I’m The King

Chapter 430: : 1 Everything is under control

You must kill Arundai, or completely defeat his main force, so that the Eastern Army can get rid of the danger. In the following time, it will safely retreat to Jingyuan, meet with the infantry, and then cross the prairie and return to the west of Liaoning. Watermark advertising testWatermark advertising test

The reason why I chose to be only ten miles away from Yulin is that Gaoyuan has also been carefully considered. When Arundai arrives in Yulin, the burned Yulin will inevitably arouse the anger of this person. People under anger are more likely to be impulsive. . Moreover, in Arundai’s heart, at this time, he should flee quickly. The faster the better, the farther the better is the right reason. Arundai never thought that he was defeating Kachin. When the Mosanbu has opened the escape concession, it will ambush him close to him.

Only by catching Arundai by surprise can he easily win. After all, Arundai still has 5,000 iron-collared elites in his hands. If he is asked to gather up the broken Kachin and other three cavalry, he will have the strength. Nearly ten thousand, if you don't kill him, the next journey will be extremely dangerous.

After Arundai was defeated, he was basically safe. Thorpe’s main energy should be above the 100,000 army of the Central Route Army. Basically all of the East Hu’s main force should be concentrated on the central battlefield. Thorpe cannot allocate more troops to deal with himself. In Thorpe’s In my heart, I was just a small shrimp, a team of thousands of people could not threaten Donghu, and Zhou Yuan's 100,000 army was the confidant.

A hundred thousand troops gathered around Helin. If Thorpe’s forces were scattered and Zhou Yuan was lonely, he might really be able to take down Helin, then Thorpe would not be able to steal the rice. Thorpe would not. Such a person who dares to take big risks, and for him, is not necessary to defeat the main force of the Middle Route Army of the Yan State. This war can be brought to an end.

Lying high on the ground, undulating hills, half-person tall thatch. It became his natural cover for the ambush. He has done everything that should be done, now. It depends on Arendy not being taken the bait.

Man proposes, God disposes. If this battle is not successful, then the road to escape will be extremely dangerous. I don't know how many of the thousands of soldiers and soldiers who followed him will be able to return to their hometown with their lives.

Chewing on the grass roots, there was a hint of sweetness before, but with the passage of time, the grass roots had long since turned into crumbs, the sweetness faded, and only bitterness remained. It has been ambushing here for a long time, but Arundai hasn't come yet.

Looking back at the row of soldiers lying motionless in the grass behind him, Gao Yuan felt a little relieved for a long time. They just persisted.

Suddenly, there was a slight tremor from the ground, Gao Yuan spit out the grass clippings in his mouth, and the calm heart also jumped wildly at this moment. He has been waiting for this tremor. This is The movement of a large number of cavalrymen quickly approaching here, as a general who has fought with the Donghu people in the border town for several years, this kind of tremor is too familiar to him.

Although the enemy was still invisible, Gao Yuan was convinced that Arundai was here.

Behind him, experienced veterans also knew that the battle was about to begin.

Gao Yuan raised his arm and made a few gestures backwards. Although it was an ambush at the opponent, the strength of the two sides was actually equal. In comparison, Arundai had the advantage in strength because he was all cavalry. . As for himself, they were all infantry soldiers. He Lanxiong went to attack the Kachin three, but he has not yet returned.

I hope they can come back in time to support themselves.

Arundai never thought that he would encounter an ambush close to Yulin. In his heart, the Eastern Expeditionary Army should have fled at this time. When his cavalry passed by Yulin which had been burnt to ruins, he was angry. Unstoppable, this was the second time Yulin was burned in his defensive area.

"Gaoyuan, I'm going to take your skin!" Arundai angrily urged his army to accelerate forward, and he himself took the lead, rushing to the forefront. As long as the team is attached to the sky, then everything will be there. In my own control.

Arendy was shrouded in anger, so when his mid-army suddenly encountered an attack, he didn't react immediately.

The Zhengdong Army let go of his vanguard and launched an attack on the long dragon-like central part.

The first wave of blows was fatal. Countless bed crossbows and crossbows with open arms rushed to the unsuspecting Dong Hu army like locusts within a distance of less than a hundred steps. The screaming sound of sharp arrows even After crushing the rumbling horseshoes, the cavalry in the center instantly collapsed. Countless people fell from their horses. Everyone had several crossbow arrows stuck in them, and the worst of them was shot directly into a hedgehog.

In just the first wave of blows, a large gap appeared in the middle of the Arendy cavalry. The cavalry in front was stunned, and the cavalry in the back was still surging forward. At this moment, the cavalry team was in chaos.

Like the middle section of the cavalry that had become blank, Alendai's mind became blank in the first time. He reined his horse to look back. The middle section of the team was already terrible, and the distance from both sides was less than 100 meters. Inside, countless cyan figures stood up from the grass, they roared and launched a charge towards the cavalry.

They have to get close to the cavalry in the shortest possible time and start a melee with the cavalry, so as to offset the power of the cavalry from losing the impact of the cavalry. As long as they rush to the front of the cavalry, they will not be able to run hard and cannot form a huge impact. Then, for the infantry In other words, they just grew taller, and the strangers and spears of the Eastern Army were all long weapons and fearless cavalry.

After all, Arendy is a battle-tested battle general with extremely rich experience. After a brief absence and shock, he quickly reacted. If he entangled with the infantry, he would lose his most advantageous weapon.

"Forward!" He roared loudly, his toes tapped the horse's belly, and the horse rushed forward. He didn't rush to turn around to rescue others, but led the forward troops to continue running forward, and he immediately opened the gap with the infantry. As long as the distance is enough, when you turn around, it will be a thunderous impact.

Seeing Arundai's actions, the height above the hills showed a slight smile. He knew a lot about Arundai who had fought many times.

The sound of the bugle sounded, the infantry chasing Arendy did not give up chasing after the opponent’s accelerated departure. Instead, they followed closely. It seemed that there was no counterattack that Arendy was about to come. What to worry about.

On the back road, the commanding general Donghu obviously did not have Arendy’s experience. He reacted quickly, but there was a problem because it was too fast. After being attacked in the middle section, the back road army suddenly accelerated and approached the middle road. In order to rescue the Chinese army, the two groups of men and horses huddled together, but they restricted their own space for activities.

The footmen on both sides rushed in frantically. At the forefront, there were rows of tall Mo Dao soldiers holding Mo swords in their hands. This was a feast specially prepared by Gao Yuan for them.

Mo Dao brandished, flesh and blood splattered, and the infantry and cavalry crowded together.

At this time, Arundai was full of humiliation. Although he was very careful, he still fell shamefully into the opponent’s trap. It seemed that this lofty place was like his nemesis, as long as he met him. In addition to failing, he still failed.

No, I haven't failed yet. As long as I move away and look back, I can easily defeat the infantry that is pursuing him, and then reorganize the troops and launch a counterattack.

He is a cavalry, an invincible Donghu cavalry, it is impossible to lose to the opponent in close combat.

As soon as this thought came to his mind, he felt like he was flying. At the moment of flying, he saw the tightly stumbling horse sling in the grass.

From below the grass, two wooden stakes connected to a rope, covered a large area in all directions. On this section of the road that Arendy preliminarily stretched, the last third of it was covered. Kind of simple trip horse rope.

Although simple, it is extremely effective.

Suddenly, the front army turned on their backs.

The moment Arundai landed, he shrank his head and turned sideways. The whole body curled up into a ball. As soon as his body touched the ground, there was a series of tumbling. During the tumbling, several horizontal ropes helped him to reduce the huge amount. His power was just that at the last moment he stopped, his head slammed on a wooden stake that was tied to the horse.

He was dizzy, with Venus in his eyes, blood was flowing down, blurred his eyes, and he managed to open his eyes, everything was red.

"Gao Yuan, I want to kill him!" He howled and got up, picked up a scimitar from the ground, turned back and rushed up.

Arundai had achieved martial arts and reacted very quickly. Although he fell from the horse, it was not a major problem, but other people were not so lucky. Most of them suffered various injuries when they fell off the horse.

The horse team in front fell, and the team behind was struggling to rein in or swept to both sides, and the team was in a mess, but what made them even more uncomfortable was that the Zhengdong Army rushed up and rushed into the middle of them.

The long stabbing spear stabbed over, and the sound of screaming was endless, and the sound of screams resounded through the audience.

After the initial chaos ~www.NovelMTL.com~The Donghu people finally reacted. After all, this is the elite force of the Donghu people. They immediately discovered that riding on a horse in this chaos is not only an advantage at this time. On the contrary, the horse became the target of the opponent’s priority attack. When the three or five spears went down, the horse screamed and fell to the ground. At the same time, the horses riding on the horse were also affected by the fish. They immediately jumped off the horse. Relying on the huge body of the war horse, he began to fight with the opponent.

The war, from the first side, slowly turned into a close fight.

Arundai rushed forward frantically. After smashing to death the three east expedition troops on the opposite side, he heard the thunderous sound of horseshoes and saw the marching troops flying in the distance before he could catch his breath. East war flag.

He Lanxiong is back.

At this time, He Lanxiong had not much combat effectiveness. After connecting for two days and two nights, he and his troops did not stay together. They attacked three Donghu tribe troops, two thousand cavalry, and had lost half of them. Although they changed horses continuously, the horses still remained. Strong momentum, but the warriors on the horse do not have much combat power. Most of them are tied to the horse by cloth strips, and they did not fall off the horse.

But they still became the last straw that crushed Arendy.

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