficult for himself and even wanted his own life, but Gao Yuan had to admit that he is a figure with a very strategic vision and a great overall view. He is also a person who treats others and himself. A very profitable character, thinking that at the beginning, he abandoned his wife and abandon his son, and resolutely went into exile. After ten years of planning, he was restored once, but after affirming his own value, he also spared no effort to support himself. He was stunned, and now, for his own sake, he was actually willing to be humiliated by Yan Lingwei, and he couldn't help being moved from the bottom of his heart.

"I understand, God, you have been rushing all the way, you have worked hard, go down and take a hot bath, and get some sleep." He patted Cao Tianci on the shoulder, Gao Yuan said softly.

Cao Tianci was a little dumbfounded, "General Gao, Tan Feng is about to withdraw, and now we are strong and strong. It is the time to beat the water dogs, General. At this time, if we set off with cavalry quickly and attack our opponents, we might be able to keep all these guys behind what!"

Seeing Cao Tianci's hurried roar, Gao Yuan couldn't help but laughed, "Okay, okay, my little Tianci's vision is not bad now. It's great to see this, but it's something I'm proud of. There is a plan, the falling water dog is to be beaten, but the extent to which it is beaten needs to be considered."

"General, this is of course the best way to fight thoroughly. Kill them cleanly before they can breathe out. They put black hats on the general for no reason, ambush us halfway, and attack the city of Jishi. That's the same. They are all very sinful." Cao Tianci said angrily.

"God, you are in charge of the intelligence work of the East Army. To do intelligence work, you need not only the various professional capabilities of a spy, but sometimes more accurate political judgments and an overall view beyond ordinary people. You. You have to look farther than others so that you can set up a chess game in advance instead of sharpening your gun. If you can only do a little bit earlier, then you will be an excellent spy in your life, and my hope for you is You can become a character like Qin State’s Black Bingtai Zhongli. Do you know why I want you to read more in your free time? Do you know why I want you to worship Jiang Changshi as a teacher? It’s for this." Gao Yuan looked at Cao Tianci, Meaningful and authentic.

"But, General, I still don't understand why I should let Zhou Yu and Tan Feng go." Cao Tianci listened to the advice of Gao Yuan Chunchun, his eye circles were a little red.

"God, are we strong now?" Gao Yuan asked.

"Of course it's strong. Yan's main force is lost to Donghu. They are no longer our opponents."

"Leave Yan Guo aside, what if we face Zhao Guo?" Gao Yuan asked.

Cao Tianci was stunned immediately.

"God, don’t forget. In this world, there is not only the Kingdom of Yan, but also the Kingdom of Zhao, which is much stronger than Kingdom of Yan. There is also Kingdom of Qin, which is stronger than Guo Guo. Our strength is still very weak. Although the Kingdom of Yan is extremely weak now , But King Yan still has a righteous reputation, he is also the king of the Kingdom of Yan. We need him to resist external erosion and give us time to develop and grow. Now, it is not the time for us to be in the limelight. But we want the Kingdom of Yan to fight for us. For a long time, a group of capable generals like Zhou Yu and Tan Feng are indispensable, and the Yan army who attacked us will also be the seeds of Yan's resistance to the outside world, so we have to keep them. "

"But General, we have turned our faces with them now!" Cao Tianci said in a puzzled way.

Gao Yuan smiled, "There are no permanent enemies in the world. I don't want much now, just Liaoxi County. When we take Liaoxi County, I think King Yan will change his strategy towards me. At that time, we You can negotiate."

"I understand!" Cao Tianci's eyes flickered, "King Yan is in front of resisting the attacks of Zhao Guo and others, while we are quietly hiding in western Liaoning to develop our strength. When Yan Guo is fragile, we will come forward and clean up. Endgame. At that time, King Yan retreats steadily and can't be defeated, but once we go out, we will be smooth sailing, repelling the enemy, and regaining the homeland. At that time, the prestige of King Yan will be reduced to a minimum, and the prestige of the general will reach its peak. In this way, when the general replaces King Yan, the response from the people will not be so strong."

"Russ can be taught!" Gao Yuan laughed and replaced King Yan. With such a straightforward declaration, Gao Yuan would only say it so unscrupulously in front of Cao Tianci. In front of other generals, Although everyone understands it, Gao Yuan has always said very vaguely. He would never say if he could let the generals say it.

It’s just that Cao Tianci’s news must have been from a long time ago, and the news of the tragic death of Ye Tiannan, the former prime minister of the Kingdom of Yan, before the Yan Palace, is still on the road. If Gao Yuan at this time heard that Ye Tiannan and his wife were dead. , I wonder if I can still have such a normal heart.

Ye Tiannan deserves to be a man with a long-term strategic vision. When he set off from Langya ~www.NovelMTL.com~, it was indeed voluntary. Originally, he wanted to use his influence on King Yan to wash away Gao Yuan's wrongdoing. Gao Yuan guessed this point correctly, but Ye Zhong’s meeting with Ye Tiannan in Tianhe County finally broke Ye Tiannan’s thoughts. Since King Yan has dealt with Ye Zhong and Xun Xiu, he won’t lie to himself anymore. No matter how hard it is, it is impossible for him to have more influence on this ambitious king. And from Ye Zhong's mouth, when he knew that Gao Yuan had actually quietly built a stone city in the depths of the grassland, he immediately understood Gao Yuan's desire to replace King Yan.

To give Gao Yuan an excuse, to dig a **** on the foundation of the building that the Yan Dynasty was about to overturn, and to dig a hoe, which became Ye Tiannan's thoughts. Everyone knows that if you don’t have yourself, you won’t have the current King Yan. Before he died before the King Yan’s palace, he would smear a handful of mud on King Yan’s face and make King Yan a ungrateful one. Fame, and more importantly, he didn't want to be a drag on the lofty future. If he lives in Jicheng, when lofty moves in the future, King Yan will throw himself out as a weapon.

After thinking about this festival, Ye Tiannan would hesitate again, and death became his best choice. Before he died, he did not have the slightest regret. If Gao Yuan succeeds in the future, his daughter will be the queen, and Ye Fengtuo will be attached to Ye Zhong. In the future, Gao Yuan will appreciate his help. The day when the Ye family is restored is just around the corner. .

Why not exchange your own death for the prosperity of the Ye Family in Japan?

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