I’m The King

Chapter 476: :Wrong right and wrong

Guo Quan put down the chisel in his hand, stood up, and greeted him.

"Helan coach, General Bai, General Hengdao!" He clasped his fist to the three of them. The cloth strips wrapped around his hands had long been unable to see the original color, and only a purple black was left. It was blood infiltrated and dried up. The reasons for the superposition of layers.

"Guo Quan, it's been hard work. It is precisely because of the hard work of you people these days that the trebuchets in the city have never stopped due to lack of stone bullets." Bai Yucheng nodded.

Guo Quan laughed and said: "The whole city is a soldier, and the whole people are soldiers. Jiang Changshi said it well, one inch of rivers and mountains and one inch of blood, one hundred thousand people and one hundred thousand soldiers, now there is an idler in the city. Look at that one is still carried by his mother. When we are working hard, when we want to let go, his cry stimulates us and makes us regenerate unlimited strength, thinking that if we don’t work hard, maybe these dolls will have no father in the next moment. Without a mother, even he himself has no chance to grow up. How dare we stop, how dare we not work hard!"

Listening to Guo Quan’s calm words, Bai Yucheng was moved with horror. When he was a horse bandit, he had never thought about these problems, and He Lanyan on one side had red eyes, which reminded her of the days when the Helan Tribe was displaced. How many children of this size have no chance to grow up.

Handing the horse rein to Ula, she walked to the mother carrying the child, and seeing He Lanyan standing in front of her, the ordinary mother stood up with some trepidation, not knowing where to put her hands, watching He Lanyan suddenly choked with those blood-stained hands. He took off a string of necklaces from his neck, and gently put it on the neck of the child who was still smiling sweetly on his mother's back, amid the clanging of axe and chisel.

"Bring him well in the future. Let him become a hero to defend the people!" He Lanyan touched the child's head, nodded at the woman, turned and walked back.

"When will the attack begin?" Guo Quan whispered.

"Wait for Nancheng's signal!" He Lanyan said. "When the buzzing sounded, it was time for us to go out of the city and attack."

Guo Quan turned his head and looked at the direction of Nancheng. There. Almost half of the sky was illuminated by the fire, and the sound of killing the sky never came intermittently.

No buzzing sounded. It means that the Yan Jun hasn't tried their best, and they have to wait before they are fully engaged in the battle. Two thousand soldiers, in addition to the more than 600 scout camp soldiers under Bai Yucheng's command and dozens of soldiers of He Lanyan. Others, as Jiang Jiaquan said, the old are old, the small are small, and there are many strong women in them. They are basically the Huns.

Two thousand people were silent, leading their horses. Quietly standing there.

Within half an hour, in the silence of these cavalry soldiers, amidst the clanging of countless old and weak women and children swinging knives and chisels, they quickly slipped away above Nancheng. A flash of fire suddenly rushed to the sky, accompanied by a long, sharp whistle.

"Get on the horse!" He Lanyan yelled, turned on her horse, with a scimitar in one hand, and a crossbow in one hand, Bai Yucheng, Hengdao, Wula, Sura and others stepped on the horses, and in a blink of an eye, two thousand people were ready.

He Lanyan raised the scimitar and made a gesture towards the city. The horse under her crotch that had been with her for many years had already smelled the breath of war, and being able to gallop on the battlefield made the horse extremely excited, but there was no owner. But it still didn't move, but kept its nose ringing, and a front hoof kept scratching the ground. On the city, a school lieutenant appeared and waved at her.

There was a rumbling sound, the heavy city gate that had been closed for many days suddenly opened, and the suspended suspension bridge fell crashingly.

"Charge!" He Lanyan screamed, her legs clamped the horse's belly, and the horse neighed in excitement, and rushed toward the wide open city gate like an arrow.

Outside the city, one hundred Yan Lingwei soldiers have touched the root of the wall, each holding an extremely sharp chisel in their hands. Dozens of people have already used these two weapons to climb upwards. Nearly two meters high, in the moat behind them, the first group of nearly a thousand assailants had already walked halfway, and were cautiously walking slowly through the mud.

At this moment, the city gate opened and the suspension bridge fell. All the assailants' eyes instantly turned to that direction, and a little further, Zhang Zhuo and Ji Ruqing felt ecstasy in their hearts. Could it be that the people in the city really want to abandon the city. Have you escaped?

The two of them suddenly stood up.

But then, a basin of cold snow water poured straight down from their heads, causing the two of them to be completely cold from the inside to the outside. What rushed out of the city was not the escaped enemy, but the fully armed enemy. .

"Seize the city gate, seize the city gate!" Zhang Zhuo jumped up and hissed.

The roots of the city wall and the soldiers of Yan Lingwei who had already climbed a certain height reacted extremely quickly. They rushed towards the city gate for the first time. While running, they took the crossbow arrows from their waists and lifted them up, while those in the moat The attackers, in a panic, could not escape the silt that restricted their movement. The only thing they could do was to slam their spears or knives at the cavalry who were speeding outward along the suspension bridge. .

Judging from their reaction, this group of carefully selected soldiers deserves to be carefully selected.

He Lanyan rushed across the suspension bridge first, but the scene in front of her shocked her. In front of her eyes, countless figures stood up suddenly, and these people seemed to suddenly emerge from the ground. And Bai Yucheng, Hengdao and the others who followed her were also staring. The scene before her was too unbelievable. They were going to go out of the city to attack the Yan army, and the Yan army was also ready to go from here. Attack them here.

However, these three people have been fighting from small to large, and the battles they have experienced in their lives are really countless, and the sudden appearance of enemies just scared them.

"Enemy attack, fight!" He Lanyan's sharp and high-pitched voice sounded, the horse speed continued, and the wind rushed toward the enemy close to him. The crossbow in his hand was raised, and the figure in front of him was already there. Three people fell, raised their hands and smashed the empty crossbow, swung the scimitar in the right hand, and rushed towards the place with the largest number of people. Her personal guards Sula and Wula also shouted, one left and the other one. On the right, he rushed over next to He Lanyan.

Bai Yucheng, Hengdao showed a grinning smile on his face. The big sword in his hand danced like a windmill, and one head plunged into the densest place of people's heads.

The knives and guns that flew up under the moat brought down more than a dozen cavalry soldiers who rushed out afterwards. These cavalry companies and their horses fell into the moat. Under the huge body. The overwhelming Yan Army soldiers screamed loudly.

The cavalry who rushed out of the city were beyond the reach of the Yan army in the moat. At this moment, they rushed straight across the suspension bridge with the generals, rushing towards more enemy troops not far away.

The enemy in the moat, a surprise discovery. The cavalry rushing out of the city actually ignored them, but went straight to kill the team behind them, feeling that they were not dead, they desperately pulled their feet from the mud and rushed towards the wide open gate.

But among them, when the front row had not set foot on the shore, they found that more people had rushed out of the city gate cave.

The first person to step into the city gate was a soldier of Yan Lingwei. His reaction was the fastest. Behind him, dozens of Yan Lingwei soldiers followed him and rushed into the city gate, but he did not have the slightest joy. Because he found that the soldiers rushing to meet him were not only the soldiers guarding the city gate.

Under the leadership of a school lieutenant, dozens of soldiers guarding here charged with spears. This lieutenant is called Li Wuliang. He is very upset now. He is responsible for guarding here, but let so many The enemy touched the city gate and didn't notice it. If it didn't happen that the cavalry was out of the city to fight at this time, then at this moment, I'm afraid the northern city gate has been lost.

"Kill!" Li Wuliang shouted wildly.

Dozens of Yan Lingwei rushed out of the city gate, but what they saw before them made them lose all their fighting spirit in an instant, because after these charged soldiers of the Eastern Army, what they saw was black and heavy. There is no end in sight. These people are just some old people, children, and women, but they are not fleeing because they hold knives, chisels, and stones in their hands.

Dozens of Yan Lingwei's soldiers responded quickly. After an exclaim, they turned and ran. The gate they had hoped to enter, turned out to be a passage for them to escape. Running into the city, there is no way to survive, because wherever they look at, there are still people except people. Not to mention using the knife and the gun, one person can cover them to death with one spit.

They didn't run far, because the angry Li Wuliang and the soldiers under his command ran faster than them. After the sound of chucking knives and spears into the flesh, these Yan Lingwei soldiers lay down without exception. In the city gate cave, lying down on the suspension bridge, the farthest one just ran over the suspension bridge and was killed. What made them even more ashamed was that they all died with a knife behind their backs.

Guo Quan led all the people here, rushing out of the city. In the moat, thousands of attackers were struggling desperately in the mud. Before they could pull out their mud feet, countless stones, they smashed their heads. Come.

Zhang Zhuo and Ji howled mercilessly and desperately. He Lanyan and Bai Yucheng led their cavalry again and again, rushing repeatedly, dispersing and driving away in their ranks, and then, in their despair, drove these soldiers together. One kill, knock to death, trample to death.

Ye Zhen jumped at the sudden fierce shouting and killing from the South City Gate, and suddenly ~www.NovelMTL.com~ he thought of the most terrifying possibility. For a while, his whole body was soaked with cold sweat. .

But at this time, he couldn't separate even one soldier, because the Yan army spreading out across the line was rushing toward the city head more frantically than before. At this time, above the city head, everywhere was already caught in fierce fighting. .

Ye Zhen's hands and feet were cold, and in the Yanjun army outside the city, Tan Feng and Hu Yanchao were also shocked, because they heard the sound of horseshoes. Tan Feng is a cavalry. Naturally, they can tell that there is such a powerful cavalry team. , At least thousands of cavalry.

For a while, Tan Feng, Hu Yanchao and Ye Zhen had the same hands and feet cold.

(Oh, this chapter is very happy to write, the two armies fight, you count yours, I count mine, but sometimes, it is really not as good as the sky! Such a confrontation, who is the leader of the two sides Never thought that it was purely an encounter, but the victory of the cavalry versus the infantry belonged to the Zhengdong Army. Tan Feng didn't even figure out the strength of the opponent, so he wanted to kill the opponent, and naturally he would lose. However, I don’t feel the slightest hatred for Tan Feng, including Hu Yanchao, Zhou Yu, and the gunman. I want to come to the netizens to feel this way too! From the protagonist’s standpoint, there is nothing wrong with being lofty, but from the standpoint of Tan Feng, He is also a warrior who is constantly running for the strength of the country. It is hard to tell who is right and wrong! This world is not black and white!)

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