I’m The King

Chapter 478: : Happy

Above the city, countless torches illuminate the sky and the earth transparently, and under the city, layer upon layer are the remains of the war dead. The blood is pooled together, flowing towards the moat.

Ye Jing'er's hands were sour and weak, and she could no longer lift it. Under Cao Lian'er's caress, she barely leaned on the drum, so she could stand firm. This last battle did not last long, but she was already exhausted. Do my last best.

"We won!" Ye Jinger looked at the soldiers and people jumping and cheering in the city, her voice weak, but full of joy.

"We won!" Cao Lian'er nodded affirmatively, "Now, it must have interrupted the opponent's spine. In a short time, they can no longer attack."

"We won!" Ye Zhen clenched his fists and waved fiercely in the air, facing Tang Ming and Wang Yidao, who were bruised and supporting each other.

In this battle, the important thing is not to repel an attack that the Yan army is bound to win, but more importantly, they defeat the other's spirit and spirit, this is the most precious. Morale, although invisible and intangible, is real. With the help of countless fathers and villagers behind, the Zhengdong Army defended the city with great difficulty. Although there were many casualties, but the spirit and spirit reached the highest point. Looking at the Yan Army, this last battle may have more casualties than the city. It's still small, but their morale has been devastated.

This time, if they didn't take Jishi City, then they would never be able to take Jishi City.

Hu Yanchao's face is ashamed. He has been in battle for a long time, and he naturally knows the consequences of a lonely throw but still failure. Tan Feng's face was pale, although he tried his best to stabilize his hands, he still shook slightly uncontrollably.

"Retreat!" After a long while, Hu Yanchao's voice was extremely soft and he was extremely tired. "We can't fight it anymore, unless Tan leads you to decide to kill and break the net. I will bury all the two thousand Yan army here, in exchange for life, and use the corpse to build the passage to the city wall."

Tan Feng bit his lip and looked at the brightly lit Jishi city in the distance. from where. The screams of Wan Sheng's army were coming from the mountains, like a tsunami.

"The city has enough ordnance. The food is sufficient. Their only shortcoming is that they don't have enough soldiers, but now. They have it!" Hu Yanchao said with emotion, "This is the most tenacious defender I have ever seen."

Originally thought it would be an easy hunting, but now it has become an arduous tug-of-war. Tan Feng's heart is full of bitterness, and it is difficult to win Jishicheng. He also knows this very well. Of course he can't stop all the standing army here, because they have other uses.

"Let's go back to the camp first!" He said with exhaustion, now. He still has another hope that Zhou Yu’s side will be able to triumph. Whether it is capturing Gao Yuan or killing Gao Yuan, it can fundamentally destroy the morale of Jishicheng. Wait a while, maybe Jishicheng will not fight. And down.

Tan Feng, who returned to the big tent, finally understood what had happened in Beicheng. The blood-covered Ji ruthlessly staggered into the big tent with the support of several guards, and saw Tan Feng, his legs were soft. , Sat down on the ground and burst into tears.

The generals in the tent watched Ji Ruqing's blood still dripping down, and he was obviously unknowable.

"What's going on in Beicheng?" Tan Feng asked softly.

"We have reached the edge of the city. Yan Lingwei's brother is already climbing the city wall. When Brother 1,000 was crossing the moat, the city gate suddenly opened. What came out were cavalry and thousands of cavalry." Ji Wuqing called Tao Tao. Weeping, the power of two thousand cavalry rushed out, even if he didn't say it, everyone could imagine it.

"They're all dead, brothers are all dead! It happened so suddenly that many brothers were trampled to death by war horses before they could react."

Tan Feng and Hu Yanchao looked at each other, feeling sad, but fortunate. Obviously, there has always been such a cavalry of more than two thousand people hidden in Jishi City. The idea was to attack the city with the entire Yan army. At that time, he suddenly broke out and cut into the Yan army. At that time, the Yan army without any precautions, under the impact of such a cavalry of thousands of people, the entire army would be destroyed.

Fortunately, they also sent an army to attack the North Gate at the same time. The sudden encounter between the two armies broke the original arrangement between the two sides, but for the Yan army, this was a blessing in misfortune. Although they lost the army of Ji Ruqing and Zhang Zhuo, they also bought precious time and allowed the main force to make a certain response, making the other party’s plan to attack the main force of the Yan army also bankrupt. In contrast, he still took advantage of his own side.

"General Ji, Zhang Zhuo is here, why didn't Zhang Zhuo come back?" Zhang Junbao asked anxiously.

Ji ruthlessly shook his head, "The situation was too chaotic at the time. There were cavalry soldiers from the other side everywhere. We were cut into countless small pieces. There was no effective response to each other. General Zhang is now alive or dead. I don't even know."

Zhang Junbao is like falling into the ice cellar. In the battle tonight, Zhang Zhuo took away the last bit of the essence of Liaoxi County. Now it seems that it is also a meat bun hitting a dog. There will be no return. If even Zhang Zhuo is dead, then he is under his command. , There will be no more generals.

In the Yan army camp, they fell into silence. This defeat completely made them lose the courage to take down the stone city. The reason why Tan Feng didn't withdraw his troops was just a hope, that was Zhou Yu's. On the one hand, if you can defeat and kill Gaoyuan, the best case is to capture Gaoyuan alive. In this way, if Jishi City loses its master, their fighting spirit will be disintegrated immediately, and Jishi City will go down without a fight.

But at this time, in the city of Jishi, there was joy and sorrow.

The city was defended, but the casualties in the city were also very heavy. At the last moment, countless people in the city rushed to the front of the city to help fight. With the help of the huge number of advantages, the Yan army was forced to squeeze out of the city, but these People who have no combat skills and the ability to protect themselves are defending this city with their lives.

Those who survived carried the remains of the war dead down to the city, and grief spread throughout the city at this time. At the top of the city, Bai Yucheng dragged a general Yanjun who was **** by the five flowers to the top of the city.

"Zhang Zhuo!" Many people exclaimed.

There were several scars on this body, dripping with blood, and the general with a disheveled hair was Zhang Zhuo, the last surviving general of Liaoxi County.

Huang Zhan next to Ye Zhen rushed out, the knife in his hand that had almost turned into a saw was raised, and fell towards Zhang Zhuo with the sound of the wind.

"Zhang Zhuo, I fucked, and you have today!" Huang Zhan yelled angrily. At Bi Xiufeng, Zhang Shubao, Lu Hong, Huang Desheng and others, all of them were lost in the hands of Zhang Zhuo.

With a tight wrist, Bai Yucheng stretched out his hand and clasped Huang Zhan's wrist firmly, "General Huang, calm down."

Bai Yucheng was very strong. With this button, Huang Zhan could no longer move. He glared at Bai Yucheng and roared: "Let go, this is my murderer's enemy. My enemy."

"General Huang, this person is an important person in Liaoxi County. This person knows many things in Liaoxi City. He is a participant and a planner. You should know that General Gao is now being framed as collaborating with the enemy and betraying the country. Wash away, this guy is a very important circumstantial evidence. How to deal with it must wait for the general to come back. You can't lynch it."

Ye Zhen walked over, put his arm around Huang Zhan’s shoulder, and whispered in his ear, "Huang Zhan, this person has fallen into our hands. Kill early and kill late. What's the difference? But before he died, We have to squeeze out the last bit of oil and water from him, so bear with it. When that time comes, let's ask the general to let you do it yourself?

With a sudden sound, the big knife in Huang Zhan's hand fell on the ground. He looked up to the sky and turned to leave. He never looked at Zhang Zhuo again. He was afraid that if he looked at it again, he could not help but rush up and bite alive. To die this unshakable enemy.

Zhang Zhuo's face was as gray as death, and he wanted to stand firm to preserve a little dignity, but Bai Yucheng kicked him gently on his knees, and he couldn't help but knelt down.

Ye Zhen looked at Zhang Zhuo with the Beatles and laughed for a long time, "Zhang Zhuo, you also have today! Wait, wait for General Gao to come back, and talk to you slowly.

Zhang Zhuo took a deep breath and sneered: "The general will inevitably die before the battle. This is nothing, but Gao Yuan, are you still expecting him to come back? To tell you the truth, General Zhou Yu brought ten thousand standing troops. As early as one month ago, I went to Gaoyuan to ambush him on the only way back to the west, and returned to the remaining defeated general with a hundred battles in Donghu. Is it an opponent of General Zhou? I am afraid that you are not waiting for Gao Yuan to return. , But his head."

Ye Zhen glanced at Bai Yucheng ~www.NovelMTL.com~ Both of them laughed. Ye Zhen squatted in front of Zhang Zhuo, looked at him jokingly, and said, "I will teach you that General Gao is indeed in Donghu. Many soldiers were damaged, and Zhou Yu was indeed in the way of General Gao’s return to the west. However, General Gao’s command was not a remnant defeated general, but commanded more than 6,000 soldiers and more than 3,000 cavalry. Zhou Jade’s 10,000 people, do you think it will be my general’s opponent?"

Zhang Zhuo's eyes widened, with an incredible expression, "This, how is this possible?"

"Remember the infantry general?" Ye Zhen laughed happily. "He didn't go to the east with General Gao. What do you think he did?"

"The infantryman is already disabled, what can he do?" Zhang Zhuo shouted.

"Ha!" Bai Yucheng sneered, "Invalid? Tell you, even if the infantry general only has one leg left, it is easy to clean up a guy like you. It is no good to come ten. Tan Feng refuses to withdraw. Are you waiting for Zhou Yu to come back? I'm afraid he won't be able to wait for Zhou Yu, but Shura will be waiting for him!"

Everyone in the city laughed happily, but Zhang Zhuo was completely knocked down, and fell to the ground like a dead dog.

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