I’m The King

Chapter 463: : A strong wind starts (5) Open the window and speak bright words

By the Dayan Lake, two huge new tombs stand tall, one is the tomb of the soldiers who died in the East Expeditionary Army, and the other is the tomb of the dead of the Yan Army. Although the remains of the war dead have been reduced, they are left on the battlefield. But it is still vivid, the rippling blue water of Dayan Lake, which was originally a swath of clear water, now within ten meters of the nearshore, everything appears red, and further away, although the red color fades, it is still clearly visible. Watermark advertising testWatermark advertising test

In this battle, the two sides killed nearly 10,000 people. Although most of them were the Yan's standing army, more than a thousand people were killed by the Eastern Expeditionary Army. Basically, they were fighting with the enemy when the first wave of attacks on the Yan army's attacking position was carried out. Die together.

In front of the tomb of the martyrs, a bonfire was blazing, and nearly five thousand marching soldiers stood solemnly. Many of them were scarred. With the support of their companions, they stood as straight as possible. On their side, three thousand cavalrymen led their horses and formed several square formations.

This is a memorial ceremony held by the Eastern Army for the soldiers who died after each battle.

With the hoarse cry of Sun Xiao who presided over the ceremony, countless flags were lowered, and the soldiers took off their helmets and bowed their heads to salute. In the queue, there was a faint cry of forbearance, among the dead. With their relatives, brothers, fathers, and sons, blood is thicker than water, how can they not be sad?

The tragic voice of the war song sounded again, but this time, everyone felt that the war song was a little awkward.

Whoever violates my strong swallow will be punishable even if it is far away!

But this time, it was an infighting between the two armies that belonged to the country of Yan.

The sound of Ge has died, and the red day is slanting, standing high in front of the still-glowing Big Wild Goose Lake, with his hands behind him, looking far away, the soldiers are still cleaning the battlefield behind him on the battlefield. The captured weapons and armors were all loaded into the car one by one, even if they were broken knives and guns. They are also packed and shipped back one by one.

Has completely turned his face with Yan Guo. It will be extremely difficult for a long time to come, iron. It is the terrible material that restricts Gao Yuan's further development. These broken swords and spears can be transported back to the furnace for smelting, and they can be transformed into sharp swords and guns.

Zhou Yu brazenly shot. Jishicheng must also be in the midst of war at this time,

"Lore pays courtesy to General Gao!" Lore's rough voice sounded behind him.

Gao Yuan turned around, "Lore, hey, Patriarch Helian, are you here too?" Looking at Helianbo who was following Luoley, Gao Yuan smiled. He clasped his fists in his hands, "This time, if it were not for the help of Patriarch Helian, I would at least double the loss of the Eastern Army. Thank you Gao Yuan."

"Don't dare!" Helianbo bends down and salutes, "General Gao is too polite."

"It's not polite, these soldiers of mine have returned in all battles, each of them is a treasure in the army!" Gao Yuan sighed, and pointed to the tomb of Yan ** who died in the distance. "Who is it? , And it’s not a warrior of a hundred battles. It’s a pity that someone pushed them to death for personal gain. It’s really sad to think about it."

"The general is compassionate!" Loray complimented, "General Gao, Patriarch Helian is here, but he is actually asking for something. Please me to introduce the general to him. I think General Gaoyi will certainly not disappoint Patriarch Helian. ."

"Oh?" Gao Yuan smiled: "I don't know what Patriarch Helian wants Gao to do for you. As long as I can do it, I will not let the Patriarch down."

Helianbo stared at Gao Yuan and said, "General Gao, I want to lead all of my Helian clan to join General Gao. I would like to ask the army to take it in."

Gao Yuan was stunned, "Patriarch Helian, I don't understand something, so please ask the patriarch to help me out."

"General, please speak!"

"So far, Zhou Yu has led the tribe and has done nothing wrong with the Helian clan. I want to think about recruiting the Helian tribe. If compared with the background and influence, Zhou Yu is many times stronger than me. Why did the chief Helian give up? Weak?" Gao Yuan asked.

"Zhou Yu did think about recruiting my clan, but he is different from the general. He wants me to wait for him and treat me as his servant. Qiu has no offense? General Gao really looks at him, he is here. After that, the first thing was to detain the weak and weak women and children of my Helian clan, and approached me to wait for him to serve him. He wanted me. He was just an elite fighter in our clan. He just wanted me to wait and fight for him. As for how to arrange me. But he didn't mention a word." Helianbo sneered: "But it's because he asked me to wait and see the general's whereabouts, so that I can meet Lore."

Gao Yuan nodded, this Helianbo is telling the truth. People like Zhou Yu must have a non-my race, and their minds must be different. They are more interested in taking advantage of these Huns. When you want to use it, throw in some honey. When you don't use it, it's a great stick. This Helianbo also seems to be a shrewd person, so he is willing to be fooled?

"Do you know that I am different from him?" Gao Yuan asked, "Don't forget Patriarch Helian, I am also a big Yan."

Helianbo laughed, "Just by saying these words, General Gao, it is enough to prove that you are different from Zhou Yu. What's more, there are vivid examples before me, far away. The Helan clan and the Gongsun clan are the Buyi clan. If the general met them at the beginning, if he insisted on taking the cattle and sheep of the Buyi clan, the major generals of the Buyi clan would not be able to resist. How to resist, the general is not in his hand, but the general But to open up the matter and say, this kind of fair and honest behavior is enough to make Helian admire. I Huns don’t have so many flowers and bowels, and I have always been used to going straight. Like Zhou Yu, I am extremely contemptuous. of."

"Thank you Helian Patriarch for your attention!" Gao Yuan smiled. "Since the Helian patriarch said so, I will not hide it. The Helian clan is different from the Buyi clan. The Helian clan was originally the majority of the Huns. Within your camp, there are still tens of thousands of tribes."

Helianbo's face changed slightly, and his head was downcast. "The general is right. The elites of my Helian clan were all lost in the battle against Qin. Right now, there are only a thousand people who can fight, and the rest are old people, women, and children. , Whoever accepts us is tantamount to carrying a great burden. The general’s reluctance is also reasonable."

"No, Patriarch Helian misunderstood what I meant!" Gao Yuan shook his head, "Patriarch Helian is willing to vote for me to conquer the Eastern Army. If you want to come, he also learned about some policies of my conquest of the Eastern Army from He Lanxiong, Gongsun Yi and others. Although there are many old people and children, as long as they come to my Jishi City, it is not a problem to support themselves. I don't mean it here."

"Please make it clear to the army!" Helianbo was surprised and delighted when he heard that Gao Yuan didn't care about these old and weak women and children.

"The general knows about the welfare of our people in the East Mansion, whether you are from the Central Plains or the Huns. As long as you are under my rule, you will be treated the same. But the general may not know about our other management policies. The patriarch understood this and still wanted to join, then Gao Yuan raised his hands to welcome." Gao Yuan spread out his hands. Looking at Helianbo.

"General, please speak."

"First, if you join my Eastern Expeditionary Army, your Helian clan's military will have to be reorganized, and the whole must be integrated into my Eastern Expeditionary Army. It is impossible to become a small group anymore. To be clear, maybe in the future. Chief Helian The soldiers you bring are pitifully few belonging to your clan."

Helenberg was stunned.

"Secondly, the Helian clan used to have its own rules of tribal rule and a set of methods for its own management. However, after joining our conquest of the Eastern Army, they can only obey one law, and that is the law of our conquest of the Eastern Mansion. That is to say, Patriarch Helian, you will gradually lose the right to rule over the tribe, and you will gradually become a general and an official in my Zhengdong Mansion."

"In contrast to what you have lost, the people of the Helian tribe will get land, cattle, sheep, houses, and protected by our Eastern Army from outsiders. The people of the Helian tribe will enjoy the same benefits as other people. All kinds of rights and benefits, including their official status, promotion, etc."

Helianbo was silent.

Gao Yuan smiled, "Clan Chief Helian thinks about it carefully. I think there are many young children in the Helian clan, and maybe after a few years, they will rise again."

Helianbo sighed: "How can it be so easy? Now on the grassland, the weak and the strong eat the strong. My Helian clan is weak now, and only those who can fight are only several times the number of people who can fight, but they also have so many people, cattle and sheep. In the eyes of many people, it is a piece of meat that is too fat, anyone wants to take a bite. Moreover, in this battle, we helped the general defeat Zhou Yu. If this person wants revenge, how can my clan survive? I'm afraid we can't wait for these boys to grow up!"

"There is something to do with it, it depends on how the Helian patriarch chooses." Gao Yuan sighed: "Patriarch Helian don't blame me for crossing the river and demolishing the bridge, ungrateful. Now I have more than 100,000 people in Jishicheng. The Huns and the Central Plains live together. If Otherwise, it is very easy to cause disputes. Only when everyone abandons their own small groups and completely integrates into a big family, can we live in harmony, help each other, and overcome difficulties together. The only thing I can assure Patriarch Helian is that if you go Now, I will definitely treat you Helian Clan like everyone else."

Helianbo was silent for a moment, "May I ask General Gao to let me go back and discuss it with the people before coming back?"

"No problem, this is a major event. I can't decide in one word. General Helian, our army will start to pull out tomorrow. Tonight, please ask Patriarch Helian to discuss with the people~www.NovelMTL.com~Lore, Send it off to Patriarch Helian for me." Gao Yuan smiled.

Looking at the back of the two people leaving, he was far away and thoughtful. The Helian clan is not a small clan like Buyi. Although it is difficult at the moment, there are many people in the clan, and there are nearly two thousand young men in more than ten years old. After a few years, it will be an extremely arrogant army. If they can join, they can naturally greatly improve the combat capability of the East Army. But if they are allowed to form a system of their own, they will inevitably bury hidden dangers. , But they can’t be annexed and then divided. This is very easy to cause disputes. They are not the Gongsun tribe, the Bouyei tribe. They are not the Gongsun tribe, the Buyi tribe, they put the ugly words first, and they are justified.

These little kids are good! Gao Yuan thought about it and laughed. When he arrived at Jishi City, he sent them to school. After a few years, they would be fully integrated into his system.

Regarding the update, it’s because the starting point got a wireless starter, so it will be a day earlier than the starting point. It’s not because I’m foolish. The power of piracy is too great. They can always steal the updates in the first place. I can’t do anything about it. , There is no other way, and now he doesn't even have the strength to be angry. The historical readers are relatively small, and the subscriptions were not high. If you come to piracy, it will be even more bleak. One day, piracy will make us disappear. By the way, in the end, I have to thank the book friends such as Fat Long, the ending Xiao Xiong, Xiao Shao 327, and Quick Freeze for their rewards. Bow, salute, exit, and the code will go! )()

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