I’m The King

Chapter 432: : Liaoning Guardian's Crisis

"It's a hard character!" Aguwine looked at the gate of the closed Liaoning Acropolis and the general standing above the tower. He originally planned to take advantage of the panic of the Yan army and civilians outside the city. At the time of the Acropolis, the city gate was captured and the Liaoning Acropolis was taken in one fell swoop, but the timely response of the generals of the Yan army made him fall short.

The head of the Agu tribe, Agu Yingxin, was cleansed this time because he supported the eldest prince Sok. Now his head is still hanging on the high wall for public display, and Agu Yingxin has become the new patriarch of the Agu tribe. The old people, children, and relatives of their tribe are all in Helin City at this moment. If they want to make them safe and sound, Agu's tribe must perform in this battle. They must use their outstanding military exploits to redeem the old. The fault committed by the patriarch.

Thinking of the old patriarch Agu welcoming the new, Agu Huain was just a grievance. If it weren't for his faintness, how could Agu's vitality be so badly damaged as it is now? It’s not wrong to support the prince, but if he didn’t follow the old king’s steps, he was very wrong. In the end, he wanted to launch a mutiny in the city of Helin and forcibly hold the prince on the throne. The king is indeed old. But the tiger is getting old, maybe his teeth are no longer sharp, but his brain is even more powerful. Thanks to his prompt response, at the most critical moment, he responded to the call of the old king and made a counter-attack, which saved the Agu tribe's seed. Although the Agu Yingxin clan was destroyed and wiped out, compared to the survival of the entire Agu clan, those sacrifices were worthwhile.

Now, he wants to use his great military exploits to show his loyalty to the new king who is about to take the throne.

Hidden in the Pan Mountain for a month, what he did was today, to take the Liaoning Guards, to block the back of the Yan army, and to make the main force of the hundred thousand Yan army back and forth.

Thinking of the formulation of the entire strategy, Aguwine is full of admiration. It's not unreasonable for the old Wang to favor the Fourth Prince. If it were the eldest prince, he would only bring all his tribesmen with him to a head-to-head confrontation with Yan Jun. So even if you win. But the Donghu clan is afraid that it will hurt their vitality, and even if Yan Guo has lost these people in front of them. But within a few years, they will be able to train a new army, their huge population and countless wealth. Can guarantee that they do all this.

But Donghu is different. A person who controls strings wants to grow up without even ten years of hard work. lu5.oM

Now, everything is under Dong Hu's control. The main force of the hundred thousand swallows who occupied Liaoning Wei and the forest will become the fish leaving the water. They can only use their cheeks and fins in vain to breathe the last few breaths of air.

With him came Yuwen clan. The two big families of the Murong tribe are also one of the tribes that have been purged for supporting Sok this time. For the future of the tribe, they must be the same as themselves. Fight desperately to create a good start for the tribe's new life.

The old king won't last long. The new king will surely rise and decline. If you want to maintain their position, you must wash your swords with the blood of the enemy. In the first round of the contest, they were already one step behind. In the following days, they must be cautious, like walking on thin ice, if one step is wrong, it will be forever. In the long history of Donghu, I don’t know how many powerful ones are there. The tribe, eventually reduced to the dust of history.

"These Yan army under the city, there are civilian husbands, don't kill more, take more prisoners. (Pingnan Literature Net Agu Wine turned his head, and said to Yu Wenke and Murong Kun beside him.

"What are you doing to capture the prisoners? It's so troublesome, it's a clean cut!" Yu Wenke retorted incomprehensibly.

Agu Wingen smiled slightly, not caring about the disrespect in Yuwenke’s tone. The Agu tribe has always been the most powerful tribe in Donghu apart from the opening of the royal court, but it is also the tribe that has suffered the most losses in this coup. The strength of the Agu tribe is not much stronger than that of Yuwen, and Murong is not much better than Yuwen. In the days to come, I'm afraid that the three tribes will hold together to fight against the emerging tribes. Yuwenke hasn't thought of it yet, but he will definitely understand it in the future.

Pointing to the tall walls of the Acropolis in Liaoning, Aguhuaien sighed: "The king has always admired the culture of the Central Plains. These acropolises are built after imitating the cities of the Central Plains. Offensive and defensive, but you are not very good at it. You have all been to the Liaoning Acropolis. If you want to defeat it, how many erlangs will we lose? If the erlangs die too miserably, how long can we last for the three in the future?"

Murong Kun's eyes lit up: "Brother Huai'en, are you trying to drive these people to siege the city?"

Aguwine laughed and pointed at the logistics camps that are now under the control of the East Hu Army. "Look at them. Among those camps, there are everything for siege equipment. It seems that the Yan Army is trying to kill us. He Lin, I was really well prepared, but now it's cheaper for us. U off-the-shelf equipment, off-the-shelf manpower, why not use it?"

"Which Central Plains barbarians are willing to attack the city for us?" Yu Wenke shook his head and said.

Aguwine sneered, and his expression became sullen, "Then you can't help them. Going to attack the city, they may still have a chance to survive. If they don't go to the city, they will immediately become a corpse."

"This plan is wonderful!" Murong Kun laughed, "Let them beat their own people. Maybe the people in the city will find a breakthrough when they are weak. If you can die less, you will die less. Brother Wyan is right, we must not only complete the task, but also preserve our strength. This kind of siege, we can do as little as we can."

Aguwine smiled and nodded, "That's what it means, let's start, two!"

Hu Yanchao didn't have the slightest expression on his face, staring at the densely packed civil servants under the city and the thousands of Yan army in between. These people are his subordinates, but at this moment, he can only watch them die, and his heart is dripping. Blood can't be expressed on the face, it will be the daring of the army. If the general is weak at this time, it will affect the soldiers in combat.

Above the city, countless Yan army is busy, the bed crossbows have been torn off the tarpaulin, and the bowstrings are twisted. A new strong bow is standing in the corner of the wall, and a bunch of sharp arrows exudes a faint cold light. Fortunately, there are still enough weapons and enough manpower in the city.

"Wang Chang!" he shouted back.

"The end is here!" Wang Chang walked up. At this time, his face was still pale, and he had not recovered from the sudden appearance of the Donghu. He was also a senior general, and he naturally knew that the Donghu appeared here. , What does it mean.

"Go, open the weapon arsenal, distribute weapons to all the civilians, and tell them if you want to go home alive, then fight!"

"Those folk husbands are just farmers. I'm afraid they will get sore on the city wall. Where are they going to fight?" Wang Chang said quietly.

"It's just a chicken. When you kill him, it has to jump a few times!" Hu Yanchao said coldly: "You go down and organize them first. Each team, put a veteran, and each time, send a thousand. People come to the city wall and are mixed in the army to defend the city. This blood, if you look at it a lot, naturally it will not be terrible. People, if one kills one, he will no longer fear killing, even if it is a thousand miles, in the end There are only a hundred people left, and that’s worth it. Because these one hundred people, in the end, can be used by a thousand people."

"I understand!" Wang Chang agreed, took a few steps, and turned around, "General Hu, can we win this battle?"

"Are you referring to the battle to conquer Donghu, or to our current battle?" Hu Yanchao asked rhetorically.


"In the conquest of Donghu, so far, it has been defeated and unvictorious. It only depends on how many people can go home." Hu Yanchao lowered his head, but in a moment, he rose again. "But in this battle, I can To tell you for sure, we will win, and I will never let the Donghu people enter the Liaoning Acropolis."

"Yes!" Infected by Hu Yanchao, Wang Chang shook his fist vigorously.

"Wang Chang, after you go down, you can't say that to other people. You only have to tell them that Taiwei Zhou will have a large army back to help in a short time. These clowns are just the last struggle. Defend the Liaoning Guards. Victory will belong to us." Hu Yanchang said.

"I understand, General!" Wang Chang turned and left.

Hu Yanchao turned his head. At this moment, he heard the sound of Hu Dong’s offensive horn. His fists were suddenly squeezed. Below the city, countless civilians beat the cold city wall in despair, hitting the heavy city gate, but no matter what Is it the city wall, or the city gate, is not moving at all.

Behind him, Donghu iron cavalry roared forward, and the desperate civilian husbands began to flee to both sides.

With sharp arrows flying, the light of the sword flickering, Donghu Tieqi instantly opened a **** alley among the surging crowd, dividing tens of thousands of people into squares one after another.

Hu Yanchao closed his eyes, and he had nothing to do except watch them die.

After a while ~www.NovelMTL.com~ Hu Yanchao's eyes widened. The situation in the city was not as tragic as he had imagined. After dividing the crowds, the Donghu people did not want to kill, but began to capture prisoners, groups of people. , A team of civilian husbands, strung together one by one, kneeled to the ground.

"What do they want to do?" Hu Yanchao looked at the siege ladder that was carried out from the logistics camp behind the Donghu army, the siege truck and the ram, his face slowly turned pale. stand up.

They want to drive the captives to the city!

It is one thing to watch his fellow robes being killed, but if these fellow robes are forced to attack the city, it is another thing to kill them himself. Hu Yanchao wonders if his soldiers can afford this heart. His hands clenched tightly.

"Come on, come to me to gather all the officers above the post."

Down the city, Aguhuaien looked at the nearly 30,000 civilians who had been captured by the army before, with a smile on his face, and ordered: "Bring me the captured Yanjun."

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