I’m The King

Chapter 445: : Furious

Tan Feng’s face was extremely gloomy, and Chun Yuyan beside him could not see the slightest smile. Behind them, there were about three hundred Yan Lingwei accompanying them. These people were the most elite special forces among Yan Lingwei, whether they were The equipment is still the individual ability and the overall combat coordination ability, which is several grades better than Dayan's standing army. Seeing these heavily armed Yan Lingwei enter the city, Zhang Junbao, who is greeted by the city gate, only feels bitter in his mouth, behind him Of Zhang Zhuo and Peng Bin, Wu Yi's faces are also extremely nervous.

After all, they have done such a major event, and their patron Shanning Zecheng has already collapsed. What is Tan Feng's intentions here is really something that people can't help but worry about.

Tan Feng's mood was also very annoyed.

The original plan was that after cleaning up Ning Zecheng, he moved to Liaoxi County and included Liaoxi County under the jurisdiction of the imperial court, but he did not expect that Zhou Yuan had a big leak, the standing army of one hundred thousand big swallows. Seeing it, the entire army was destroyed, and Liaoxi County suddenly became the forefront of the fight against Donghu. This disrupted the entire plan. Liaoxi County could not cause any disturbances at the moment, and stability was a big strategy to dominate everything.

But Zhang Junbao still needs to be cleaned up. One of the major charges of Ning Zecheng’s downfall is collusion with Zhang Junbao to kill his father. If Zhang Junbao is not taken down, Ning Zecheng will appear to be unfamiliar, even though a series of evidence has been found from Ning Zecheng’s house. The drama can already prove that this person is really guilty, corrupt, accepting bribes, excluding dissidents, etc. countless, but this introduction is the most important proof of the drama.

Zhang Junbao is now the actual controller of Liaoxi City, and it is not so easy to take him down. After entering the city, the other officials in Liaoxi City must be stabilized first, and then they will be carried out slowly.

Fortunately, Zhang Shubao has sent the letter, and now he is on his way back to Liaoxi. As long as he comes back, there will still be Zhang's second child in Liaoxi County, so stabilizing the situation in Liaoxi is not a problem.

Three thousand elites transferred from Tianhe County are coming. Taking advantage of this time, I want to quickly take down most of the officials in Liaoxi County. When Zhang Shubao returns, three thousand elites from Tianhe County will also arrive. At that time, Rong Rong Zhang Junbao must not play any tricks.

The two parties hurriedly met at the gate of the city. Tan Feng did not give Zhang Junbao any face. He and Chun Yuyan led the people and went straight into the post. Yan Lingwei immediately took over all the guards and expelled the original Liaoxi guards. Up.

As for Tan Feng's actions, Zhang Junbao, who was at the center of the vortex, seemed to be slow to react, and turned a blind eye to Tan Feng's obviously malicious actions.

As special envoys sent by the imperial court, Tan Feng and Chun Yuyan arrived in western Liaoning the first time they should have discussed the current situation with him, who is now the de facto Liaoxi county guard, to discuss ways to deal with the current crisis, but the two high-ranking officials not only I didn't pay attention to him, but instead sent his subordinates to summon several Liaoxi officials in a series.

For Zhang Junbao's reaction, Tan Feng and Chun Yuyan were also very strange.

"Either this person is really a mess, or he is confident!" Looking at Tan Feng, Chun Yuyan said with some worry: "If it's the former, it's easy to handle, but Commander Tan, a guy who dared to collude with outsiders and kill his father, Will it be a straw bag?"

Tan Feng didn't put Zhang Junbao in his eyes, no matter whether he was a sloppy or dapper, in Tan Feng's eyes, he was already a dead person. Even if he is in the western city of Liaoning and is within Zhang Junbao’s sphere of influence, Tan Feng does not worry about his safety at all. He and Chun Yuyan have entered the city with a big fanfare. Everyone knows that the special envoy of the imperial court has arrived. If Zhang Junbao dares to disadvantage him, That is rebellion. And if he really dared to do this, he would be dead.

He now has three hundred elite Yan Lingwei on hand, enough to ensure the safety of Yu Chunyuyan, and when the three thousand troops arrive in Tianhe County, he will be even more safe.

Tan Feng was doing his own things methodically.

But this calm was broken in the evening. The intelligence brought by Yan Lingwei’s secret probe stationed in the western city of Liaoning made Tan Feng furious, flew up and kicked the big case in the room into counts. cut.

No wonder Zhang Junbao is confident. He even killed Zhang Shubao, and now Zhang Shubao's head is hidden in the Shoufu of Liaoxi County.

"There is no ruler or father, unfaithfulness or filial piety, how can there be such scum in the world!" Tan Feng's roar flew throughout the post, and there were almost no complete things in the room, all in Tanfeng's rage. Down, turned into **** on the ground.

All the Yan Lingwei soldiers were silent. Although Tan Feng had been in office for less than two years, he was definitely a man of joy, anger and inexhaustible. Everyone had never seen Tan Feng so gloomy. People dared to approach Tan Feng's room except Chun Yuyan.

"Commander Tan!" Chun Yuyan pushed open the closed door, looked at the furious Tan Feng, and shook her head gently.

Tan Feng took a deep breath, calmed his mind, and laughed at himself: "Already, my heart has stopped, it seems that the previous excitement was not too deep."

“I’ve never met someone like Zhang Junbao before.” Chun Yuyan sighed, “But commander Tan, now we have to hold our noses and admit that he has the right to rule in western Liaoning. I can recognize it. Right now, West Liaoning needs stability. If we win Zhang Junbao, West Liaoning will be in chaos, West Liaoning will be chaotic, and the State of Yan will be unstable!"

"No wonder this person is so unhurried, so he was prepared!" Tan Feng smiled bitterly, "I underestimated him, and now I can only let him go. After this level, I will definitely let him die without a place to bury him. Such a bad person, keeping him alive in the world is simply an insult to people. Killing one's father and one's younger brother is a heinous crime."

"His reaction was quick enough. Not only did he destroy his younger brother, but after learning that Taiwei Zhou was in trouble and Lin, he immediately attacked Gao Yuan’s Zhengdong Mansion. He was accused of colluding with Donghu by Gao Yuan and trapping Donghu. Taiwei Zhou is dead, hehe."

"Loss and fierceness are more auspicious, even if he can break through, he will definitely lose his strength. Of course, he spilled this pot of sewage smoothly. With the current overall situation, we know that he is framing him, I'm afraid we have to go with him!" Tan Feng With a sneer, "Two birds with one stone, great."

"There is still a pass here. If you really convict a Litong Donghu in Gaoyuan and condemned the army to death, what will Ye Tiannan do? This is the sin of the Nine Clan." Chun Yuyan sighed, "Zhang Junbao's heart is really vicious. Extremely, this way, not only did Gao Yuan be put to death, but at the same time, a big problem was passed to the court. How to deal with Ye Tiannan is a big problem."

"Nothing is difficult!" Tan Feng shook his head, "We originally wanted to take back the fiefs of these nobles one by one. We took this opportunity to take back Langya County and connect Langya and Tianhe together. These places are the richest anoints. The land is returned to the court, and it's so great."

"What about Ye Tiannan? He has the grace of saving lives and helping the king. The king has always been very grateful to him." Chun Yuyan sighed.

"The king should make a clear distinction between public affairs and private affairs, and the resumption of Langya County will benefit the country, and the opportunity is rare."

"But in this way, you have to fall into the crime of Ye Tiannan, the king or..." Chun Yuyan hesitated.

"En, since the top, if the king thinks that Ye Tiannan did not participate in the crime of Gaoyuanli Tongdonghu, then Ye Tiannan did not participate, but Gaoyuan is his son-in-law after all. When he married his daughter not long ago, the strong support for Gaoyuan was the world. We all know that Ye Tiannan will always do something to show his innocence, and that giving Langya is what he must do. After returning it to Langya County, he will return to Jicheng and be a rich man!" Tan Feng said indifferently.

Seeing Tan Feng's already completely indifferent expression at this time, Chun Yuyan couldn't help but sucked in a cold breath. It seemed that she had just met the leader of Yan Lingwei. The era when Dayan belonged to Ning Zhou was over, and the new generation Leaders have grown up, Tan Feng and Zhou Yu will become the main figures supporting Dayan's next generation, if Zhou Yu can come back alive.

Fortunately, Tan Feng, Zhou Yu, a leader of the new generation, set his sights higher and put the national interests far above the family interests. This is a good thing for the country, but for himself , Is not necessarily a good thing.

"Master Chunyu, I will revise the book and report to the king. Chen Ming has a strong relationship here. Please bear with me. As for Langya, please ask Mr. Chunyu to take a trip in person. Ye Tiannan is an extremely smart person. If he wants to come, he will You can see the strong relationship here."

"It doesn't matter if I take a trip, what if Ye Tiannan refuses to submit?" Chun Yuyan asked.

"Then I can only take Yan Lingwei there once!"

"You forgot Ye Zhong of Jicheng~www.NovelMTL.com~ He now controls the Imperial City Guards, which is a decisive force." Chun Yuyan raised a real problem.

"When my letter arrives in Jicheng, if the king makes the right choice, he will solve this problem." Tan Feng smiled, "Master Chunyu, don't underestimate our king. I dare to say that this is the most wise king of my Dayan in the past 100 years. Perhaps it cannot be compared with the founding king of Yan, but among the seven countries of the Central Plains, perhaps only King Qin Wulie can be slightly better than the king. He. As time goes by, he will definitely develop a brand new big Yan."

"I hope as you said!" Chun Yuyan responded with a smile. "Well, I'll take a trip. What do you do here, since you can't move Zhang Junbao, what should you do next?"

"Even if you can't touch Zhang Junbao, I have to make him understand that we are not fools. Next, I have to figure out how Zhang Shubao died? Besides, I need to figure out the situation with Zhou Taiwei, the standing army of 100,000 Great Yan. Ah, I always have to get some back. After you come back from Langya, maybe I have to trouble you to go to Helin!"

Chun Yuyan smiled bitterly, "Internal history is just a toiled life!" rs

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